09:24 – I hope our political class appreciates the meaning of this election. The major political parties are spent forces. Unlike every presidential election in living memory, this one was not about Democrats versus Republicans. This one was about Normals versus Progressives, and the Normals kicked ass even with all of the vote fraud committed by the Progs. People didn’t so much vote Republican as they voted against more-of-the-same Progs. Unfortunately, we didn’t have a slate of Normals to vote for, so we ended up voting for the lesser Prog-y candidates. Every Republican, including Trump, and every Democrat who was elected should understand that. They all need to internalize the reality: that people have had enough.
My advice to Mr. Trump is that the first thing he should do following his coronation in January is make a public statement that he recognizes that he has been elected President, not King, and that his will not be an imperial presidency like those of his recent predecessors. He should immediately issue an Executive Order that voids all previous EOs that have been issued since the founding of the Republic, and pledge to issue no more EOs for the duration of his presidency. Law-making is Constitutionally the role of Congress, and Trump should return things to that state.
Second, Mr. Trump should invite the members of the Supreme Court who voted to support Obamacare to resign, effective immediately and should then appoint new Supreme Court justices who unreservedly support the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Third, Mr. Trump should gut all agencies within the Executive Branch, starting with EPA, DHS, and IRS, and then running roughshod through Justice, and Treasury.
Fourth, Mr. Trump should withdraw all US armed forces stationed abroad and sever diplomatic relations with all muslim theocracies.
Fifth, Mr. Trump should expel all illegal immigrants, inviting them to leave voluntarily to avoid the unpleasantness of being rounded up forcibly and air-dropped on their native countries.
And that should be enough to keep him busy for his first week in office.
Mr. Trump needs to understand and remember that he was not elected because he ran as a Republican. He was not elected because people liked him. He was elected because Normals perceived him as the only alternative to more of being ruled by the progressive/left political class. Not the best alternative, but the only available choice.
Agreed with all of the above, but despite the Stupid Half of the Party winning the WH and holding on, barely, to the House and Senate, I doubt they’ll go along with any of that. It’s mostly a bunch of RINO cocksuckers, country-club Cadillac bonzes, and Tea Party phonies. They’ll find a way to screw it up, guaranteed. And I expect them to fight him every step of the way if he tries to implement any of this stuff.
While the CCM works hard behind the scenes now where we can’t see them, with regular assists from the Bush Crime Family, to circumvent and sabotage it all. And major assists from scumbag pieces of shit like Soros. We won’t see much of this now because the MSM will be concentrating on attacking Trump 7×24 for anything and everything they can dig up. And the Cankles supporters out here will eat it up and believe it all.
Someone else agrees with us:
“sever diplomatic relations with”
You spelled “drop bombs on” wrong… đ
Well, color me surprised! I really thought The Donald was a shill for Clinton and said all those stupid things to drive Republicans to the Democrat side and that he would quit after assuring an easy Hillary win. And maybe he started out with that in mind and as the election progressed he realized that he actually stood a chance to win and his HUGE ego took over?
Of course he won’t be able to do any of the things Bob suggests. The entrenched bureaucracy and his own handlers will temper him down to soft pap, as they have every other President for the past x amount of years.
I spent election night with some friends of mine, all of whom are capital “P” Progressives. They were horrified by the results, and exposed themselves as deplorable as the people they called the Deplorables. “Look at all that red in the middle”. “Don’t worry about it, they’re just the redneck racists and their votes don’t count”. “There’s a reason why they’re called the “Flyover” states, bunch of uneducated mouth breathers”. Etc. etc. etc.
The American voters voted and they did it good and hard. I hope America can survive this. I’m rather fond of you guys…
“I really thought The Donald was a shill for Clinton and said all those stupid things to drive Republicans to the Democrat side and that he would quit after assuring an easy Hillary win. And maybe he started out with that in mind and as the election progressed he realized that he actually stood a chance to win and his HUGE ego took over?”
That’s pretty much what I thought, too, all along.
“The entrenched bureaucracy and his own handlers will temper him down to soft pap, as they have every other President for the past x amount of years.”
“âThereâs a reason why theyâre called the âFlyoverâ states, bunch of uneducated mouth breathersâ. Etc. etc. etc.”
I can well imagine. Next time you see them, please inform them that the contempt and loathing is mutual and we’re coming for them, sooner or later.
“Iâm rather fond of you guys⌔
And vice-versa. At least this household is. Princess voted in the Canadian election and predictably for that little boy-toy commie, Trudeau.
Intelligence tests:
Another group of demonstrators tried to block Highway 24.
During the demonstration, a female protester was hit by a car and suffered major injuries.
Yep, we got us a serious candidate for a Darwin award.
Well, I was wrong. The Clinton machine didnât pull the rabbit out of the hat.
I’ve been thinking about this all morning. What gave the final push to get those swing states to go for Trump? I think it was the “rigging” comments.
Once you’ve persuaded someone to vote for you the next step is to get them out to the polls and actually vote. The Dems always try work the ground game. You need to organize people in every county of every state knocking on doors, making phone calls, providing rides to everyone who ever pulled a Dem ballot in a primary or gave money to a Dem candidate. This is a huge, complex and very difficult thing to do.
Trump just says “election rigging” a few times from the podium and it is carried nationwide. The ground game then self-organizes. It gets people to go to the polls to vote and watch closely for fraud. It gets people to think that if there are shenanigans going on they can legally counter it by grabbing a couple of their lazy buddies and promise them a beer if they get off their butts and vote for a change.
It apparently worked.
I very much agree with our hosts proposals. @OFD: Most of them don’t take Congressional approval. Cancelling executive orders that should never have issued – easy. Firing civil servants – easy.
He may not be able to eliminate entire agencies without Congressional approval, but he definitely can tell them to reduce their headcount. The danger is that you’re likely left with the deadweight, as the competent people will jump ship ahead of time. So the better solution would be to fire them *all*, and build a new agency from scratch. Tell the new director to implement the bare minimum of process required to meet the law.
This completely ruins Bill’s plan to turn the Lincoln bedroom into a man cave.
Agreed, Mr. brad, and thanks for the clarification. I knew that, but am focused on a stubborn and resistant RINO Congress.
And here’s a typical NYC media rumpswab who still doesn’t fucking get it:
… by filling out absentee ballots for people in the ground.
It’s been my suggestion for a decade or two, well before Glenn Reynolds’ “run them down” tweet, to drive over protestors blocking roads. Or at least drive into them, if your car doesn’t have much clearance. Sure, the first couple cars doing this will take some body damage, but the protestors will quickly learn not to stand in the middle of a fucking highway off-ramp.* Or not, and the species will be improved.
* Fifteen-ish years ago, protestors near Albany NY were blocking the highway off-ramp near the state capitol. Several coworkers were complaining about this and suggesting all sorts of ways to deal with it, from “go and kick their asses” to “arrest them all” to “set dogs on them”. I suggested getting a large 4WD SUV and just plowing into the crowd of protestors. There was stunned silence, and then everyone unanimously started calling me a monster. Gee, I guess it’s fine to spend an hour on ways for dealing with a bunch of overgrown infants, ways that will not be implemented or which will not work, but a practical suggestion is monstrous.
“This completely ruins Billâs plan to turn the Lincoln bedroom into a man cave.”
Mrs. OFD was remarking last night before all this “election” claptrap that once Cankles is in, she should immediately divorce that piece of shit. I merely note that Mrs. OFD voted for Larry and Barry TWICE each. And now I’ll have to listen to her repeats of whatever the MSM says about Trump from now on, along with her FaceCrack libturd buddies and memes.
I’ll have to remember that bit from Saint Paul’s letter to the Corinthians that the priests always lay on us at our weddings, about love being patient and kind, etc.
My favorite MSM meme is “Whitelash”. Madcow was all over that last night.
Another California proposition #63 passed with 63%. This requires background checks to buy ammo and bans ‘large’ magazines. Gavin Newsome current Lt Gov and wanna be Gov in two year was behind it. No surprise that it passed but at least now we have hope the SCOTUS will knock it down.
The fun has begun and it will not be pretty. Today’s candidates for the Darwin Award is just the very tip of the iceberg.
It is telling that Hillary conceded so fast. It tells me that in spite of the voting irregularities in Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and a few more the system could not muster enough phantom votes. Trumps true margin of victory is way way more than the vote totals show.
My Daughter is one of those that can’t stop crying. She has associated with these extremely destructive progressive/commie/hater/bigots and is now paying the price.
Vigilance is even more important now. You still must trust no one and watch the watchers. The Fourth Estate is going to be even more hateful and untruthful.
I’ve repeatedly seen and heard that sexism was at the root of That Bitch’s loss.
If true, that’s a damning indictment of women. Only men are concerned about corruption and honesty and theft and competence? Are you really sure that’s the message you want to be putting out?
I suspect that the Progs were secretly relieved that Trump won. They know that we’re headed for a major crash, and this way they can blame it on Trump.
O, can there be too much TRUTH here??? Let us count the ways:
“The fun has begun and it will not be pretty.” Check.
“It is telling that Hillary conceded so fast.” Check. I thought that was odd, too.
“Trumps true margin of victory is way way more than the vote totals show.” Check.
“Vigilance is even more important now. You still must trust no one and watch the watchers. The Fourth Estate is going to be even more hateful and untruthful.”
Check. They are going to pile on like crazy from now on. And the True Believers will lap it up. Again. I also expect some spite to manifest itself from Obola and his administration in the next few months.
“Only men are concerned about corruption and honesty and theft and competence? Are you really sure thatâs the message you want to be putting out?” Check.
“They know that weâre headed for a major crash, and this way they can blame it on Trump.”
And check. This is the main reason that Ann Barnhardt and I figured he’d do anything to avoid having to take that job. But as pointed out by others here since, maybe his ego took over near the finish line. It is a gigantic ego, as we’ve all seen and heard. But now, yeah; when the SHTF, it will all be blamed on him, and not Obola or the previous CCF administrations or the BCF. He’ll take the full rap.
I told wife this AM that this is the Murkan Brexit. Now let’s see if we move any faster than the UK has so far in getting out from under.
I, for one, would love to be a fly on the wall so I could see Hillary’s reaction when she realizes she has no more value to the Saudis, Wall Street, etc., ad nauseam She’ll still find paying work, preaching to the leftist choir, but it’s not going to be the same.
And does anyone else see the irony in the supporters of such a “Strong, Powerful Woman!” weeping openly in the streets? I like the idea of washing my car with their tears, or better yet irrigating my golf course.
As to the dingbat who was hit by a car, I can remember some years ago some idiot leftist protester (but I repeat myself) laid down in front of a locomotive that was leaving a factory. Wrong.
Just for giggles, I just checked the web site for Florida’s elections data. She won metro Orlando and the Gold Coast (southeast Florida, Palm Beach – Miami & the Keys), along with Tallahassee (state government workers) and Gainesville (students who didn’t know any better). The rest of the state was on board for Trump; in this county he got just over 70% of the votes cast.
Cankles’ concession speech is coming up. The transcript was leaked on the internet earlier:
“I DESERVED to win! Wah! Wah!”
Repeat numerous times. Go on World “Wah!” tour. Rake in big bucks from the suckers.
The fems here are sad, but no weeping. We enjoyed bingo till the wee hours. I tried to start a whisper rumor the Cankles had a stroke and was on the way to the ER. Even MrsAtoz got a chuckle out of that.
Remember the tank tread lubricant in Israel?
(sorry, dozer)
Again, this election wasn’t about left versus right any more than it was about Democrats versus Republicans. It was about the Ruling Class Establishment versus Normals. We elected a lot of RCE people, including Trump himself, and we need to make sure they understand that they were elected despite rather than because of their party affiliations.
As to SCOTUS, I’m kind of surprised that all of the sitting justices other than Alito, Kennedy, and Thomas haven’t already been whacked.
Ooops. It turned out it was all a mistake. Trump lost the election after all. With assistance from EU bureaucrats, the Republicrats are planning to re-run the election as many times as they need to until they get the results they want.
In her speech she is claiming she’s supportive of ‘rule of law’ after all. Lying sack of bile.
She will jack her speech price to $500K a pop since she lost. On the other hand, most of her dough came from places that will now have no political influence. Maybe Wall Street and the Moosloids will tell her to fuck off.
Her speech is “you all are the best” “keep up the fight” “vagina, vagina, vagina”.
And holy crap, second bible quote of the speech.
And she didn’t burst into flame.
and her fat black “doctor” handler is right behind her.
NV has another Dumbocrat Senator. Handpicked by Dirty Harry Reid. That means more dirty dealings with the unions. Expanded background checks on guns. Recreational weed. The map has Vegas and Reno Dumbocrat, the rest (fly over) Redumplican.
Does she have enough remaining influence to sell at that price? As you say, she lost.
I’m guessing her life expectancy just took a major hit. This is a woman with an extreme lust for power. This was her last hurrah and her influence will fade quickly; something I’m not sure she can deal with. Given her obvious bad health, I can’t believe she’ll be with us much longer.
“… I canât believe sheâll be with us much longer.”
Just as I’ve been saying; I think that even if she’d won she wouldn’t have lasted long, not with the pressures and stresses of that job, and even with her previous disastrous SecState position and experience. And she has many tens of millions socked away in their crime family “foundation” and probably multiple offshore accounts by now, just like any Afrikan tribal chief/dictator or desert kingdom oil prince. No need, really, for more speeches with or without Larry. O that they both might at least STFU forever if not actually disappear off to Hell.
And just what I said about breathing room and space and time to get our chit together now:
Which doesn’t mean going back to sleep, like Mrs. OFD has just done, after being up all night beyond 02:00, incessantly checking the results on her iPhone.
No. We gotta redouble our efforts and keep plugging. One small battle has been won; the war goes on.
‘No. We gotta redouble our efforts and keep plugging. One small battle has been won; the war goes on’
Yup. Obama and Hillary have both said they want to work with Trump, but I wouldn’t trust them for a minute. I remember after 9-11, for a brief period of time the Dems were almost decent but that changed the moment they figured out they could use the incident to their political advantage. It’s like that old adage about the scorpion and the frog. It’s just their nature.
You got that right; if I was Trump I’d be doing the things that RBT recommended first of all, even during the initial consultations and onboarding of new staff, which really could and ought to be done by 01/20/17. And I’d be consulting with my top legal people on what to do about Larry, Cankles, their “Foundation,” Princess Chelsea, and the Bush Crime Family. If they called me up between this afternoon and then and asked my opinion, I’d advise them to send G.H.W. Bush, G.W. Bush., W.J. Clinton, B.H.S., and HRC to the Hague for war crimes trials. For starters.
And otherwise keep a good distance from these treasonous scumbags.
From Killary’s concession speech: (full text: http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/09/politics/hillary-clinton-concession-speech/index.html)
A few things:
First: IIRC we have a Constitutional Representative Republic. Big difference with a “Democracy”. Of course this is way beyond the knowledge and comprehension of all Democrats/Liberals/SJWs/BLMs/RHINOs/etc. and most Republicans.
Second: Us under-educated deplorables do understand.
Thirdly: Her whole speech is BS. Remember her public persona is not her behind closed doors reality.
Finally: Our Founding Fathers had great vision that we do not seem to properly appreciate. The Electoral College (EC) has saved our bacon. I have been critical of the EC in the past, and recently had to get back to the books and find out why it exists. It is pure genius, that protects from the mass stupification caused by the people in the large cities. It allows the people who really know how to do things, us under-educated deplorables, to not commit Constitutional Suicide.
We cannot rest. There is much more work to do.
Just got back from the bank and the grocery store.
Got some folding, just in case.
Got another month of canned side veg, rice, noodles, dehydrated potatoes, pouch meat (meatballs), and they had steak on sale, $5/lbs for prime top sirloin. 9lbs of that headed for the freezer, and ditto the 4.5 lbs bacon that was on sale.
Chicken and mixed cuts pork chops, half off, but I’m good on those. This is where a freeze dryer would be handy. I read the articles when the guy on thesurvivalistblog.net had one for test and it sounded like a great thing to have if you were hard core đ
BOGO on turkey and spiral sliced ham combos.
Lots of sale items this week at HEB.
Gotta head out to Costco and the scrap yard then over to the Post Office and the toy store. Busy day.
(ran into a lib at the grocery store that I know from kid activities. Stayed up all night, crying in their tofu, shocked by the outcome.)
Good summary of the situation and the historical facts, Mr. DadCooks. And as you point out, she lies like normal people breathe. By now, she can’t even help it.
I honestly don’t wanna see any “bipartisanship” bullshit, or “reconciliation,” and have to hear lectures about our history and political system from Alinskyite scum like her and her ilk. I’d just as soon try her and several others for either treason or war crimes and execute them by firing squad or hanging forthwith, after a fair trial, of course. And I’d also just as soon tell all these other fummamuckers out here that don’t like the results, and have posted death threats publicly on social media or promised they would leave the country to GTFO right now.
The Cloud People and their enablers and worshipers out here have nothing but contempt and loathing and hate for us and I’m more than happy to return the favor; as the Concerned American guy who runs the Western Rifle Shooters Site said yesterday, “…there is no living with these people.”
If they wanna live packed in like sardines in the big coastal cities, good riddance. Or pick a state where they wanna set up their own Utopian commie peoples’ republic and have at it. I’m sick to death of the fuckers, after a lifetime of dealing with them, listening to them, reading their lies and propaganda, and understanding fully that their mission in life is not only to destroy this country and its people, but Western Civilization as a whole.
The problem is that even then, they won’t leave us the fuck alone; their other whole mission in life is to CONTROL other people and have absolute POWER over them. So in my view, they ought to be shot down like rabid animals; there is no living with them.
A quote from Michelle Malkin’s latest sums it up for me:
Trumpâs eclectic coalition was bound by that common thread: disaffected individuals tired of being told they donât count and discounted because their views do not properly âmatchâ their gender, chromosomes, skin color or ethnicity. That is exactly why the more they and their nominee were demonized, the stronger their support grew.
I’m tired of being shit on because I’m WHITEY!
Your tears, they taste so sweet–
“Miley Cyrus posts tearful video after Hillary Clinton’s loss begging President-elect Donald Trump to treat people with respect
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3921156/Miley-Cyrus-posts-tearful-video-Hillary-Clinton-s-loss-begging-President-elect-Donald-Trump-treat-people-respect.html“
Ya know, H and BJ should be smiling. They get to enjoy their ill gotten gains, jetting around, consoled and comforted, without having to do the hard work that actually winning would have entailed. Now they BOTH get to be retired elder statesmen, swanning around with taxpayer security, and corporate money.
And she gets to pass out the remains of her warchest, which will give her some influence to stroke her ego.
Best of all worlds for the CCF….
And countdown to Huma’s divorce announcement, now that it won’t be a distraction to the campaign, in three… two.. . one…. (unless they need the protection of not testifying against a spouse, then look for it two minutes after the trial is over.)
Meanwhile, T and his family are about to find out just how much their lives have changed, esp the new fiance’…..
“I Answer Your Questions About Predicting President Trump”
“Did the United States Just Elect a Monster?”
“No. Clintonâs team of cognitive scientists and professional persuaders did a terrific job of framing Trump as scary. The illusion will wear off â albeit slowly â as you observe Trump going about the job of President and taking it seriously.”
Scott Adams nailed it.
Poor Miley. She’s the epitome of why Cankles lost. She doesn’t know anything about any of the candidates. tRump evil. Cankles good. Cankles *deserves* to be the first female President. The first thing she does is post a video on SM. “I’ve got a sad, everybody look at meeeee!” I love the photo’s being posted of her *act* running around on stage with a giant penis faux fucking midgets, etc. Yes, I said, midgets. Macroagression. Am I the first today here?
The same with that old hag, Whoopi, on The View. Couldn’t even address tRump, just called him “that fool.” The party of inclusion, peace, etc.
Schadenfreude for many days to come. Unicorns are dropping all over the planet. Globalist crying in their beer. The UN in panic ’cause tRump might not pay the bill. lol!
If I was trump, I’d announce that NOTHing was off the table. Everything was subject to change. Let him dole out all the largess they expect one favor at a time. Let them EARN it.
And now I have to deal with the shame of Fort Bend County, Texas voting for Hillary (52%). We have joined Harris County (54%). None of the other eight counties comprising the Houston Metropolitan Region voted for Hillary.
This is the price of living in the most diverse county in the USA. Too many vampires XXXXXXXX Californians !
“#Calexit: California want to leave the US after Donald Trumpâs election win”
So long and thanks for all the fish !
“UN climate talks to Trump: don’t get left behind”
Reminds me of the UN guys who were buying Iraqi oil during the embargo for a penny a barrel. Don’t let the door hit you on your way out !
I am extremely impressed that over one third of the country voted in the election. Over 120 million people ! Folks, that is impressive that we could get that many people to do anything like that together.
Trump is now down on the vote by 200,000 votes under Hillary but she lost the electoral college. And when Trump gets credit for Arizona and Michigan, he will be over 300 electoral college votes. That is the system that we have used for over 200 years and it seems to work well.
To the extent it’s worked at all, you can thank Tom Jefferson and the other Anti-Federalists. All of this coumtry’s real problems are direct consequences of Federalists like John Adams getting their way. They were wrong wrong, wrong on everything.
If it were me, I’d drop the Constitution and go back to the Articles of Confederation.
Anybody hear if the airports in Californication are busy today?
I seem to recall a bunch of people, particularly in Hollyweird, were going to leave the country when Trump was elected. Typical Liberal lies.
Like I said before, watching them cry is fun, and seeing them wail and rend their garments and threaten (over and over again) to leave the country is swell. But I think their treasonous failure of responsibility, inflammatory public statements, death threats, incitements to riot, etc., deserve prison time at hard labor. At the least. And those progs and SJWs in our own lives need to be told this, and to either STFU or go away, but not before we bitch-slap them to the pavement for making our lives miserable throughout this campaign. Will I do this with the fems here? No, because they’re not really progs (well, Princess is, but she’s been up in Montreal and didn’t bother me with this stuff) or SJWs, and Mrs. OFD can sometimes be reasoned with.
In fact, she asked me this afternoon if it it might be the case that Trump won’t get us into World War IV, and of course I pointed out to her all the relevant facts and statements and said the chance was orders of magnitude greater with the creature and we all just had a close fucking call. She seems to be settling herself with that for now. If only Trump does not make any more stupid comments about womyn or grrls or whatever we’ll be doing swell. Maybe Mrs. Trump can get him to cease and desist on that and focus on The Job. I hope Scott Adams is correct. But of course, as has been said here already today, I fear the Congress won’t cooperate at all.
@lynn said:
If you take away all the votes in Californication, which we should, Trump would have an impressive actual vote lead.
Keep your powder dry and stay vigilant.
“If it were me, Iâd drop the Constitution and go back to the Articles of Confederation.”
Ditto and plus a million. If anyone cares a rap about history, read the Anti-Federalist Papers, Mercy Otis Warren’s history of the Revolution, and the late Murray Rothbard’s “Conceived in Liberty.” For advanced credit, check out the Secret Proceedings of that convention in Philadelphia in 1787. Then move on to Shays’s Rebellion and the Whiskey Rebellion.
“Anybody hear if the airports in Californication are busy today?”
You big ol’ meanie! Let them have their spoiled-brat tantrums. They’ll STFU in due course and we won’t hear any more nonsense about leaving the country. Does anyone know if any of these shitbirds have EVER left the country like they said they would?
There is an article on the DM about whining Hollyweird celibuturds. As I posted earlier, if all the turds leave that said they would, there would be a giant sucking hole in CA. But, they know where their bread & butter is. If I refused to go to any movies made by these dolts, I wouldn’t be going/watching anymore. I big strong guy like Chris Evans/CPT America in Marvel movies: “Wah! Wah! tRump is racist and sexist and going to kill anybody who isn’t WHITEY!”
A picture and caption of Lady GaGa (lol!) sums it up:
“Lady GaGa looks so despondent, as she leaves the Cankles convention in a chauffeur driven Rolls Royce.” Yes, she represents us *deplorables*. Keep giving her your money dumbasses.
And she lost the EC pretty significantly. That must mean the actual rulers have annointed Trump as the New National Administrator.
But like Mr. DadCooks says, keep your powder dry and watch your six.
And I also take it back and apologize for any crap I may have given MrAtoz over this past year for his patented tRump and avatars and Trump2016 stuff. Apparently there’s something in the wotta out there that facilitates Prophecy. You do have wotta out there, doncha?
But of course, as has been said here already today, I fear the Congress wonât cooperate at all.
There is always that. But Trump has a mandate and they have an election in two years. Piss off a sitting President at your own risk, he could always spend some of his political will on your opponent. What is Trump’s mandate ?
1. get rid of Obolacare and replace it with something that works
2. get the EPA out of everybody’s business and back to ensuring clean air and clean water at a minimum rather than a maximum
3. get rid of the Department of Education
4. fix the VA
5. depoliticize the IRS
Just those items alone are four years of nightmares. There are more such as fixing illegal immigration and manufacturing (which is not fixable).
Apparently thereâs something in the wotta out there that facilitates Prophecy. You do have wotta out there, doncha?
“I don’t drink water because fish fuck in it” W.C. Fields
“Just those items alone are four years of nightmares.”
Superseding all of those is keeping us out of another war, bringing the troops home, and closing most of the overseas bases and installations. The Empire is finished. We can’t afford it. Plus it’s stupid.
And get rid of the IRS entirely and replace it with something that works and is fair to us all.
But we’re all just whistling past the graveyard here; wish lists are fun but it will be a friggin’ miracle if he can get ANYTHING good done at all. I hope I’m wrong about that, too.
Wish lists are nice, but I’m afraid that any change has a major chance of being for the worse. Status quo, more or less, with small incremental changes? Even that is risky…
Drudge is living the dream ! Looks like his traffic over the last 24 hours is up 4X.
0119,350,224 PAST 24 HOURSâ
Best entry you have had in quite a long time. Can’t argue with any of it.
Been doing some work on the obuttwadcare that I have to use for my wife.
Current monthly premiums are $731 a month with a $2,500 deductible and $4,000 maximum out of pocket for covered items. Hrrmpphh, they determine what is covered as you cannot find it in the paperwork. Only find out after you have the procedure done. “Oh, you had that on Tuesday, sorry we do not cover those procedures in the middle of the week.” Well, not quite that bad but almost. Had one claimed rejected because it was done at doctor’s office rather than at an “Advanced Treatment Facility” whatever that is. I suspect it is about 10 times the cost of the doctor’s office, and probably doesn’t exist thus insurance never pays.
Anyway, I have discovered that by delaying SS for a year I can get her premiums for only $31 a month for a better plan. Thanks to the subsidy (your pockets). I am living off savings and my taxable income puts me way below the poverty level. Delaying one year may give the Trumpster time to change the system.
If I were to take SS the premiums jump to almost $1,000 a month, basically half the SS. Does not make it worth losing half for basically nothing. In my way of thinking SS should not be counted towards income for obuttwadcare.
I am going to apply for SS in February but defer payments.
Measuring his back for a shiv, no doubt. “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”
What does it matter to her? She said she would leave the country if he won, “And I don’t say things I don’t mean.”
Anyway, I have discovered that by delaying SS for a year I can get her premiums for only $31 a month for a better plan. Thanks to the subsidy (your pockets). I am living off savings and my taxable income puts me way below the poverty level. Delaying one year may give the Trumpster time to change the system.
The biggest problem with Obolacare right now is cost. The 2nd biggest problem is that the treatment places are starting to opt out. Methodist Sugar Land Hospital has sold their ER to a new company called something that I cannot remember. The new company does not have a contract with BC/BS. That means that BC/BS will treat them as out of network and then the ER company will charge you no matter what BC/BS says that they can. For instance, if BC/BS says that the ER can charge $700 for an x-ray and they charge you $3,000, guess which bill you will get. Yup, the $3,000 bill minus the $700 that BC/BS paid (if you were past your deductible and out of pocket). Once you pass the magic line inside the hospital, your insurance will start to work again.
We be living the dream here in the Land of Sugar. Just don’t get sick. Or cut off a limb.
The 2nd biggest problem is that the treatment places are starting to opt out
There is only one company on the exchange in my area and that is Humana. No other options. Currently with BC/BS but they are dropping out at the end of the year because their costs were too high. If the current doctor and closest hospital don’t accept Humana what choice do I have as it is mandated that I have insurance?
In my case I am fortunate as the doctor and hospital are part of Covenant Health and they accept Humana. But what do others do?
Obuttwad’s promise of the cost going down and being able to keep your current doctor is a pile of shit. He knew it when he said it.
Trump is now down on the vote by 200,000 votes under Hillary but she lost the electoral college.
Popular vote means nothing. If the popular vote was important, Trump would have had ads and GOTV operations in CA and NY and Hilary would have done the same in solidly (R) states.
So, in other words, the fix was in for Trump this time. Even the ruling junta must be sick and tired of the Clintons by now. And what do they care, anyway? They can afford $3 million-dollar weddings and private jets all over the world and scores of underage kids to diddle, with never being accountable for any of their criminal activities.
Now we’ll see how far they let Trump go on his leash.
Did you get the call ?
Didn’t take the organizers long….
“The backlash begins: Disgruntled anti-Trump protesters refuse to accept election result as they gather in New York and cities across the country
Demonstrators gathered at peaceful rallies across the country in response to Donald Trump’s victory
Two protests were held in New York City, where crowds chanted ‘not my President’ and ‘Black Lives Matter’
Demonstrators also held a vigil outside the White House where they lit candles as a sign of peace
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3922098/The-backlash-begins-Disgruntled-anti-Trump-protesters-refuse-accept-election-result-gather-New-York-cities-country.html
Note the general purpose preprinted signs and the website they link to. I’ll note that the site is “Created by cStreet with NationBuilder” Which is a combination I have commented on previously, in connection with the other protests we’ve seen.
The new brownshirts. How nice. Coming soon to a city near you.
We’ll see if the snowflakes can be roused to actual sustained violence. I’m guessing ‘no’ but I’m arming up anyway…
added- the signs at the protests in Chicongo are the same org as the NYC signs… no puppetmasters there though….
In our rapidly decreasing conservative corner of WA State there is going to be a “candlelight vigil” tonight for “healing” and “coming together” put on by some group that did not want their name mentioned in the paper.
/sarcasm on/ BTW, there were flash flood warnings on the West side of WA State due to all the feelings that were hurt with Killary’s rigged loss. /sarcasm off/
The Libturds at Jerry Coyne’s blog are busily crying in their beer.
Yes, I’m enjoying it… đ
Watching protesters in NYC. lol! What do they think they will accomplish? The rhetoric is typical Libturdian: tRump = racist, sexist, pig… So what, go back to your basement. The party of inclusion.
Fifth, Mr. Trump should expel all illegal immigrants, inviting them to leave voluntarily to avoid the unpleasantness of being rounded up forcibly and air-dropped on their native countries.
Any time limit on that ? The lady from the Honduras who cleans our house one afternoon per week has been here for over 20 years. I am not sure how many of her five kids are anchor babies, maybe all of them (aged 30 to 16). The 16 year old has Lupus and has spent over half of this year in Texas Children’s Hospital.
Wow, these drones are really bitter clingers. Just not to guns and religion. More like free shit. Get a job!
Madcow is trying to explain America to us deplorables. Yes, a feminazi lezbian is telling me why America is great. Trying to justify the next four years. I wonder who the ‘Turds will throw up in 2020? Another vagina? Bernie? lol! Madcow says tRump is “against everything that makes us America!” Already lying for the Dumbocrats.
lol! Madcow says there are “doomsday plans all over the US for civic unrest”. The party of inclusion, peace, getting along, NOT!
Yup, every MSM network covering tRump protests. They never learn. Obviously blocking streets illegally. Plow through. A couple of weeks to a month and it will be over until Jan 20th. Doomsday’s a comin’ peeps. Prepare for harsh words and homemade signs saying tRump is a pig.
” The lady from the Honduras who cleans our house one afternoon per week has been here for over 20 years.”
She’s wet? Even if she is, if she’s working and paying her bills and not on the dole (of any kind) I don’t have much of a problem.
I know, I’m raycist.
Funny thing tho…..
When I was at HEB and the guys would come cash their paychecks after work on Friday and send money home w/ western Union, the Guatemalans are different than Mexicans. Whole different attitude. Mayan vs Aztec?
Different kind of Spanish.
My FB feed is full of crap. Lots of fems crying about the horribly rude pussy grabbing Raycist beating the shit outta Saint Hillary. And OMG, the way the darkies be treated is gonna go back to 1950.
I hope I have hereby satisfied my weekly micro-aggression quota. If not, well, I can work on it. It’s just Wednesday.
â The lady from the Honduras who cleans our house one afternoon per week has been here for over 20 years.â
Sheâs wet? Even if she is, if sheâs working and paying her bills and not on the dole (of any kind) I donât have much of a problem.
I don’t know but I suspect so. You are a Texan, you know, you don’t ask. Yes, she and her husband pay their own bills and own a house about two miles away from mine. She’s been cleaning our house one afternoon per week for well over ten years now. She and her husband raised five kids in that little 1970s house. Her husband works construction. They’ve got 3 ? 4 ? 5 ? grandkids now, all double anchored.
The problem is the 16 year old daughter with Lupus who is a USA citizen. I have no idea what 150 to 200 nights at Texas Childrens costs but I’ll bet several hundred thousand. And that is just this year. The Lupus started in 2015 sometime. I’m guessing Medicaid. I am beginning to wonder if the daughter is going to make it.
Here is an article on ColoradoCare, or what could be called ObolaWestMediCare:
Colorado residents soundly voted down a payment system to fund universal health care on Tuesday.
Amendment 69 would have established ColoradoCare and funded it largely through a 10 percent payroll tax. By 11:30 p.m. Eastern, a resounding 1,515,493 voters, 80 percent, were against the measure with 62 percent of precincts reporting.
ColoradoCareâs estimated $36 billion budget would have dramatically exceeded state government spending, according to the planâs critics.
Another instance of Libturdians being so out of touch with the citizens. I guess the ‘turds though they would just jam it down their throats like ObolaCare. Wow, a 10% payroll tax. Could anybody just move to CO and get free health care? I assume no ID would be required because that would be raycis.
Wow, a 10% payroll tax
Sure, why not. It does not affect the leaches that do not work. More free stuff on the backs of hard working people. Of course the company would have to raise the cost of their product a minimum of 10%, probably much more. Then these leached would complain about the high cost of the product. A Big Mac for $17.95? Sure, the cost of doing business to fund the leaches.
Wow, a 10% payroll tax.
Don’t tax you, don’t tax me, lets tax that guy over behind the tree.
That’s what a Big Mac used to cost in Europe. Don’t know about now.
Looks like the “spontaneous” protests are breaking out where AnswerCoalition has chapters. And sign printers. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.
They’re gonna move to the burning cars stage soon. Then the burning buildings stage.
didn’t take long at all to get the protests organized. funny.
ADDED- wow, skipped right to the ‘shooting people’ phase in Seattle.
“Seattle Fire crews treating 5 patients with gunshot wounds. 2 of the 5 with life-threatening injuries. Medics transporting to HMC.”
When Madcow said doomsday civil unrest, it sounds well planned. Soros maybe? All the protester’s interviewed were immigrants.
Wow, so much hate and micro-aggression here!
And no trigger warnings again!
I gotta go back to my safe space in the recliner, curtains drawn, stove smoldering with damper all the way down, shotgun and 9mm at my right hand…
This is gonna be an interesting few weeks and months ahead as we swing into The Holiday Season and then the Inauguration….stay tuned…watch their hands….watch your six….stay frosty….
Later, sportsfans….
In our rapidly decreasing conservative corner of WA State there is going to be a âcandlelight vigilâ tonight for âhealingâ and âcoming togetherâ put on by some group that did not want their name mentioned in the paper.
“Candlelight vigil” = pass the weed dude
Soros and others to be sure.
HRC could afford to be magnanimous in her speech, she new others would do the shrieking for her.
Big mobile crowd in Chicago, Oakland, Seattle, NYC, this is gonna get ugly if they can keep the outrage up.
@OFD, pretzls and moxie were on the menu a month ago, prepper fail?
And now I have to deal with the shame of Fort Bend County, Texas voting for Hillary (52%). We have joined Harris County (54%). None of the other eight counties comprising the Houston Metropolitan Region voted for Hillary.
Back in WA State, the husband of my wife’s associate was from the Conroe area. Dunno the Houston metro well, but the guy was ultra Prog. Is that part of Houston left-leaning?
Yah, I don’t sleep without one of those at hand and the other a long step away.
Funny: some years ago the TV “news” doofs breathlessly described two robbery suspects as “heavily armed with 9mm and .357 pistols”. Right. That’s what I carried when buying groceries. For heavily armed I strapped the 12ga under my arm. Plus the knives, of course.
I’m going to bed. Was up too late last night.
I guess I’ll see if they made it to the second or third phase when I get up.
peaceout, n
Big mobile crowd in Chicago, Oakland, Seattle, NYC, this is gonna get ugly if they can keep the outrage up.
Close the Starbucks and everyone in Seattle will head home.
Gonna crash. Most fulfilling watching the Libturdians losing their shit all over the innertubes. Remember Odooshnozzle: “I won so too bad”. I wonder who tRump will nominate for the SC? Too bad Dumbocrats, he won and you lost Congress too boot.
[snip] Methodist Sugar Land Hospital has sold their ER to a new company called something that I cannot remember. The new company does not have a contract with BC/BS. That means that BC/BS will treat them as out of network and then the ER company will charge you no matter what BC/BS says that they can. [snip]
And the other hang up with such a situation is that you might not know what BC calls in or out of network until you get the bill. If it’s a real emergency, most folks don’t consider the insurance ramifications, just where’s the nearest ER. I ran into a similar situation a few years back after switching to BC here in Florida. It was just after the Obamacare law started, and I couldn’t get any information in a timely manner. So sad for me, it was out of network. In the end it ate up most of my deductible for the year, and I had no other expenses for the year. And FWIW, I just got a letter from FloridaBlue with next year’s info. $500 / month, if ‘in network’ then 10% copay, $5000 / year deductible, $6500 max out of pocket / year after that, but ‘out of network’ then 50% copay, $10,000 / year deductible, $12,500 max out of pocket / year after that. Single male, 51 years old, arthritic knees & hypertension.
Well the front page here in the west has in bold print.. “Shock and Awe”, with a photo of Trump… Excellent.. lol
This is certainly a slap in the face for Obama and his administration. People did not want more of the same and have spoken.
Hope you all stay safe over the next few weeks/months..
2017 will be an interesting year……..
And now I have to deal with the shame of Fort Bend County, Texas voting for Hillary (52%). We have joined Harris County (54%). None of the other eight counties comprising the Houston Metropolitan Region voted for Hillary.
Back in WA State, the husband of my wifeâs associate was from the Conroe area. Dunno the Houston metro well, but the guy was ultra Prog. Is that part of Houston left-leaning?
No. Very conservative. About ten BBQ places in town. Progs don’t go to BBQ places. People go to Conroe to get their redneck on.
“The Math: Trump 2016 Wouldâve Beaten Obama 2012”
“While she underperformed relative to Obamaâs 2012 totals in several Midwestern states â Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, and Wisconsin â Clinton ran virtually even with Obama in the battlegrounds of Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Virginia, Nevada, and New Hampshire. Whatâs more, she far surpassed Obamaâs 2012 vote total in Florida, the countryâs biggest swing state. Yet somehow, while Obama carried Florida, Clinton lost it.”
I’m not sure that I am buying this.
While middle America may have voted Trump into power, he did lose the overall popular vote, so it’s not that convincing a victory. In any case, now comes the challenge: actually getting anything done.
99.999% of D.C. consists of the political establishment. The Republicans are running to get in front of the Trump-wagon, so that they can try to take back control. Remember the Tea Party movement? Taken over and neutered by the establishment. Will Trump really be able to accomplish anything? We all hope so…
Only if one includes the millions of fraudulent voters and votes tallied for Clinton. With an honest count, Trump wins north of 450 electoral votes.
Tell me again about how the country loves clinton?
The CITIES love Clinton.
And where the F was this front page news BEFORE the elections?
“Death of a dynasty that was rotten to its core: After 40 years of sex, lies and scandals, the Clintons are to leave public life beset by a crushing humiliation ”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3922140/Death-dynasty-rotten-core-40-years-sex-lies-scandals-Clintons-leave-public-life-beset-crushing-humiliation.html
No. Very conservative. About ten BBQ places in town. Progs donât go to BBQ places. People go to Conroe to get their redneck on.
Specifically, the husband claimed to be from Cut and Shoot. I never heard the full story, but he apparently did something political and Prog-stinky in Fredericksburg, the end result of which required them to relocate in a hurry to the Northwest.
I have been out to Fredericksburg, visited the Nimitz museum, and seen the Texas secessionist movement signs. I gather that Prog wouldn’t go over well out there.
“@OFD, pretzls and moxie were on the menu a month ago, prepper fail?”
Nope. Solid on that front. Moxie or Dr Pepper and pretzels all week here. I stayed up till around midnight on election eve and also election night itself but wife was so wrought up over this bullshit she couldn’t sleep much at all.
Bright white sky this morning and very breezy; temps in the 50s all this week and next week apparently. Very unusual. Twelve Years of Reagan-Bush.
Meeting with the vets state service officer at the local Legion post this afternoon and watching Thursday Night Football tonight. In between I’ll see what other stuff I can accomplish around here, on an ad-hoc, random basis. That’s just how I roll some days.
Grenades and M60s come to mind again…
The CITIES love Clinton.
Consider the demographics of the large cities. The leaches, deadbeats, drug heads, low brow, lazy shiftless scum who feel that work is not an option.
And a whole bunch of ordinary Normals who are stuck or stranded there and can’t or won’t get out.
The real problem in this country is there are two diametrically opposed halves. The half that thinks the United States is the greatest country in the world, and the opposing half that thinks that the United States is a deeply flawed country without any redeeming qualities. The real truth is that while the United States is flawed, it is better than any other country in the world. The decision we faced two days ago may have been the most important decision we made in the last year, but what our country will be in 2017 depends on the much smaller decisions we continue to make this year.
There it is, Mr. Dave.
As I’ve said: half the country, us Normals, is outraged by what has been done to it and us over the last fifty years, most of my life, in fact. The other half is absolutely outraged by our outrage, and many of them would gladly see us, as someone on the WRS site said today, broken on a wheel or dead. Whereas we would simply just give THEM a good leaving-alone and everyone more or less gets along. They don’t want that. They wish us enslaved or dead, pretty much like the commies and the musloids.
So our “smaller decisions” may increasingly consist not only of defending ourselves, but of going on the offensive.
A minor battle was won the other day, I guess, but the war goes on.
@Greg Norton said: “Close the Starbucks and everyone in Seattle will head home.”
Sorry, I beg to differ with you, there will be a bigger riot đ
@brad said: “While middle America may have voted Trump into power, he did lose the overall popular vote, so itâs not that convincing a victory.”
Then @RBT said: “Only if one includes the millions of fraudulent voters and votes tallied for Clinton. With an honest count, Trump wins north of 450 electoral votes.”
The actual total vote count is not in yet, several states are still “counting”.
The very telling point that there was massive numbers of fraudulent voters and votes is that HRC is not challenging the results because the real legal Trump votes totally overwhelmed the fix. A challenge would most likely reveal the “fixes”. HRC totally misjudged the depth of Trump support.
Trump has an extremely big and complex job ahead of him. He will get to ride this wave of support only so long as he performs up to expectations. Our work has just begun. In two years we had better have some good candidates for the House and Senate and in another two years be ready to handle an attack on Trump’s Presidency that will make this one look like a party. The Democrans/Republicats will not let their “fixes” fail again.
And stop all this kissie kissie nice stuff. We won damn it and elections have consequences so deal with it.
BTW, still no word that anyone has left the country. These parasites are all talk and masturbation.
Markets starting out up today after a great plus day yesterday.
“Markets starting out up today after a great plus day yesterday.
Yeah, and someone ought to be hammering the biz and corporate and financial speculator assholes who were all gung-ho for Cankles and predicted Apocalypse. Turn them into the streets and roll the tumbrils!
“And stop all this kissie kissie nice stuff. We won damn it and elections have consequences so deal with it.”
They’ve already started with the next item in the Playbook that they’ve all internalized: “You need to reach across the aisle and COMPROMISE for UNITY.”
Sure, we’ll compromise for unity when the Earth is invaded by swarms of hostile alien life forms and even then I wouldn’t turn my back on you sons of bitches. (they’re bound to be in separate negotiations with the aliens.)
While middle America may have voted Trump into power, he did lose the overall popular vote, so itâs not that convincing a victory.
The popular vote is irrelevant. As I said before, Trump didn’t campaign in CA or NY, didn’t have GOTV operations there. He would have if there was a direct popular vote. Instead you concentrate on the swing states and other vulnerable places.
Oh, and one analysis showed lower class whites went for him, after going for Obama in 2008. Also, he did better with minorities than Romney did.
What Mr. ech said. Campaigning in NY or Kalifornia would have been a complete waste of time and money. What put the Dems, libturds, SJWs, and progs into soiled panties and weeping and rending of garments early Wednesday morning was seeing those swing states go under. The shock on their faces almost got me a woody.
And yup, downscale Whitey and a net 2% gain with black Murkans and 10% from Hispanics. More. Than. Mittens. Hahaha. And undoubtedly a better showing all around and throughout than any of the loser dipshit RINO assholes the Stupid Half of the Party was pushing for so long. And if I was Trump, as regards giving Cabinet positions to anybody, I wouldn’t give those people the crust off my underwear. Think outside the Box, Donald.
Think outside the Box, Donald.
Donald Trump is going to do what Donald Trump wants to do. He is an independent man who does not feel bound by tradition nor being nice. He reminds me of Jeremiah Johnson in a way.
“Donald Trump is going to do what Donald Trump wants to do. He is an independent man who does not feel bound by tradition nor being nice.”
Well, there is that pesky ol’ Constitution and Bill of Rights…
We’re a little tired of imperial presidents who do whatever they feel like doing.