Category: decline and fall

Wed. Mar. 12, 2025 – another beautiful day

Mid 60s to start and warming later, with clear skies. That was yesterday, and today, I hope. I could do with a lot less wind though.

Made my pickups, and got to the BOL eventually. Took about an hour extra due to accidents and road work. It was relaxing for me, as I didn’t have a schedule to meet once I got my stuff, and I rolled the windows down and cranked the stereo. A beautiful day to be out driving.

Today I’ll start working the list… which will involve going to look at a boat for sale. I’ve got a wedding anniversary coming up, and a wife who REALLY wants a boat. The local repair guy has one he’s selling for client that isn’t pretty but is in good running order. We don’t need to pay for pretty. Like everything, we’re looking for a bargain.

After the boat adventure, I’ll probably start on electrical in the attic. Don’t know how many more cool days I’ll get before summer kicks in. Best to get out of the attic before that happens.

Always be working. Always be stacking…


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Tues. Mar. 11, 2025 – Headed to the BOL to work, work, work

Cool and clear. Should be another really nice day. Yesterday was cool and clear all day. IDK what the official high temp was, but I think we might have gotten into the low 70s. It was so nice to drive around with the windows down. I’m hoping for more of that today.

Got a slow start to my day. Still feeling the effects of the Hamfest, both the loading/unloading, and the standing in the sun all day. The sunburn is starting to itch. Since I lived in Arizona, I’ve used the same treatment for sunburn. Slather the affected area with aloe vera gel. NOT gel containing aloe, and a hundred other things, but pure aloe gel, food grade, refrigeration needed. Buy it at the health food store. Apply twice a day. Don’t stop when you think you are healed, go a few more days. It will minimize the pain/itch/etc and maximize healing. I’ve been swearing by it for several decades.

Of course, you should avoid getting burned in the first place.

Later in the day I ended up doing three pickups. Mostly stuff for the BOL. Lots of driving though, for not much stuff. I skipped lunch and was feeling pretty weird by the time dinner rolled around. W and the kid left for the BOL but I stayed home. After I ate, I felt a lot more like myself, but I still didn’t want to drive at night. I’ll go up today.

I’ve got two pickups that are mostly on the way, but the earliest is 2pm, so I’ll get some stuff done here first. Then I’ll drive up. Should be nice weather for a few days. I’ve got stuff to do in the attic so I hope it’s still cool. Also it would be nice to do something with a veg garden this year. My buddy is too weak from the chemo and radiation, so we won’t get a big garden in like last year. But maybe I can get a couple of rows planted in my garden. I got nothing the first time I tried it, but maybe this time will be different. It’s a steep learning curve, everyone should get started climbing it. And if your thumb isn’t green, as mine isn’t, you can always stack more cans.

Stacking is better than hoping.


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Mon. Mar. 10, 2025 – Spring Break week for us…

The national weather forecast looks clear for this part of the country today, and most of the country for the next couple of days. I’m betting our temps stay in the 60s and 70s for a couple days at least. I hope so anyway. It was chilly Sunday, but hot Saturday. Cool would be nice today.

Sunday I slept late, got a leisurely start to my day, and ached everywhere. It took some serious stretching to be my back in any kind of order. Loading and unloading for Hamfest, 2x each, takes more of a toll every year. I’ll keep doing it for a while though.

After breakfast/lunch, I took the trailer back and unloaded some stuff at my secondary location. Spent some time piddling around there, making room and moving some stuff. Came home and piddled around with some stuff with the idea I’d be able to move it along afterwards. Didn’t really work out though.

W made dinner, and we ate it. She make several pounds of chicken chunks with a sou vide accessory for the Instant Pot, and froze the result. We’ve had it in a couple of meals now, and it’s been good. I’m not sure there is any real benefit to cooking chicken that way, but having some ready to heat and eat has been handy.

Today is the start of Spring Break, so both kids are home. We’re thinking about heading to the BOL for most of the week. There are some conflicts on the schedule, so I’m not sure what days we can actually go. I can stay all week if I need to, but there are kid things that overlap…

I’ll be doing a couple of pickups today, and doing stuff around the house. Getting out the Hamfest stuff sort of broke a logjam for a whole series of tasks in the driveway and garage, so I’d like to make some progress on them while I have even the tiniest bit of momentum.

THEN I’ll go work on the list at the BOL.

It’s a blessing to have stuff to do and a place to do it. It does wear on me sometimes though.

Keep stacking. Keep improving.


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Sun. Mar. 9, 2025 – a few more things then back to normal

No idea what to expect today. A front was moving in when I went to bed, with blowing wind and lower temps. I would like it to be clear.

I got pretty crispy in the sun and overcast yesterday. I’m going to be regretting that for a week. But I had a great time at the Hamfest. Saw some people I only see there, and some people from real life. Two of them live near my BOL, one is involved with the club there. I met some new people to, and chatted about my non-prepping hobby. I’m hoping to see one of them at a meeting next month.

I still have to take the trailer back to uhaul, and I’ve got a few things in the truck to take back to storage. That’s my main reason for not wanting rain today.

I don’t know how my back will feel today either, but it was hurting after the load up, and hurting after unloading, and then again after the load out… I don’t usually take Tylenol but it was helping me sleep last night.

After getting the last of the Hamfest stuff stored away, it will be time to do some putting away and organizing in the garage and driveway. And in the house and my office. And everywhere else too for that matter, but that stuff will have to wait. I’m pretty sure we’ll head to the BOL for most of the kids’ spring break. Thare be plenty to do up there…

Keep stacking, keep working, build some relationships.


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Sat. Mar. 8, 2025 – Houston Area Hamfest in Rosenberg TX

Sunny and cool, with light overcast and a gentle breeze… not the actual forecast, but my wish for the day. Yesterday was too hot and too humid, and I got burned through the overcast… so a bit cooler would be nice.

Did my stuff yesterday. Lots of driving in a big loop, followed by a bunch of loading and digging up stuff from a variety of locations. But it’s loaded and I’m ready to go.

Today is Hamfest, so that’s where I’ll be. In the parking lot at the Fort Bend County Fairgrounds, with my good stuff spread out across 4 or five parking spaces… Hopefully most of it will sell and people will find just exactly what they need.

It’s always a good time seeing people I don’t see much anymore and those I only see at the Hamfest. I really enjoy working the crowd, but it is a long day.

Busy too. Probably won’t even check in until I’m home in the evening.

If you are in the area, come on by. The indoor stuff is $15 at the door, with displays and booths from manufacturers, vendors, and presentations. There are a couple of real nice raffle prizes too. No charge to roam the swap meet in the parking lot. My truck will have a uhaul trailer attached, and I’ll be wearing a hat.

Stacking stuff and meatspace…


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Fri. Mar. 7, 2025 – by gum, it’s going to be a busy day…

Cool bordering on cold, and warming later. Still probably clear and sunny. Which describes yesterday, and I hope tomorrow as well. It was high 60s, or low 70s in the afternoon which was nice. Nice to have that sun too, considering it started in the 40s.

Did my stuff yesterday morning. Picked up D1 from school because she didn’t feel well. Her best friend has a respiratory infection but is still at school and doing sports. Now D1 has a sore throat and body aches. She’s going today though because of testing before spring break.

Then I did my pickups. Got most of what I had outstanding, including from the scammer auctioneer who is open again. Empty warehouse and new staff- I’m not betting on them being open for long. Then I hit my secondary and storage to start gathering Hamfest stuff. I’ll need to do a lot more of that today.

Which brings me to today. I should be getting stuff out of storage, clearing a path through my driveway to get stuff out of the garage, and getting the last of my items out of my office and the attic. I’ve got to pickup the trailer and do an auction pickup in the afternoon. It’s going to be a busy day.

Not as busy as the actual Hamfest, but still, pretty busy.

And I’ll miss my non-prepping hobby meeting Saturday, due to being at the Hamfest…

Never enough time to do all the things… but hopefully this will help me to stack some money, and make room for other things. Both are good things to do.


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Thur. Mar. 6, 2025 – do this, don’t do that, can’t you read the sign?

Cool again, low 50s? and then warming a bit. Yesterday was beautiful. Sunny, cool, and not raining. I’m hoping for the same today.

I didn’t get anything at all done in the morning. After taking the kid to school, I came home and crashed out at my desk. Woke up 4 hours later. Too little sleep, and too many carbs, and I was out.

In the afternoon, I did some smaller things from pretty far down the list. I had to move some stuff that had been sitting in the foyer and living room, so I decided to just install it where it belonged. Of course that wasn’t completely straightforward… and took more time than I’d hoped. Ran out of daylight and that was that.

So today I get to finish that job (replacing a camera on the roof) and then do the other stuff on the list. With the added short list of stuff I need to do to get ready for the Hamfest. I’m really not feeling it this year, but I’ve got stuff to sell, and the Hamfest is the easiest way.

I’m even taking a look at my test bench to see if I can reduce it some more. Sold several pieces last year, and haven’t even powered on most of what’s sitting there in years. I have to wonder if I’ll ever learn enough about fixing radios to get any real use out of the radio test set… Maybe the compromise is take it, and see if I can get a good price. I don’t want to give it away just to get rid of it. On the other hand, someone else could use it to fix radios and get them back into circulation. I’m less likely to do that with every passing day.

I get ‘enthusiasms’ and then don’t have the time to pursue them at the level I was hoping to. I’m better at managing that now than I was, but I’ve got the legacy of that sitting on my bench and in my workshop. Some of you guys here give me hope that I WILL get to it at some point, but maybe I need to concentrate a bit more on actual doable stuff…

Feeling a bit introspective I guess with my 20 year wedding anniversary and 59th birthday both coming up in the next couple of months.

Anyway, I’ve stacked some stuff that I think I might never really learn to use, and that (unlike medical supplies) I’m unlikely to be able to provide to someone that could help me because I have it. Re-thinking and re-evaluating as your circumstances change is part of prepping. Maybe time for me to do some of that…

And then I can stack something useful.


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Wed. Mar. 5, 2025 – more work to do to get ready…

Cool and not so wet this morning. It rained buckets yesterday, but then the front moved in and dried everything up. Stayed just under 70F all day too. Really nice to drive around with the windows down. It was crazy gusty though. Lots of debris falling from trees, including in my yard.

I did mostly domestic bliss in the morning, since it was raining cats and dogs for part of the day. I cut my hair, did some computer work, and knocked off a few little things that had piled up until I had time to do them. I actually got stuff done. Not big stuff, but stuff. I made the appointment to pickup my rental trailer for the Hamfest too.

After that I got out of the house and did a very uneconomical pickup. Wasn’t much stuff. Wasn’t high value. Was far away. I couldn’t combine trips, and it’s an auctioneer I like so I didn’t want to blow it off or leave it for another week. Had a good chat with him, so that part was nice. And the weather was actually good for the drive. Except the wind. That sucked balls. I watched it blow a garbage truck out of his lane on the freeway. Good thing traffic was weirdly light.

Did my Tues/Thur kid taxi stuff with the extra bonus of dropping the wife’s car at the shop. “weird” crunching noises coming from the front end… I think that sounds expensive. D1 may not be getting mom’s old ride when mom upgrades. Chinese takeout for dinner.

I forgot to mention that the day before I tried a beef “shoulder roast” in the oven. I’m not sure what it’s normally cut as or sold as. It’s clearly a cheaper cut, with fairly coarse grain running all different ways, but like the sirloin, it was plenty tasty. If you pay attention slicing it, it’s not even chewy or hard to cut. It was on sale so I thought I’d give it a try. The stores are really trying to make sure people can get something close to the before times, for what money they have available. Sometimes that is a cut that isn’t normally sold that way, or sometimes it’s slicing a steak in half so you get two servings that look like a whole steak… sometimes it’s selling 70/30 hamburger instead of leaner blends (a false economy since you drain the fat away.)

My wife pointed out that I’m way behind on planting a garden. IDK about that, but I do have volunteer collards off my 3 year old plants. I cut everything back severely in the Fall, and now I have two or three healthy looking plants. I may just do a “scatter and rake” seeding and see what happens in the raised beds. Should be ok for herbs anyway.

Too much to do, to little drive to get it all done. Small victories are still victories.

Stack. Improve. Work.


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Tues. Mar. 4, 2025 – I’ve got a birthday coming up this month…

Cool and wet. Maybe cloudy all day. Unlike yesterday, when we had SOME clear and even a rainbow in the morning. The rain threatened all day but never arrived. We are supposed to get some precip, and I’d be ok with that, as long as we don’t get some on Friday and Saturday.

I wasn’t feeling great in the morning, I’ve had a bit of a “sour stomach” for a couple of days, and I decided to grab an hour or two napping. Felt better when I got up and got busy doing work.

A couple of pickups took up a good chunk of afternoon. It was mostly stuff for the BOL, but one thing for the house. If I get it installed, I’ll do a bit more commenting on it. After that it was stuck in traffic for about 20 extra minutes, then at least 20 minutes in line for gas at Costco, which messed up my timing to get D2 from her late after school pickup… So I spent 40 minutes reading while I waited for her. That was a better use of time than driving home, then all the way back. This unnecessary level of detail is to say that I lost a couple of hours of productive time. Jerryp would say the day was eaten by ducks.

Today will be some pickups and getting ready for the hamfest. I’ve got stuff scattered all over the place that I need to get together. I need to get the trailer reservation too. And maybe I’ll figure out a better way to get the stuff back on the trailer after the hamfest is over… maybe a come-a-long…

I’ve got to get ready but I feel like the Hamfest is coming too early this year. I’d skip it for half a reason… but I also know I picked stuff up specifically to sell and I’ll enjoy seeing all the guys I only see on that one day. Suck it up buttercup…

And stack it up too…


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Mon. Mar. 3, 2025 – another week, another chance to not get things done

Cool and damp, windy. The wind rose last night and it got chilly. Low 60s and damp with a wind equals chilled to the bone. It was nice all day, if damp, and sunny until later in the day. I’m hoping whatever blew in will blow back out.

I rose and broke my fast fairly early for me, and for a Sunday. I took my time getting started though and a bunch of stretching was involved.

I did get stuff done. I eventually got a string trimmer running with a new saw blade style cutter head, and attacked the back yard. The weeds were mid-calf and higher… but they all went down under the onslaught. It took longer than it should have. Then I poked at the mower, finally diagnosing the issue. Ordered the part I needed, and went back out to blow leaves and re-bait rat poison stations. The bait stations were gnawed but not empty. I filled them up and put a couple in the attic too.

The light was fading so I wrapped up outside.

Did some stuff in the attic, moving and putting stuff away.

D1 made Chipotle style chicken bowls for dinner with W’s help. Did a good job and I ate my fill. Kid might learn something after all. I think she is beginning to realize she’ll have to feed herself something besides homemade cookies at some point.

Ended the day sitting my my ‘water feature’ reading and having a tiny little fire. It got pretty chilly sitting there, almost like I was on the dock at the BOL.

I’ll have to get back up there. Things need to be worked on.

Until then, I’ll do more work here. I’ve been neglecting the home front for a while. If it isn’t raining today, I should be able to get some more things done. I’ve also got a pickup to do, and normal kid taxi stuff. Maybe I’ll take the time to cut my hair. Oh the excitement! Oh the drama!

One of the tasks is to re-stock the can dispenser racks in the pantry, and go through the cans I just put in storage and have ignored for a while. Several have ruptured, and I need to sort out the breakage and look at replacements.

This stuff won’t stack itself. Get to it…


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