Cool and wet. Maybe cloudy all day. Unlike yesterday, when we had SOME clear and even a rainbow in the morning. The rain threatened all day but never arrived. We are supposed to get some precip, and I’d be ok with that, as long as we don’t get some on Friday and Saturday.
I wasn’t feeling great in the morning, I’ve had a bit of a “sour stomach” for a couple of days, and I decided to grab an hour or two napping. Felt better when I got up and got busy doing work.
A couple of pickups took up a good chunk of afternoon. It was mostly stuff for the BOL, but one thing for the house. If I get it installed, I’ll do a bit more commenting on it. After that it was stuck in traffic for about 20 extra minutes, then at least 20 minutes in line for gas at Costco, which messed up my timing to get D2 from her late after school pickup… So I spent 40 minutes reading while I waited for her. That was a better use of time than driving home, then all the way back. This unnecessary level of detail is to say that I lost a couple of hours of productive time. Jerryp would say the day was eaten by ducks.
Today will be some pickups and getting ready for the hamfest. I’ve got stuff scattered all over the place that I need to get together. I need to get the trailer reservation too. And maybe I’ll figure out a better way to get the stuff back on the trailer after the hamfest is over… maybe a come-a-long…
I’ve got to get ready but I feel like the Hamfest is coming too early this year. I’d skip it for half a reason… but I also know I picked stuff up specifically to sell and I’ll enjoy seeing all the guys I only see on that one day. Suck it up buttercup…
And stack it up too…