Wet and cool, then damp and warmer… or pouring rain with flooding streets. IDK who to believe. It would be nice if it wasn’t pouring down. We started yesterday with some misty drizzle, and ended with threatening skies, but in between we even saw some blue sky and sun. The streets even dried off for a while. Seems a shame to get wet again…
I hit the Costco for a replacement TV and then headed to my client’s house. Got the physical change done expeditiously. Then I started chasing issues. Turns out there was a lot of damage from the nearby lightning strike. The main switcher lost an output channel. That’s a new card for the cardframe. Lost the video output from a Denon home theater receiver. That makes about 4 times we’ve had that particular failure following lightning. Lost a PoE switch in the attic. Again. I’ll be replacing that today and then seeing if we lost the attached WAPs … He also lost a control board for the pool filter system, and the keypad system for the driveway gate.
Lightning is hard on gear. We’ll have more failures over the next couple of months.
I was able to fumble my way through the IDE and make the control programming changes to integrate the new tv and to work around the blown output channel. Imagine my surprise when I finally figured out that the new sony/googletv doesn’t have any IR input for the remote control… it’s bluetooth linked. Most of our control system is still based around IR emitters for each piece of gear. I had to get TCP control set up, turned on, and configured both in our control software, and on the TV. Got it working but it was a pain in the azz. Some was my fault (assigning a fixed IP that was already in use, and getting the gateway wrong) but some was a bug in the IDE that saved a random IP instead of the one I entered.
Brief digression… programmers. Oy. I’m entering the target IP and the form is error checking me so 192.168.10. errors and turns the whole entry red. is ok. Which I guess is fine, except that from then on, every place the IP is displayed, it’s and not the full dotted quad… that was in the IDE. The sony guys suck too. When I got the gateway wrong on the TV, it filled up the whole network trying to connect and phone home, kicking all the other devices off line.
Ok, back to now. I’m headed to D2’s school in the morning to do some more sound work, then the store to buy a new switch, and then to my client’s house to install the switch. I can do that in minutes and I’ll see if we need to replace any of the WAPs. The gate technician will need internet at the gate to do his repairs and testing, so it’s important to get that back up before he gets there. The WAPs can be replaced next week if needed. Then it will be a pickup or two, and home.
I think I’ll head to the BOL on Saturday as the weather is supposed to clear by then. I don’t think I’ll be able to mow while I’m there, but I gotta make the effort if I can. I’m taking the giant 460w solar panels up there. I think I’ll try to install a system on the dockhouse, so that airconditioner won’t cost me money all summer… (yeah, apparently there are TWO panels in the lot I bought. 940W total for a couple hundred bux. Sometimes you get a great deal in the auctions.) I probably won’t head up Friday after doing the pickups because the kid has something Friday night.
Busy day today. But hopefully I’ll move a couple of projects forward. And maybe I’ll find time to stack something.