Mon. Sept. 30, 2024 – a whole new world… or week… or something…

By on September 30th, 2024 in culture, decline and fall, march to war

And it’s still hot. In the afternoon anyway. Very nice in the morning and evening. Mostly because the humidity is lower. I’m actually wishing we’d have some rain, as the grass is getting crunchy. I might run the sprinklers today.

Did NOT get stuff done yesterday. Slept late after being up most of the night, then had to do some stuff with the kids that ate my late afternoon. I did move some more books from my library to milk crates for transport to the BOL. I’ve got 5 or six full for this next trip.

The rest of the day was spent doing various dad things. Took the girls shopping for dresses for Homecoming. Ay carumba. At least it didn’t take long. Only one store. And I did get a pat on the back from some random mom about being involved in my daughters’ lives…

Bought the kids dinner at Jack in the Box. One meal, two additional Bacon Ultimate Cheeseburgers, a shake, and small fries, and the bill was almost $40. That made $160 for a dress seem reasonable. Inflation is out of control. Oh, and the store was being run by two employees, one of whom was on break, so really one guy on the window, and cooking. If it weren’t for mistrust and safety issues, I think they’d drop to one employee for most shifts. With few customers, one person can handle it. And that’s not a pretty picture of the state of the economy.

Today I will try to do the things I blew off this weekend. I HAVE to start making progress on some of this domestic stuff. Stuff is piling up, both metaphorically and physically. Not in a good way either.

So I’m looking at the same list of projects, and the same list of normal everyday stuff. I’m hoping to get some of it done.

Wish me luck, and stack some stuff of your own…


3 Comments and discussion on "Mon. Sept. 30, 2024 – a whole new world… or week… or something…"

  1. Nick Flandrey says:

    No possums in the traps.    And a mild day so far before the dawn.

    Lunches are packed, coffee is brewing.

    I should start the day.


  2. drwilliams says:

    Daylight is precious again—less than 12hours per day. 

    You can’t bank daylight or time. Have to use each efficiently. 

    More coffee. 

  3. Nick Flandrey says:

    Finally some kracks in the Kennedy kult? 

    Ugly truth about the Kennedy dynasty and the litany of women who’ve been destroyed at their hands. They’re the closest thing America has to royalty, but a new scandal embroiling RFK Jr is just the latest to engulf the clan

    By Maureen Callahan

    Published: 20:32 EDT, 29 September 2024 | Updated: 20:44 EDT, 29 September 2024 

    There is only one question for any woman who gets involved with a Kennedy man: What could you possibly be thinking?


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