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Sat. Jan 13 RBT update

Nick, no such luck. It was 21 degrees, winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts to 40 and a few snow flakes flying around when we went out at 7:45.

Bob was not having as good a day yesterday. That is to be expected trying to get settled into a new place. I am sure he was tired after being transfered and settled in. He was sleeping when I arrived and the respiratory therapist said he had been sleeping all morning. I woke him up because the PT came in to access what needs to be done to get his legs stronger. I tried talking to him but he was not in the best of moods and was hard to understand. It will take time for him to adjust to a new place. It being a weekend he will not have any therapy sessions until starting Monday.
I’ve got to leave the house early, and I’m hoping Colin lets Barbara sleep in a bit, so here’s a placeholder to open the day.



Oh, and Friday the 13th falls on a Saturday this month….

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Thur. 11, 2018- Nick here….

Good morning all, the polar snowmaggedon freezing hell on earth end days – otherwise known as “a bad winter storm”  seems to be over for  a while.  It’s 60F and dreary here in Energy City.

Our continued best wishes to RBT, Barbara, and OFD.

Some interesting things going on in the world-

Only a week, seems short to me.  FEMA says 72 hours, but after the Cascadia rising exercise, they increased that locally to 2 weeks.  Ebola (or similar) could take 45 or more days to burn thru an area…  do you really want to be standing in line with a bunch of other people if SHTF, even locally and temporarily?

Don’t know the two guys’ histories.  Often creative people have other issues. Could all just be coincidence.


  • “”With government driving up the cost of labor, it’s driving down the number of jobs,” then Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s CEO Andy Puzder told Business Insider in 2016. “You’re going to see automation not just in airports and grocery stores, but in restaurants.””

“Elections have consequences.”  Hah.  What does society look like when there is no entry path to the world of work for indigenous people?  What are the long term implications of that?  And what happens when you continue to allow the influx of low skill, low education laborers into an economy that has fewer and fewer low skill jobs?

Weeelllll, one possible answer is an increase in crime….

That’s a lot of shiny.





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Tues, Jan 9th, Nick posting- placeholder- with update from Barbara

Update 13:42. Bob is still waiting to go to a rehab facility. Yesterday morning the place we had lined up decided not to take him because of the trach which they knew about Friday when they offered the bed. Oh well. I ended up staying in Winston yesterday hoping we could get something else worked out. Also, there was inclement weather up here and supposedly heading to Winston so Al and I decided we would stay in our respective locations until today. I spent the morning at the hospital working with the case worker and visiting with Bob. He is doing well BTW. He had a good
PT session and when he speaks slowly and loudly I can understand him even with the trach tube. There are not a lot of choices in our vicinity that will take trach patients but fortunately the hospital is being patient until we can find a place.
Hopefully this is just a placeholder for Barbara’s update, but if she’s busy (and that’s pretty likely!) I’ll open the day.

I’m out and about most of today, nothing like the waste of time involved in a 12 hour appointment window for the gas company. It’s cold today too, 46F, and the house has no heat (‘cuz no gas) so I’m gonna LOVE sitting around there waiting.


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Mon, Jan 8, 2018 Nick posting

Good morning. As Barbara said she was headed to Winston today, to hopefully move Bob to a Rehab facility, I’ll open the day’s thread.

Let’s further hope for enough improvement to allow removing one or both tubes. No one likes tubes….

Our best wishes Barbara and Bob, and our group thanks to good friends for helping out.


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Wed, Jan 3, 2018!!! Nick posting

It was 17 degrees, cloudy, and calm when I took Colin out at 8:15.
Still home. Just running late this morning. Nothing new to report.
Good morning all, I’m assuming Barbara is on her way down to see Bob, and hope we’ll get an update later.


In the mean time, it is BITTERLY cold by Houston standards, at 24F with a ‘feels like’ of 19F.  That’s well below freezing.  Fortunately it isn’t windy this morning.


I’ve still got my citrus trees covered in black plastic with a 60w incandescent light bulb under the cover to heat the tree.  I expect I’ll lose some leaves or a small branch or two where they contact the plastic and get too cold.  I brought the potted grapefruit inside last night.  Grid down, I’m not sure what I’d do to keep them warm, but I could certainly keep them covered.  I suppose I could put a small backpack stove, sterno can, or single mantle lantern under the tarp.  It would be worth the effort to keep mature, producing citrus trees.


I’m gonna order one of the propane fired, on demand water heaters someone here linked.  I haven’t decided if I want one with a pump or not.  I think it’s probably much more efficient in fuel, and certainly in time and personal energy to use one to heat water grid down than my boiling ring and big pot.  In the mean time, it can be used for camping, for heating cleaning water, or for warm water in the spring at our swim meets.  At <$200 they aren’t that much more than a ring and big pot anyway.


I put the exclamation points in the post title because I can’t really believe the year.  It seems incredible to me to be living in this year.  I grew up with shows like “Space:1999” which had Moonbase Alpha and alien contact in the unimaginably far future of 1999 and here we are, far past that.

I blame the proto-SJWs and the progressive movement for sidetracking space exploration, and denying me a moonbase.  Bastards have stolen the future, ideologically, financially (by borrowing for social programs), and spiritually (with their toxic version of feminism, and destruction of the Individualist American Male- known in SciFi as “the competent man”.)

Well, they’ve stolen the future would could have been living in, and left us this one.   Still better than lots of futures that could   have been headed our way…


And with that,



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Monday January 1, 2018

It was 3 degrees, sunny, and calm when I took Colin out at 8am.

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and Bob gets well enough to come home.

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Wednesday December 27, 2017

It was 23 degrees, partly cloudy, and calm when I took Colin out at 7:30.
I went to Winston to visit Bob yesterday. Nothing new to report.

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Dec 17, 2017 Nick posting



It was 32 degrees, cloudy, and calm when I took Colin out at 7:45.

Update from yesterday’s trip to the hospital. Bob was just getting ready to go down for a chest CT when I arrived. The doctor had removed the chest tube on Friday but fluid was back in his lungs again yesterday. I did visit with him while they were getting things ready for transport.
He was breathing on his own and recognized me, nodding yes when I asked him a few questions. He mouths words but I nor the nurses can figure out what he is trying to say. They gave him a pad and pen but he could not write. That may be because he was trying to use his left hand because the right one has the oxygen sensor on it or right now just cannot write due to all he has been through.
The doctor came by after Bob left and spent at lest 20 minutes talking with me and answering questions. Bob has been breathing on his own though they still have the trach in for support if needed. They lung infection is back with a vengeance and is causing all the problems. The doctor is going to put in at one and maybe two chest tubes this morning.

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