Thur. Oct. 3, 2024 – Thursday again. Well who knew?

Still warm in the late afternoon. OK, hot in the late afternoon. Morning temps are around 70F which is nice, and the RH is down with the lower temps. BUT while it’s finally Fall, we aren’t into sweater weather yet. Still hitting 90F most days.

WELL, yesterday was a big fat bust. Didn’t get much sleep the night before and was in no condition to drive 3 hours each way to pick up my items. No way, no how. I fight to stay awake while driving in the best of conditions. Running on only a couple of hours of broken sleep was not going to help. So I rescheduled my pickup to tomorrow. I’ll get to bed early tonight, and make an early start.

I did manage to do a couple of small projects before getting to all the kid stuff and dinner.

Today is more of the same. Whatever I can do in the morning, and then late afternoon occupied by kid chores. D2 has an activity from 630-830 which really breaks up the evening too. My Tuesdays and Thursdays are not my own.

It would be nice to get some cabinets and shelves moved around today. W1 is definitely getting agitated by the lack of progress in the back yard and the driveway. I’m hoping for a cool morning and a strong back today.

So much to do, and so long not really being productive. I need to break out of this funk and get back to making progress. Being well rested is probably desirable to make that happen, as is eating less sugar. I’m going to make an extra effort now. There is a ton of stuff happening on the family calendar, with very little unallocated time between now and the new year. We’re about to start the headlong rush to the Christmas and I’m not ready.

Time seems to be flying by.

Get your life organized, your stacks topped up, and your friends on speed dial…


25 Comments and discussion on "Thur. Oct. 3, 2024 – Thursday again. Well who knew?"

  1. brad says:

    the deluded will get a reality check

    A reality check on unskilled young males can go sideways.

    A couple of days ago a saw a video of several young guys ripping up the pavement in the middle of a road. It was unclear where the video was taken. The road looked pretty good, except for the intentional damage. Could have been Africa, could have been Bumfuck, USA.

    Anyway, the explanation of the video was that they were caught doing this, to set a trap for motorists. You come along, see the massive road damage, slow way down, and then your car gets swarmed.

    What do you do with useless people? Actually, worse than useless – it doesn’t take many barbarians to tear down a civilization.

    The Iranians would burn the oil fields of the entire Mideast In retaliation.

    I don’t understand that threat. Does Iran really want war with *all* of it’s neighbors? Israel is downright friendly compared to what someone like the Saudis would do. Surely Iran cannot be that stupid?

    I don’t see how Israel manages to keep from genocide.

    Not enough bullets?

    Seriously, though, the situation in that region seriously sucks, and there is no solution. Israel’s enemies want it gone at any cost, but lack the power to achieve that. Israel is too small to do any serious conquering, so they cannot get rid of their enemies. Last but not least, the soft-hearted in the West insist on pretending that peace is an option, and get upset anytime reality impinges on their good intentions.

    Today I was gone from the house for almost ten hours, shuttling people and taking care of things for people who aren’t me.

    @SteveF: Don’t be afraid to hire help, where possible. Surely a lawn service for the brother would be better than five hours of your own time, unless you needed to do other things there as well.

  2. Greg Norton says:

    HEB was cleaned out of TP, paper towels, and most water tonight.  

    You Ain’t Got No Ice Cream games have started again.

    People are stupid and spend way too much of the day staring into their phones.

    Of course Costco and the other big box retailers dependent on cash flow are going to play along.

    Two new Costco stores opened within 20 minutes of my house since 2020.

  3. Greg Norton says:

    Just keep the monkey supplied with plenty of peanuts…

    My employer’s stock is back to near the level where the execs got their share grants in the Spring.

    Gonna need a bigger layoff.

  4. Greg Norton says:

    HEB was cleaned out of TP, paper towels, and most water tonight.  

    HEB is going to return to stocking the TP they put in their stores in Mexico.

  5. Nick Flandrey says:

    People hear “supply chain interruption” and they feel the need to stock up.   If they’d have learned the lesson, they’d already BE stocked up.


    another clear, mild morning.   Ground the coffee beans for the week, made the lunches, brewed the bean broth.   About to head out to await the bus…


  6. Ray Thompson says:

    The flatulence was that bad already in high school?

    Nah, I tried to behave like a civilized person back then. Then as I got in the military and was trying to grow up I found that self-relief was better than I thought.

    Our TP comes from Alabama.

    Yes, because it don’t take no crap off anyone.

    People hear “supply chain interruption” and they feel the need to stock up

    I saw a chap walking out of the local grocery store with one of those big industrial rolls, the one with 47 miles of TP, that he stole from the bathroom. I informed the store manager and he said getting the police involved was not worth the hassle. I know who he is and with the size of his wife and two daughters they probably really need that much.

  7. Greg Norton says:

    Because … Texas??

    The Attorney General is a slimeball with his own set of Kenny Boys, but the “Republicans” who backed impeachment were part of the Bush cabal who were bitter that their plans for putting George P. (Diddly) Bush into the Governor’s Mansion and, eventually, the White House, were derailed in the 2022 primary when Paxton won nomination for his reelection, defeating Jeb!’s offspring’s bid for the stepping stone.

  8. Greg Norton says:

    People hear “supply chain interruption” and they feel the need to stock up.   If they’d have learned the lesson, they’d already BE stocked up.

    The “shortages” are back just in time for the election.

    People don’t have stimulus check money to speculate with on consumer items like last time … at least for now. Plus, penalties for non-payment of student loans like wage garnishments resumed on Tuesday.

    The “broistas” at Dutch Bros. are gonna need a new side hustle.

  9. Nick Flandrey says:

    gonna need a new side hustle.  

    – how convenient for them that the newest one in my neighborhood is in the parking lot of the Goodwill outlet.  They can look for flips on their lunch break….

    I guess daytrading Bitcoin  isn’t working for them anymore?


  10. brad says:

    People hear “supply chain interruption” and they feel the need to stock up.   If they’d have learned the lesson, they’d already BE stocked up.


    The “shortages” are back just in time for the election.

    Odd, if so. Things like the longshoremen’s strike are surely composed of people voting Democrat. But shortages now will tend to hurt the party in power. For that reason, I think they screwed up. The longshoremen may think they will get some quick bennies just to shut them up. Ain’t gonna happen, if only because the time-frame is way too short.

    Vance seems to have made a good impression. Trump continues to blather nonsense. Maybe the Republicans should have followed the Democrat’s example, and replaced their official candidate at the last minute 😛

    Only 4-½ more weeks of nonsense. Followed by…well, we’ll see what it’s followed by.

  11. dkreck says:

    I saw a chap walking out of the local grocery store with one of those big industrial rolls, the one with 47 miles of TP, that he stole from the bathroom. I informed the store manager and he said getting the police involved was not worth the hassle. I know who he is and with the size of his wife and two daughters they probably really need that much.

    Well that was good for my morning wakeup laugh.

  12. dkreck says:

    and my second laugh

    Melber was aghast—Sondland had said that the January 6 event was why he could never support Trump again. The former European Union ambassador has changed his tune, and the Biden-Harris administration’s serial failure and gross incompetence are the primary reason. The MSNBC host couldn’t grasp how Sondland could switch positions. It’s quite simple: this is America; you can do that.

  13. Greg Norton says:

    – how convenient for them that the newest one in my neighborhood is in the parking lot of the Goodwill outlet.  They can look for flips on their lunch break….

    I just punished another amateur hour reseller with a refused delivery due to an inadequate packing job. I don’t even open the box anymore if it arrives damaged.

    The new Dutch Bros near my house is across the street from a Goodwill serving the Fancy Lad Griddy house neighborhood stashed behind the HEB on the corner.

  14. Chad says:

    People hear “supply chain interruption” and they feel the need to stock up.   If they’d have learned the lesson, they’d already BE stocked up.

    Some of that is stockpile discipline. A lot of people, for example, stockpiled toilet paper after 2020. I can even recall a lot of non-preppers saying they had a couple of jumbo packages of toiler paper stockpiled away, so that didn’t happen to them again. Then, they run out of TP, but they don’t feel like going to the store. “Oh yea, I have that extra package tucked away in the basement.” There goes the stockpile.

    On a side note, the best prep for toilet paper shortages isn’t just stocking up on TP when it’s plentiful. Install a bidet. Even if you don’t care for them you can always not use it, but if you ever run out of TP it’ll be your new best friend.

  15. EdH says:

    “People are panic-buying toilet paper because of the port strike. There is no need for that”

    Yes, at dinner with friends last night and one mentioned the local Costco shelves were barren yesterday.

    My own stocks have shrunk but are still substantial, and I do have a (uninstalled) bidet.

    My understanding is that TP is USA sourced anyway.

  16. Greg Norton says:

    and my second laugh

    Sondland is serious Deep State out of the Northwest.

    He founded Provenance Hotels which owns many top tier properties, including the Heathman in Portland, one of the main settings in the “Shades of Grey” books.

    Trivia that may only interest me.

  17. dkreck says:

    DYI tip of the day

    HD parking lot repair crew most likely

  18. brad says:

    DYI tip of the day

    HD parking lot repair crew most likely

    Hey, it has a U-bend, what more do you want?

    I need to do something about our bathroom sink. It drains veeery slowly, probably accumulated hair. Easy fix, right? Block the overflow hole and use a plunger on the drain. Only, I’ve realized I don’t actually own a plunger. I threw away our old one when we moved, because it had gone brittle, and haven’t needed on in the new house until now.

  19. brad says:

    In other news: I bought the hearing aids yesterday. $7k, ouch. But this latest pair they gave me to try are very comfortable and very effective with my odd frequency deficit. For better or worse, I can understand the women in my life a lot better 😛

    We need to clarify insurance, in case I lose one, or step on it, or whatever. The seller offers insurance at crazy rates. I expect a rider on our household insurance will be cheaper.

  20. EdH says:

    I need to do something about our bathroom sink. It drains veeery slowly, probably accumulated hair. Easy fix, right? Block the overflow hole and use a plunger on the drain. Only, I’ve realized I don’t actually own a plunger. I threw away our old one when we moved, because it had gone brittle, and haven’t needed on in the new house until now.

    They make a thin flexible plastic strip with barbs, just for that:

    Our local dollar store carries them for $1.99.

  21. EdH says:

    For better or worse, I can understand the women in my life a lot better

    In my experience hearing and understanding women are two very different things…

  22. ITGuy1998 says:

    I just take the trap apart under the bathroom sinks when they start draining slow. That nasty goo that is a combination of hair, shaving cream, soap, and who know what else gets dumped in the trash. I really don’t want that crap gong further down the pipe. I also clean out the pipe pieces before reassembly. Lately, I scrub the insides with some bleach too. I might do this once a year? Not really sure.

  23. Greg Norton says:

    I need to do something about our bathroom sink. It drains veeery slowly, probably accumulated hair. Easy fix, right? Block the overflow hole and use a plunger on the drain. Only, I’ve realized I don’t actually own a plunger. I threw away our old one when we moved, because it had gone brittle, and haven’t needed on in the new house until now.

    Remove the stopper mechanism and use a drain auger with a ling enough coil to reach past the U.

  24. Ray Thompson says:

    We need to clarify insurance, in case I lose one, or step on it, or whatever.

    I have owned hearing aids for 4+ years. I have never dropped or lost a hearing aid. A friend of mine lost one of hers within 6 months. Maybe I have a Sheldon gene lurking somewhere.

    In other news: I bought the hearing aids yesterday. $7k, ouch. But this latest pair they gave me to try are very comfortable and very effective with my odd frequency deficit.

    Good. It will make a difference in your life. The cost is insane for good devices. I feel lucky the VA pays for mine. I find I forget I am wearing mine. The custom ear molds are part of the reason, no domes. I am guessing you got rechargeable devices. That is what I have and the batteries last at least 18 hours. I have never run them down. I have about 300 batteries left over from the battery powered ones I had previously.

  25. mediumwave says:

    I had an interesting exchange on that subject with a correspondent today.  He’s a retired electrical engineer who spent his career with major utilities and power transmission systems.  He said he’s hearing from former colleagues that an unspecified federal agency is approaching major power utilities in multiple states, asking them to shut down one or two sub-stations in major urban areas and make their equipment available to hurricane-affected areas.  The utilities are being reassured that this would “only” mean that they’d have to cut power for “an hour or two at a time” to nearby suburbs, rotating the load among their other sub-stations.  This would “share the survivors’ load” with their customers, who would surely not complain at being asked to provide relief of this kind.  He told me that the utilities concerned (at least, the ones where he has contacts) are refusing to even consider the proposal, on the grounds that if they were to shut down local consumers because areas hundreds or even thousands of miles away had problems, those same consumers would start shooting at their trucks (and their workers) as they tried to dismantle and haul away the selected sub-stations.  Sounds to me like they know their customers!

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