Thur. Oct. 17, 2024 – … will search forever more, for the band on the run…

By on October 17th, 2024 in culture, decline and fall, march to war

Cool. Maybe even staying cool. Yesterday never made it out of the 70s at my house. It was nice. Of course, I was inside, but it was still nice. I wouldn’t mind more of the same today. Mid 70s F… sunny and clear.

I wasn’t feeling top notch, and D1 stayed home sick, so morning was quiet and involved some extra sleep. Then I started on some repair projects, one on the stuff I drove to Austin to pickup, as that payoff should be a few grand, and the top one on the pile, since I had the soldering and desoldering stuff out…

I changed a USBa port on the auction stuff, and changed out a failed voltage regulator on a Goodwill pickup- a modern and fairly inexpensive Fender guitar amp and speaker. Dinner interrupted before I could test my fixes, so that will be today. While the soldering stuff is out, I’ll see if I can crank out another repair or two. Then there is all the attic and outdoor stuff to get to.

I did some research on attic insulation vacuums. I won some bags in an auction, now I need to find either a rental place, or a contractor, to suck out all the failed blown in insulation in my attic. That project has been delayed for a couple of years and needs to move forward. Rats and heat were the main reasons not to. Heat’s gone, and the rat battle is never-ending. The new insulation is sitting in the attic. Time to move that forward, at least a bit. Having a contractor do it would be best, if the price was right and if they’ll work with me on the amount of crep that is up there in the way. I really just need to redo the main part of the attic. The parts that were never disturbed by remodeling or use are fine. Well, as fine as they ever were, which is pretty NOT fine by modern standards. Not something I’m eager to spend time and money on, but something needs to be done.

Oh, and today is Thursday, which means a several hours of ferrying kids around. Starting with orthodontia and the school run this morning.

It’s a great life if you don’t weaken. I’m working on strengthening and flexibility …

Stack, it’s the easy thing to do…


68 Comments and discussion on "Thur. Oct. 17, 2024 – … will search forever more, for the band on the run…"

  1. brad says:

    Someone decided to end it all by throwing themselves in front of a train. Which blocked a main track. After a lot of waiting, the train I was on had to go back to the previous station, where we waited for another train to pick us up and take us on a tour of the countryside, to get around the blockage. Fortunately, I always leave very early, to have some working time at the school before my lectures, so being late wasn’t a big deal.

    Unfortunately, this form of suicide isn’t uncommon. I suppose it’s a more certain exit than, say, jumping off a bridge over a highway. I feel for people that have reached that deep a depression. Feeling so lost, and so certain that no one can help you – oof. I can only wish and hope that, for every suicide, many others do reach out in time.

  2. Greg Norton says:

    Desantis had the guy that abandoned his dog to the flood tracked down:

    Florida came very close to going the other way in 2018. The press still pines for this hot mess.

    Again, lest anyone think its a biased source, I always pull the clips from Warren Buffett’s last TV station, a ABC/Disney network affiliate.

    You aren’t seeing everything.

  3. Greg Norton says:

    Desantis had the guy that abandoned his dog to the flood tracked down:

    And DeSantis still understands What is Best in Life even if the Governator no longer does.

    Just ask The Weatherman.

  4. Greg Norton says:

    It looks like Kabletown is trying a little Disney marketing magic.


  5. Nick Flandrey says:

    Aren’t the witches sisters in that book/play?


    Got to sleep in a bit since D2 has a later appointment, and D1 + W don’t leave until after 7am.   Surprising how good a half hour can feel.


    coffee is almost ready… looks like another cool and clear day.   Hurray!


  6. Ray Thompson says:

    Someone decided to end it all by throwing themselves in front of a train

    Our German friends complain about the same thing happening in Germany. They are generally pissed at DB anyway and this just adds to dissatisfaction.

    Several years ago when I was in Atlanta there was a guy threatening to jump off a bridge over I-75, a major route. Of course, the police closed the interstate both ways and traffic was a nightmare. Trying to go around on I-285 was long, slow and frustrating. The almost universal comment from everyone was for the police to just push the guy off the bridge, hose the interstate off with a fire truck, and get traffic moving.

    There was zero sympathy or compassion for the possible jumper. I felt the same way. If you want to die, it is your right. Just don’t mess with everyone else’s rights. Do it in a way that causes the least commotion. And really don’t create a traffic mess that adversely impacts tens of thousands of people.

  7. Ray Thompson says:

    Spongey just gave away another $4.5 billion of taxpayers money to forgive public service workers student loans. People who do not understand that a loan is a commitment. People who will now go out and borrow more money because they think the loan is free and will put themselves into more debt.

    Here’s the biggest issue. That is my money that Spongey is giving away. I did not cosign on any of those loans yet my tax dollars are now being used to erase those loans.

    And if a person is a public service worker that expensive college degree did not really do anything for their career. Almost all public service workers only need a high school education. Some jock driving a fire truck does not need a higher education.

  8. MrAtoz says:

    Here’s the biggest issue. That is my money that Spongey is giving away.

    Yup, tRump should end these EO giveaways immediately. Then use the much vaunted Swat Team at the Dept. of Education to go collect on those loans. Don’t have the money, take away all their stuff. Don’t have any stuff, off to prison you go. You can pay back your loan with your meager prison earnings.

  9. Greg Norton says:

    Spongey just gave away another $4.5 billion of taxpayers money to forgive public service workers student loans

    The Administration is trying to paper over the problems in the existing public service student loan repayment scheme, where over 97% are ultimately rejected but not before wasting significant amounts of time and money attempting to qualify.

    Dave Ramsey is the target of the politics. He’s relentless with callers who believe in the scheme, and he seems to be putting more on the air lately.

  10. brad says:

    Well, y’all may be a bit harsh. I think a lot of students, at 18, are just too immature to understand the consequences of getting huge student loans. If they funded your degree in underwater basket-weaving, and you cannot find a job in the field, then the university can be taken to court and made liable for your loan. I don’t know the details, but the option is there, and it needs to be used a lot more.

    For the future, eliminate the federal guarantee. Anyone can take out a private loan from a bank, as long as they convince the bank they will pay the loan back. That would pretty much eliminate student loans. It would cause an immediate drop in tuition costs, back to something normal people can pay. If universities could do it 30 years ago, they can do it today.

    However, more and more, I’m wondering what education will look like in the future. With computers, with the Internet, with the possibility of high quality remote instruction, and now with AI in the game? Good, motivated students don’t need to come to a campus. They need a planned program to follow, and they need a human to serve as mentor and to help them with difficult concepts and questions. The day-to-day stuff can be videos, self-study, and an AI for the easy questions.

    The problem – and I see this everyday in my classes – is motivation. Today I taught the “weeder” course in first semester programming. One student asked how many people will pass, and I said “about half”. He was shocked. Of course, he also left early, without asking any questions. Gee, I wonder which half he will be in?

    In-person instruction can help with motivation. So can being part of a group taking the same physical course. Take away the in-person part, take away the group, and a lot (more) kids are going to sink. I don’t know the answer to that. On the other hand, I see my kids building social lives on the net, in ways I cannot quite grasp. One, despite being an introvert, has made numerous friends in other countries, to the point that they fly to visit each other IRL. So maybe the group can become virtual.

    This rambling stream of consciousness brought to you free of charge – worth every penny you paid for it. 😛

  11. MrAtoz says:

    Recommended: Moen Flo Smart Water Leak Detectors

    I got these last year when the A/C condensate line overflowed when we were gone. After cleanup and flushing the drain, I placed the sensor by the drain, ran the cord out to the door knob of the closet the unit is in, and tied it around the knob. Yesterday, I got a phone alert “water detected”. Yup, overflowing, and, I just had a semi-annual checkup and clean out. Rather than calling the AC service, I hooked up my shop vac to the outside line, and pumped about 5 gallons of mild chlorox water down the line. Followed up with a half gallon of vinegar. Lots of algae water came out.

  12. MrAtoz says:

    In moving to Vegas news:

    I continue to pack up the SA house. I had a new, upgraded, water softener with whole house filter, put in at the beginning of the year. I’m going to have it de-plumbed and take it with me (I like my water softened). I’ll have the plumber close up the plumb line. I think I’ll also take my new Bosch dish washer. That thing was over a grand. My realtor says leaving a ”hole” might be distracting. Tough potatoes, a buyer can get their own.

  13. Nightraker says:

    After mastery of reading, long division, fractions and decimals most so called education is glorified babysitting.  Since that is the latter half of an education career it should be no surprise that students are motivated  and trained to just slide by.  Education as an institution seems to be designed as a short person’s prison until “graduation” unleashes ’em into the real world or university.

  14. Greg Norton says:

    For the future, eliminate the federal guarantee. Anyone can take out a private loan from a bank, as long as they convince the bank they will pay the loan back. That would pretty much eliminate student loans. It would cause an immediate drop in tuition costs, back to something normal people can pay. If universities could do it 30 years ago, they can do it today.

    The Federal guaranteed student loan program was nationalized in 2010 as part of passing Obamacare under Reconciliation. The Treasury issues the paper from the Fed’s printing press and the payments from the borrowers are an increasingly valuable source of revenue for the US government.

  15. Greg Norton says:

    Well, y’all may be a bit harsh. I think a lot of students, at 18, are just too immature to understand the consequences of getting huge student loans. If they funded your degree in underwater basket-weaving, and you cannot find a job in the field, then the university can be taken to court and made liable for your loan. I don’t know the details, but the option is there, and it needs to be used a lot more.

    Borrower Defense is the mechanism in the Federal student loan programs. Most universities have programs which would not withstand the scrutiny, and many institutions’ reputations would be damaged if pursuing that route became popular among the graduates.

  16. drwilliams says:

    Two Canadians Started a Taiwanese Tea Business. Then the Woke Mob Came for Them.

    The pair’s TV appearance brought attention alright. You see, the tea-based drink originated in Taiwan, and apparently, you have to be Taiwanese to make it. More than that — since Bobba simply distributes the fruit pearl formula (the “boba”) manufactured by a supplier in Taiwan — you’re not permitted to sell it unless you’re also of Taiwanese origin, according to the race-obsessed Left’s rulebook. The mere commercialization of it is “cultural appropriation.” You’re not even allowed anywhere near the supply chain let alone be a part of it.

    Asian actor Simu Liu, the celebrity guest “Dragon” on Thursday’s episode of the CBC show, sparked the Internet firestorm with his scathing on-air review of Bobba. Liu, who’s Chinese Canadian, is known for portraying “Shang-Chi” in Marvel’s movie based on the comic book character of the same name.

    1. Bubble tea was invented in Taiwan in the 1980’s
    2. Taiwanese bubble tea includes tapioca balls–tapioca is a product native to Brazil.
    3. Asian actor Simu Liu was born in China, not Taiwan.

    So the original product appropriated an ingredient from another country 11,000 miles away, and now a Chinese-born Canadian actor is laying claim to a product invented in another country. And, just to be clear, the actor’s income is based on film, television, electronics, and flying around in airplanes, none of which China invented.

    If the Canadian entrepreneurs start a GoFundMe, I’m in.

  17. drwilliams says:

    BREAKING: The October 7 Mastermind Has Been Eliminated

    According to reports, U.S. officials have been notified by the Israeli Defense Forces that they are in possession of Sinwar’s body and he was targeted in an airstrike Thursday.

    Chum the waters, sew the body in a pig skin, and drop it in the ocean.

  18. Greg Norton says:

    Liu, who’s Chinese Canadian, is known for portraying “Shang-Chi” in Marvel’s expensive failure film based on the comic book character of the same name.

    Number One Son.

    Not smart enough for med school or even engineering like his parents.

    Failed accountant, fired from Deloitte.

    Simu Liu has issues.

  19. Ken Mitchell says:

    According to reports, U.S. officials have been notified by the Israeli Defense Forces that they are in possession of Sinwar’s body and he was targeted in an airstrike Thursday. 

    But apparently not killed BY the airstrike.    “Amazing story behind apparent death of Sinwar: IDF forces spotted terrorists in building, tank fired shell at site, killing them; army had no idea Sinwar was there. Bottom line: After a huge manhunt by Special Forces, some random tank crew killed Sinwar by mistake…”

    What’s the most dangerous job in the world?  Being the head of Hamas.  This guy, Yahya Sinwar, had been the head of Hamas only since August, when the PREVIOUS head of Hamas,  Ismail Haniyeh, has been assassinated. 

  20. Lynn says:

    “Houston-area Luby’s closing after unsuccessful lease negotiation”

    “This Luby’s is preparing to serve its last meals next month.”

    Bummer.  Down to 15 in the Houston area now.  There used to be hundreds of Luby’s across Texas.

  21. Lynn says:

    “Biden Uses B-2 Stealth Bombers to Attack Houthis in Yemen”

    ““U.S. forces targeted several of the Houthis’ underground facilities housing various weapons components of types that the Houthis have used to target civilian and military vessels throughout the region,” Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III said in a statement, according to Fox News.”

    I am going to miss Infowars.

  22. Lynn says:

    The problem – and I see this everyday in my classes – is motivation. Today I taught the “weeder” course in first semester programming. One student asked how many people will pass, and I said “about half”. He was shocked. Of course, he also left early, without asking any questions. Gee, I wonder which half he will be in?

    My experience is if they did not start programming in their early teens, their future in programming is not bright.

  23. Lynn says:

    I continue to pack up the SA house. I had a new, upgraded, water softener with whole house filter, put in at the beginning of the year. I’m going to have it de-plumbed and take it with me (I like my water softened). I’ll have the plumber close up the plumb line. I think I’ll also take my new Bosch dish washer. That thing was over a grand. My realtor says leaving a ”hole” might be distracting. Tough potatoes, a buyer can get their own.

    You are a braver man than me.

  24. drwilliams says:

    Palestinian bluster: I will die a martyr

    Palestinian reality: Died like a cowardly dog with a fake ID and wads of cash in his pockets.

  25. Lynn says:

    “If Trump Wins, Guess Who Will Be in Charge of Certifying the Election?”

    Oh, our favorite cackler.

    Hat tip to:

  26. Greg Norton says:

    Bummer.  Down to 15 in the Houston area now.  There used to be hundreds of Luby’s across Texas.

    Luanne Platter is a character on “King of the Hill”.

    The Lucy’s-owned Fuddruckers near our house sat for a couple of years, but the building recently reopened as a Shogun, another Houston-based chain.

    The Luby’s nearby closed almost a decade ago. The building became a used car lot office for the nearby Dodge dealer, but now that the car company is circling the drain, the building hosts a close out appliance store.

  27. EdH says:

    Bottom line: After a huge manhunt by Special Forces, some random tank crew killed Sinwar by mistake…”

    The tank crew were out there killing terrorists, he was a terrorist out there, so more of a “preparation meets opportunity” scenario than mistake.

  28. drwilliams says:

    That Fox News Interview May Have Done To Kamala What The Debate Did To Biden

    There’s no longer any denying that she’s a mindless, superficial candidate who instills no confidence.

    It was genuinely difficult to watch, and not because it was contentious but because you almost had to feel sorry for her. It was a sense of pity as was the same for Biden during that debate. There was nothing unusual or unfair about the event that revealed the president to be a decrepit and impaired senior citizen. It was simply the moment nobody could deny the obvious any longer.

    I don’t pity them at all. They are traitors drenched in the blood of our countrymen.

    Put them up against the Ceaușescu Wall. Bury them with Sinwar. 

  29. EdH says:

    The problem – and I see this everyday in my classes – is motivation. Today I taught the “weeder” course in first semester programming. One student asked how many people will pass, and I said “about half”. He was shocked. Of course, he also left early, without asking any questions. Gee, I wonder which half he will be in?

    I took a computer graphics course a few years back at the local jc

    The instructor stood in front of the class and said that he was going to give us the questions to the midterms, in order they’d be on the test, and that he was giving  the answers at the same time.  And he did that. And then he said that he expected half of the class to fail that midterm.

    And they did.

    Apparently it has gotten worse, if my neighbor’s sons accounts are true.

  30. Lynn says:

    “How Hezbollah’s pagers went BOOM!”

    “A thin, square sheet with six grams of white pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) plastic explosive was squeezed between two rectangular battery cells, according to the Lebanese source and photos.”

    Wow, that is nasty.

  31. Lynn says:

    “Some bad news, health-wise”

    “As regular readers will know, I’ve been battling a kidney condition, hydronephrosis, and associated kidney stones for just about a year now.  An ultrasound and two CT scans later, plus three surgical procedures, and I thought it was healed.  Unfortunately, that’s proved to be a pipe dream.  A few weeks ago I began to get renewed pain in my kidney, and my waterworks began to dry up.  I was fed up by then with the lack of communication from the local urologist who’d done the work, so I asked my primary care physician to refer me to a top-level specialist at a major medical center, who could analyze what’s going on and (hopefully) come up with a solution.”

    Peter is not doing well.  You can live with one kidney but it sucks.  We have two kidneys for a reason, an online spare when one of them plugs.

  32. Lynn says:

    “J.D. Vance Explains Why Kamala Chameleon Was Unable to Answer Bret Baier’s Questions”

    ““What I saw was a person who not just didn’t have the skill to navigate a tough interview, but doesn’t know how to explain her record because her record is not possible to explain away to the American people,” he said.”

    “A commentary at Twitchy added, “She didn’t answer one question, not one. Nope, she was far more concerned with ‘filibustering’ the interview so she could pretend she said something without really saying anything. His questions were fairly simple and basic, questions any presidential candidate should have been able to answer, but all she did was spin, deflect, bring up Trump, and spin some more. In other words, she imploded. If she can’t handle Bret Baier how on Earth does anyone believe she could handle Putin or Xi? C’mon.””

    Yup and Yup.

  33. Greg Norton says:

    “If Trump Wins, Guess Who Will Be in Charge of Certifying the Election?”

    Oh, our favorite cackler.

    Republicans control the majority of state delegations in the House. The end result would be the same If the election went there. The wild card would then be the Senate, however.

  34. Lynn says:

    “Bret Baier Reveals Chaos Behind Kamala’s Trainwreck Interview: ‘Four Handlers’ Desperately Signal to Cut It Short — ‘I Had to Dismount There at the End’”

    “In what can only be described as a complete disaster, Kamala Harris faced one of her toughest interviews yet during a recent appearance on Fox News with Bret Baier.”

    “What was supposed to be a controlled media moment quickly spiraled into chaos, leaving even Kamala’s most loyal aides scrambling to cut the interview short.”

    Wow, this woman requires four handlers ?  Do she not have a mind at all ?

  35. Greg Norton says:

    I continue to pack up the SA house. I had a new, upgraded, water softener with whole house filter, put in at the beginning of the year. I’m going to have it de-plumbed and take it with me (I like my water softened). I’ll have the plumber close up the plumb line. I think I’ll also take my new Bosch dish washer. That thing was over a grand. My realtor says leaving a ”hole” might be distracting. Tough potatoes, a buyer can get their own.

    It isn’t unusual to move into a house with the water softener connections capped off, but I would get a POS dishwasher instead of leaving an empty hole.

    People are weird about holes in their future tenbagger. Even if they’re paying a premium, they want to believe that they got a deal.

    That said, even a POS installed might run a grand these days. A new Bosch in Vegas might be cheaper.

    We left a Bosch in Florida.

  36. Ray Thompson says:

    Wow, this woman requires four handlers ?  Do she not have a mind at all ?

    No, she has no intelligence. She has been clouded by her own ego. The results of the interview will make no difference in the minds of the people that think she is the greatest thing since mint flavored sexual lube. Their minds have been clouded just as badly. The Humper is promising lots of goodies and that is all these people see. Make the rich pay huge taxes, give the money to the lazy leaches. A big Robin Hood of the 21st century.

    The Humper has no international skill. She is not even aware of the constitution and what it provides. She sees herself as the savior of the poor black people. Even herself as she manifests an ethnic background that is entirely false.

    I have not heard any plans about how she is going to tax the rich. If I was very rich and she got elected, I would consider relocation myself to Canada, Switzerland or Germany.

    The Humper has offered nothing about border security other than it was all Trump’s fault. Hello you sniveling whore, you and Spongey’s administration had years to fix the problem. Instead you made it worse.

    The Humper has no plans for energy, such energy necessary for a strong economy. She has not filled a gas tank, bought groceries, stood in line at Disneyland, in dozens of years. She has not had to wait hours in an emergency room. She has not had to pay hundreds of dollars for a prescription. The Humper is so far removed from the life of real Americans she cannot even comprehend what it is like to live day-to-day.

    The Humper is like Joel Osten. Lots of words to make a person feel good. But no real substance. No answers, no solutions, nothing substantial on anything that is important.

    There have been a lot of bad political candidates for many years, including Trump. But the Humper is far and away the worst possible choice for a candidate.

  37. Greg Norton says:

    I took a computer graphics course a few years back at the local jc

    The instructor stood in front of the class and said that he was going to give us the questions to the midterms, in order they’d be on the test, and that he was giving  the answers at the same time.  And he did that. And then he said that he expected half of the class to fail that midterm.

    I took an HP50 into a midterm in a Graphics class about 10 years ago and cut through the test in about 10 minutes.

    The young’n’s had never touched a calculator like that so they weren’t aware of its capabilities.

    I did have the blessing of the professor with regard to the calculator ahead of time. He declined my offer to show him that the memory was clear, trusting that I was being honest.

    I had no reason to lie. I was there to learn something.

  38. Lynn says:

    “CLEAN SWEEP: Trump Claims All the Battleground States for the 1st Time in RCP Average”

    “These numbers, if they are accurate, and if they hold for three weeks, give Trump/Vance a convincing win, 312-226. A cautionary note: These margins are all well within the margin of error for most polls. Another cautionary note: Over the last two presidential election cycles, 2016 and 2020, polls all underestimated the final Republican vote. Now, maybe pollsters have adjusted their sampling models, found whatever was causing that, and fixed it. Then again, maybe they haven’t.”

  39. Lynn says:

    There have been a lot of bad political candidates for many years, including Trump. But the Humper is far and away the worst possible choice for a candidate.

    I have never seen anyone as bad as Harris.  And I lived through Jimmy Carter’s presidency.

    BTW, the Republican RINO’s have destroyed the next generation leadership coming up through the ranks. Except, JD Vance. I have no idea how he survived their attacks and purges.

  40. Gavin says:

    If you want to die, it is your right. Just don’t mess with everyone else’s rights. Do it in a way that causes the least commotion.

    ‘Futurama’ had the right idea: Suicide booths. (also available now in pod shapes for 3d printing). Not to mention medical murder, aka doctor-assisted suicide for mostly people with expensive illnesses).

  41. Greg Norton says:

    I have never seen anyone as bad as Harris.  And I lived through Jimmy Carter’s presidency.

    BTW, the Republican RINO’s have destroyed the next generation leadership coming up through the ranks. Except, JD Vance. I have no idea how he survived their attacks and purges.

    Jimmy Carter graduated from the Naval Academy and Admiral Rickover’s nuclear sub program. He also ran a successful farm prior to entering politics.

    And no matter how poorly he ran the White House, the old Sunday School teacher made sure that Uncle Ted did not end up as the party nominee in 1980. If you don’t understand the significance, find a way to screen “Chappaquiddick”.

    The next Republican nominee needs to come from the ranks of the Governors.

  42. Greg Norton says:

    And no matter how poorly he ran the White House, the old Sunday School teacher made sure that Uncle Ted did not end up as the party nominee in 1980. If you don’t understand the significance, find a way to screen “Chappaquiddick”.

    We’re headed to visit that area this fall. Of course I’m going to go to the Dike Bridge, the site of the incident, and take pictures.

  43. Nick Flandrey says:

    Jimmy Carter graduated from the Naval Academy and Admiral Rickover’s nuclear sub program. 

    – which shows that brains alone are not enough for the job.   You need a rock hard belief in your ability to choose correctly, and a solid understanding of what you stand for, and what you can give up…

    You have to believe you are the right person for the job too, or it will eat you up.  I think T is the only one to leave the office with any extra body mass, and no grey hair.


  44. Ken Mitchell says:

    Over the last two presidential election cycles, 2016 and 2020, polls all underestimated the final Republican vote. Now, maybe pollsters have adjusted their sampling models, found whatever was causing that, and fixed it. Then again, maybe they haven’t.”

    The sampling was probably more correct but wasn’t allowing for the fraud factor. 

  45. Ray Thompson says:

    Now, maybe pollsters have adjusted their sampling models, found whatever was causing that, and fixed it

    Never discount a truck full of ballots marked 90% democratic that arrive in the middle of the night through the alley entrance at the polling locations.

  46. drwilliams says:

    “Jimmy Carter graduated from the Naval Academy and Admiral Rickover’s nuclear sub program. He also ran a successful farm prior to entering politics.”

    Carter did not graduate from the nuclear sub program.

    He withdrew after his father died and received a discharge to return to Plains and take over his part of the family peanut business.

    His stupidity in the Middle East and abandonment of the Shah of Iran paved the way for the mullahs and their reign of terror.

  47. Bob Sprowl says:

    RE the dishwasher:

    I would have a working, used one installed.  Get one from a used appliance store.  The empty hole will turn off many buyers.  A working machine will get the response of, “we’ll upgrade it when it fails”.

  48. Ophelia says:

    >>His stupidity in the Middle East and abandonment of the Shah <<

    What if the West pummeled Iran’s oil wells, refineries, and infrastructure – and then decided to rebuild it (Lend-Lease? Elon Musk?) with the proviso we could salt their earth if they didn’t start governing themselves under rule of common law; the first of which being the sanctity of property rights. 

    They can’t really play chicken with nuclear arms because they’ll lose. 

    Sooner or later you have to declare outright war on mosquitoes or succumb to malaria. 

  49. Ophelia says:

    Mars habitation = veronica

    No way, no how. Pure pipe dreaming. But it sells shares to the masses, and that’s what counts. 

  50. Lynn says:

    “Jimmy Carter graduated from the Naval Academy and Admiral Rickover’s nuclear sub program. He also ran a successful farm prior to entering politics.”

    Carter did not graduate from the nuclear sub program.

    He withdrew after his father died and received a discharge to return to Plains and take over his part of the family peanut business.

    His stupidity in the Middle East and abandonment of the Shah of Iran paved the way for the mullahs and their reign of terror.

    Yup, Jimmy Carter was the captain of the last diesel electric sub.  I forget the name.  It may have been the special sub with a snorkel built for the Barents Sea with undersea phone cable splitter for the Russian undersea phone line.

    Carter told a friend of mine (dead five years now) when my friend was an ensign on Rickover’s staff in 1963 ??? that he, Carter, would never get on a nuclear sub as Carter viewed nuclear subs as dangerous.  This was right after the loss of the Thresher when we did not know that a two inch through the hull tank fitting had failed at 1,300 feet.  Many people were saying that the nuclear reactor failed which was not the case.

  51. Nick Flandrey says:

    It would be interesting to leapfrog Mars colonies and find a moon with better prospects.    Other than the fact that mass is cheap once you are on the planet, if you are going to live in hermetically sealed environments, why do it at the bottom of a gravity well?

    You have to burn money to land, and burn money to take off again.


    Having said that, it’s a big honking goal, and humans need goals and a frontier.

  52. Nick Flandrey says:

    Jasso attacked Hawk first as he stepped in to protect Waters, but after an initial strike, the groomer was able to gain access to Waters, allegedly chopping off her nose and causing her to collapse on the floor. 

    Hawk again intervened and was struck multiple times, sustaining deep cuts in his arms and ribcage, according to CBS 12. 

    The pair eventually managed to escape into a locked room in the barn, where Waters called 911. 

    By the time police arrived, Jasso had barricaded himself in his RV and admitted to police that he attacked his boss because she had insulted him, according to CBS 12. 

    Both Waters and Hawk were taken to the hospital to be treated for their injuries. 

    The stable owner obtained severe injuries to her nose, as well as, a fractured upper jawbone and facial trauma. 

    wonder what his immigration status is.   Kinda telling that he went to a machete for the attack.


  53. paul says:

    Yeah, the dishwasher…. take the german to LV thing and stuff in the cheapest working machine you can find.

    It’ll help to sell the house.

  54. Ray Thompson says:

    For the first time in history someone can say “she’s an idiot” and 90% of the people in the U.S. know to whom they are referring.

  55. Lynn says:

    I’ve got a red and tan large dog hanging at the front door of the office.  Hopefully she belongs to one of the neighbors but she does not have a collar.  I have given her two small cans of Vienna Sausages and water.  There is no way that I am taking her home.  She is super friendly and wants in the office building real bad.  If she is still here when I leave, I will give her two more cans.

  56. Greg Norton says:

    For the first time in history someone can say “she’s an idiot” and 90% of the people in the U.S. know to whom they are referring.

    Yes, but he is Bad Daddy, and America has to work that out of its collective system.

    Who knows if that will happen in the next three weeks.

  57. Lynn says:

    Who knows if that will happen in the next three weeks.

    Texas starts early voting on Monday, Oct 21, to Friday Nov 1.  It is getting real.

    I just want all of the political people to stop texting me.  The wife wants them to stop also.

  58. Alan says:

    >> Who knows if that will happen in the next three weeks.

    “Big Mike” is coming, right??

  59. Alan says:

    >> I just want all of the political people to stop texting me.  The wife wants them to stop also.

    Here is the battleground desert, almost no texts, no mailers except a few this week, TV has been inundated for months.

  60. Alan says:

    >> Who knows if that will happen in the next three weeks.

    Gotta hope for something…

    The plagiarism bit doesn’t seem to have gotten any traction.

    Same for Teens & Timmy.

    The “hunting trip” … we already know he’s stupid.


  61. Nick Flandrey says:

    It’s astonishing what people will overlook.

    Naked showers with kids.  “He’s the smartest man I know.” 


  62. Alan says:

    >> I’ve got a red and tan large dog hanging at the front door of the office.  Hopefully she belongs to one of the neighbors but she does not have a collar.  I have given her two small cans of Vienna Sausages and water.  There is no way that I am taking her home.  She is super friendly and wants in the office building real bad.  If she is still here when I leave, I will give her two more cans.

    Now that you’ve fed her, she may try to follow you home. Otherwise, call your county animal control department, they can check her for a microchip.

  63. Alan says:

    >> Yeah, the dishwasher…. take the german to LV thing and stuff in the cheapest working machine you can find.

    It’ll help to sell the house.

    Yes, but, if it’s a high-end kitchen SWMBO will insist on the DW match the rest of the applianses. Concede a reasonable ($250?) amount or go with the bare-bones used.

    Are you leaving the fridge? For some reason it seems that taking the fridge, or not supplying one if its new construction, is fairly common (yes, W2 watches too much  of House Hunters).

  64. Alan says:

    >> By the time police arrived, Jasso had barricaded himself in his RV and admitted to police that he attacked his boss because she had insulted him, according to CBS 12. 

    Both Waters and Hawk were taken to the hospital to be treated for their injuries. 

    The stable owner obtained severe injuries to her nose, as well as, a fractured upper jawbone and facial trauma.

    It’s right there…she insulted him…machismo…

    And too, because Florida.

  65. Alan says:

    >>Mars habitation = veronica


  66. Lynn says:

    >> I’ve got a red and tan large dog hanging at the front door of the office.  Hopefully she belongs to one of the neighbors but she does not have a collar.  I have given her two small cans of Vienna Sausages and water.  There is no way that I am taking her home.  She is super friendly and wants in the office building real bad.  If she is still here when I leave, I will give her two more cans.

    Now that you’ve fed her, she may try to follow you home. Otherwise, call your county animal control department, they can check her for a microchip.

    We have a bad problem with dogs being abandoned out here.  She has a little grey on her muzzle.  She looks healthy.

    I doubt that the county animal control will respond at midnight.

    She has been jumping on the office front door for three hours now.  Way before I fed her.  All of my office neighbors have dogs and they are barking at her.

    I am hoping that she has not scratched up my $4,000 office double front door made out of glass and black metal.

    Home is 4 miles away at 60 mph.  That is not happening.

  67. Nick Flandrey says:

    As the economy worsens, people will be abandoning pets.   Especially big eaters.   It’s gonna suck.


  68. Nick Flandrey says:

    Veronica Mars – TV show, iirc RBT enjoyed watching one of the actresses involved.


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