Sun. Jan. 19, 2020 – family home later

By on January 19th, 2020 in Random Stuff

Cooler and damp.

Yesterday the sun eventually came out, leading to a fairly nice early evening. I got my Jack in the Box dinner, and then fell asleep in my office chair. Wild women and parties, indeed.

From the news–

-I hope this isn’t a surprise to anyone here:

EXCLUSIVE: Secret document that PROVES Iran was building a nuclear weapon as far back as 2002 – even while they claimed the technology was only for peaceful purposes

The document was seized as part of a raid by Israeli intelligence agents on a compound in Tehran in 2018
It is from an Iranian official requesting the parameters of a warhead fitted on a missile in November 2002
Scribbled in the top left corner is a note from regime’s nuclear chief Moshen Fakhrizadeh, who signs off plans
Document forms the centrepiece of an as-yet unreleased report highlighting Iran’s ‘clandestine’ nuclear

–you know, or it could be a brilliant forgery designed to lead us by the nose. Since it’s opposite what BHO pushed, I’m inclined to go with “truth”.

-OR this, again, no one paying attention here should be surprised:

Hundreds of law enforcement agencies are using a new facial recognition app that can reveal names and addresses of unknown individuals by comparing them to THREE BILLION images scraped from the internet

More than 600 police departments are said to be using the Clearview AI app
The app reportedly uses facial recognition AI to match uploaded photos to the three billion images it has in its database
The database contains images gathered from all over the internet and can include identifying details, such as names and addresses
Police have said that they were able to solve cases by using Clearview AI

–the ability to remain anonymous is going to become the new status symbol of the truly powerful.

–I’m pretty sure that NO ONE at the Virginia demonstration will remain anonymous. Someone has to do it, but I’m not going.


I better get the house cleaned up before everyone gets home!


20 Comments and discussion on "Sun. Jan. 19, 2020 – family home later"

  1. Greg Norton says:

    –the ability to remain anonymous is going to become the new status symbol of the truly powerful.

    You assume that the cameras always work and, when they fail, they are replaced right away. Our customers, mostly public sector, make the effort, but our installations generate huge guaranteed cash flows every weekday without a lot of messy “due process”. General law enforcement doesn’t have the same guarantee of return on the investment, and, for now, most of the public are not considered criminals.

    Also, Clearview AI is still privately held so I’d take it with a grain of salt.

    We had some scary-sounding tech along those lines in development in a skunk work facility away from our usual development shop. The lead sold management the future based on a reasonable extrapolation from the current bleeding edge, but it turns out he may have been full of gas, uninterested in continuing to work on our bread-n-butter projects and under orders from home to stop traveling. Management put a *lot* of money into the effort where general statistics crunching may have yielded similar results just for the cost of some database queries.

    And they said that hiring me given my employment gap was “a risk”.

  2. Greg Norton says:

    I’ve come to believe that the idea for this stunt originated at the Charles level if not the very top of the family. The Windsors may think they have an opportunity for real power in the White House in 40 years if they groom the kid properly and get the right ghostwriter for the inevitable life story book … like Obama!

    I also believe that the prospect of Charles on the throne horrifies the Queen to the point that she will cling to power and life as long as possible.

  3. ITGuy1998 says:

    Even if they have that much foresight, are any of the younger royals capable of executing that plan?

    I think it’s the classic “guy gets brainwashed by a manipulative woman” scenario.

    I predict that she divorces him in 5 years when she’s gained enough money and power.

  4. Nick Flandrey says:

    “I predict that she divorces him in 5 years when she’s gained enough money and power. ”

    –that is my opinion too, based on some of the early reporting, the family situation, and my general dislike for majority of humanity. I’ve got no insight though, and no exposure but thru the corrupt media.

    –history shows that commoners do not do well in the laser spotlight of the royal family though.


  5. Greg Norton says:

    Even if they have that much foresight, are any of the younger royals capable of executing that plan?

    Probably not, but the Windsors have advisors who are obviously much smarter than the family.

  6. Nick Flandrey says:

    Family home safe, only one girl left to return to her parents.

    This caught my eye.

    –she left off the most important one- be 24 and don’t have babies.


  7. mediumwave says:

    –she left off the most important one- be 24 and don’t have babies.

    She looks kinda scrawny–but that’s prob’ly just me. 😉

  8. Nick Flandrey says:

    [comment deleted by author]


    Louis Prima, Closer to the Bone.

  9. JimB says:

    Hey Lynn, what about the coal we used to burn in the 1950s in SE Michigan? I don’t know where it came from, but it didn’t seem to produce enough acid to corrode steel. It came in shiny chunks, probably about 2″ in size. It was pretty dense, but was easy to shovel. One year, my dad ordered “package coal,” which was (apparently) cut pieces wrapped in paper. After that, he went back to the shovel stuff. I think the package coal was supposed to make a fire last longer, but regular stuff only required tending twice a day in a good furnace. It was amazing how little ash was produced.

    Our furnace was the octopus type in the basement. The name is descriptive. These had large ducts to each room, with an even larger central return duct. Air flow was by convection. Don’t know the brand; there were many. The house was very comfortable, and I remember being sensitive to cold, as I still am. The system was silent, and the heat even. I sometimes wonder if the furnace design was the reason many houses were almost square. A later refinement converted the furnace to a boiler, with radiators in each room, allowing the house to be of any shape and still have heat in all rooms.

  10. JimB says:

    That Louis Prima thing reminded me of something from about the same era:
    Singing, dancing, Jokes, musical depreciation, and a guest appearance by Jim Backus. Watch it all the way through, even though you aren’t a fan of the host. Notice the talent that was expected of all performers back then.

    I found a DVD set in a thrift store of the original Red Skelton TV show. One of the episodes had Martha Raye, who sang and danced. Don’t think she did any comedy sketches. Again, talent was just expected of performers back then.

    OK, modern performers are good, too.

  11. lynn says:

    Hey Lynn, what about the coal we used to burn in the 1950s in SE Michigan? I don’t know where it came from, but it didn’t seem to produce enough acid to corrode steel. It came in shiny chunks, probably about 2″ in size. It was pretty dense, but was easy to shovel. One year, my dad ordered “package coal,” which was (apparently) cut pieces wrapped in paper. After that, he went back to the shovel stuff. I think the package coal was supposed to make a fire last longer, but regular stuff only required tending twice a day in a good furnace. It was amazing how little ash was produced.

    That was probably anthracite coal from Pennsylania or Canada.

    That is the good stuff:
    Anthracite Coal – 12,000 btu/lb
    Western (Wyoming) Coal – 9,000 btu/lb
    Texas Coal (Lignite) – 6,000 btu/lb

    Anthracite coal is also mixed with iron, nickel, chrome, and other goodies to make steel.

  12. lynn says:

    “Regional Forest Manager: Politicians are Using Climate Change to Deflect Blame for Bushfires”

    “According to a former regional forest manager with over 60 years experience managing bushfires, government incompetence, fuel load and local green activists are responsible for Australia’s 2020 bushfire disaster, not climate change.”

    I am shocked ! Not.

  13. SteveF says:

    Don’t forget the arsonists, Lynn. Imagine the dismayed faces of the Climate Change True Believers when dozens of arsonists — not one of whom was of either abo or English heritage — were arrested.

  14. paul says:

    But they were pieceful, right?

  15. Nick Flandrey says:

    Oh my, the VJ on XM33, New Wave, forget his name, was using his show to slam “a concerted propaganda effort” by “climate deniers” to falsely claim the fire were started by arson. Several very carefully worded sentences followed that suggested that NO fires were started by arson. In actuality, there were arson fires. Just not the big ones at the beginning, those were lightning strikes.

    I ask the question, when I get flak that man caused the fires- who would be putting them OUT if not for man?


  16. Nick Flandrey says:

    BTW, love me some Spike Jones. I’ve got several collections of his music. You can fit a lot of songs on a double CD….

  17. Nick Flandrey says:

    Wait, what? I thought PR said we weren’t sending them enough aid?

    Desperate Puerto Ricans break into warehouse full of Hurricane Maria disaster supplies from 2017 after discovering it during earthquake damage checks as emergency director is fired

    People in the southern city of Ponce, Puerto Rico, discovered a warehouse filled with water, cots and other unused emergency supplies unused since 2017
    Locals broke in to retrieve goods as they struggle following a huge earthquake but police evacuated them
    Food, diapers and medicine were discovered during checks for damage from the 6.4 magnitude earthquake on January 7

    –oh right, they lied and stole what should have been shared.

  18. Greg Norton says:

    BTW, love me some Spike Jones. I’ve got several collections of his music. You can fit a lot of songs on a double CD….

    Don’t forget Tom Lehrer.

    When “For All Mankind” dispatches the Evil White European Male (TM) who designed the Saturn V in the second episode — out of ten — about three years before Werner Von Braun actually left NASA, the writers insert the obligatory Lehrer concert footage. I don’t think the clip works nearly as well at being the exclamatory punctuation mark intended as it does promo for Rhino’s Lehrer re-issues.

    I already had the re-issue CD, but the new new re-release includes a DVD. Hmmm …

    Contrary to urban legend, Von Braun did not put Lehrer out of the music business with a libel lawsuit. And Henry Kissinger receiving the Nobel Peace Prize had nothing to do with his decision to retire. Lehrer simply got bored and disgusted with hippies, despite sharing many of their ideals.

    You may or may not want your kids exposed to Lehrer while young. Dr. Paul Bearer lip syncing “Poisoning Pigeons in the Park” was an annual Tampa Bay TV tradition during my formative years.

    I don’t think “Take Me Back To Dixie” could be performed in public today.

  19. MrAtoz says:

    –oh right, they lied and stole what should have been shared

    I shared that link with a PR never_tRumper several days ago. Haven’t heard back from her yet. Wonder why?

  20. SteveF says:

    You probably killed her, MrAtoz. Facts are to libtards as sunlight is to vampires.

    … I joke, of course. Libtards are immune to facts. “La la la, I can’t hear you!”, running away and later claiming victory in the debate, and deny-deny-deny-you’re-a-racist-deny-deny are impenetrable armor.

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