Category: personal

Wed. Feb. 12, 2025 – did I say no more song lyrics??

Chilly and wet. Becoming less so later. We ended up getting rain yesterday and it didn’t clear up. The rain stopped late afternoon, but it was blowing and cold while it lasted. I’m hoping today is dry. I’ve got pickups in the pickup…

Did my test in the morning. I’ll know in a week what the result is. Imaging center had switched to another new paperless patient management system. They send a link to a site where you can do things like check in, name an emergency contact, etc. The drop down list for emergency contact relationship had “aunt” and some other non-useful thing, no “spouse” or “child” or “sibling”. That was a required field too. The address selector insisted on “country” first, and had an alphabetized radio button list. I had to scroll to the bottom to select USA. Because “Afganistan” makes SO MUCH sense as a default. Do they not test this crep at all? I know it cost a ton of money, and I know they will replace it in a year.

After I got home, I did a bit of domestic bliss, cleaned up after the dog, and fell asleep for a bit. Did some auction stuff, then started on the kid stuff. D1 changed her plan 4 times so I went grocery shopping. Pork ribs were on sale… but limit two. I’ll go back and get some more today. There were plenty of eggs, but heavy cream was down to a couple of pints.

Spent the next couple of hours shuttling kids around.

Then I wasted some time on the internet with my friends.

Today I’ve got another appointment in the morning, a couple of pickups, and maybe a drive up to the BOL. I might wait and go up Thursday morning, but I SHOULD go up tonight. I want to be sure I’m there before the relatives show up. I’ve got that last bit of electrical work to finish, and I need to turn the water back on to the hose bibs.

There’s always something more to do. And I’m not feeling 100%. Kid 2’s friend is sick with the flu and she was here on Friday… I really hope I don’t get sick.

No matter what though, I’m still stacking…


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Tues. Feb. 11, 2025 – never know what you’ll find if you actually look

Cool and damp in Houston. Slightly warmer than the BOL though. Still, chilly to start the day and a bit overcast too. The end of the week is looking better, so I’ll take a little grey now, if it helps.

Did my cleanup and closing up, then headed home from the BOL yesterday. Hit two auction pickups on the way home. Got mostly household stuff. I’m buying fewer things as I have most of what I need. And I’m considering the travel time and miles, and adding that to the price. Some of the auctions have had very high prices lately. That usually means new money is coming in. I’m guessing that more people have found the auctions. The sellers support that as they are complaining that the new buyers don’t really understand what they are bidding on and buying. I’ve been cheerleading for people to start shopping in the secondary economy, so I can’t really complain if they do, and if they run prices up because they don’t know any better…

Today I’ve got a Dr appointment in the morning, and then at least one pickup. I need to hit Lowes and get the stuff I need to finish at the BOL too. Plus, Tuesday is my big ‘kid taxi’ day. I’ll be busy, putting miles on the truck today. I guess I can complain, but no one really cares. And I really don’t either. I chose this, and I generally like it.

Doesn’t mean I won’t TRY to complain though. And of course, I’ll be stacking while doing it…


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Sun. Jan. 26, 2025 – that’s not rain…

Wet and cool. Not freezing any more, and certainly not dry. Misty drizzle all day Saturday, and all night, and probably all day today too. Grey and ugly.

I did a couple of things Saturday, but mostly avoided work. I had a pickup to do, a Mr Heater unit and some solar panels, and it was a new auctioneer in an area I don’t usually get too. I decided to hit a couple of estate sales that were in the same area. The sales were a bust, but I found a pocket neighborhood I didn’t even know existed. BIG lots, crappy houses, minutes from a major commuting route, and unincorporated. You’d never know it was there.

I checked it out when I got home, and there wasn’t much for sale, but the prices suggested that other people found it too, recognized the potential, and are willing to pay to get in. It’s like being out in the country, right in town. Unfiltered country, leaf burning, trucks in the yard, “can’t tell me what to do” country, not manicured horse owner county. But two lots down from the guy with a junkyard on his acre plus lot is a $1.6M mansion… it will change and quickly. I’d love to buy a lot there as an investment, but it’s probably already too late. There are still areas like this in the Houston metro area, but they don’t get advertised.

Today I’ll do some more, and less than I hoped.

Wife is working on taxes. We recently found out our accountant died. We didn’t even know she was sick, and we thought she was prepping her assistant to take over when she retired, but it seems not, as her husband just mentions returning any personal paperwork she might have had. It’s a tragedy for her and her family, and just an inconvenience for us, but it was shocking. I’ve been with her for about 30 years… finding someone good who is taking new clients is hard, so my wife is giving it a go, based on the paperwork for the last 10 years. With the solid examples, she thinks she can just keep doing what our CPA was doing, at least for last year and this one. I’m still gonna look for a new accountant.

You never know what life will throw at you. I didn’t have a good backup for this, other than good record keeping and the ability to get online, and to download software. None of us are getting younger, and that includes our business partners, and service providers too. Take a good look at how changes could affect you, and make sure you are ok with what you find.

I’ll add the Mr Heater, and the solar panels to my stacks. I’ll add “find a new accountant” to my list. And I’ll light a candle.


keep stacking.

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Mon. Jan. 20, 2025 – a day to remember absent friends…

On this day in 2018, Robert Bruce Thompson passed away. Bob was the originator of this blog, among a great many other things. It’s a rare day that goes by without me thinking of him.

I’ve been “unlocking the door, and turning on the lights” here since he got sick, a task that I thought would be temporary, and short lived. With Barbara’s blessing, I have continued to do so to keep this place, Bob’s memory, and the community that lives here alive.

I’ve now published just over 2500 daily posts, slightly more than half of the total since Bob switched blogging platforms. Over 17,500 comments, of the almost 244,000 total. It’s those 244K comments that tell the real story– it’s the people who keep coming here, reading, commenting, and returning, that make this a special place on the internet and in the world.

The world is a better place for having had Bob in it, and for having all of you in it too.

I hope you will continue to find comradeship and value here, and stay with us as we make our way through whatever is coming, and to better days ahead.

As we move forward, take some time to look back and remember Bob, and the others who are now absent from our lives, but still part of us.

Thank you for the opportunity to continue being a part of your life.

nick flandrey

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Sun. Jan. 12, 2025 – written at 12:12 on 1-12, hmmm…

Another cold but sunny and dry day? Dunno. Hope so. Yesterday went a long way toward drying out my remaining Christmas decor. I’d like to have today to dry out the rest. And not freezing all day would be nice. It was below freezing with frost on the ground and cars yesterday morning. I think I’ll sleep late to avoid that today.

Yesterday was my non-prepping hobby meeting day. It was nice to get together with everyone. Several people who I didn’t get to see or talk to last month at the potluck dinner were there Saturday. It was a good day to just hang out and talk a bit. No one can believe the incompetence displayed in Cali, and no one found the idea that it could be intentional at all scoff worthy. We’re at a point where anything could be true. Or all lies. It’s very disconcerting.

Afterwards I came home, napped for a bit, did some domestic bliss, and avoided doing any major cleanup.

Today I’ll be paying for my slackitude. We need to get the house back together and get my stuff sorted out. I’ll be talking with a new auction to sell some of my stuff, and hopefully getting some of it out of the house. W is starting to send my articles about the negative effects of clutter and disorder… and it’s past the point where I should have been more proactive.

So that will be a priority, once I actually get my thumb out and get started.

The reorganization of my office and workspace needs to continue too.

Lots of opportunities coming up to miss deadlines and fail to complete tasks…

But the stacking will continue, at least a little bit, and mostly ‘targets of opportunity.’

I urge you to do so too.


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Tues. Jan. 7, 2025 – wasn’t a revolt. that’s coming later.

Still cold. Still clear and dry. It was a brisk winter day yesterday and should be another one today. Colder at that BOL by a few degrees whenever I checked too. It’s handy having the new weather station working and online…

Yesterday morning I mostly did auction stuff, with some domestic bliss mixed in. My guts were still a bit out of sorts from the travel and all the massive amounts of sugar I ate. In the afternoon, I did a couple of pickups. After the auction pickups, I got the hairiest member of the family from the dog sitter. He was a furry missile and general nutburger. Dervish comes to mind. He likes the sitter, but he LOVES his girl.

Today I’ll do some auction stuff too, after getting the kids out the door. Later I’ve got a pickup to make in Montgomery, which is a bit farther north than I’d like, but the deal was too good. I’ll probably spend at least a little time in the afternoon taking down Christmas decor. D2 wanted to leave it up longer, but W wants it down. The wind has been blowing the inflatables all over and putting them right several times a day is getting bothersome. I will try to leave the lights up for a bit at least. Maybe to the end of the week.

I should probably get the generators running too. And the natgas heater I intend to plumb into the fireplace gas line… I’ve got no way to gauge whether this cold will produce the same outages as before, be a nothing burger, or create a whole new set of problems. I should probably do something “prepper-ish” though…

Stacking isn’t enough, you have to be ready to use the stuff, and it has to work. I could do a bit more in that area, I’m sure.

Get some practice with your preps, but keep stacking too.


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Mon. Jan. 6, 2025 – join our intrepid hero as he attempts incredible acts of ordinariness

Cold and windy. There is winter happening across the nation, and we’re getting some here in the swamp. I’d like to remind the chattering masses that we’ve had snow on the ground around Christmastime three times since I moved to Houston. And that I was in Dallas when we got 14″ of snow overnight. In other words, it gets cold and snows in winter. Sometimes it does that a lot.

Sunday was spent playing games with family and reading until it was time to head home. Our flight was uneventful. There were signs of rain and high wind when we got home, but no real damage. It was chilly though.

Today I’ve got to catch up on a couple of things, and I think I’ll probably have to do a pickup or two. Kids are still off, so I’ll also be trying to get them to get ready for the start of the new semester. I’m sure piles of domestic bliss also await my attention. In other words, time to get back to it.

It was a nice break, and nice to spend time with my mom and sibling. But it also took time away from the Holiday break that we would spend closing out the year and getting ready for the new one. There are always trade offs in life, and this time I chose family time. I don’t think anyone ever said “I wish I’d have spent less time with mom and bro, and more time cleaning the driveway.”

The other thing I haven’t done is New Year’s Resolutions. I don’t generally put a lot of energy or effort into them. They don’t usually make much difference in peoples’ lives. But it is a convenient time to try to make changes in one’s life. SO. I would like to do some work on my physical conditioning. I will try to find a time and method to do that. I will try to raise money by selling more of the stuff I have to sell. That will contribute to the last- I will try to reduce the amount of stuff I have stacked around that is NOT contributing to a good life for my family.

There you have it. I’ve stacked up three resolutions…

Stack some of your own!


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Sun. Jan. 5, 2025 – 01052025 – hmm, chilly here, but sure is sunny

Another sunny and clear, but chilly day went by, and another is forecast for today. It was a good day to be outside at a swapmeet, but once the sun went down, it was a good day to be inside…

And that was the major activity of the day- swapmeet! It’s one of those permanent setups, with indoor booth space, covered booths for rent, and just open places for people to come sell their crep. Lots of choices from new mattresses, facials, produce, tools, vinyl, clothes, souvenirs, etc, including yard sale stuff, and just about anything else you could think of. I picked up a few antique and collectible things to bring home. If I was at home, I would have grabbed a few more items too. Had a nice cuban sandwich for lunch, and then we headed home.

Spent the rest of the day playing cards and games, reading, eating, and more games. A good day.

Today we’ll do some of the same, then at some point head to Tampa to fly home. I hope to be sleeping in my own bed tonight. Then the kids will soon be back in school, the new year will really get started, and I’ll fall even farther behind on my list… but that’s life.

Stacking up the good times, the memories with family, and time with the kids. That’s enough for the moment.


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Thur. Jan. 2, 2025 – Sunny in Florida, still cold though

Unseasonably cool here in the Sunshine State. Dunno how that will play out over the next few days, but for now it’s long pants weather.

Yesterday was a mostly slow and lazy day for me. Took my time getting packed and ready. Had to replace most of the spare batteries in my bags and replace the “get home” money that I “borrowed” when a fun toy became available at an irresistible price… My back pack has 1 oz of gold coins and about $1K in USD tucked into it. That is supposed to be untouchable and just for emergency use. I’m good at lying to myself though, and I raided it for some cash.

I’ve talked about the other stuff I carry before, but the high points are a tourniquet, blow out kit (first aid focused on bleeding control), change of clothes, windbreaker, towel, food, water, and some really thick zip ties…

I’ve got some other stuff in there too including my toughbook and kindle, batteries, a bag of cables and chargers, my back up id and cards, blister first aid, some crayons and a little coloring book (for fussy kids), and general snivel gear.

99% of the time I don’t need anything in the bag but something to read and a charging cable. It’s there if I do need it though.

That’s pretty much the story of my life as a prepper and a husband and father too. It’s there if needed.

The vast stacks of stuff are there too. Which comforts me and gives me choices. They turn mountains into molehills, and let life continue without interruption.

Get some of your own, and feel the satisfaction… stack!


And carry your TQ at least when you are out in crowds. If not a TQ, then an Israeli bandage and a pack of quick clot. It’s not big, and it might save a life.

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Wed. Jan. 1, 2025 – A whole new year ahead of us, every day…

Cool and kinda damp in Houston. But supposed to still be clear. Florida meanwhile is getting some cold air, and who knows what the temps there will be? I’ll find out though…

Did my mileage for taxes. Did a bunch of personal care and grooming. I don’t usually do it all at once, but I did yesterday. Did laundry too. Even folded my clean clothes. In other words, lots of domestic bliss, not a lot of other stuff.

Today will be a bit of packing, a bit of cleaning, and a bit of getting ready to go out of town. I’m headed to Florida to see mom and sibling… Wasn’t my idea, but maybe it’s for the best. I really don’t like holiday travel. And I don’t like all the rushing and activity we’ve had this break. But my likes don’t really matter much at the moment. I’ll suck it up and soldier on.

I’m thinking ahead though, and trying to decide what I can do a few more “long form” posts on. If and when I start poking at the solar, that should be good for a few posts. Maybe I should refine my milk crate food storage system, or look at redundancy in cooking/water/heating/cooling/energy etc. Or maybe I should turn some focus on my physical condition, and look at improving that…

Not sure what will come, but I’ve been slacking in the actual content department. I’m going to consciously try to change that this year.

It’s hard to keep repeating the basics, even if new people come to prepping all the time; and some of the more advanced stuff will either seem too narrowly applicable or too far out…and I’m not an expert by any means.

The default will be more of the same. Hopefully that is enough.

And there will be stacking, of course.

Welcome to New Year, like every day, and yet somehow different. Let us hope and pray, work hard, and work smart, to make it a good year.

Thank you all for joining me here.


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