Sun. Nov. 3, 2019 – sleeping in today, then work work work

By on November 3rd, 2019 in Random Stuff

Middling cool, and less than saturated. I hope. [nope, 40F and 99%RH at 8am]

I’m trying to sleep in today. I’ve been borderline sick the last three or four days, and sleep will help. I’ve been drinking Airborne ™ which I find does decrease the severity and length of a cold. I don’t really care what the mechanism is, it works for me.

Lotta unrest in the world as things shake up and change. Lotta unhappy people. This is not the time to be picking curtains for the cabins on the Titanic, or arguing over who gets to rearrange the deck chairs. The right side of the blogosphere is suddenly focused on minutia and seems to be losing sight of the big picture.

This is a time of great change. When it’s done, the world is likely to look as different as it did after WWII. I can’t make a prediction about who will be ascendant, but it looks like we’ll be the remnants of the British Empire. Still not a bad place to live, but not the place it once was. We could pull our heads out and have a second renaissance, but it would take some seriously bad stuff happening, and a LOT of deadwood clearing to make way for that. Not something any of us are particularly likely to live through individually. Without a new frontier as a safety valve for the malcontents, that energy gets turned inward and destroys rather than builds.

Something to think about, what does 10 years from now look like, without a cataclysm? Compare our 3 biggest cities of today with 10 years ago. Or 20. Now accelerate all the trends, because things are speeding up. Not a pretty picture. Do the same for Venezuela, Chile, Germany, France, or London. Do it for Iran, before and after the rise of the Ayatollahs. All of those places had sudden violent and dramatic change. What makes us immune?

Stack it high.


49 Comments and discussion on "Sun. Nov. 3, 2019 – sleeping in today, then work work work"

  1. Nick Flandrey says:

    speaking of batteries… I finally found what was beeping in my house. The AED in the bathroom cabinet is beeping. Time for a new battery I guess. It seems short, but I bought it when my dad was still with us, and he’s been gone over a year. I think the battery life is 2-3 years on them. In any case, I’ll be ordering a new battery, and electrodes if they are expired too.


  2. lynn says:

    Did you “fall back” last night ? I woke up at 4 am and remembered to reset the alarm clock. I went back to sleep after a while.

    I vote that we “fall back” twice a year. Forget this “spring forward” thing.

    Or drop the entire Daylight Savings Time mess. It does not make sense for modern society.

  3. Nick Flandrey says:

    So, who to believe?


    “Trump is BOOED at Madison Square Garden MMA event – days after he officially left New York to become resident of Florida

    Donald Trump was met by booing, as well as cheers, by UFC fans as he arrived Madison Square Garden flanked for a mixed martial arts title fight on Saturday night “


    “about 150 protesters” and look at the coverage they get….


  4. Nick Flandrey says:

    ” It does not make sense for modern society.”

    –you don’t have kids in school anymore. As long as we are still starting school just after the ass-crack of dawn, I’d prefer to do it in daylight. Safer for all involved.

    I remember as a kid leaving the house in darkness, and returning in the dark during winter.

    I’ve lived in AZ where it doesn’t change, and that is a pain when dealing with people in other time zones. Is LA one hour behind or the same this month?

    Generally, if you are outdoors or have to be somewhere in the morning, I think it’s worth doing.


  5. lynn says:

    Speaking of prepping, we are going to have Thanksgiving at our house this year. My middle brother’s daughter is doing the semester abroad in Switzerland so they are joining her for T day. So Mom and Dad and my youngest brother are going to come here.

    Mom is doing better, way better. The fourth surgery on the hip with the third implant was the charm. It is titanium, my theory is that she is allergic to the first hip implant (stainless). Dad’s theory is that the first hip implant was misaligned since she was in pain from day one. The third implant was no pain 24 hours after the surgery. The second hip implant was a plastic spacer with antibiotics infused in it to stop the infections.

    Anyway, our home is in no way ADA safe as Mom is using a walker and wheelchair combo to get around. Hopefully, things work out. We do have the tall toilet in the middle bathroom that I put in two years ago for her though.

  6. lynn says:

    –you don’t have kids in school anymore. As long as we are still starting school just after the ass-crack of dawn, I’d prefer to do it in daylight. Safer for all involved.

    True dat. Nor do I have any grandkids in school.

    The elementary schools out here in the sticks start classes at 730 am. The high schools start at 800 am. Not sure about the middle schools.

    Most mom and dads out here both work so the elementary schools are actually daycare. They all have after school programs for the kids until 6pm or so.

  7. Nick Flandrey says:

    They start a little bit earlier than that here inside the beltway…


  8. Greg Norton says:

    Or drop the entire Daylight Savings Time mess. It does not make sense for modern society.

    Unless you live north of the 45th parallel or in Florida, which wants to move forward one hour from Eastern Time year round.

    When you run a beach bar on the east shore of the Gulf looking west, 5-5:30 is an awful sunset time for business.

  9. mediumwave says:

    So, who to believe?

    I wouldn’t call that “massively booed”… but then to tell you the truth, I don’t know what UFC even is.:

    I hear lots of loud crowd noise, then a guy clearly booing. A guy who happens to be near the camera. And who would expect that a group that big — a group that didn’t assemble for the purpose of rallying for Trump — not to include some Trump antagonists? What’s nice is that Trump is willing to go to such a place and be seen. He’s not cocooning with supporters.

    The President of the United States enjoys getting called “a bad motherfucker.”

  10. DadCooks says:

    Standard Time should be the real-time, period. If you look at where the Sun is, it is directly overhead for most of the time zones and we have equal amounts of daylight before and after noon. Now the Libs and other whack-a-does want and think DST gives us more hours of daylight. Get a clue, folks. Shifting times cause morning and evening commute problems twice a year as well as messing with our human circadian rhythm. At least the animals know what is right.

    So why doesn’t Congress do something profound and beneficial and get rid of Daylight no-Saving Time permanently? Because they cater to the ill-informed and blind followers.

    That’s my rant for today and I’ll stand by it and repeat when again the Oligarchs demand we “fall back”. I come from an ancestry of farmers and the clock does not mean a thing. It’s all about the Sun and we ain’t gonna change it.

  11. Alan says:

    (From a few days ago…)
    Spent the morning doing ebay listing and craigslist stuff, so I got at least a little work done.

    Nick, do you still find Craigslist useful? Their ‘for sale’ listings seem to be cluttered with a lot of junk that should be on the curb with a “Free” sign on it, yard sale leftovers and dealers.

  12. Nick Flandrey says:

    @alan, I have some listing currently and have had good luck with CL in the past. NO responses at all to my current listings though. The buyers on CL are flakes. I no longer arrange my time around them. If they actually show up when promised, I can get to them in less than half an hour. There are some things that aren’t safe to sell on CL either, like phones or computers. I use it for items that would be hard to ship.

    My wife says all the buying action has moved onto facebook groups. I actually give her stuff to list on her neighborhood groups when it makes sense. They are usually low cost “household” items or kid stuff. The ladies have organized quite a marketplace and they enforce the rules on their local groups. Porch pickup is common, with money left under the mat.

    So the short answer is, I’m still listing on CL, although it has been months since my last listing. I am a bit surprised that I haven’t even gotten much spam from the listings. I’ve got another item that always sells well to list and we’ll make a judgement after that.

    I REALLY don’t want to be on FB.


  13. lynn says:

    “Saudi Arabia Launches Its Long-Awaited IPO Of Aramco”

    I am going to just say no. One revolution and Saudi Aramco is nationalized by the new revolutionary council of post-Saudi Arabia as soon as they finish executing the 8,000 members of the royal family.

  14. JimM says:

    The problem with daylight saving changes is that there is no need for the government to be diddling with the clock. People can make their schedules as they like. The idea that the sun has to be overhead at noon isn’t useful. If people or organisations want their activities to be synchronized with the sun, they should be adjusting their schedule a half dozen times per year, not just twice. We have many retail businesses that change their hours according to the season. It doesn’t seem to be a problem for their customers.

  15. Nick Flandrey says:

    It’s more about light and dark at the start of the day than the sun at noon.


    –all part of the war effort, don’tcha know

  16. Alan says:

    (From Friday…)

    Only issue is the cost. My aids would have bee $7,000 retail. I suppose they could be found cheaper, Costco comes to mind, but I would wager still above $5K. NFW they should cost that much except they are prescription and the makers can charge what they want.

    Things will be changing…
    One of the early disrupters…
    And as Ray mentioned, Costco and Walmart (via Sams Club) are also in the mix.

  17. ech says:

    Nick, besides FB, check out NextDoor – I sold some stuff via that.

  18. DadCooks says:

    I don’t think some of you folks properly understand my “Sun overhead at noon” statement. I feel that shift to give us more “daylight” in the morning or the evening is folly. Keep the “daylight” centered on the clock so we have consistent morning and evenings.

    So I am sure some of you still don’t understand. Okay. The real issue is to stop the gooberment from constantly finding ways to micromanage our lives and using fallacy to justify it. Most people do not understand why we have time zones in the first place. Here is a good explanation: Why Do We Have Time Zones?

  19. Nick Flandrey says:

    The REAL reason involves the Illuminati, the Freemasons, an international convocation of secret societies, and an ancient powerful device kept in trust for humanity by the Knights Templar.

    I could tell you more, but that’s already too much. One day Ben Franklin will reveal to us all the hidden truth…


  20. Greg Norton says:

    I could tell you more, but that’s already too much. One day Ben Franklin will reveal to us all the hidden truth…

    That was a “Sleepy Hollow” story arc.

  21. Nick Flandrey says:

    I can’t find the quote, so this will have to do.

    One can neither save time, nor make time. Everyone has exactly the same amount of time in a day. What matters is how you use it.


    and DadCooks is not alone!

  22. Nick Flandrey says:

    If shipping is down, rail freight is down, orders for big trucks are down, and retail is going bankrupt and closing stores at record rates, what is really happening in the economy?

    -things are much worse than we’re being led to believe…

    -or the economy is shifting away from consuming physical goods in a MAJOR way.

    -or maybe both?

    Anyone see any evidence of the end of consumerism?


  23. SteveF says:

    I don’t think some of you folks properly understand

    I’m triggered by your assertion! #LiterallyShaking

  24. SteveF says:

    Anyone see any evidence of the end of consumerism?

    Perhaps the end of the ability to indulge the desired consumerism? Maxed-out credit cards and a mountain of other debt, but still the desire to spend spend spend?

  25. Nick Flandrey says:

    And for anyone who thinks we’re smarter than people in the “olden days”, Seneca has some interesting things to say about time, and using it…

    “ …hold every hour in your grasp. Lay hold of today’s task, and you will not need to depend so much upon tomorrow’s. While we are postponing, life speeds by.”

    — Seneca

  26. Greg Norton says:

    Anyone see any evidence of the end of consumerism?

    I’ve noted that the cars rolling up from Mexico to shop at the Austin outlets on holiday weekends are starting to look different than what gets sold in the US.

    We’re headed to a future of automated EV equivalents of Trabants while the quality cars go elsewhere. The US isn’t even close to a free market when it comes to automobiles anymore.

  27. Nick Flandrey says:

    The free market in automobiles wouldn’t produce a quality car. They produced a car that would maximize their profits, falling apart so you’d buy a new one, see also ‘planned obsolescence’. The Japanese (using american tech and ideas) showed how to build quality at an affordable price.

    I agree that we don’t have a free market, and we might get something better if allowed to experiment. We’d also get a lot worse, which I’m fine with, if there was objective disclosure of the differences so you could pick between the indian import Tata for $10k and the domestic luxomatic for $100k. The problem would be paying luxomatic prices and getting a very glossy Kia that killed the occupants when bumped in a parking lot….


  28. DadCooks says:

    Looks like I ruffled some feathers today.

    I value every minute as my time is running out and so is everyones. We don’t know when but it will so make the most of what you’ve got as tomorrow is not guaranteed. It’s too bad some folks fight real science and the truly natural world/universe with an opinion (which everyone is entitled to) rather than fact. You can have your own opinion but you cannot have your own facts. Oh, wait, we are living in a fairy tale time when whatever you say is right unless you are really on the Right and challenge the facts (false) and opinions of the (insert your favorite label here). But be careful, I got stern admonition and a threat from FacePlant when I referred to the false narrative of Democrats, ANTIFA, SJW, Snowflakes, and (insert your favorite label here).

  29. Nick Flandrey says:

    Life’s too short to argue on FB….


  30. Nick Flandrey says:

    “the end of the ability to indulge”

    That may be the real world cause of the decreases, since I see an increase in the culture of envy which would seem to lead to an INCREASE in consumerism….

    I suspect that a.) we are being lied to about the state of the economy, B.)any decreases are a symptom rather than a cause, c.) it’s gonna get worse before it gets better.


  31. Nick Flandrey says:

    From the files of Captain Obvious,

    Hmm, keep smashing things with your head and it will cause injury to the brain?? How could anyone have known?

    And this, “can’t stop the signal Mal…. ”

  32. Greg Norton says:

    I suspect that a.) we are being lied to about the state of the economy, B.)any decreases are a symptom rather than a cause, c.) it’s gonna get worse before it gets better.

    I’ve definitely seen (a) over what was supposed to have been the “recovery”. The only calls I get about jobs lately are either lousy jobs (unlimited time off — dead giveaway) or HR departments looking to get an interview with me to fill an old white guy quota.

    My current job was a step up from CGI, but they’ve always been clear that I’m not part of the future with them. It is a two way street.

    I would have walked away from CGI at the year mark and called it a career if the current job hadn’t come along. I was definitely set up to fill a quota and then fail at the last job while the company collected checks from city, county, state, and Federal incentives to cover my salary.

  33. Nick Flandrey says:

    “or HR departments looking to get an interview with me to fill an old white guy quota. ”

    you had me excited for a moment there, I though “We get a quota!!!???!.” Then I realized the quota was for interviews, not jobs. Gotta do their due diligence don’t they?


  34. mediumwave says:

    I would have walked away from CGI at the year mark and called it a career if the current job hadn’t come along. I was definitely set up to fill a quota and then fail at CGI. ?

  35. Marcelo says:

    Next time you have rats lurking at your place just take them for a spin. 🙂

  36. Nick Flandrey says:

    I’ll insert the brain electrodes first!


    and now, whether it’s daylight saving time or just too much sugar at dinner, (Pork loin roast with garlic and bacon, sliced new white potatoes with rosemary and butter, Texas Toast with garlic, chives, and rosemary from the garden, followed by chocolate fudge cake with cream cheese frosting (baked by #1 daughter)) I’m beat.

  37. lynn says:

    Perhaps the end of the ability to indulge the desired consumerism? Maxed-out credit cards and a mountain of other debt, but still the desire to spend spend spend?

    Uh oh, has somebody noticed my three mortgages and two car notes ? No credit card balances though.

    I am ok with the mortgages as they are for 1/3rd of the value of the four properties that we own. But I do not like the car notes. But, I did not have a choice for now and will pay them off within 2 or 3 years after I get back to owning just one home. If I could just get the windows installed in the new used house then I could move forward with paint and carpet and the actual move. Maybe this Wednesday and Thursday if it does not rain.

    “Fed Gives Up On Inflation, Welcome To The United States Of Japan”

    I cannot decide if we are having inflation or not in the USA. Energy cost inflation is nil except for California. Food cost inflation is definitely there since a lot of our produce is now flown into the USA daily from South America. Car cost inflation, yup, if one is extremely careful then one can get a Camry for $25K or a truck for $35K. Those prices are significantly higher than 15 years ago, almost double. At least 50% higher.

  38. lynn says:

    Perhaps the end of the ability to indulge the desired consumerism? Maxed-out credit cards and a mountain of other debt, but still the desire to spend spend spend?

    And here is the other problem. The presidential election season started early with the fools in the dumbocrat party trotting out their wannabe socialists. A lot of people are starting to hold off on major purchases as they try to figure out what is going to happen in the 2020 federal election. The election of an communist like Bernie would certainly change the business plans of many corporations causing layoffs and cutbacks. People know this and are being careful for now.

  39. lynn says:

    BTW, am I the only one that orders stuff from Amazon and gets it the next day ? Everything that I ordered in the last week or two showed up the next day at my house. Scary good value for Prime. And I am using my wife’s Prime, I did not pay for it.

  40. lynn says:

    Exposing The Bogus “97% Consensus” Claim Over Climate Change ‘Science’

    Yup. You folks up north of the Mason-Dixon line better be laying in food and fuel. There are some tough winters coming in the next decade as the ice age comes roaring back.

    Our big hot tub (some people call it the Gulf of Mexico) will keep us warm down here in Tejas.

  41. lynn says:

    and now, whether it’s daylight saving time or just too much sugar at dinner, (Pork loin roast with garlic and bacon, sliced new white potatoes with rosemary and butter, Texas Toast with garlic, chives, and rosemary from the garden, followed by chocolate fudge cake with cream cheese frosting (baked by #1 daughter)) I’m beat.

    Oh gosh, the girls are starting to cook. Your life will be heaven and hell for next decade. Watch that waistline !

  42. Nick Flandrey says:

    The oldest has “cake club” with a rough half dozen of her friends. About every two weeks they get together and bake. So far, mostly from kits with cosmetic changes. Soon from scratch. All good so far.


  43. Alan says:

    BTW, am I the only one that orders stuff from Amazon and gets it the next day ? Everything that I ordered in the last week or two showed up the next day at my house.

  44. Greg Norton says:

    But I do not like the car notes. But, I did not have a choice for now and will pay them off within 2 or 3 years after I get back to owning just one home

    With my wife’s Exploder, the dirtbag F&I weasel hid his mischief in a 2% car loan. It backfired on him and his cohort at the bank when I clawed back over $5000 of warranty coverage, the cash from which went straight towards paying on the loan principal. BBVA makes nothing from the loan, actually loses money considering real inflation, but I have to make payments directly at a branch every month or they play games with late payments for the fees on the mailed payment.

    My Camry is on a five year loan, but I pay like it is 48 months until something happens.

  45. Greg Norton says:

    Yup. You folks up north of the Mason-Dixon line better be laying in food and fuel. There are some tough winters coming in the next decade as the ice age comes roaring back.

    Our big hot tub (some people call it the Gulf of Mexico) will keep us warm down here in Tejas.

    The Gulf Stream has been slowing as of late.

    And the more appropriate label is the “Manson-Nixon” line. Thank you Robin Williams.

  46. Greg Norton says:

    “I was definitely set up to fill a quota and then fail at CGI.” ?

    Yes. In the Belton “Onshore Delivery Center of Excellence”.

    I can’t complain too much because it was a job at a time when I really needed one, but the triple quota manager (Veteran, race, and age) set me up to fail so he could put dealing with my eventual forced termination on his resume. I never had a six month review as bizarre as that experience, and it was the first job I ever had where I wasn’t a significant contributor within six months.

  47. Nick Flandrey says:

    A reminder of how fast change can come–

    “On this day in 1979, student followers of the Ayatollah Khomeini sent shock waves across America when they stormed the U.S. embassy in Tehran. The radical Islamic fundamentalists took 90 hostages. The students were enraged that the deposed Shah had been allowed to enter the U.S. to seek medical attention. Just a few days later, the provincial leader of Iran resigned and the Ayatollah Khomeini took full control of the country. Two weeks later, all non-U.S personnel as well as female and minority Americans began to be released. The remaining 52 hostages were held for 14 months until the election of President Reagan.”

    h/t survival blog .c om

  48. Nick Flandrey says:

    “If it saves just one life, isn’t it worth it?”

    Self defense is legal in Florida.


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