Fri. Oct. 18, 2024 – astounding tales of derring do…

By on October 18th, 2024 in culture, decline and fall, march to war

Cool, bordering on ‘cold’. It was 51F yesterday morning and stayed cool all day. I didn’t see the temp in the afternoon, but it was still mild, with a beautiful clear blue sky. 61F at dinnertime. Great day. And forecast calls for a couple more…

Did my kid duties. Took youngest to get her teeth twisted. She might have them off before Christmas, certainly before Valentines. Time flies. Took her back to school. Did my pickups on the south side of town. Did some more work on my auction purchase. STILL can’t get one piece to talk to the other with USB. Tested my repair and it seems fine. (repair was to remove a damaged USB port, steal one from a hard drive dock, and put it in the auction item. Got to use my new Hakko desoldering gun. Works a treat!) Replaced a power supply that was putting out 3 volts under load instead of 12, but the problem still persists. Eliminated my USB port completely, tested the ports on the controller, and no joy. It’ll still bring good money, but about half what it would have brought if I could get the two pieces talking. Still a big win.

Picked up the kid, took her to her appointment, the other called and missed her bus so she needed a ride, then had to go back and get the first kid, dinner happened, then the kid’s nightime activity needed a drop off and later pickup. Domestic bliss, I get a double helping on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

After all that, I moved some stuff to the attic and baited two new style traps. I used some vanilla Oreos. Hmmm, blondies… and got a hit in the first hour. That is a dead rat on camera 12… I hope the other trap gets one too, and that it was quick enough the others don’t get warned off. I kinda expect that it will be like everything else, new trap style kills one rat, and never another. They learn.

Today is more of the same, with less kid shuffling…

I’ve mentioned it before, but make sure your stacks include stuff to deal with vermin. Rats, ants, roaches, mice. All will want your food, and will spoil what they don’t eat. Plus, the missus won’t be on board with eating roaches for extra protein…

Stacks, they are good.


3 Comments and discussion on "Fri. Oct. 18, 2024 – astounding tales of derring do…"

  1. Greg Norton says:

    >> Who knows if that will happen in the next three weeks.

    “Big Mike” is coming, right??

    The substitution got made on schedule after the debate, but the money people probably got nervous about stoking that much anger following the assassination attempt.

    No one counted on that assassination attempt happening.

  2. Nick Flandrey says:

    57F this morning.   Coffee is brewed.  Lunches are packed.   I could use another hour or two of sleep… normal day.



  3. Greg Norton says:

    No one counted on that assassination attempt happening.

    I also believe the trans issue in Texas is still developing as a big deal, with the Attorney General having gone rogue in anger after the Impeachment effort and a regular Legislative session to reign him in not happening until January.

    “Republicans” in this state were looking the other way while the two “children’s” hospital complexes set up shop to do … something … near my house, complete with mini city level infrastructure and a light rail line built to their front doors to provide staffing needs.

    Running “Big Mike” may have exposed something too early.

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