Cool and damp, windy. The wind rose last night and it got chilly. Low 60s and damp with a wind equals chilled to the bone. It was nice all day, if damp, and sunny until later in the day. I’m hoping whatever blew in will blow back out.
I rose and broke my fast fairly early for me, and for a Sunday. I took my time getting started though and a bunch of stretching was involved.
I did get stuff done. I eventually got a string trimmer running with a new saw blade style cutter head, and attacked the back yard. The weeds were mid-calf and higher… but they all went down under the onslaught. It took longer than it should have. Then I poked at the mower, finally diagnosing the issue. Ordered the part I needed, and went back out to blow leaves and re-bait rat poison stations. The bait stations were gnawed but not empty. I filled them up and put a couple in the attic too.
The light was fading so I wrapped up outside.
Did some stuff in the attic, moving and putting stuff away.
D1 made Chipotle style chicken bowls for dinner with W’s help. Did a good job and I ate my fill. Kid might learn something after all. I think she is beginning to realize she’ll have to feed herself something besides homemade cookies at some point.
Ended the day sitting my my ‘water feature’ reading and having a tiny little fire. It got pretty chilly sitting there, almost like I was on the dock at the BOL.
I’ll have to get back up there. Things need to be worked on.
Until then, I’ll do more work here. I’ve been neglecting the home front for a while. If it isn’t raining today, I should be able to get some more things done. I’ve also got a pickup to do, and normal kid taxi stuff. Maybe I’ll take the time to cut my hair. Oh the excitement! Oh the drama!
One of the tasks is to re-stock the can dispenser racks in the pantry, and go through the cans I just put in storage and have ignored for a while. Several have ruptured, and I need to sort out the breakage and look at replacements.
This stuff won’t stack itself. Get to it…