Category: personal

Mon. Apr. 8, 2024 – ah, the sun’s going out! We’re all gonna die!!!!111!!1 “let’s go watch”

Cooler and overcast with a chance of thunderstorms. That’s from the national forecast. Local calls for clouds, north of here is calling for clouds. Where the totality is is likely to be covered with clouds. It’s a cruel universe that sets up a compete solar eclipse and then hides it from us.

Spent yesterday avoiding work. Cut the whole back yard for the first time this year. Some of the weeds were 5 ft tall. Had to use the string trimmer first, then follow up with the mower to mulch and level everything out. That took a good long time. Then I blew the debris back onto the lawn and used the mower to mulch them, and since I had the blower out, I blew all the leaves in the front yard too. The lawn guys tend to blow the leaves toward the house, where we have some plantings. There used to be bushes there, and sometimes mulch. Not so much anymore. But they don’t like picking up leaves so they blow them there, as if they were mulch.

Took a while to blow all the accumulation out onto the grass and then use the mower to mulch it. It was dark when I finished up.

All that to avoid setting traps in the attic for whatever creature is scrabbling around up there. I’m convinced it’s possums using the soffits to move around. I don’t see any obvious evidence in the attic proper, and nothing is eating the rat bait. I’ll set the traps today, if we don’t got searching for the eclipse.

Wife is convinced we should head to the BOL and onward into the path of the moon’s shadow. But she’s also convinced that it will be poor weather. So there is conflict in her soul about leaving early today to try to make a viewing location in time. We didn’t leave last night, because of the weather forecast, but if things change… I won’t have to put the traps in the attic.

[man, my writing is disjointed and choppy at 2am]

I’m up for the road trip if she decides to go. Otherwise, I’ve got plenty to do.

IF we stay home, I’ll be doing all the stuff I’ve been shirking for the last week. And dropping off auction stuff, if I can.

Oh, and shopping if I get the time, because this stuff won’t stack itself. Join me?


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Fri. Apr. 5, 2024 – yup, another week gone without TEOTWAWKI, which is a good thing…

Cool and clear to start, warming later. Absolutely gorgeous run of several spring days. Couldn’t ask for better weather. I want MORE MOAR !!!1!!!111! might get it, might not.

Spent most of yesterday morning doing auction stuff, then all afternoon and evening at my client’s house. Got some of his issues fixed, identified what needs more work, and have a sorta plan for how to continue.

Got home late and gorged on pizza. So good.

Today I’ve got some office stuff to do and a bunch of pickups. Good stuff for the kids and the BOL, as well as everyday life stuff. I’d like to hit Costco and HEB too, before the weekend. Generally life maintenance and domestic bliss…

The short week means it flew by for me. I should be at the BOL this weekend but I think I better spend some time here. We’ll see how today goes, but I expect I’ll have a lot to do on Saturday and Sunday.

I’m feeling pretty much over the snotty crud. I’m still occasionally coughing, but only a couple of times a day.

I have some un-stacking to do, and some organizing so I have room for more stacking. It’s a constant battle between putting stuff away, and just piling it up for later. I’m a wee little tiny bit behind on the “putting away” part, and that has to change.

It’s always something…

Use the time we have to stack, organize, improve. These are the good old days.


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Thur. Apr. 4, 2024 – 04042024 – same format in Euroland and in the Great State of Texas…

Cool and clear again, warming later. Basically perfect Spring days. This would be second in a row as yesterday was gorgeous.

Did several pickups yesterday. Jumped the gun on one but fortunately it is very close to one I had to attend anyway, so no driving or time really lost. Also did my kid thing, and did some cleaning up and putting away in the house.

Today I’m at my client’s house to troubleshoot some issues, and to install a couple of additional cams. While there, I’ll check that one of the alternative bedrooms is fully working, as they’ll be moving to that bedroom while doing some remodeling in the Master. I’m happy to have the extra work as there are lots of things I want to buy.

We used to have a saying in the business, “Done is good. Gone is better. Paid is best.” Paying work rocks.

Money is a great prep. Try to stack some!


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Thur. Mar. 28, 2024 – stuff to do, stuff to do

Cool, damp, and hopefully clear. Warming later with some sun would be nice. That has been the pattern for the last week, so all I really want is some continuity, right? Actually, I’d take a little rain today and tomorrow if it left the weekend clear.

Did my errands Wednesday. Picked up the needful thing. The forms have changed yet again. I need to hit another store and get some “food” to “feed” it… Stopped by my auctioneer and chatted for about 40 minutes. I’m slowing my sales through them for a week or two while they concentrate on other estates. They make more money on an estate than on consignment, and they need the cash. I really need to get back to listing and sell some of the high value items I’ve been holding back. This lull would be a good time to finally do that.

I didn’t win anything in the ham radio estate auction, so I could go to the BOL tonight with the family. I might delay until tomorrow anyway to do some shopping. We’ll see what I get done today. I’d like to have a bunch of stuff for projects so I can maybe knock one or 6 off the list, if I get motivated. Plus, I hate to make the trip without being fully loaded up. I’ve got a bunch of stuff from the auctions this week, but I need some actual building supplies too.

Today is all about getting ready for the long weekend out of town. Groceries, Home Depot, dig through the stacks and move some stuff… The usual.


Peter over at BayouRenaissanceMan touched on one of my preparedness points this week when he mentions not putting all your preps in the same place. I’ve been talking about that for a long time, going back to Cali’s recommendation that earthquake preps be kept in sealed bins outdoors or in a lightweight shed structure. Been a while since I talked about earthquakes, so I know I’ve been talking about it for a while. More recently I’ve been talking about using a storage unit on your way out of town, and the balance of what to keep where if you have a BOL. (Keeping stuff with trusted friends or family is another option, but one I haven’t mentioned since the last trip to sibling’s place in Michigan.)

There were some devastating hurricanes in OK that really prompted me to start an offsite “secondary” location with preps stored there. If you lose your house, you will likely lose your preps in the disaster too. It’s IMPORTANT to have some stuff elsewhere.

The BOL serves that function well, but it adds the question of balance. In a world with limited resources, what do you put where? I have lots of stacks here in Houston. Since we got the BOL, I’ve been moving stuff there too, but — what if we can’t get there? I don’t want to strip our primary residence, the place we are most likely to be when (certain flavors of) S hits the Fan… I also don’t want to bail out to the BOL and leave all my resources behind. Taking them with me might not be an option.

In an ideal world both would be equally well equipped, but that is VERY unlikely and essentially “wastes” half your preps.

So, what to do? “Waste” the preps and stock both as well as possible is my compromise solution. I’ve already acknowledged that given the poor storage conditions, I will have higher than average “breakage” or losses. So I just have to acknowledge that if both locations are well equipped, in most scenarios I’m going to “waste” one, by using the other. In reality, there is nothing that says the other location won’t be used at another time, or that someone else won’t benefit from it. If I can’t get to the BOL and the world as we know it really does “end”, I’m happy to think my neighbors up there might be able to survive a bit longer with access to my stuff. Same for the ones left here, if we get out of Dodge, and leave it behind for good.

What I am not interested in is having it confiscated to be given to the wastrels who should have been making their own plans. This is a bit tougher if you are an advocate for prepping. If you are known to have taken an extra step or two, people will remember, they will say something, or they’ll come themselves. Peter is likely F’d. I’m not well known IRL, but I’m not quiet about telling people about “hurricane preparation” either. IRL far too many people know I prep, at some level, although there are plenty who dismiss me because of the somewhat “goofy stay at home dad” persona. When you pull stuff off the stacks to help people, they hopefully learn a lesson so they don’t need help next time, but they CERTAINLY learn a lesson that you are someone with resources…

So I have stuff here, I have the secondary location, and I have the BOL. I have my online persona, my “goofy” grey man persona, and my actual IRL serious persona, and mostly they are separated…but still. There is leakage. Which could come around to bite me on my hairy white a…

I think I’ll probably have a lot of preps I never use, no matter how everything plays out, and that’s ok. I can afford it. I don’t feel like I can afford NOT to have it. I’ll keep reassessing the state of the world, and my response to it, and I’ll adjust my plan and resource allocation accordingly. There may come a time when we are at the BOL more than here. Or I may give up the secondary location, moving that stuff to the BOL, or a different place. It’s not exactly in the right direction to grab from if we were headed out of town. On the gripping hand, if we had to head in that direction, there is some stuff along the way… it’s not cached in the traditional sense, but it’s “stashed”…

Think hard about how to protect and keep what is yours in an environment that allows others to come looking for it. There are lots of strategies and techniques that can help.

Stacks and stacks, and some other stacks to distract them with, can help. Stack!


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Mon. Mar. 25, 2024 – manly men doing manly things – eh, not so much.

Cool, overcast, damp, and maybe some rain. In Houston. At the BOL yesterday, it started grey but cleared in the late afternoon, and ended up with a beautiful sunset. Nice.

I spent the afternoon doing small jobs. Worked on the lawn tractor that my neighbor gave me. The mower deck is shot, but the rest is nice. Only 154 hours on it. No maintenance, ever, except oil and filter, but I’ll get it caught up. Then I’ll have one mower to mow with and one without a deck to pull the trailers and other accessories. And if my mower blows up (it’s been ridden hard and put away wet) I’ll rebuild the mower deck on this one.

It’s funny to realize that my buddy up here doesn’t fix stuff, or even take great care of it. I though I was casual about cleaning and maintaining but I’m obsessive compared to him. I’m starting to see it as a pattern up here that counterbalances some of the other stuff, like living a prepared life because that’s how you were always raised to live. I might let something go too long, but then I fix what broke. There are a lot of folks up here who would just park it in the yard and move on to the next one. Taking me some time to get a good handle on what I think I’m seeing.

Helped plant replacement peas in the garden. Potatoes are doing great, turnips, radishes, not as well, but they are growing. Pepper plants are budding. I’m debating what to do in my raised beds in Houston, and if I should do some sort of scatter garden at the BOL. Just throw some seeds out and see what happens. I’ve got a lot of old seeds and they aren’t getting younger. I’ll have to see if there is time to till.

Did more cleaning up and putting away too.

Today I’ve got some stuff to do around the house. I don’t think I can do auction pickups until tomorrow, so maybe I’ll work on my hobby website, or do some work for my client. Hmm. Domestic bliss is stacking up too.

I’ll fill the day, that’s for sure. And some of it will be productive.

Stack some stuff, ya know ya wanna…


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Sun. Mar. 24, 2024 – 03242024 – odd jobs and some gardening

Cool, but hopefully clear. Certainly damp. The BOL got over an inch of rain this past week and the lake is up about 6 inches. It’s murky too. Usually it’s pretty clear.

Did some auction stuff, then loaded the truck yesterday to head up. Didn’t have a full load, so I finally included some low priority stuff like oak tree saplings. If I’m taking down trees, I need to be planting some too.

The current mount for the starlink antenna is on the corner of the housed, mounted on a short pole attached to the soffit. The app says I’ve got an unobstructed view of the sky, but as the trees leaf in, I expect that might change around one edge. I’ll monitor it. Eventually I’ll get my ham tower set up, but that is WAY down the list.

I will try to get some wire antennas up though so I can try out my FT-817 some day soon. Eventually, I’d like to get one or both kids licensed so I can have a link between Houston and here. The Houston end will be the most challenging with the high noise floor and not the best antenna situation.

So many projects.

Today I’ll be doing small jobs that won’t be an issue if they don’t get finished. In the afternoon I’m helping my buddy do garden stuff. He’s decided to disc the peas that haven’t really grown and try his ‘go to’ variety instead. He’s got a disc harrow? for his atv (quad) so he can do that part pretty easily. The weeding and thinning part for the other veg is the part he finds difficult. Getting old and worn out is tough.

The whole population of farmers is seeing the same thing on a bigger scale. Keeping kids on the farm has always been tough, and it’s not an easy life, or a way to get rich, but someone has to grow the food.

The time to plant a garden is before you are hungry. It bears repeating. And the learning curve is steep.

Stack cans to give yourself some margin.

Stack the other stuff to give yourself options.


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Fri. Mar. 22, 2024 – …the corn is as high as an elephant’s eye, and it looks like it’s climbin’ right up to the sky…

Cool, overcast, dreary, and a chance of rain. Yesterday was a mixed bag depending mostly on where you were. The morning at home was mostly light drizzle, but in the afternoon northwest of Houston, it stormed. Hail the size of grapes, and pouring rain. It chased me home and then petered out.

I spent the morning doing auction stuff, and the afternoon taking care of my client. That meant buying a replacement TV, and swapping it and another for two bad ones. The TCL 55 inch 4k TVs we decide to take a chance on have not held up well. They develop vertical and horizontal lines in the image and need to be replaced. Takes a couple of years, but all but one have failed, and I’m sure it will fail too. They were exceptionally cheap, and we bought the extended warranty from costco. It used to be provided by SquareTrade, but this newest one is provided by Allstate. The warranty process isn’t odious, and we’ve gotten a Costco gift card for the purchase price on the ones we’ve done so far.

Given that my time costs money, and the customer has to live with a failing TV for some period of time, I ended up buying Sony this time. We’ve shifted from the cheapest TVs to Sony Bravia, at more than double what a Roku or Hisense TV would cost, and about a third more than the Samsung or LG equivalents. The Bravia does have an exceptionally nice picture, and we’re hoping that because it’s not so cheap, it’ll do less spying than the Hisense or Roku TVs. It’s powered by google so still potential to spy. I don’t put them on the network, but someone in the household might at a later date. I also decline about 6 pages of stuff when I set them up. Of course I’m hoping that the Sony name still means something and that they haven’t been built to quite such a ‘value engineered’ standard as the Hisense… it would be nice to get a few more years of life out of them without issues than we’ve gotten from the TCL models.

If you don’t mind paying for the extended warranty, and replacing the TV after a couple of years, or that the TVs want to spy on you to subsidize the cost, there are some great looking TVs at crazy cheap prices. A 55″ Roku 4K TV was $289 at costco, and it wasn’t the cheapest on the shelf. For anything with a good brand name, or newer (bigger) sizes, inflation has been in full effect, with a roughly 30% increase in cost over the last time I priced TVs, which was about a year ago, iirc.

All you need to do is trade away a little piece of your privacy, and you can save some money while self medicating with the boob tube…

Today I’ll be doing some auction pickups, and maybe some other stuff like visiting my buddy at his gub store. We’ll see how the day goes, what the weather ends up being like, and if I hurt or not. This weather makes everything ache.

I’m thinking about heading to the BOL this weekend to do some of the stuff I didn’t do last week, and to weed the garden. We’ve got 18 potato mounds sprouted, the radishes and turnips might be ready to thin, and we’ll have to see how the peas are doing. My buddy says if they don’t start growing better, he’ll replant with a different variety. I could start another couple of rows of radishes, turnips, or beets, as you can keep planting them for a staggered harvest.

The grass probably needs cutting too.

D1 has GS camp, and D2 has a thing with friends, so I think I’d be alone at the BOL. Or I could stay home and work the list here. It’s a big list and needs to be started. Choices. Priorities. Gah.

Easier (but less effective) to just keep stacking. Don’t do what I’ve done, and just stack. Stay on top of the other things too. AND stack.


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Thur. Mar. 21, 2024 – working for a living…

Cool, dreary, and possible rain today. Yesterday almost made it to drizzle, but not quite. As I drove around I might have almost seen some sun, and the occasional bit of moisture seemed to hit the windshield, but neither ever really developed into anything. Today is forecast to actually possibly maybe rain. Gah.

As noted above, I spent part of the day driving around doing auction stuff. Dropped off some stuff. Picked up some stuff. Still have stuff to pickup from this week, but that’ll have to wait ’til Friday.

Because today I’m headed to my remaining client’s house to do some service work. There are a couple of TVs with image issues that need to be replaced, and one bit of control system service that has been on the list for a long time that I hope to get to this visit. We still have a list of unfinished projects and some upgrades left to do, but hey, everyone has budget constraints. And other constraints like not wanting to be in attics when it’s 140F in there…

I’ll take a look at the network stuff, and cameras, and run updates against all of it, if I don’t run into issues with the TVs. I need to be home to get D1 from school, so that puts a limit on my work day. Which is good and bad. I usually end up with a long day at my client’s as there is stuff I can do, and I like to meet with him to go over the current and upcoming work, when he gets home from work. Unless he’s working from home today, I will have to leave before then. We’ve got a long history, and a lot of trust, so it won’t be an issue, but it’s always good to get some face to face time for relationship management. Relationships matter. Especially when you are alone in someone’s home for days at a time.

Trust and trustworthiness are vitally important in all areas of your life, particularly when ‘the chips are down’. Strive to build both in your life. That is something you can stack, that doesn’t usually cost money…

For all the rest, spend what you have to, and stack.


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Wed. Mar. 20, 2024 – there once was a man from Nantucket, whose …

It certainly wasn’t warm and overcast yesterday. Weather liars are liars. Dunno what it will be like today, but I’m hoping for more cool and clear, but not quite ‘cold’ and clear. We’ll see.

I did auction and kid stuff yesterday. Had my drop off pushed to today, but made a couple of pickups. Then it was Tuesday night, and for some reason that means a lot of local auctions closing all at the same time. I did manage to win a few preps. Couple more kerosene heaters and some propane hoses. Some bleach and cleaners. Couple small things for the BOL. Couple things for my non-prepping hobby. Another 100w solar panel. I passed on the beekeeper stuff. Keeping bees looks like a lot more work and trouble than I have time for right now.

I passed on the chicken stuff too, but there has been a fair amount of it. Waterers and feeders, incubators, automatic coop doors, water heaters for their water bucket… even chicken plucker machines. Nesting boxes and shredded bedding too. I think the reality of chicken raising led to a lot of stuff being returned. Some is estate stuff, but the majority is returns. My thanks to @stevef for his ‘slice-o-life’ tales from the coop. I’d like to have eggs, but keeping the chickens sounds like a million ways to screw up to me, and a big project. It’s definitely one of those things you should start BEFORE the need arises, but I’m already a bit past “maxed”.

Which is why you need a network and a community. No one can do it all by themselves. It’s why humans are social creatures who form groups and bonds- so we can work together.


Dinner last night was a bit of an experiment. It worked out so I’m sharing. I’d previously cut some thin pork chops from the “dark meat” end of the pork loin, pan-fried them and served them to the kids successfully. I was looking at a pork shoulder roast (pork butt) in the fridge, thinking about breaking it down into my normal big chunks for pulled pork or carnitas, when I thought I could carve off a couple of big steaks. They’d be like the “shoulder chops” sold as cheaper alternative to pork chops, only sliced thicker. So I boned out the roast, and sliced off a couple of 1″ thick steaks from the biggest chunk of meat. Battered and put in pork fat in the big cast iron skillet…

Well, the batter was just panko crumbles, so really just ‘breading’ and it didn’t stick, but the steaks browned up nicely anyway. For sides I did instant potatoes (baby reds, mashed), and pork gravy from a packet. Probably could have used some more color on the plate, but it was all delicious, and I should have cooked a third steak. Kids were licking the plates. One more cheap meal in the rotation, hooray.

While I had the pan hot, I cut the rest of the roast into big chunks and browned them for carnitas. 2 3/4 pounds will go in the slow cooker today, the other 2 3/4 pounds got vac sealed and frozen.

Preps used- cheap meat, instant potatoes, instant gravy mix, cast iron cookware, and saved up bacon fat. A can of peas would have been nice too.

There you have it, another cheap meal that was simple and delicious. I used Adkins spice mix on the pork but it’s basically just salt, pepper, garlic, and maybe some citrus zest? KISS principle in action.

Cast iron cleaned up easy so I’ve got a decent ‘seasoning’ going on that piece too. Love it when I get a chance to use a piece in every day cooking.


So, stack some stuff, but also try some new things. You might find a new fan favorite.


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Tues. Mar. 19, 2024 – feeling a bit vulnerable, actually…

Cool and damp to start, warming, with possible overcast all day. The sun did come out yesterday and it was quite nice in the late afternoon. Maybe that will happen again today! Or not.

Didn’t end up doing much yesterday. Caught up on auction stuff, and did a bit of domestic bliss.

I hope today will be better. I’ve got D2 at the orthodontist in the morning, then both kids need rides in the afternoon. That means I’ve got to get my errands done without too much faffing about. Some can slide until Wed. but some need to get done today.

The title refers to me having shaved off my beard and mustache yesterday. I’ve been wearing them for better than 5 years, so it’s a big change. I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror, and I thought I was looking tired and haggard, with the grey, so I took the big step. I’d forgotten how prominent my scar was… when I picked up D1 from school the first thing she said was “gee, you can really see your scar.” Kids.

I’ll probably grow it back, facial hair seems to be the norm these days, and I already miss “playing” with it. In the mean time, I’ll give it a chance. Funny thing is W hasn’t said anything yet. She gave me some funny looks at dinner, but didn’t say anything about the missing hairs…Could be she’s just messing with me.

Sometimes it’s good to make a change, to break habits and set patterns. We’ll see if this was one of those times.

Stack something today.


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