Warmish and damp. [71F and wet]
Yesterday I got a couple of things done before the rain, and then again after it stopped.
I re-potted some trees. Did a little pruning. Picked up the yard.
Lime trees are budding out flowers. Apple trees are leafing or have the sap rising. Peach is getting leaf buds. Meyer lemon is past harvest time. I’ll have to get to that soon. Wife and kids were going to do it but well….
I rotated some small amount of food from the secondary to home, and took 40 pounds of rice and some canned chicken there for deep storage. I really need to get that organized and inventoried. The urgency increases with every new report out of China.
I moved a couple of things in the driveway, and started scrapping out a pallet. Global scrap prices will collapse, if they haven’t already, with Chinese industry on the rocks. If I’m going to do it, I need to do it now. I did enough yesterday to know if it is going to be worth it, considering all the other things I could be doing that all pay more money. I have to do a little prep before I can dump them as ‘shred’ for 4c/pound in any case. But, they’re mostly aluminum and stainless, which both pay about 35c/pound so it might be worth separating them. I’ve got to weigh up the parts and do the math today.
I was moving the pallet to get to my pallet of forced air breathing respirators. I need to dig them out and see what condition they’re in, and what they need to work. I have only 2 batteries and I’m not certain they are correct. It’s been a very low priority, but is moving up dramatically. If I can sell off the rest for good money that will help too.
I am seeing a nice increase in my ebay sales. I’ve got some nice stuff listed recently and it’s moving decently. I need it to continue and increase though. If the WuFlu continues, at some point nobody will be buying anything.
Speaking of WuFlu, Kung Flu, Sweet and sour sicken, or any of the other ‘whistling past the graveyard’ names… even ordinary people are starting to notice. No one believes the chinese numbers, and for all the reasons given here before. Have you ever known the chinese to play up a disaster? I’ve posted links to twitter feeds and ‘citizen journalists’ because I think that’s a great window into the situation on the ground. Yes, they are unknown and unvetted. Aesop in particular objects to one off videos from randos… they are filming the body bags SOMEWHERE. They are filming guys in tyvek welding doors shut SOMEWHERE. Ditto for grabbing people out of their homes and off the street. I’ve seen enough body bags to think that the dead count is off by one or two orders of magnitude. NO ONE ANYWHERE walks past someone who seizes and collapses on the ground, unless things are SERIOUSLY wrong. No one leaves dead people laying in the street like that. No city in China is ever that quiet and empty as the drone footage. Lastly, you aren’t thinking the people in the building will survive if you are LOCKING THEM INSIDE. That should terrify everyone who thinks about it.
We can’t trust their numbers, but we can judge them by their actions.
Also, I’m cynical enough to think that if China looks like they’re the only ones who will burn from this, they will try actively to infect the west, so they don’t burn alone.
Keep stacking.
The Diamond Princess cruise ship is reporting more cases. Their current total is 136. The new cases and two new cases in Singapore are not yet reflected in the online tracker map.
I looked at the time series data behind the tracker to confirm something, and found a gap. They are reporting the cruise ship as “Other” to appease Japan, who doesn’t want the foreign devils added to the Japanese totals. So their timeline starts with 61. Without digging through all the articles, the cruise ship is providing an classic example of disease spread. 10 becomes 20, 20 becomes 40, then 60, and now 136. The last doubling was in 3 days.
Granted that this is a cruise ship and disease goes through one like a wildfire, those numbers don’t look good. They show transmissibility, and a growth rate that should be terrifying for any environment similar to cruise ships in terms of population density and exposure. It also suggests the virus is airborne as they passengers have been physically isolated.
None of this is good news.
Hey, anyone recognize this vehicle? Think we have anything like it? Why do they?
Why so many in stock?
What do they hope to accomplish, and by what mechanism?
My prediction that the cruise ship would be a good experiment is coming true. A real geometric growth pattern rather than the artificial linear pattern reported out of China. 3 day doubling time even though they remove symptomatic people and are keeping others from interacting. Scary stuff. I would like to see the pattern of cabins for the ill people. Do inner cabins with only recirculated air have a higher infection rate?
As for that strange vehicle, reminds me of the truck they used to send around to spray for mosquitoes when I was a kid. Haven’t seen one in years. Maybe it’s spraying Lysol or Listerine?
The truck that fogs our neighborhood for mosquitos is a pickup with a small nozzle that looks like a car exhaust. THAT thing is massive. WTH would you use something like that for?
And what do they hope to accomplish? If it thoroughly coats exterior surfaces, and lingers long enough to act, are people getting the virus from building surfaces and streets? Or is there an animal vector we don’t know about yet they are trying to poison? Who wants to breathe whatever that is anyway?
On my BA flight back from the middle east, the crew fogged the whole plane cabin with a smoke canister. They made a very perfunctory announcement about covering your mouth with a cloth if you were sensitive. NO IDEA what I breathed in that day.
Fogging freeways seems a bit desperate….
Okay, with that infection rate, how effective are N95 masks? Were they given out and *used* on the ship? They don’t protect your eyes. What’s the infection vector?
Hey, anyone recognize this vehicle? Think we have anything like it? Why do they?
Florida cities might. Everything south of Gainesville is swamp. Mosquito control is not a pickup with a teeny nozzle.
If anyone had a spray truck on that scale, it would be Disney.
N95 will stop the airborne droplets but would not stop the actual virus if it was free floating.
Latest articles say virus can be transmitted
-by touching contaminated surfaces and then your face/mouth/eyes
-by airborne droplets (coughing on someone)
-by “aerosolized particles” -whatever that means, I’m hoping the CDC call clears that up
Cruise ship is probably all three, although everyone testing positive now likely got it at the beginning of the cruise, not after the precautions went into effect, based on timeline.
it’s odd that the CDC site isn’t listing a call for today. And they didn’t have one Friday either.
Also, the online tracker map is behind on infected and dead. It has previously been updated within minutes of anything I’ve found online, so that is strange.
almost every single pic is of a pickup truck.
and then there is our winner–
No way a western country would spray anything in that quantity….
And I thought 14 days was oddly specific…
—and what if this is the NORMAL behaviour of the virus, not an exception? IIRC that puts it right up there with measles.
BTW, anyone seen any pix of those ‘shelters’ with all the beds OCCUPIED? I’ve seen them ready for patients, and one showing a small section with comfortable patients reading in bed – but all the beds in the background are empty.
–no news about the suspected case either.
No way a western country would spray anything in that quantity….
Not anymore, but the trucks were serious when I was a kid in (then) rural Pinellas County, FL. Of course, that was 40 years ago.
My parents house, built 100% wood frame at around that time, still stands today thanks to whatever anti-termite site prep chemicals were legal circa 1977 but are not any longer. I don’t think that house could be built the same way now. God only knows what they were spraying from the trucks.
OTOH, the upside of mosquito control Kabuki is that you have a good idea of what the situation will be like where you live in a SHTF scenario after the trucks stop rolling.
From yesterday:
Some actual useful info in this article.
Read it all.
My friends, we are looking at a bioweapon. The only real question is it targeted towards Asians or not ? The latest data appears to say not.
“The deputy director of our department told me one thing, and he cried too. Wuhan 7th Hospital is in a partnership with our hospital, South Central Hospital. The deputy director went there to help in their ICU. He found that two-thirds of the medical staff in the ICU were already infected. Doctors there were running “naked” as they knew they were set to be infected given the shortage of protective gear. They still worked there nonetheless. That was why ICU medical staff were almost all sickened. It is too tough for our doctors and nurses.”
Once the frontline staff all die, society is in bad shape.
BTW, my son is convinced that the Lyme disease that my daughter has is a bioweapon from the Army Bioweapon lab in Connecticut. Or New York State, I am not sure. Over 300,000 new infections per year now and spreading rapidly in the USA. The CDC denies that that the chronic stage exists. But we know different.
My parents house, built 100% wood frame at around that time, still stands today thanks to whatever anti-termite site prep chemicals were legal circa 1977 but are not any longer. I don’t think that house could be built the same way now. God only knows what they were spraying from the trucks.
Chlordane. Good stuff. People used to sprinkle it on the ground before building the pier and beam foundation for a house. Banned for a long time now.
Swan Eaters: Wiggie is going to eat well tonight !
I am fairly sure that a shotgun will not work on a demon. A six inch cannon might irritate him.
“Biden Calls Skeptical New Hampshire Voter ‘a Lying, Dog-Faced Pony Soldier’”
“On Sunday, Joe Biden snapped at a voter in New Hampshire, calling her a “lying, dog-faced pony soldier.””
“The dust-up came after the voter asked Biden, “How do you explain the performance in Iowa and why should the voters believe that you can win a national election?””
Joe, you are a has been. In fact, you never were really a been.
And you are a bully.
Hat tip to:
Mon. Feb. 10, 2010 – and just like that, I’d forgotten to worry about a civil war…
Civil War in China or the USA ???
Joe, you are a has been. In fact, you never were really a been.
Biden missed his moment four years ago, bowing to pressure from the Clintons and whatever they read in his FBI file in 1993.
Now, Plugs is just trying to avoid indictment of his son … and possibly himself. The kid will wear the orange suit sooner or later.
Insect control is definitely less effective than it used to be. My house is 140 years old and has no insect damage. I don’t know if that has to do with treatment back in 1880 or something done in the years since, but it sure has worked. Twice a year I spray around the foundation with Spectracide (NOT diluted according to label) as a prophylactic.
My memory of the mosquito spraying trucks in my youth is probably faulty and they were just bigger in my child mind. I do remember that once they came by there were a lot less mosquitoes in the back yard when the sun went down. Last year the state sprayed my area for mosquitoes by airplane because of several cases of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE). A week later walking in the woods I was swarmed with mosquitoes, so not so effective.
“God and a Glock: Texas churchgoers are training to fight off attackers wielding guns”
“A cottage industry is growing in Texas of security firms that train churchgoers with police-like tactics.”
I never thought I would see something like this.
Hat tip to:
Insect control is definitely less effective than it used to be. My house is 140 years old and has no insect damage. I don’t know if that has to do with treatment back in 1880 or something done in the years since, but it sure has worked. Twice a year I spray around the foundation with Spectracide (NOT diluted according to label) as a prophylactic.
Basically, all current chemicals for insect control have to be water soluble. The first good hard rain, the chemicals are washed away.
Civil war in the US.
Mosquito spraying is the biggest controversy in our HOA meetings.
Biden is a freak. even if harmless, still a freak, and abusive toward women.
headed out to run some errands.
“HAMR don’t hurt ’em—laser-assisted hard drives are coming in 2020”
“Laser-assisted HAMR drives were vapor in 2012—in 2020, they’re a reality.”
80 TB hard drives in the near future. Just don’t look at the laser while it is operating.
Hat tip to:
And abusive and creepy to prepubescent girls.
80 TB hard drives in the near future. Just don’t look at the laser while it is operating.
I’m going to replace the 2 TB WD Black I bought last year for my primary desktop. It has always sounded funny, especially on shutdown, but I started getting serious hesitation for reads under Linux over the weekend.
Spinning platter drives might be getting bigger, but I’m starting to suspect that they aren’t necessarily getting better.
How long does it take to upload 80TB to Backblaze?
SSDs, if you don’t write much.
BTW: I had a good job interview this morning. Fingers crossed.
BTW: I had a good job interview this morning. Fingers crossed.
Good luck !
@Mark W
Good luck. I assume the fingers crossed comment means you would want to work there. I was out of work for 6 months last year (laid off in January) and the most difficult thing was to turn down a job offer because I didn’t want to work at that company.
Sometimes I didn’t get a good vibe from the management, or the commute would suck, or it was just a single project job that would put me back where I was in a few months. When your mind set is “work and support yourself” and someone dangles a job in front of you it is tough to say no. Especially since I bring 90% of the income into the house.
I’m glad I waited for the right one to come along. I’m doing well at this new job (6 months now) and I feel I could stay at this company long term.
“SpaceX will now let you book a rocket launch online starting at $1 million”
I guess I’m not that bright. It seems that if I have wi-fi on my phone turned off, wi-fi should not be using the battery. I think I’m brighter than a Paklet. But I’m not finding the thing I need.
Yet, with half a charge left, wi-fi, turned off in every setting I can find, it has used 8%. Why is something turned off using almost a fifth of my battery charge?
I’ m not interested in using wi-fi. I have 6GB data a month. I don’t want to connect to a wi-fi network I do not control. Although it is interesting to turn wi-fi on to see what is available. “FBI Van #5” and “Trumps Your Daddy” /are/ funny. They all have passwords so forget connecting. Where the network I control is, I’m going to use my hard wired PC with a 24″ screen and not a tiny 5.75″ screen….
I’ve poked around and turned off Background Data for stuff I can’t uninstall and don’t use and for stuff I do, like Calculator and a few more that should not need access to the Internet. But the setting seems to be just for cell data.
And yet.
At a guess, you can’t turn off the wifi because it’s cheaper for the phone company to connect through wifi than through the cellular network.
@paul = should be a ‘battery usage’ thing in the Settings area to see what is using up the battery.
On my LG3, it’s Settings, General, Battery & Power Saving, Battery Usage. Scroll down to see “Battery Use Details”.
On all my flights into New Zealand, they always fogged the cabin after landing. They claim its to kill some form of worm or infection that would devastate their Woodlands. Our wooden furniture and picture frames were kept an extra two weeks for disinfection treatment. They take this seriously.
Back home. I see the numbers have increased during the day.
Now more than 1000 acknowledged deaths. Probably just like the flu….
Re: Insect Control
I have fond memories of playing with my brother in the thick fog produced by our father’s DDT fogger as he eradicated skeeters and ticks from our farm. We would run in and out of the fog playing tag in the thick smoke. This was in the late 50s and I can still recall the smell of DDT.
I guess I’m not that bright. It seems that if I have wi-fi on my phone turned off, wi-fi should not be using the battery. I think I’m brighter than a Paklet. But I’m not finding the thing I need.
Yet, with half a charge left, wi-fi, turned off in every setting I can find, it has used 8%. Why is something turned off using almost a fifth of my battery charge?
Have you checked the Location settings? The most accurate (well, according to Android at least) uses GPS, cell towers, and Wifi to determine current location. It is the default setting on a lot of phones.
Stock Android constantly feeds your location back to Google for advertising purposes.
My Concealed Carry instructor in Memphis last year had special courses specifically for armed Church Security. The Mississippi enhanced concealed carry card is required for carrying in a church. The instructor was a Federal Marshal.
The “Civilian response to active shooters” events I’ve been to have all been heavy with church security folks. In TX you have to be VERY careful not to call yourself ‘security’ if you are not actually licensed security staff. It’s a big deal and they go after it.
We moved out of the old house into the new used house last Thursday. 200 freaking boxes. Maybe 50 are unpacked so far. I spent four hours looking for my keyboard and cables Saturday night for my home pc. Found a lot of other stuff. My keyboard and cables box was in the garage, the last place I checked. As usual.
Saturday, a neighbor at the old house called me and asked if we were going to sell the house. I said yes once we got it painted and re-carpeted and a few other things fixed. She asked if a friend of hers a couple of blocks away can call me about the house.
Next the neighbors friend’s realtor calls me. She wants to know if they can see the house. They are desperately looking for a large one story with our elementary school since they are renting a house in the neighborhood until March. I said yes after church Sunday. So I met them over at the old house at 2pm Sunday where they showed up with their realtor. They cruised through the house several times. They appeared to like it, the realtor loves the large game room with the attached bath and utility room behind the master as the perfect home office. I made a nuisance of myself and told them a lot of history behind the house. The realtor told me that ours is the largest one story at 3,385 ft2 and in the best shape.
Their realtor offered to handle both sides of the transaction for me for the 3% buyer fee which I am ok with. I quoted them a price and said I would knock $20K off for the carpet and paint.
So I am waiting on the written offer in a holding pattern. I had the painter fix several items today which he breezed through in a couple of hours. Those jobs would have taken me 3 or 4 days to finish ! The painter wants to know if he comes back tomorrow to start painting. I do not know yet and I do not want to let him go yet. He told me the other day that he is not busy right now which surprised me, he is pretty good and a good price.
If they offer me a lowball price then I am painting, recarpeting, and listing for sale. The wife and her mother went through the house this morning while I was talking with the painter.
Was Slack expecting an IBM buyout? I’m not hip, but I’ve never understood how Slack was any different than other IM platforms.
We switched to Teams at work because, from what I understand, Slack considers any messages sent across the system to be their property, and getting a court-admissable message history for a user requires a search warrant.
If they offer me a lowball price then I am painting, recarpeting, and listing for sale. The wife and her mother went through the house this morning while I was talking with the painter.
What do you expect from the appraisal number?
That’s what I’d be concerned about by sharing a realtor. When we bought our house five years ago, the appraisal rules were tough in TX, but I understand things are a lot more relaxed now.
Sad news. We saw Huey twice in Portland. Believe it or not, he’s huge there.
On the plus side — new album! Even it is abbreviated.
I’ll separate the music from the politics. Huey never talks about anything but music, the crew, and the band in concert.
What do you expect from the appraisal number?
That’s what I’d be concerned about by sharing a realtor. When we bought our house five years ago, the appraisal rules were tough in TX, but I understand things are a lot more relaxed now.
Tough to tell. I have never had a house appraise for less than the selling amount on either side of the transaction.
I quoted them $136/ft2. I knocked off $6/ft2 for carpet and paint so my asking is $130/ft2. I am not sure what my low price is. Houses in the neighborhood seem to be asking $120 to $130/ft2. And all of a sudden half of the houses in my subdivision just sold. There are zero homes for sale in my neighborhood which is the middle high of houses.
We moved house at Christmas time, hundreds of boxes. To date, we have opened maybe 30 boxes, those with absolutely required stuff. Between carrying for my sick wife and getting my feet on the ground with my new businesses, I just don’t have the time or energy. Our constant reply to “where is x” is “it’s in a box somewhere “.
And now I am wondering what to do with hundreds of empty boxes.
Sad news. We saw Huey twice in Portland. Believe it or not, he’s huge there.
On the plus side — new album!
Wow, I’ve got a close friend who was diagnosed with Menieres disease six months ago. He started throwing up every day and feeling horrible. And then he lost 90% of the hearing in his left ear and 50% in the right. He dropped salt out of his diet and has lost 43 lbs and stopped throwing up. He has a $5,000 set of hearing aids from a local audiologist (these work better than Costco’s that he tried for two weeks). In actuality, he can’t hear worth a crap anymore when we go out to eat in noisy restaurants once a week.
“Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!”
Short answer, it isn’t. It was just the Cool Kid flavor of the week for a while.
Their paid plans allegedly don’t do that, similar to gmail. I’m not sure I trust that. I’m not sure my employer’s CEO or president or whatever he is, or our new corporate owners, believe it either, because after we switched to the paid plan he spent a fair amount of time fiddling with regular expressions to delete messages which contained anything that looked like it might be protected health information.
(Why he, a somewhat vaguely tech-savvy business and public health type, was screwing with the regular expressions instead of, say, me, a software engineer with almost thirty years’ programming experience and who happens to be really good with regular expressions, is a question for another time.)
And now I am wondering what to do with hundreds of empty boxes.
I am going to recycle the taped boxes (about 70) gradually. I am going to stash the lock bottom boxes (about 130) back to the bug out location unless they are in bad shape.
Offer them to a child foster service, whatever they’re called. Probably a county agency. The kids often go from place to place with their stuff in plastic trash bags.
(Why he, a somewhat vaguely tech-savvy business and public health type, was screwing with the regular expressions instead of, say, me, a software engineer with almost thirty years’ programming experience and who happens to be really good with regular expressions, is a question for another time.)
Legal requirements. Arguably, the employees had a reasonable expectation of privacy on Slack, and the restrictions get much tougher in the 9th Circuit’s jurisdiction. I imagine it is much like how only a supervisor is legally allowed to clean out an employee’s desk.
Of course, that rule is frequently violated.
No, I don’t think that’s it, Greg. The rules and regular expressions were of the form “if the string ‘PatientID’ appears in the message, delete the message and log the occurrence”. Most of the messages are in chatrooms as people hash out where to find data, SQL queries to pull what’s needed, validation problems, or whatever. Whoever writes the rules is probably able to see the problematic messages anyway (or would be, if they weren’t getting deleted) and certainly would be able to see enough that the rules could be developed and then tuned over a couple days. Having an experienced developer do this would be an improvement over trashing most of the conversations for several days because the rules were that badly over-reaching.
Hey, 2020 is a Leap Year ! I get to work my workers another day for free this year since I pay on the 15th and last days of the month.
Oh wait, Feb 29, 2020 is a Saturday. Darn it !
@steve, once he worked out the scripts on company data, he ran them against his personal sexting….
@lynn, sounds like you are making good progress. You can put boxes up for free on craigslist or FB neighborhood group, just list them as a pile by the curb… or do what steve said. I always look out for boxes on the curb to use for shipping. Freaking boxes are $3-5 each for good size heavy boxes. I’ve got all my bankers boxes in storage. From 1990, 2001, again in 2003. I’ve got the original packing for my expensive stuff too up in the attic. Boxes are always in demand.
43K infected at MINIMUM.
–felt warm so just checked, the fan coil is completely frozen over. I’ve switched off the cold and an running the fan to melt it clear. SO FREAKING HUMID.
In Orange Texas for the night. The construction on I-10 through Orange is a mess. Driving back from Lake Charles after having dinner with the nephew encountered a particularly dangerous portion of the interstate. It was dark. The right hand lane marker is ALWAYS a solid white line. Not in this section. Striped just like the regular part of the interstate. Dashed white line, reflectors, thus making the shoulder look like a lane. Changed lanes. Nope. Wrong. It is the shoulder.
Managed to run off the shoulder and bounce around some before recovering and getting back on the paved part. Scary while doing 60 mph. No damage except to my underwear which are now permanently stained. Rectal orifice may not un-pucker for several days. Wife’s finger imprints are now forever impressed in the dash. Lot of mud on the vehicle. Closest vehicle wash to the hotel is a truck wash. Paid them $30.00 to get all the mud off and wash the undercarriage.
Wow Ray, good recovery! That’s terrifying. I once woke up in the passenger seat as we had cones flying up over the hood and past my face until the driver got back in the lane…. hellofa way to wake up.
VERY glad you’re here to tell the tale.
The dashcam that I recently put on my van has much better night vision than I do. It has a large screen, slightly bigger than the interior rear-view mirror, so if I want I can watch it when I’m driving in the dark and get a better-than-eyeball view of the road. If you do this, practice driving while looking at the screen rather than out through the window, as you’ll find that your decades-honed hand-eye coordination is wrong.
Well, they lowballed me at $114/ft2. I knew that they were going to, I had the feeling.
I just got a crazy low offer on my N95 masks I have listed. Basically, original store MSRP. NO NO NO and more NO.
Doncha know there’s a pandemic going on?
Freaking chinese are everywhere…
source https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-7989071/Coronavirus-death-toll-surpasses-1-000-100-people-died-China-one-day.html
No where is safe.
San Diego gets case number 13 in the US.
One of the evacuees, tested negative Sunday, tested positive on Monday.
UCSD in Hillcrest is in the middle of town. Jeez.
I hope they do better there than the chinese Drs.
Aesop has a few things to say about chinese supply chain and our ability to treat patients…
And this in the comments–
–I told my BIL the Dr to lock up his stocks. I didn’t hear back but I hope he takes my advice.
Those large fogger trucks were used in the Florida orange groves when we lived there in 1971. This was inland of Ft. Lauderdale, near the Everglades. The fog unit was at least as big as in the referenced video, but the tank was smaller. The truck was a 20+ foot flatbed. The whole rig looked as if it had been built locally. They sprayed the groves at least once a week, and often twice. We noticed that the bugs were less than places farther from the groves. Our home was about 200 yards from the border of a grove.
I have no idea what they were spraying, but doubt it was for mosquitoes. I don’t remember any odor. When I was a kid in Michigan, aircraft were used to spray our neighborhood and part of the nearby lake. The spray was said to be kerosene based, and smelled like it. It made a mess of wax on a car if it was parked outside. Mosquitoes seemed to like it.
felt warm so just checked, the fan coil is completely frozen over. I’ve switched off the cold and an running the fan to melt it clear. SO FREAKING HUMID.
You need more freon.
Arrrrg, the kind of freon we use is really expensive. Last time we needed a top off, the guy said they were trying to drive the old systems off line.
It’s been on the list for a while, never wanted to get it done.
I have no idea what they were spraying, but doubt it was for mosquitoes. I don’t remember any odor. When I was a kid in Michigan, aircraft were used to spray our neighborhood and part of the nearby lake. The spray was said to be kerosene based, and smelled like it. It made a mess of wax on a car if it was parked outside. Mosquitoes seemed to like it.
Fruit flies. People get stupid about their trees in residential neighborhoods. These days, greening is a non-stop problem that never seems to be eradicated.
“felt warm so just checked, the fan coil is completely frozen over. I’ve switched off the cold and an running the fan to melt it clear. SO FREAKING HUMID.”
You need more freon.
They just lowered the boom on HCFC-22 on 1/1.
The outside temp must be 50s-ish. I have our old unit set to not switch to cooling automatically since it isn’t smart enough to cut off when outside is cold, and the compressors shouldn’t run below a certain temp.
Patent expired a couple years ago.
Last time the tech added refrigerant, he gave us the heads up that the price would double or triple. We’ve known the system was due for replacement for years but have been getting by. Deferred maintenance – I’ve got it.
Last time the tech added refrigerant, he gave us the heads up that the price would double or triple. We’ve known the system was due for replacement for years but have been getting by. Deferred maintenance – I’ve got it.
According to the tech we had in last week, if necessary, they can replace the refrigerant in the old units with something less efficient, but your power bill will probably go up.
The tech was really pushy about replacement with a unit requiring a communicating thermostat. I swear Oncor spiffs these guys to get the WiFi capable thermostats into the houses. That will bite us one day I’m sure.
Nothing shows up as using wi-fi. Settings are about in the same place on my LG V20 running whatever Android 8.0 is called.
This may be the cure. There is a setting to allow wi-fi scanning even when wi-fi is off. Seems a bit hidden.
Lock screen & security
And there it is, wi-fi scanning. Hopefully the only sooper seekrit power switch.
As for apps needing Location, Maps, yes. Camera? Perhaps useful. Frost and Bank of America? Why? Now off. There are a couple of Verizon apps that warned turning location off could break something. I guess I’ll see what breaks.
Thanks for the tips.
True. I suppose I could “forget” my wi-fi spot.