Friday, 27 September 2013

By on September 27th, 2013 in Barbara, science kits

11:13 – Barbara had a scare last night. At 1958, the phone rang. It was Barbara’s mom, who was apparently confused and feeling faint or dizzy. Barbara told her to pull her alert cord and sit down to wait for help. Her mom apparently hung up on her. Barbara ran back to get her cell phone to call the managers at Creekside to ask them to go check on her mom, and asked me to call her mom back. Barbara then headed for car to drive over there. I called, Sankie answered, and I told her who I was. I asked if she’d pulled the alert cord and she said she hadn’t. I asked if she was sitting down. She said she was standing, and then apparently dropped the phone. I shouted her name, but there was nothing but dead air. So I hung up. This was at 2003. I was about to call Creekside again when the phone rang. It was one of the managers at Creekside. He said he was with Sankie and said that in his opinion he should call 911. He asked my permission, since 911 charges several hundred dollars if they’re called out and don’t have to transport the patient. I told him that he was there and I wasn’t, so if he thought she needed 911 to call them. A few minutes later, Barbara called on her cell and said she was following an ambulance that she suspected was the one responding to the 911 call for her mom. A while later, Barbara called to say she was with her mom and the 911 responders were checking her. Apparently, they decided she didn’t need to go to the emergency room, so they left. Frances showed up around then, and she and Barbara sat with Sankie to make sure she was okay. Barbara finally made it home about 2230. I really, really hope this was an isolated incident. For a year or more, Barbara and Frances were on 24-hour call for Dutch, having to drop everything and rush over to the apartment or the emergency room. They simply can’t go through that again.

I just finished making up 10 liters of fertilizer part A concentrate, which is sufficient for 1,000 liters of working-strength solution, or 80 biology kits worth. I have 75 bottles already labeled, so I’ll probably fill those today, along with a few hundred other chemical bottles.

13 Comments and discussion on "Friday, 27 September 2013"

  1. Dave B. says:

    My 86 year old mother fell in the assisted living facility 3 times Sunday. The assisted living facility called and said the nurse felt my mom needed to be seen by a doctor. They asked if we wanted to take her or have an ambulance take her. We took her to the local ER where they found she was having problems with atrial fibrillation. Three day hospital stay and one more medicine for my mother to take.

    I’m just glad my mother is now ten minutes away instead of 45 minutes away.

  2. Miles_Teg says:

    Ping Dave B!

    I’ve just gone back to WoW and one of my characters got in to an area with critters way higher than her, and was killed. She went to the nearest graveyard, where she was insta killed on rezzing.

    I ran her ghost to a safe area, is there an easy way to rez without going back to the dangerous area. My guild is fairly quiet so there is often no one on when I am. Once I got a guild mate to bring in high level character to clear the area and escort me out, but I don’t think I can arrange that now.

  3. Dave B. says:

    I’ve just gone back to WoW and one of my characters got in to an area with critters way higher than her, and was killed. She went to the nearest graveyard, where she was insta killed on rezzing.

    You got killed instantly in the graveyard? Your best bet would be to resurrect in the graveyard and do something class specific to buy you the time to hearth. For example, paladins have an ability that makes them immune to damage for a few seconds, which can be long enough to hearth.

    I don’t know if you can file a trouble ticket to get resurrected in Stormwind or something like that. That’s probably your best shot. Can you tell me the level and class of the character? Also, do you know where you died? Were you killed by an NPC or another player in the graveyard? If it was another player, try resurrecting at the graveyard closest to where you died when things are really slow on the server. If you were killed by an NPC, try it whenever the server was really busy.

    The only times I’ve been killed in a graveyard was by another player. Which should only happen if you’re in a PVP server, in a battleground or flagged as PVP.

  4. Miles_Teg says:

    The toon involved is a Destruction Warlock Human Level 34 on Skywall.

    I’ll log in now to see exactly where she is, the safe area the ghost is in now is (IIRC) called I went basically north east for a while until I was insta killed by something in the water (it was really hard to get up on to the land because of steep terrain.) At the graveyard the coast seemed clear but as soon as I rezzed I was attacked by a NPC with level “skull”. I avoid PvP wherever possible.

    I like the idea of using something to make me invulnerable for as long as it takes me to use the heartstone.

    Better yet, I wish it was like City of Heroes where the hospitals were protected by Police Drones. (sigh)

  5. ech says:

    The NPC is probably patrolling that area. Go to the graveyard again and wait for it to patrol past, then rez. Pop your hearth and hope you get back. Worst case, you go back to your corpse, go as far as you can as a ghost towards a friendly camp or town, res again, run towards a safe area, die, rinse and repeat.

    Do you have a voidwalker as your pet? You can use it to engage and run away. If you can, get the coordinates to where you are dying. I can go over there and look around and offer better suggestions.

  6. Miles_Teg says:

    I was in the zone Blasted Lands, The Tainted Forest.

    There was a Corrupted Darkwood Treant patrolling the graveyard I was in.

    While I was thinking about what to do a Level 89 guild mate logged in, so I asked him for help. He came over killed the Treant and I rezzed and hearth stoned to safety.

    I don’t think I would have had time to summon my voidwalker after rezzing. How do you get co-ordinates? Is that some sort of add on?

    Thanks for the suggestions.

  7. Dave B. says:

    I was in the zone Blasted Lands, The Tainted Forest.

    You got a level 34 Warlock to the Blasted Lands? I didn’t know that was possible. Glad to hear you got out. The place you were in was about 20 levels too high for you!

    I’m still trying to figure out how you got that far in the Blasted Lands without dying. The only thing i can think of is that you went northeast from Stranglethorn Vale, but I didn’t know that was possible.

  8. OFD says:

    My 81-year-old mom has started falling more often lately; she has Pick’s Disease, a lovely variant of Alzheimer’s, which my dad died of at 71, fifteen years ago. She lives in an in-law apartment at my next-younger brother’s house with his wife and two daughters, and has been there thirteen years, and steadily getting worse, with fewer lucid moments. Household/personal care attendant comes by once or twice a week and that’s always a nightmare, I guess; Mom curses like a drunken sailor on shore leave now, constantly; they can hear her on the baby monitor they have up there. Never used to do that, obviously; if we said that certain word we’d get our faces slapped off instantly. And soap in our mouths.

    So she’s on the countdown for some kind of nursing home situation now; while my brother and his wife deal with their daughters’ hassles in the modern high school and college, which are themselves nightmares. And brother now out of work for two years on top of all that, while his in-laws berate him behind his back and talk trash.

    Mrs. OFD is wrapping up her three weeks in northern Kalifornia and coming back Monday with MIL, and if memory serves, leaving again in another week for yet another gig somewhere.

    70 here today, gorgeous, leaves turning faster.

  9. Miles_Teg says:

    I went NE from Stranglethorn, in the water along the coast, intending to go somewhere safe to kill some critters in the Stranglethorn region. But the terrain along the coast was such that I couldn’t go inland, so I kept going NE. That’s when I encountered a critter in the water that was +++ my level. Went to the graveyard which was well inland and also +++.

  10. Miles_Teg says:

    On average guys fart 12 times a day and women seven. So now you know:

  11. Dave B. says:

    I went NE from Stranglethorn, in the water along the coast, intending to go somewhere safe to kill some critters in the Stranglethorn region. But the terrain along the coast was such that I couldn’t go inland, so I kept going NE. That’s when I encountered a critter in the water that was +++ my level. Went to the graveyard which was well inland and also +++.

    The areas between zones of significantly different levels tend to have impenetrable barriers (like mountains) between them. I know you probably just figured this out, but thought I’d mention anyway.

  12. Miles_Teg says:

    Yeah, I know.

    Sometimes I’ve been trying to get from A to B on a continent and there’s just no way through. Had to go back to the coast and take a flight path.

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