Monday, 14 August 2017

08:46 – It was 65.4F (18.5C) when I took Colin out at 0645, foggy and calm. We had another 0.33″ of rain overnight, which takes us to about 3.8″ (9.5 cm) over the last couple of days. This area averages about 4.5″ of rain per month, pretty evenly distributed by the week, which has been our experience since we’ve lived here. Shortage of water is not an issue.

We got enough regulated and unregulated chemical bags built yesterday to make another 30 biology kits, which we’ll work on today. After that, it’s back to building chemistry kits. Rinse and repeat.

Barbara walked up to the house next door yesterday. Kim and her husband, the new owners, were up there checking out progress. I’d thought that their niece, Grace, would move in right after they closed on the house. It turns out she’s living with them for the time being. The day of the closing, they’d mentioned making some improvements to the house like adding a deck, but we assumed they’d do that while Grace was living there. Turns out they’re gutting the place and doing a complete rebuild, to the extent of ripping out interior walls and creating a different floor plan. They told Barbara it should be finished in eight weeks, after which Grace will move in.

We’ve about finished up The Hollow Crown, a painfully politically-correct BBC adaptation of Shakespeare. I’ve learned many Amazing True Facts along the way. For example, I always assumed that the Duke of York who died at Agincourt was just a typical English white guy. Not so. He was black, as was Margaret of Anjou. Margaret, who was actually a 15 year old white girl at the time of her marriage, is portrayed by a 47 year old black actress, supposedly because she was the best actress for the role. Seriously? They couldn’t find a 15 year old white actress for the part? Who would have thought it? I’m surprised they didn’t make Henry V a black, Jewish woman.

And the same is true of Grantchester, a village mystery series set in 1954 rural Britain. There are diversities all over the place. Apparently, no one pointed out that in 1954 rural Britain, there weren’t any diversities wandering around the villages. It’s extremely jarring.

Speaking of cheap preps, as we were yesterday, you might want to pick up the following items next time you’re at Sam’s, Costco, or Walmart:

Magnesium sulfate, USP (Epsom Salts) – Last time I bought this stuff, I paid about $10 for two 7-pound retort bags, but you can get it in smaller containers for a couple bucks. It’s an excellent saline laxative. A tablespoon dissolved in a glass of water is normally effective within a few hours.

Isopropanol (isopropyl alcohol) – I buy the 91% v/v variety at Sam’s Club. It’s about $4 for a pair of one-quart bottles, which you can use as cheap but effective hand sanitizer. The 91% stuff is actually less effective at killing microorganisms than a 68% to 75% solution, so dilute the 91% stuff with tap water: add about a cup of water to a quart of the 91% stuff. At less than $8/gallon, this compares favorably in effectiveness to bulk Purell at about $36/gallon. You can widen its spectrum and make it an even more effective germ killer by adding a teaspoon of Lysol concentrate to each quart/liter of alcohol.

117 Comments and discussion on "Monday, 14 August 2017"

  1. SteveF says:

    I’m surprised they didn’t make Henry V a black, Jewish woman.

    A handicapable, black, Jewish woman.

  2. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    “A handicapable, black, Jewish woman.”

    Well, obviously. Xhe kicked French ass at Agincourt.

  3. nick flandrey says:

    For a good look at the opfor,

    LOTS of photos.

    note the prevalence of late middle age white women, guys that look like the “Curb you Enthusiasm” guy, and lesbians.

    Note the prevalence of pre-printed signs and t-shirts. Look at the websites on the signs. Fukcing red army, socialists, revolutionaries. It’s like old home week for commie scumbags.

    I will acknowledge that there are a lot more home made signs at these protests than previous ones, and some are clever. I take that to mean that they are reaching and motivating a more intelligent segment of the population. This is NOT a good thing.

    When watching the video of the protesters spraying stuff on cops (in this case Silly String) think about ‘habituation’ and conditioning. One of these times it won’t be innocuous foam.

    Make no mistake, there are genuinely outraged normals involved in these protests, but they are stage-managed, equipped, planned, and supported by professionals.


    added bonus- watch that first video to the end to see what happens when the cops finally push back… esp. listen to the crowd. one wonders what they thought was going to happen.

  4. Greg Norton says:

    For example, I always assumed that the Duke of York who died at Agincourt was just a typical English white guy. Not so. He was black, as was Margaret of Anjou. Margaret, who was actually a 15 year old white girl at the time of her marriage, is portrayed by a 47 year old black actress, supposedly because she was the best actress for the role.

    The BBC has gone off the deep end. I’m half hoping that the rushed, half-a**ed “Doctor Who” stunt casting blows up in their faces with a continued decline in the ratings.

    Yes, sorry, that’s my opinion. Instead of finding the best actor/actress for the part, the BBC went with the actress whose loyalty to the new “Doctor Who” showrunner means she will keep her mouth shut, go along with the fiasco, and collect the paycheck.

    Ah, well, Ardal O’Hanlon will make a fine Doctor in 2019. He’s very good on “Death in Paradise”. Sucks to be Kris Marshall, however.

  5. DadCooks says:

    Oh how I miss the “Make Love, Not War” protests of the 60s and 70s.

    I have also been in the wrong place at the wrong time during the race “wars” of the 60s and 70s too, Chicongo was not always a friendly city back then. But now I wouldn’t go back there for any reason. Worst I got back then was over-spray from fire hoses and tear gas.

  6. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    None of this is going to end well. There’s battle lines being drawn…

    The old guys like OFD and me can remember how bad things got in the late 60’s. We’re nowhere near that bad yet, but it sure looks like we’re headed that way, and probably worse.

    One huge difference that few people mention is that in the late 60’s the population in general and the government in particular was still strongly anti-communist, so people could sit back and let the government take care of the problem. Now, there is a much higher percentage of the population that’s prog, and the government itself is strongly prog. That means Normals can’t sit back and wait for someone else to fix the problem.

    That’s the real reason we haven’t yet seen intense factional violence. Normals are still sitting back, thinking that surely someone will fix the problem. Once Normals in general realize it’s up to them to fix it, you’ll see increasing numbers of them no longer just sitting on the fence.

  7. nick flandrey says:

    “Once Normals in general realize it’s up to them to fix it, you’ll see increasing numbers of them no longer just sitting on the fence.”

    I’m not as sanguine about that. How much will it take to get a Minneapolis soccer mom out in the street?

    And at this point I expect at least a significant fraction of the newly riled up populace to be holding Bernie signs (at least figuratively.)


  8. nick flandrey says:


    “Random Man at Protests Interviewed By MSNBC, NY Times Is Deep State Shill Linked to George Soros

    Jim Hoft Aug 14th, 2017 9:08 am 32 Comments
    The random Charlottesville observer who was interviewed by MSNBC and liberal outlets turns out to be a deep state shill with links to George Soros.
    It looks like the State Department was involved in Charlottesville rioting and is trying to cover it up.

    But after Deep State got caught they are trying to erase this guy from their records.

    Via Reddit The Donald:

    Brennan Gilmore tweeted out a video of the horrific car attack on Saturday by white supremacist James Alex Fields.

    Gilmore’s tweet went viral and he was interviewed by MSNBC and other liberal outlets.

    The New York Times included Gilmore’s comments in their report on the attack.”

  9. Dave Hardy says:

    “We’ve about finished up The Hollow Crown, a painfully politically-correct BBC adaptation of Shakespeare. I’ve learned many Amazing True Facts along the way.”

    Congratulations. Advice from a recovering English major: don’t waste your time with anything concerning Shakey and history in general if it was produced after, say, the 1960s. I have the complete BBB series done of the Shakey plays and then one is on one’s own for single play productions over the years. Polanski’s Macbeth is interesting; but the general rule of thumb is, the older, the better. Think Olivier, Gielgud, Jacobi, Michael Redgrave…etc.

    WRT to the Charlottesville caper: as both Mr. Nick and I have noticed, these are a bunch of tools and minions, willing tools and minions, who believe whatever commie agitprop bullshit they hear and read. Led by professional cadres and agitprop specialists; they’re still a few levels beyond anything the so-called alt-right has ginned up so far. And they have the tacit support of our own government and its police forces; it was good to have this spelled out unequivocally for us.

    The difference between the 1960s and now, though, as RBT points out, is that back then Mr. and Mrs. Middle Class got thoroughly tired of the demonstrators and riots and cheered the government repression of them. Now probably around half or a little more than half of the middle class will cheer the cops busting on the alt-right and peaceful conservative demonstrators.

    The deal down in VA was planned for and set up well in advance to the major advantage of the communists. With government collusion and probably instigation in the first place. Amazingly, none of those kitted-out “militia” guys toting AR’s opened up on them. Next time they might, and things will escalate from there; it’s not gonna end well.

  10. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    If a crowd of KKK and skinheads gets into it with a group of BLM/progs, I know who I’d bet on…

  11. SVJeff says:

    Ardal O’Hanlon will make a fine Doctor in 2019. He’s very good on “Death in Paradise”. Sucks to be Kris Marshall, however.

    Interestingly, to me, I’ve only seen both of them in things where they were playing silly (at best) characters – “Father Ted” and “My Hero” for AO and “My Family” for KM. I’m curious if that’s the direction the casting went in S4 of “Death in Paradise” – to have something in contrast to the wearing-a-suit-in-the-Caribbean detective inspector.

    I was finally able to get my dad to tolerate DiP – we finished series 1 last night. We have 2 more episodes of “A Place to Call Home” and one more season of Murdoch and we’ll be current on them. Time to find some new-to-us shows. Maybe I’ll try him on Rumpole and Cadfael.

  12. SteveF says:

    If a crowd of KKK and skinheads gets into it with a group of BLM/progs, I know who I’d bet on…

    Don’t forget that the police will be assisting the progs, whether by disarming the “violence-prone” “right-wing racists” or by strategically-time withdrawal or by arresting any “right-winger” who dares to fight back.

  13. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    I was including police fighting on the side of the progs in that situation estimate.

  14. lynn says:

    If a crowd of KKK and skinheads gets into it with a group of BLM/progs, I know who I’d bet on…

    Rush Limbaugh played a great PSA this morning how the skinheads and the BLM are just different sides of the coin. Both are extreme leftists groups and should join forces according to Rush.

    The PSA is at:

  15. Dave Hardy says:

    At the rate we’re going, the cops will arrest and handcuff peaceful Normal demonstrators, march them to an enclosure, and then let the commies kick the shit out of them for a while. The cameras will be shut off, of course. Then they’ll turn them on, focus on a couple of the beaten Normals and claim it was Normals that did it to peaceful commie demonstrators. The media will go completely hog-wild viral with it worldwide.

    We have a tough row to hoe:

    1.) Commies and musloids are our enemies and they seek our destruction.

    2.) The government and its law enforcement and security minions are evidently on the side of our enemies.

    3.) Ditto the mainstream media and at least half the population.

    Yes, a case could be make that Nazi skinheads and KKK are the same sorts of wannabe totalitarians as the BLM and SJWs and progs and outright commies. And we’re back to 1935 Berlin only with tens of millions of us are armed to the teeth with modern weapons, and a lot of us better trained and experienced than the police AND the commies.

    Well, they evidently intend to keep pushing and pushing and pushing, and I am pretty sure they will rue the day.

  16. lynn says:

    Yes, a case could be make that Nazi skinheads and KKK are the same sorts of wannabe totalitarians as the BLM and SJWs and progs and outright commies. And we’re back to 1935 Berlin only with tens of millions of us are armed to the teeth with modern weapons, and a lot of us better trained and experienced than the police AND the commies.

    Well, they evidently intend to keep pushing and pushing and pushing, and I am pretty sure they will rue the day.

    You are talking about a civil war using guerilla action on the normals side. It will not go well for either side.

  17. lynn says:

    At the rate we’re going, the cops will arrest and handcuff peaceful Normal demonstrators, march them to an enclosure, and then let the commies kick the s*** out of them for a while.

    Stay away from crowds. See woodpile dude for more info.

  18. Dave Hardy says:

    Stay away from cities, crowds and “events.” Period.

    And start learning how to support guerrilla warfare.

    Since I’m a decrepit old cripple now, I figure I should concentrate on intel and long-range oversight stuff.

  19. Harold says:

    The old guys like OFD and me can remember how bad things got in the late 60’s.

    Oh yeah. I was in High School in Marin CA in 68. Had just come back from a summer in the USSR, Czechoslovakia, and Italy. (A whole nother story) Rumor on the street had it that a band of “revolutionaries” were assembling in the Oakland hills and would take over the Bay Area by force before Christmas. Even at 16 I knew that was complete nonsense but such was the feeling at the time. The WATTS riots in LA, at the Chicago Democrat convention, the murders or RFK and Martin Luther King Jr. all contributed to a feeling that political violence was become widespread.

    We aren’t there yet, and I hope that cooler heads will prevail but there are STRONG political forces in high places that WANT violence. I am certain they don’t understand what will play out if they do start a civil / race war. Just like the idiots that call for a military coup to overthrow Trump don’t seem to have though past that point. I honestly think they expect the Joint Chiefs would put Hillary in the White House. Our elites are constantly proving themselves incapable of rational thought.

  20. lynn says:

    I honestly think they expect the Joint Chiefs would put Hillary in the White House. Our elites are constantly proving themselves incapable of rational thought.

    Hah. The joint chiefs would put a joint chief in the White House.

  21. Greg Norton says:

    Hah. The joint chiefs would put a joint chief in the White House.

    Romney. Maybe Rubio, especially now that he’s won reelection and firmly on the payroll in order to maintain his lifestyle.

  22. SteveF says:

    Hah. The joint chiefs would put a joint chief in the White House.


  23. Dave Hardy says:

    They’d put Pence or the Speaker in there and tell him how high to jump and how often. Until the “crisis” has passed, for “national security” reasons, of course.

  24. Miles_Teg says:

    Come on ladies, whip those bikinis off! Don’t you know black absorbs heat?

  25. lynn says:

    “Trump quietly putting his stamp on the courts”

    “President Trump has been quietly making lifetime appointments to fill more than 100 vacancies on federal courts across the country.”

    “With five judges confirmed, another 30 pending and 123 seats left to fill, according to one group tracking the numbers, Trump has the opportunity to revamp the judiciary branch and carve out a legacy for himself that could stand the test of time.”

    Man, this is just like Christmas !

    Hat tip to:

  26. DadCooks says:

    Time to pay closer attention to my security cameras. This happened 6 blocks from our home.

    UPDATE: Coroner trying to ID man who attacked Kennewick officer with sword
    By Cameron Probert
    August 13, 2017 10:51 PM

    Investigators are still not absolutely certain today the name of the sword-wielding man shot and killed by Kennewick police.

    Benton County Coroner John Hansens told the Herald on Monday morning that his office is working with the Tri-City Special Investigations Unit to identify the man.

    A formal autopsy is scheduled for 9 a.m. Wednesday.

    Someone spotted the man walking on Olympia Street near 10th Avenue, trying to hide a sword with a newspaper and called dispatchers at 6:40 p.m. Sunday, police said.

    When an officer tried to talk with the man, he charged the officer and hit him in the head with the sword.

    Just then a second officer arrived. The injured officer retreated and both officers drew their weapons and fired at the man.

    The suspect and the injured officer were taken to Trios Southridge Hospital, where the suspect died, said a police news release. The officer was treated and later released.

    The names of both officers are being withheld until an investigation is completed by the special investigation unit.

    The special unit includes officers from other law enforcement agencies in the area.

    Locked and loaded.

    It looks like our 100°F eight-plus week run ended on Sunday with 0.03-inches of rain in the early morning. Washed the smoke from the sky so once again I can see the Blue Mountains in the very far distance. Unfortunately the clear sky is starting to smoke up again, but the temperature forecast is back to normal.

  27. Dave Hardy says:

    From the Fun Continues Next Week in Boston Department:

    Wanna bet the mayor and gov shut down any permits for free Normals to exercise their Constitutional rights? This has major potential but could also just fizzle into nothing; the major, gov, most politicians in MA, esp. Greater Boston, are dyed-in-the-wool commies. And the cops just do what they’re told.

  28. paul says:

    ” Leftist Nazi group ANTIFA plans to counter the free speech rally by attempting to shutdown the event — which could lead to violence:”

    I’m confused. I thought the Nazis were on the right? Along with the KKK and assorted white trash.

    Avoid crowds.

  29. lynn says:

    I’m confused. I thought the Nazis were on the right? Along with the KKK and assorted white trash.

    Rush Limbaugh PSA for skinheads and BLM:

  30. Dave Hardy says:

    To be clear, maybe: the commies and Nazis are different sides of the same totalitarian coin, all socialists of one kind or another. SOME of the people at that VA rally are “neo-Nazis,” and some are KKK, evidently. Most of the rest seemed to be various “white nationalist” factions and some kind of “militia” crew.

    Like I keep saying; cue up some text, vids, pics, whatever, of the street battles in Berlin and Paris and other European cities in the 1920s and 1930s. What did that escalate to, folks?? Now picture twice the population now as back then in this one country, with most of such activity concentrated in the cities. With somewhere between 500 million and a billion firearms and a lot of expertise and skills in using them among much of the population that owns them.

    Now cue up Matt Bracken and take a look at the new DVD out now: Lies of Omission, with the late Mike Vanderboegh, Bracken, Claire Wolfe, David Codrea, Larry Pratt, and Kit Perez.

  31. nick flandrey says:

    The confused bint who wrote that Guardian article I linked about white supremacy being a drug was interviewed on NPR this afternoon. What a bunch of twisted, confused nonsense.

    more when I don’t have the red curtain of rage


  32. Dave Hardy says:

    Hahaha, the red curtain of rage! I can dig that! For me it’s been a very dark green or black curtain; hasn’t happened in a long time but I still remember how it was when I was visiting The Wall down in Mordor circa January of 1989; actually couldn’t see; it was blinding.

    And here’s the basic intel class I’m taking online:

  33. SteveF says:

    I hate to tell you, nick, but if you were listening to NPR by choice then you have no one but yourself to blame for any blood pressure problems or aneurysms.

  34. nick flandrey says:

    @steveF, oh, I consider it opfor research, but I can only take small doses. This one caught my ear because of the linked article. And xhe wrote a book called White Rage where xhe goes about xhe-splaining why middle class whites are angry. TL:DR- it’s ‘cuz we’re delusional bigots, poisoned by toxic masculinity, and racism.

    NPR is like Stormfront compared to Pacifica, our other PBS station.


  35. nick flandrey says:

    I’ve decided for my own mental health not to write the comment I was going to, but the main take-away is that the left doesn’t consider ANYTHING they’ve done to be violence. Only right wing racists can commit violence. (Seems they can’t even remember last week.) Also, only a right wing organization can be violent, racist, and hateful, and should be driven from the common discourse. (again, seems they don’t remember last week or any other time the antifa assholes rioted.)

    The funny thing was when she correctly identified reasons for ‘white rage’ like affirmative action giving away “our” place at university, our promotion, our new job, or the decrease in factory work, or immigrants taking the ‘labor’ jobs, and then dismisses them as fantasy.

    Two different worlds. Same events, COMPLETELY different experience. Even with photos, they won’t believe anything different from their narrative.


  36. paul says:

    PBS News Hour …. ah…. I can watch about 5 minutes of their droning on and effing on for 15 minutes on a subject at a time.

    Basically, they suck. And have sucked since I bought my first color TV.

    A cheesy 19″ tube from Sears. $550 in 1982. It did have a remote tho…. crapped out after a couple of months, Sears replaced it. The replacement was interesting…. did you ever mess with the rotating things on the back of a CRT that change the focus and stuff? Or wave a big magnet in front of a CRT? Someone had jacked with the replacement TV. I got a full refund. Took some yelling, but.

    Went to a stereo store on Anderson Lane near MoPac and bought a 19″ Mitsubishi. Floor model. $750. I got 10 years out of that TV. We had a thunderstorm and the Mitsu sort of lost it’s mind…. channels would vanish… it would turn on at 3am…. Great picture always, sold it at a block wide garage sale for $50. The guy didn’t come back to kill me, so….

  37. paul says:

    I’ve had the Affirmative Action stuff pulled on me. I trained the part-timer for a lot of stuff. Then she swelled up and had a baby. So while she’s out with that for SIX months, I’m doing two jobs. Because I trained her.

    She came back. There was a promotion slot available. She got it. Because she graduated college. Pretty sure it was quite a bit of skin color going on too. Or maybe I just refuse to suck dick. Hey, I trained her, I did her job while she was on maternity, but I’m not qualified for the promotion slot.


  38. paul says:

    Ok… I have to go make some grub for supper. No gubs involved. 🙂

  39. nick flandrey says:

    in economic news, they’ve been predicting it, and it’s here:

    I wouldn’t want to be holding any car company stocks….


  40. lynn says:

    I’ve decided for my own mental health not to write the comment I was going to, but the main take-away is that the left doesn’t consider ANYTHING they’ve done to be violence. Only right wing racists can commit violence. (Seems they can’t even remember last week.) Also, only a right wing organization can be violent, racist, and hateful, and should be driven from the common discourse. (again, seems they don’t remember last week or any other time the antifa assholes rioted.)

    The worst thing is that they consider themselves to be the Normals and us to be the Regressives.

  41. nick flandrey says:

    I am sick of the right saying shit like “I don’t agree with you but I’ll defend your right to say it” when the left says “they must be silenced and driven from the public square.”


    I’ve been resistant to applying the ‘cuck’ label, but FFS people time to wake up.

  42. pcb_duffer says:

    If a crowd of KKK and skinheads gets into it with a group of BLM/progs, I know who I’d bet on…
    Sadly, young black men in our inner cities seem quite adept at killing one another with firearms. If & when they decide to start killing the BEDs, some real ugly-ness might be on tap. They’d probably lose catastrophically in the end, due to numbers, but in the meanwhile a lot of people who don’t necessarily need killing will be just as dead.

    reasons for ‘white rage’ like affirmative action giving away “our” place at university, our promotion, our new job,
    Everyone should be reminded that there has always been affirmative action in this country; it’s just that until ~50 years ago it was skewed to benefit white, protestant, male Americans.

  43. DadCooks says:

    Update to my earlier post WRT man with a sword. Mooslem? Maybe?

    Kennewick police identified the man armed with a sword who was shot and killed by officers Sunday night.

    Hussein Hassan, 26, of Kennewick, was walking on Olympia Street near 10th Avenue with the sword about 6:30 p.m. Witnesses said he seemed to be trying to hide the weapon with a newspaper.

    When an officer got out of his car to talk with him, Hassan charged and hit the officer in the head with the sword.

    Just then, a second officer arrived. The injured officer retreated and both policemen drew their weapons and fired at Hassan.

  44. MrAtoz says:

    I was just making supper while my BIL was listening to Anderson Cooper. Two old Black dudes bashing tRump as a tRump backer tried to talk sense. It was all about tRump’s too little too late to appease the antifa in VA. He’s rayciss, White supremacist, Nazi, HITLER!!!* It was hard to make out because of the Ebonics. I didn’t catch who the old Negroes were. Cooper jumped in now and then to bash tRump. He didn’t disavow David Duke till weeks blah blah! The Black guys were all over that. Why doesn’t Cooper just come and say he wants tRump dead, his family dead, his dog dead. CNN – Fake News around the clock.

    *Hitler might be my Grandfather. Heil Grampa!!!

  45. SteveF says:

    Everyone should be reminded that there has always been affirmative action institutional racism in this country; it’s just that until ~50 years ago it was skewed to benefit white, protestant, male Americans.


    And, to revisit a sentiment, I. Don’t. Care.

    The racism that everyone’s doing their damnedest to keep suppurating was pretty well over before I was born. Very few living Americans personally witnessed anti-black racism under color of law. I am disinclined to bear any guilt for what anyone else has done.

  46. Dave Hardy says:

    “… it’s just that until ~50 years ago it was skewed to benefit white, protestant, male Americans.”

    So it’s clearly been Payback Time for those fifty years.

    And the consequences have fallen mainly on people who had nothing to do with what happened in the past.

    “You didn’t pick cotton and I didn’t own slaves.”

    Yes, the cities will become total deathtraps. Avoid. Take a wide berth around them.

    WRT to left discussions, arguments, etc.; yeah, they live, breathe and believe in a totally different reality. They will only with great reluctance admit that the laws of physics exist for them, too, as in traveling in airplanes, buses, trains, etc. and the sun does come up in the morning and set at night. Otherwise reality is totally up for grabs with them. I can’t add much to what Mr. Nick said, other than to agree that it is truly infuriating.

    They wish to first silence us and then destroy us. I think it’s pretty plain to see by now but evidently it will take longer for Mr. and Mrs. Boobus Americanus and their lovely children Chad and Jennifer to notice, if they can just tear themselves away from their pixels.

  47. Dave Hardy says:

    “Update to my earlier post WRT man with a sword. Mooslem?”

    Naw. You must live in a different reality, dude. That never happened. And if it did happen, it’s tRump’s fault.

    “It was all about tRump’s too little too late to appease the antifa in VA.”

    That’s right. He should have been groveling and kow-towing immediately instead of 24 hours later. Which he and his whole family are evidently doing.

  48. nick flandrey says:

    She kept insisting that whites (nothing like the racism of lumping all whites together) were raging because they felt threatened by all the accomplishments and achievements of blacks. I sat there stunned and couldn’t come up with a single one other than fredrick douglas. The black middle class is gone, the black family destroyed, black neighborhoods are shooting galleries, 20 million plus black babies have been aborted, out of wedlock births outnumber wedded births somewhere around 3:1, and on and on. Other than their rise to prominence in pro sports and their toxic effects on pop culture I’m drawing blanks. BHO doesn’t count as HE certainly didn’t get there on his own, and blacks didn’t put him there (because according to her, blacks have been ‘felony disfranchised’ and can’t vote.) Even a schizophrenic’s ravings are more internally consistent than hers.


  49. Dave Hardy says:

    I do love the way they keep coming up with whacky and memorable phrases, however; “felony disenfranchised.’ Excellent! Brings back fond memories of Mao’s Cultural Revolution and the running dogs of imperialism and so on.

    The black achievements eerily parallel musloid ones; we keep drawing blanks.

    OK, besides Frederick Douglass, they had George Washington Carver and a couple of musical geniuses.

    I don’t feel threatened by jack-shit from either group. Unless they come around here with swords or rusty ol’ piece-of-shit nines.

  50. MrAtoz says:

    lol! I posted this way back. When I was attending Command and Staff College at Ft. Leavenworth, a Black Captain whined there were no Black Generals portraits on the hallowed halls. There just weren’t any of note until the first in 1940. Wah!!! Complain to the Commanding General. We all got to watch Glory! as a punch in the face to our WHITEYNESS! Then an hour of embracing Blackness for two days to make up for WHITEY rayciss portraits in the hallowed halls. Geez. One. Black. Whiner. Punish everybody!

  51. Dave Hardy says:


    Then we have the continuing war on history:

    Kicking and spitting on a statue. These people are way round the fucking bend.

    I’m awfully tempted to recommend treating them as we treated rabid dogs running loose in the streets. Their minds are gone. They’re an imminent and possibly lethal threat to us.

  52. SteveF says:

    I’m awfully tempted to recommend treating them as we treated rabid dogs running loose in the streets.

    Yep. Clear and present danger. Just be smart when you kill them: shoot from ambush or steal a car and drive it into a crowd.

    Geez. One. Black. Whiner. Punish everybody!

    And he didn’t get shivved? I’m ashamed of you, MrAtoz.

  53. Dave Hardy says:

    MrAtoz was too busy scarfing down some more of that bacon-broccoli quiche. And to think we discussed fragging officers at our last two vets group meetings.

    “…shoot from ambush or steal a car and drive it into a crowd.”

    Roger that. And if doing the car bit, make sure it’s a classic, mint-condition muscle car. Now THAT’S funny!

  54. SteveF says:

    No, I have a better idea! Get one of those Dukes of Hazard cars with the Stars-n-Bars on the roof, and drive that into a crowd of “peaceful protestors”!

    Or get some like-minded friends and drive bulldozers into the crowd. They’re slow, but a ring of them would keep the “peaceful protestors” from getting out before they get pureed by the blades. (I’ll admit that procuring a bunch of bulldozers and a bunch of people who know how to drive a bulldozer and getting them all to the protest site would be a challenge to one’s ingenuity.) (Oh, heck, even that’s not a problem. Just publicize a “fascist” rally near a construction site. Duh.)

  55. Dave Hardy says:

    A fascist rally sounds pretty good; this one went off well, didn’t it? Haha.

    Can you imagine the Dukes of Hazard getting away with that car now??? Wow. I got to hear one of our Selectboard saps a few weeks ago worrying aloud about a Confederate flag he saw at someone’s house about a mile from here. Concerned if there was a burgeoning “undercurrent” of that sort of sentiment here in town. He was, thankfully, laughed at and blown off.

    What about robots? Can we use robots in some way to create mayhem? I know: robots can drive the bulldozers and backhoes! Dress ’em up as FBI agents and TSA goons.

  56. Dave Hardy says:

    “If we’re entering a new civil war, don’t make the mistake of thinking that it is the product solely of extreme right-wing yahooism. These Nazi and KKK bozos are rising up because the thinking-enabled people of the center have been too cowardly to stand up against the rising tide of idiocy festering at both ends of the spectrum, and particularly on the Left with its direct wiring to the policy-making centers of American life, dictating how people must think and act, and what they should care about.”

    They just keep pushing and pushing….

  57. lynn says:

    “Where have all the combat vets gone?”

    “The Marine Corps is facing a troubling drain of combat experience as thousands of battle-hardened Marines have left the Corps during the past several years.”

    “The number of Marines on active-duty who have been awarded Combat Action Ribbons has dropped by more than half over the past five years — from a high of more than 40,000 at the time of the surge in Afghanistan in 2011 to fewer than 17,500 in 2016 — according to data obtained by Marine Corps Times through a Freedom of Information Act request.”

    “In today’s Corps, fewer than one in five Marines has a single deployment under their belt and the number of Marines who have deployed twice is now less than one in 10, according to Marine Corps officials.”

    Uh oh, we had better go to war soon.

    My former USMC son was offered a $85K bonus in 2008 while on his second deployment in Iraq to stay in for another four years. Tax free. He declined.

  58. lynn says:

    Firefox is moving to 64 bit on Windows, “64-bit Windows users will now be offered 64-bit Firefox builds by default”:

    The rollout has been stopped for now as the internal SQLite database appears to have a bug. Looks like 55.0.2 will be the better release.

  59. nick flandrey says:

    Yeah, FF isnt’ the only 32 bit application on my machine. Which probably means there’s some 16 and maybe even 8 bit code in there somewhere…


  60. Miles_Teg says:

    “The Marine Corps is facing a troubling drain of combat experience as thousands of battle-hardened Marines have left the Corps during the past several years.”

    No matter, recruit more wimminz. Preferably ugly ones.

  61. Dave Hardy says:

    Don’t need womyn; they just recruit more gangbangers, trannies and musloids instead.

  62. nick flandrey says:

    Recruit a whole battalion, then run them into a meat grinder. Rinse and repeat….

  63. lynn says:

    No matter, recruit more wimminz. Preferably ugly ones.

    All of the women that I met in the USMC could easily kick my ass. One USMC MP that I met was the wife of my son’s friend and was six months pregnant. Her baby bump was about an inch since her stomach was a 12 pack (she showed us !). She did 100+ sit-ups per day and was active duty in the 29 Palms base guard. 5’6″ and pretty too. Did I mention that she could kick my ass ?

  64. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    “Recruit a whole battalion, then run them into a meat grinder. Rinse and repeat….”

    That’s what the USMC has been doing every since there’s been a USMC.

  65. Dave Hardy says:

    A kindergarten girl could kick my ass today. Without breaking a sweat.

    Seems like only yesterday I could do 100 pushups and 300 situps and hiked up and down hills and mountains all the time, and that was a few years after the track and football team stuff.

    Tempus fugit, fratres…

  66. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    “Seems like only yesterday”

    Yep. I remember back in high school when our gym teacher was a former USMC drill instructor. He administered the USMC physical fitness test. Like most of the guys in the class, I looked at what I needed to do to get a max score. IIRC, it was something like 70 pushups and 114 situps in two minutes. We also climbed ropes and did timed sprints and other USMC stuff, but I don’t remember the numbers for them. And I just barely broke a sweat doing all of it. Ah, to be 17 again…

  67. Dave Hardy says:

    17 again but knowing what we know now. THAT would be the cat’s whiskers!

  68. SteveF says:

    17 again but knowing what we know now. THAT would be the cat’s whiskers!

    If we’re playing that game, I’d rather be about 7, knowing what I do now. See how many public school teachers I could drive to suicide.

  69. nick flandrey says:

    Next thing you know, you’d be pushing things around with the power of your eyes, and putting newts in teachers water glasses…..


  70. SteveF says:

    Uh… what?

    Movie reference?

  71. nick flandrey says:

    Matilda. Thought you had a little girl? Based on the Roald Dahl story, stars danny devito? Very well done and sweet. Recommended. Both kids have gone thru the book as bedtime stories, and they love watching the movie.

    “Matilda is a 1996 American children’s fantasy comedy film directed by Danny DeVito, who also produced with Michael Shamberg, Stacey Sher, and Lucy Dahl. It was written by Nicholas Kazan and Robin Swicord, based on Roald Dahl’s novel of the same name. Mara Wilson, DeVito, Rhea Perlman, Embeth Davidtz, and Pam Ferris star. The film is about a young genius named Matilda, who uses telekinesis to deal with her parents, who do not value education, and Agatha Trunchbull, the oppressive principal of Crunchem Hall Elementary School.

    The film was released in the United States on August 2, 1996.”

  72. SteveF says:

    Matilda. Thought you had a little girl?

    OK, but it’s not like she’s seen or read every “child-appropriate” movie or book, and I certainly have not. It was a microaggression for you to assume I had, and unless you apologize I’m going to riot and burn down a coin-operated laundromat. In fact, even if you apologize, it won’t be enough, and the apology will only serve to fuel further rioting. Today the laundromat, tomorrow the pizza place on the corner!

    EDIT: Heh. The just-installed update to the Tor browser has “microaggression” in its dictionary.

  73. lynn says:

    Matilda. Thought you had a little girl? Based on the Roald Dahl story, stars danny devito? Very well done and sweet. Recommended. Both kids have gone thru the book as bedtime stories, and they love watching the movie.

    Definitely recommended, I remember taking my daughter to it in 1996. Huh, it was directed by Danny Devito also. Danny Devito and his wife Rhea Perlman model the absolute worst parents ever. Ditto for the head of the school.

  74. nick flandrey says:

    I can’t believe you aren’t reading the classics with her. Any of the Roald Dahl books, except My Life as a Boy are children’s classics…. too busy teaching her dead languages I’ll bet. Matilda is actually probably the most accessible and sweet, Charley and the Chocolate Factory, The BFG*, James and the Giant Peach (actually just reading it for the first time) are all a bit weirder. Witches has a pretty unhappy ending. Haven’t seen the new BFG movie yet, but plan to.


    (* Big Friendly Giant, what were you thinking?)

  75. OFD says:

    Stick to the dead language classics. Better for growth and maturity and intellectual superiority over the swarms of moronic derps.

    Although I really liked the other classics when I was a kid; Kipling, Doyle, Twain, Melville, Hawthorne, Robert Louis Stevenson, and the Fireside Poets. Especially the Kipling and Stevenson. Took me right outta small-town Maffachufetts for hours.

  76. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    Hardy Boys.

  77. OFD says:

    Ah yes, by Franklin W. Dixon.

    The covers were always great. I must have read the whole series.

  78. OFD says:

    Also Edward Rowe Snow, The Flying Santa.

    I DEVOURED his stuff and he made me wanna go looking for buried pirate treasure on one of the Boston Harbor islands.

  79. lynn says:

    Robert A. Heinlein and Jack London. Heinlein made me want to live on the Moon or in a space ship. London made me want to move to Alaska.

    And the Tom Swift, Jr books.

  80. OFD says:

    Yup, Jack London, too; and for some reason one of my elderly aunts subscribed to Alaska Highways magazine and gave them to me when she was done with them. Since then, whenever I’ve taken those little quizzes on the best place to live for me, Alaska is always in the top three.

    I read sci-fi for a while, too, mostly gotten from whichever town library. Kind of outgrew it eventually and lost interest. Not real, you see. Thus my fanatic interest in history.

  81. paul says:

    Sci-fi changed from rocket ships and the like to Dragons.

    From Asimov and Lucifer’s Hammer and Lensmen to Pern and wizards.

  82. ech says:

    Fantasy has always been present in the sff community. It just became dominant after the success of The Lord of the Rings.

    SF is still pretty strong and you can make a living writing it.

  83. SteveF says:

    I can’t believe you aren’t reading the classics with her.

    -eyes rolling- Right. Didn’t read one so-called classic, so I’m not reading the classics with her.

    She read the “children’s illustrated classics” version of Jane Eyre at seven, I think, and the full version at eight or nine. A number of Jack London’s novels, but not all. All of the Little House books. Started Moby Dick but soon gave it up as being too slow and boring; can’t say as I disagree. Some of Heinlein’s “juveniles” but mostly doesn’t get into them because the protagonists are boys. Bunch of other classics that I can’t think of at the moment, but mostly contemporary fiction (plus as many STEM-oriented books as I can shove down her throat).

    Also, I don’t read with her. I’m always ready to help her with understanding something when she’s reading “above her grade level” but she’s been reading by herself since she was five. (I’d been reading to her before bed every night. Read one chapter of a Magic Tree House book then put the book on the table and turned out the light. Half a second later the little brat turned on the light and grabbed the book and started reading where I’d left off. That was the first time I was sure she was reading on her own and not just remembering a book we’d already read and she was “reading”, as I’d seen many other kids do.)

  84. lynn says:

    Some of Heinlein’s “juveniles” but mostly doesn’t get into them because the protagonists are boys.

    “Podkayne of Mars” – coming of age story for a girl

    “The Star Beast” protagonists are a boy, John Thomas, and a girl, Betty.

  85. lynn says:

    Very Heinlein-juvenilesqe, “A Beautiful Friendship” by David Weber about a teenage girl who discovers the six legged treecats on the planet Sphinx (first of a trilogy)

  86. paul says:

    I got the abridged version of Dracula in grade school. 2nd grade. It took a couple of years to read.

    The whole LoTR thing…. meh. I tried. It just sucked. For me. I know folks that love it as the best book ever. Same with Harry Potter.

    Just walked by the TV and NBC was having hysterics about Trump blaming both sides for the violence and that he should be blaming just the KKK and Nazis and not the Noble BLM and Antifa side.

    Quite shrill, too.

    edit to fix a typo.

  87. nick flandrey says:

    Yep, they won’t believe the video, or statements from officials on scene. Only white male racists can commit violence. Even when their social media is FULL of violence and threats, like rag mop girl was gonna knock out some fools, but got knocked to her ass. Even in Durham, “Make racists afraid again.” They are triggered by pictures of the VP, but will carry a sign threatening harm to someone. Schizo.


  88. MrAtoz says:

    It appears the entire Dumbocrat Party is now accusing President tRump of supporting neo-nazi’s, white supremacists, and, I guess, the GHOST OF HITLER!!!!

    Free speech is meaningless to these fucks. tRump either bends over for SJW/BLM/Antifa or he is HIIIIITLER!!!!

  89. nick flandrey says:

    tRump everyone either bends over for SJW/BLM/Antifa or he is HIIIIITLER!!!!”


  90. MrAtoz says:

    Ha ha. What a bunch of grievance whores. I love the “Pence wants to erase people like me…” Absolutely nuts.

  91. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    He probably does want to erase such people. I certainly do.

  92. MrAtoz says:

    I love how the MSMD (Main Stream Media Douches) from CNN to Fox are calling tRump HIIITLER! for blaming both sides. We already got the real dope reported here. The city tried to cancel the permit at the last moment. Issued a permit to the Antifa on the spot. Cops did nothing. City declares an illegal assembly. The Commies have won.

    Hunker down and let the Commies destroy themselves trying to reach their Utopia. We know the first grid down event will trigger the Barackolypse.

  93. SteveF says:

    To rework the not-really-a-joke that’s been going around, in the coming civil war, one side has eight trillion bullets and the other side has gangbangers who hold their pistols sideways and snowflakes who cry when they see a picture they don’t like.

  94. SteveF says:

    the MSMD (Main Stream Media Douches)

    MDMA (Media Douches Making Agitprop)?

  95. OFD says:

    And the gangbangers will be too busy whacking each other in the cities, while the snowflakes hide in their parents’ basements.

    What must concern us is the half of the troops and cops who will not be on our side and who will “just follow orders.” They’ll have a bit of firepower, too, but like I’ve said before, they have to eat, sleep, pee and crap somewhere and so do their families.

    I was gonna rant about what nooz media I DID hear today on the radio but it wouldn’t add to what’s already been said here; the commies won, down in VA, NC and now in Boston. The politicians right up to tRump himself are caving in. So now we know.

  96. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    “What must concern us is the half of the troops and cops who will not be on our side and who will “just follow orders.””

    I think half is a gross overestimation. Perhaps half or even more of the officer corps, yes. But not of the actual troops and cops on the sharp end. I’d guess they are overwhelmingly on our side. The Army is still overwhelmingly Deplorables, white and black, in the ranks. I suspect police forces are similar. None of them are going to shoot at Deplorables, who are after all much like them. Dictators throughout history have invariably learned to their sorrow that the only way to have their armed forces and police shoot civilians in large numbers is to import mercenary forces from foreign areas.

  97. nick flandrey says:

    “the only way to have their armed forces and police shoot civilians in large numbers is to import mercenary forces from foreign areas.

    I’d say that another technique or two is just as effective.

    one, give out special privileges and/or protections – we are well on the way with cops, who, being human, will do whatever it takes to protect themselves and their families.

    two, empower a group that was formerly not powerful – we are seeing the beginning of this with empowering street agitators. We’ll see more of it, and within existing ranks when those who espouse party views are rewarded. Pretty soon, good people leave and bad people end up in charge of bad people and the few good people that are left. Supposedly this was Obammy’s strategy in the Armed Forces. It’s the direction Chicago took, and it’s true of Police Chiefs across the nation. Leadership is political.

    History shows that there is no shortage of people willing to “put the boot in” when they are empowered.

    for a thoughtful example, read this:


  98. SteveF says:

    Perhaps half or even more of the officer corps, yes. But not of the actual troops and cops on the sharp end. I’d guess they are overwhelmingly on our side.

    I think you have that backward. The junior officers, up to captain/lieutenant, would be on the side of the people, honor their oath to the Constitution, have doubts about illegal orders even if they follow them at first. Most of the generals and admirals, following the Odouchenozzle purges, will likely follow the orders of the government, no matter how treasonous. The mid-level officers, majors and colonels and commanders, could go either way, but I think most would side with the people.

    On the troops side, at least in the Army there’s a number of soldiers who enlist to get the training so they can bring it back home when the Nation of Black People rise against their oppressors. There’s a number of Muslim soldiers who attack other American soldiers. If these latter are in a unit which is intervening between a group of open borders, bring-all-the-world’s-refugees-here progs and a group of hateful, fascist, islamophobic deplorables who want to deport all the refugees currently here, whom do you think they’d fire upon?

  99. nick flandrey says:

    Just look at our current situation to see that most of the cops will follow orders.

    VSP forced peaceful legal protesters into a screaming mob when ordered to do so. This is especially telling when (according to the press) all cops are racists who hate and murder blacks, and therefore were following orders contrary to their own sympathies….

    Almost EVERY department in the US participates in Civil Asset Forfeiture programs, despite the blatant and very clear violation of their oaths to uphold the constitution.

    Almost EVERY department in the US participates in enforcing gun laws, pretty much every single one of which violates the clear language of the Second Amendment.

    Almost EVERY department in the US participates in illegal searches and seizures- from drunk driving roadblocks, to ‘zero tolerance’ drug enforcement (and confiscation).

    In short, the kind of personalities that seek out and stay in the police are personalities that like enforcement, who are inclined to accept and justify anything if it is “legal” and “authorized” by someone else, and who are inclined to put themselves under someone ELSE’S authority. These are traits that are needed and necessary in hierarchical organizations, and fit with our concept of ‘separation of powers.’ The people’s protection from abuse lies in the judiciary and they’ve abandoned us, and in the legislature for not burdening us in the first place. Unfortunately, “lawmakers” are gonna make laws. As long as they define themselves that way, there will be an ever increasing stream of laws, vomited upon us, regardless of need.


  100. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    I was referring to field- and general-grade officers. And. yes, there would be some BLM/muslim scum in the ranks, but I suspect they’d be dealt with pretty quickly, especially if they fired on Normal civilians. There would be a big mess in the armed forces if it came to SHTF. Fragging would become commonplace.

  101. SteveF says:

    Oops, right. Nick’s got it exactly right. I mentioned soldiers above, but got distracted and forgot to write that I have no faith that police will be on the deplorables’ side. Maybe a few individuals, but they’ll side with “their brothers” first, and the department will support the authorities’ orders no matter how treasonous.

  102. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    It’s not clear exactly what would happen if violence became widespread. Some police/military would of course follow orders, at least initially, particularly in larger cities. In small towns and rural America, not so much. Troops and cops aren’t going to fire on their families, friends, and neighbors, or people who look like them.

  103. OFD says:

    “Troops and cops aren’t going to fire on their families, friends, and neighbors, or people who look like them.”

    No. But troops from Maffachufetts, for example, will be sent to Alabama (again) to enforce stuff and put down rebellions (again) and vice-versa. Alabama troops might not then be so hesitant at blowing Yankees away in Boston.

    As for the cops, it would appear that we have some cause to worry judging by the recent episodes in VA and elsewhere. At least until their paychecks stop.

  104. DadCooks says:

    WRT my earlier posts regarding a sword wielding “person” striking an officer with his sword and the officers killing the offender. It has now been confirmed that he is mooslem, black, a Somali, and a known bad actor. Someone in his sponsoring “church” has routinely bailed him out of jail. He has missed all court appearances and mental evaluation appointments. His “son” is active on social media with cop and white hate. I see a cancer here that needs to be excised. And the cancer is not just the “family” but also the “sponsoring church”.

    Civil War II has started. The first one was the War Between The States. This one will be the War Between the ????. I can’t think of adequate words to simply describe what we are dissolving into. My side is Right (in the Biblical sense) and the other side thinks they are ‘Right” but they are Wrong (in the Biblical sense). And by Biblical sense I am going back to the Old Testament and the 10 Commandments. If we could just follow those 10 simple rules life would be a pleasure.

    My ancestors fought on both sides in the first Civil War. The damage that that war caused my ancestors will pale in comparison to the harm that is coming.

    Ever vigilant, locked and load.

  105. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    You’re assuming the troops and cops will show up. If the SHTF, most cops will sooner rather than later stay at home to protect their own families and neighborhoods. The Guard and Reserve likewise.

    People tend to think of the federal government as all-powerful, an impression that it encourages. But that’s because when things are normal the feds can bring overwhelming force to bear on anyone who annoys them. And that’s true, as long as such incidents are few and far between. One or a few riots, no problem. But general insurrection? They don’t have the resources to deal with something like that.

    If TSEHTF, you’ll see the fed/state governments pulling back to the cities, to the Clinton Archipelago. The rural areas and small towns will become Indian Country. You should know that. You actually saw it happen in Viet Nam. The sticks became a very unfriendly place for government forces. And it’ll happen again. That’s just the dynamic. Flyover Country will be written off by the government. Oh, sure, they’ll try to pillage it for food and other resources, but I’d hate to be the guys trying to do the pillaging.

  106. nick flandrey says:

    The war will be between those with an “urban” sensibility, and those without. Urban, not just as a code word for blacks, but also including a broader world focus (internationalism), embrace of globalism, one world, socialist, “taker” mentality, and diversity.

    Non-urban encompassing ‘traditional’ America, rationalism, patriotism, belief in God, rural and semi-rural sensibility, “maker” mentality, individualism, exceptionalism, belief in ‘rags to riches’, self-help, charity for the deserving (as defined by them), localism, possibly isolationism, value of hard work and education, and importance of family.

    No snappy sound bite nicknames yet though…


    Added- one side characterized by scorn, envy, and derision, the other by exasperation, weariness, self-love and self-respect.

  107. nick flandrey says:

    I look to history. What happened to the Hoovervilles? The guys who marched on DC looking for the war money they were owed?

    What happened to Detroit in the late 60s? Didn’t the local authorities bomb protesters?

    Kent State? Ruby Ridge? Waco?

    what was the response to the civil rights movement- considered as a native uprising?

    From isolated incidents to regional and national movements, .gov steps in, .mil and .cop have no trouble knocking heads.

    Individuals may not want to, but the ORGANIZATIONS (which exist to be greater than the sum of their individual parts) will.


  108. OFD says:

    “…you’ll see the fed/state governments pulling back to the cities, to the Clinton Archipelago. The rural areas and small towns will become Indian Country. You should know that. You actually saw it happen in Viet Nam. The sticks became a very unfriendly place for government forces. And it’ll happen again.”

    Oh goody! Some of us have been waiting for this: bring that war back home. I hate to break the news to any snowflakes who might be lurking here, but that’s a sentiment of a LOT of combat vets from all wars. We were in the shit and you muthafuckas were making out back here like fat rats in a cheese factory and ended up with a two to six year head start on us in making decent lives for yourselves. Plus we were told it was for the country and the flag and apple pie. Now you tell us WE were the bad guys.

    Obviously I don’t really want a civil war back here; I’m way too old for it now, for one thing. And war is never a good solution to problems; I suspect that unless the fuse gets stamped out, we’re in for a world of shit before we check out.

  109. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    “I look to history. What happened to the Hoovervilles? The guys who marched on DC looking for the war money they were owed?

    What happened to Detroit in the late 60s? Didn’t the local authorities bomb protesters?”

    That was Philadelphia, actually. As to the rest, remember that those incidents were Deplorable soldiers shooting at commies. Soldiers, on average, don’t much care for lefties of any stripe.

  110. nick flandrey says:

    “I’d hate to be the guys trying to do the pillaging.”

    It’ll be enforced like always. Will farmers shoot at their neighbors’ sons when the ANG is deployed to protect the grain elevators? The vast majority of food production is either owned by large corporations, or the means and money are controlled by same. How many farmhouses and barns need to be burned to the ground like Waco, and farmwives killed by snipers while holding their babies like Ruby Ridge, before the farmers reluctantly capitulate?


    (Ringo looks at this very thing in his series about first contact, and the Maple Syrup wars. His solution is local farmers very carefully shooting the occupying federal troops in the leg and going for injuries instead of kills. What he doesn’t explore is bringing in a hardliner and shock troops. Anyone doubt that the screaming bitch from “let’s get some muscle in here” fame would have no trouble ordering the death of “subversives, oppressors, and WHITE MALES?”)

  111. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    “we’re in for a world of shit”

    Period. Exclamation point.

    We’re watching things coalesce. Before, I wouldn’t have agreed with the statement that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. With the way things are going, I’m afraid more and more of us are starting to accept that.

  112. Robert Bruce Thompson says:

    Ironically, I wrote that sitting here at my computer, taking a break from hauling LTS food delivered from Walmart downstairs and stacking it. Keep your powder dry.

  113. nick flandrey says:

    “Soldiers, on average, don’t much care for lefties of any stripe.”

    Then they’ll just use the newly weaponized and armed Federal agencies…

    And I won’t look for the army to save us, they have too much of their self image tied up in the idea of civilian control. Never been a coup here, and I don’t think there ever will, not coming from the military anyway.


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