Wed. July 3, 2024 – plumbing. Yuck. and then family, yea!

Hot and humid, with it staying in low to mid 80s at night. With some storm action possibly coming for the weekend, I’m looking forward to a couple more days of nice (but hot) weather.

I started in Houston Tuesday after driving home at midnight. Plan was to take the kid to the dentist, get my fangs cleaned, do a pickup and head back to the BOL with my hand snake, and sewer cleaning machine. Then I’d pull the toilet and unclog the pipes, and all would be good for the rest of the family to arrive today.

Most of that happened. My hand snake was too short, and my powered snake was NFG. Houston weather took its toll on the motor. So I have a plumber coming some time this morning. Sucks that I had the tools and the knowledge, but didn’t take good enough care of the tool. I used it more than once so it paid for itself almost double, but today’s bill would have been avoidable too.

Stacks are no good if they rot.

And if you are responsible for your own infrastructure, you better be ready to step up. I thought I was ready, if reluctant. Nope.


I am really liking the small shortwave radio I’ve been using lately.

It’s compact, really pulls in the signals, handles SSB very well so the ham bands are easy to listen to, and it’s pretty ergonomic- I can run it by touch in the dark with its large display giving a lot of info. Fine tuning in SSB, and easily select-able bandwidth filters are icing on the cake. It could use a better way to stand it at an angle, and the leather case doesn’t play as well with the antenna as I’d like but those are quibbles. I’ve recommended not getting a small SW radio in the past, but I like this one a LOT.

Today, after the plumbing is sorted, I’ll be getting ready for guests and knocking small things off the list.

Then maybe I can relax a bit with family…

And stack some good times. These are the good ol days.


54 Comments and discussion on "Wed. July 3, 2024 – plumbing. Yuck. and then family, yea!"

  1. Denis says:

    Today, after the plumbing is sorted, I’ll be getting ready for guests and knocking small things off the list.

    I might need a cup of coffee. I parsed that as “… getting ready for guests and knocking them off…”. I too, have had such guests.

    Good luck with the plumber!

  2. Ray Thompson says:

    For my last scope, the ‘no food’ edict got to me late on the first day so I snuck in a lightly scrambled egg white. Figured it would sneak through and afaik wasn’t “spotted.” (IANAD and YMMV)

    What helped me through was the Dr. Pepper. Soft drinks were allowed during the intake restriction.

    You pick a white man over Kamala Harris — black women, I can tell you this: We’re gonna walk away, we’re gonna blow the party up.

    Thus confirming the only qualification that matters is skin color and gender. Competence, intelligence, etc. are not considerations. 

    If her employer demanded something that her religion prohibits, she needed to find a different job.

    Silly you. A lawsuit pays more than another job.

  3. Greg Norton says:

    En Fuego in Houston!

    To quote the writer, a fan … boy … girl … ?

    “– just, maybe charge in the shade until we work out some of these kinks.”

  4. Greg Norton says:

    Let’s leave aside the fact that this is about vaccinations. Why should someone’s religious opinion have any weight at all? Islamists believe that their religion tells them to enforce Sharia law – should the courts support Sharia, because it is a sincerely held religious belief?

    Moderna and Pfizer used aborted fetal tissue to develop the mRNA jabs.

    The Fake Pope issued a waiver for the “vaccinations” in his capacity of the voice of God on Earth, and that opened the door to make the argument about religious beliefs in a courtroom.

  5. Greg Norton says:

    From the things that make you say “Hmmm…” files: 

    Moderna and SpaceX investor Ballie Gifford is in on Rivian, but Amazon is the largest single institutional shareholder.

  6. Greg Norton says:

    Ballmer the Monkey Boy … or Slaphead if you prefer … kept the faith … and 90% of his net worth in MSFT.

    I bought a “beer money” number of shares in 2011, in the depths of the Windows 8 “disaster” at the beginning of Ballmer’s term as CEO, and the stock is up 1700% since then.

    The industry legend is that, prior to joining Microsoft, Ballmer worked for Duncan Hines and developed a unique size/shape cake mix box which crowded out competitors on standard grocery store shelf units. Monkey Boy does know something about math.

  7. Greg Norton says:

    You pick a white man over Kamala Harris — black women, I can tell you this: We’re gonna walk away, we’re gonna blow the party up.

    Thus confirming the only qualification that matters is skin color and gender. Competence, intelligence, etc. are not considerations. 

    Where are they going to go if Newsom is at the top of the ticket? Trump? Kennedy?

    That said, I still believe Big Mike is coming.

    If not – Yeah, Newsom. Trump tho.

    And – Trump. I’m jus’ sayin’.

  8. Greg Norton says:

    Silly you. A lawsuit pays more than another job.

    The network which airs “Skinwalker Ranch” had a lot of Mesothelioma lawsuit commercials on the local cable feed last Summer when I was in Nashville.

    I wonder when the jab lawsuit commercials start. Maybe not on Kabletown local feeds at first, but that will come eventually if there is money to be made.

    Here, the big advertisers are the law firms who sue the trucking companies. At least, for now.

  9. lpdbw says:

    Let’s leave aside the fact that this is about vaccinations. Why should someone’s religious opinion have any weight at all? Islamists believe that their religion tells them to enforce Sharia law – should the courts support Sharia, because it is a sincerely held religious belief?

    That’s a deep and relevant question, and it leads in interesting directions.  The first, and easy, answer is that it’s the law of the land.  Between the Constitution and the various laws about religion that have passed, religious freedom is carefully enshrined here in America.

    But I agree with you about Islam.  Mohammedans have been enemies of America and Western Civilization since the days of Thomas Jefferson, if not longer.

    It was a mistake to call Islam a religion.  Jews worm their way into control of existing systems, and Christians pretend to believe that religion is separate from government (render unto Caesar etc.), but Islam requires submission of all systems to Islam.

    I, personally, am a non-believer.  But the ideal world to live in is WASP Christian, from which our best civilization is derived.

    As far as forced medications go, I contend that my employer had a “religious” (unsupported by evidence) belief in the efficacy of the unproven “vaccine”.  They were forcing their religious beliefs on me.  This medical treatment had nothing to do with the job I was being paid for.  They changed the terms of employment after the fact, in order to force me to comply.

    I filed a religious exemption because it was the only recourse against their ignorance and stupidity.  And they denied it.

    I hope that denial will figure into the punitive damages when my lawsuit settles.  But the legal argument of my lawsuit does not depend on the religious exemption; there are other, more powerful arguments.

  10. Chad says:

    You pick a white man over Kamala Harris — black women, I can tell you this: We’re gonna walk away, we’re gonna blow the party up.

    She’s half-Jamaican/half-Indian. Let’s not pretend like she’s an African-American who clawed her way up and out of the inner city. lol

    Where are they going to go if Newsom is at the top of the ticket? Trump? Kennedy?

    That said, I still believe Big Mike is coming.

    One of the things Biden’s administration has to tap-dance around is him withdrawing because he’s unfit for another term, but somehow convince the masses he is still fit for the remainder of his current term. How does he withdraw from the race, but continue with Presidential duties?

    Michelle has no qualifications at all. Hillary was at least smart enough to first be a Senator and then Secretary of State before making her White House bid. That way nobody could say she had no political or foreign policy experience.

    Bill Burr on Michelle Obama:

  11. MrAtoz says:

    I think it is too late to replace plugs. The only way there will be a new nominee is if the plugs drop out, and Mrs. Doctor Doom Biden certainly does not want that. plugs will have no problem raising money. Soros alone could fund him.

    Big Mike, no.

    tRump, tho.

  12. drwilliams says:

    If Biden does withdraw the House Republicans should prepare Articles of Impeachment against Harris for failing to do her constitutional duty and invoke the 25th Amendment. 

  13. Ken Mitchell says:

    Between the Constitution and the various laws about religion that have passed, religious freedom is carefully enshrined here in America.

    Sharia is ABSOLUTELY incompatible with the Constitution. Any person in the US who advocates for sharia must be deported immediately, because he cannot support the Constitution, on which all American law is dependent. 

  14. Lynn says:

    85F and sunny, with occassional mild breezes… 

    Hot and humid in other words.

    Plumbing fixed.   Blockage cleared.   Young kid, only 20 and has his own license and truck with the company.   He thinks he might be the youngest plumber in Texas…   his future is bright. 

    Family inbound, due any moment, sibling and spouse later in the evening.

    Time to get moving.


    Congrats !  

    And thanks for employing the future of America.

  15. Lynn says:

    Brad said:

    A federal jury found that Tanja Benton “proved by a preponderance of the evidence” that her decision to refuse the vaccine was based on a sincerely held religious belief”

    Let’s leave aside the fact that this is about vaccinations. Why should someone’s religious opinion have any weight at all? Islamists believe that their religion tells them to enforce Sharia law – should the courts support Sharia, because it is a sincerely held religious belief?

    Religion can dictate someone’s personal behavior, but it should not have any importance to their employer or anyone else. If her employer demanded something that her religion prohibits, she needed to find a different job.

    Separation of church and state is an important principle, and that includes courts enforcing individual religious beliefs onto others.

    The legislative history [of Title IX] supports a finding that the term ‘sex’ referred to biological sex.

    That is really excellent news. Time and past time to stop the trans BS. Cosplaying is not reality.

    Nick said:

    @brad, sharia law conflicts with secular law. In the US anyway,  the secular laws against murder and abuse take precedence.   

    There wasn’t a law involved in the “vax” cases, only policy.  

    IIRC the heart of the argument was that the origin of the “vax” included fetal cells from aborted babies, and that even if it was quite removed in time or technique, the religious objection was based on that.

    Some people used the “my body is a temple, and I don’t alter it from God’s intent” argument.     That is a much harder position to defend.

    There is a lot of case law around what is discrimination based on religious beliefs, what is supporting a particular religion, what accommodations need to be made…

    Never forget the origin of the people who made up the original colonies, they were  fringe religious minorities driven out of their home countries by governments telling them what they can and can’t believe and how that was to be expressed.   Like the 2A, those experiences formed the basis for the unique “American” and resonate still.


    What Nick said is so true.  Almost every colony was formed by a different religious sect of Christianity trying to get away from tyrannical governments.  And back in the 1500s and 1600s, if the tyrannical government decided that you were a heretic, they burned you at the stake and sold chicken legs at the regularly scheduled events.

    I don’t dare tell my mother that the Koof “vaccine” had aborted fetal body parts in it.  She would have a stroke.  Me, I get ill thinking that I put that nonsense in my body.

  16. Lynn says:

    I cleaned and put new chlorine tablets in the home septic tank this morning.  It is 98 F in my backyard.  

    I need to get the vacuum truck guys out to clean the entire tank.  There was carryover in the finishing tank from the middle separation tank.  I suspect that the trash tank is full.  500 gallon → 500 gallon → 750 gallon tanks.

    When Erma Bombeck said that the grass is greenest over the septic tank, she was wrong for the aerobic tanks.  The grass is greenest over by the four septic sprinklers.

  17. JimB says:

    Ahhh, Erma Bombeck! I spent some quality time reading her stuff. Very enjoyable.

  18. Lynn says:

    “Biden Told Ally That He Is Weighing Whether to Continue in the Race”

    “WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden has told a key ally that he knows he may not be able to salvage his candidacy if he cannot convince the public in the coming days that he is up for the job after a disastrous debate performance last week.”

    Drudge says that it is Kamala Harris now.

  19. Lynn says:

    Between the Constitution and the various laws about religion that have passed, religious freedom is carefully enshrined here in America.

    Sharia is ABSOLUTELY incompatible with the Constitution. Any person in the US who advocates for sharia must be deported immediately, because he cannot support the Constitution, on which all American law is dependent. 

    There are reputedly more Sharia courts in England than there are the Kings’s courts.

    There will not always be an England.

  20. Lynn says:

    “VP Harris top choice to replace Biden in election race if he steps aside, sources say”

    “WASHINGTON (Reuters) -Vice President Kamala Harris is the top alternative to replace U.S. President Joe Biden if he decides not to continue his reelection campaign, according to seven senior sources at the Biden campaign, the White House and the Democratic National Committee with knowledge of current discussions on the topic.”

  21. Lynn says:

    En Fuego in Houston!

    To quote the writer, a fan … boy … girl … ?

    “– just, maybe charge in the shade until we work out some of these kinks.”

    Cool, the fire in one electric van took out the two vans parked next to it !

  22. mediumwave says:

    Drudge says that it is Kamala Harris now.

    Also on Drudge:

    FLASHBACK: Nine Crazy Harris Quotes in 45 Seconds…

    Biden at least has the excuse of advanced age.

  23. Lynn says:

    Michelle has no qualifications at all.

    Wait, wait, wait.  Michelle O was on the board of directors for a hospital for which she was paid $600K per year.

  24. Ken Mitchell says:

    There are reputedly more Sharia courts in England than there are the Kings’s courts.

    There will not always be an England.

    True, unless Nigel Farage is successful in turning the tide and repelling the Muslim invaders. There’s a CHANCE – but not MUCH of a chance. And lots of blood will be spilled either way. 

  25. MrAtoz says:

    The front page of the DM:

    Biden RESPONDS after reports he’s mulling stepping down: Follow along for U.S. politics live updates

    Biden breaks silence: ‘I’m in this race to the end and we’re going to win’

    There you have it. Barring death, there will be no replacement for plugs. The PLTs/Dumbos/Deep State/Puppet Masters know that trying to replace plugs at the DNC (without him dropping out) will cause enough chaos to guarantee a Trump win.

    A plugs re-election is just Obola’s 4th term. plugs is not cogent enough to be running things.

  26. Lynn says:

    “Mayor Whitmire blasted for saying Houstonians ‘do not want to see encampments'”

    “The Houston mayor’s proclamation that he plans to remove public encampments sparked an intense exchange at City Hall.”

    Funny, I do not remember a right to guaranteed housing in the USA or Texas Constitutions.  

    And, SCOTUS just said that there is no right to camp in a city limits.

    So the advocate needs to raise funds to meet her demands.  Lots of funds because the mentally ill people trash everything in sight when they move in.  Including the copper water pipes.

  27. Lynn says:

    Over The Hedge: Slap That Box !

    Uh, freezing the miniaturized T-Rex is a bad thing.  

    And that wine box is EMPTY.

  28. Lynn says:

    The front page of the DM:

    Biden RESPONDS after reports he’s mulling stepping down: Follow along for U.S. politics live updates

    Biden breaks silence: ‘I’m in this race to the end and we’re going to win’

    There you have it. Barring death, there will be no replacement for plugs. The PLTs/Dumbos/Deep State/Puppet Masters know that trying to replace plugs at the DNC (without him dropping out) will cause enough chaos to guarantee a Trump win.

    A plugs re-election is just Obola’s 4th term. plugs is not cogent enough to be running things.

    The real problem is money.  People have abruptly stopped sending Biden’s campaign money.  He needs another half billion dollars to make it across the finish line.

  29. Lynn says:

    “Tesla stock pops 6%, extends rally as ‘Mojo back for Musk’ after latest delivery data”

    “Tesla stock (TSLA) extended gains on Wednesday, rising more than 6% after jumping 10% on Tuesday as Wall Street weighed in on the electric carmaker’s quarterly vehicle delivery results, which topped expectations. Tesla stock has now gained more than 70% since its most recent low in late April.”

    “Tesla this week announced it produced approximately 411,000 vehicles and delivered nearly 444,000 cars during the second quarter, beating consensus estimates and marking an increase from the first quarter.”

    Somebody is buying EV cars.  I suspect that those are worldwide sales numbers.

  30. Lynn says:

    “Ozempic Linked to Rare Cases of Vision Loss in Harvard Study”

    “The Mass Eye and Ear analysis was designed to look at whether semaglutide is associated with increased risk of NAION after doctors noticed a handful of cases and realized those patients were on the drug. The condition normally affects between one in 10,000 and one in 50,000 people per year, and usually leads to permanent partial vision loss in the affected eye. There’s no standard treatment.”

    Ok, being as I have lost 15% of my vision in my left eye and 5% of my vision in my right eye due to glaucoma (permanent damage to the optic nerve), that is a chilling revelation about Ozempic.  Shoot, I have been figuring that they will put Ozempic in our water some day.

  31. Lynn says:

    “US judge blocks Biden administration ban on worker noncompete agreements”

    “(Reuters) – A federal judge in Texas on Wednesday partially blocked a U.S. Federal Trade Commission rule from taking effect that would ban agreements commonly signed by workers not to join their employers’ rivals or launch competing businesses.”

    “U.S. District Judge Ada Brown in Dallas said in a written decision the FTC, which enforces federal antitrust laws, lacked the power to adopt broad rules prohibiting practices that it deems unfair methods competition.”


  32. CowboyStu says:

    Yesterday I finished a John Grisham novel from my public library.  Then just now went to Big A and downloaded RickH’s “The RV Park Redemption (The RV Vigilante Book 1)”.

  33. Lynn says:

    Jeff Dunham interviews the President:

    OK, it is only Walter but he looks like Bite Me.  Sounds like him too.

  34. Lynn says:

    “Notice Anything Different Regarding Trump Over the Past Couple of Days?”

    “Have you noticed anything different with Donald Trump lately? Joe Biden’s campaign is imploding after last week’s debate, where the former president handily beat the president in the 90-minute televised event. The Democratic Party base is in full panic mode, its donor base infuriated, and there are growing calls to replace Biden on the ticket. Barack Obama has weighed in, telling allies that Joe’s path to 270 might not be there after his disastrous debate performance. It seems like a situation where old-school Trump would be poking the bear, mocking the president’s misfortune. Instead, he’s gone quiet, and it’s effective.”

    Trump is watching the Biden bonfire while his campaign contributions are coming at record amounts.

  35. Greg Norton says:

    “Tesla stock pops 6%, extends rally as ‘Mojo back for Musk’ after latest delivery data”

    Somebody is buying EV cars.  I suspect that those are worldwide sales numbers.

    Deliveries are up but the sales were down 5% from the same period last year.

    The stock price is treading the exact same trading range as last Summer albeit with a steeper rise.

  36. Greg Norton says:

    “Notice Anything Different Regarding Trump Over the Past Couple of Days?”

    Trump is watching the Biden bonfire while his campaign contributions are coming at record amounts.

    Trump even complemented Tapper and Dana Bash for being professional.

  37. Alan says:

    >> Trump should act to put America first, by urging Democrats to admit that Biden is unfit, and then act by invoking the 25th Amendment. It’s hard to say if his dong so would have any effect whatsoever, good or bad, but it would position him clearly in the America First camp, which he has consistently shown he believes in.

    Ray let this slip by? I guess still feeling the effects of the propofol.

  38. Alan says:

    >> One of the little things I took the time to do was sharpen my EDC Benchmade MiniGriptillion pocket knife.

    @nick, a 550 or a 556?

  39. drwilliams says:

    Nikki Haley Ends ABC’s Stephanopoulos With Just 4 Words: ‘Believe Me Now, George?’

    One of the reasons that the MSM is greedily sucking inlet pipes in the sewage lagoons is that they have hired walking carp like this. Another is giving air time to terrorists under the guise of journalists:

    Watchdog: CNN Freelancer Worked with Hamas

    [Note that I didn’t bother to look up the Al Jazeera stringer who worked for Hamas. The whole network is an anti-West pro-Mohammedan apologist.]

    Watching their fake belated discovery of Biden’s slide into senility alongside the video clips of the same people expressing doubts about FJB’s mental capacity in 2020 before he was backroom-brokered into sainthood to oust Sanders, and a bit of historical reminder that they conspired to speculate about Trump’s mental acuity when he took some steps a bit slowly is pathetic.

    A good White House communications director should be working already to put emails in the file with attached video clips showing Fake Tapper and the others as flip-flopping partisan shills for the DNC, and noting that they won’t be getting invites to Trumps press conferences in favor of more responsible journalists, lie, say, the average 11th grader in Oklahoma writing for her student newspaper.

  40. EdH says:

    On this day in 1863: Pickett’s Charge.

  41. Lynn says:

    Wow, Byrna has a scary looking rifle now for their 0.68 caliber pepper projectiles or their 0.68 caliber MAX (whatever that is) projectiles:

  42. drwilliams says:

    Google Damage Control Over AI Driven 48% CO2 Emissions Surge

    Three years ago, Google set an ambitious plan to address climate change by going “net zero,” meaning it would release no more climate-changing gases into the air than it removes, by 2030.

    But a report from the company Tuesday shows it is nowhere near meeting that goal. 

    Rather than declining, its emissions grew 13% in 2023 over the year before. Compared to its baseline year of 2019, emissions have soared 48%. 

    Google cited artificial intelligence and the demand it puts on data centers, which require massive amounts of electricity, for last year’s growth.

    Google Chief Sustainability Officer Kate Brandt told The Associated Press, “Reaching this net zero goal by 2030, this is an extremely ambitious goal. 

    “We know this is not going to be easy and that our approach will need to continue to evolve,” Brandt added, “and it will require us to navigate a lot of uncertainty, including this uncertainty around the future of AI’s environmental impacts.”

    Let me make an out-on-a-limb guess, here: Google had a big PR event announcing their “net-zero” goals, but there has been no comparable publicity announcing their total failure to make any progress toward them.

    What’s the revised motto” “Do evil if it makes us a buck?”

    Or is it “Do evil. We never really gave a …”

  43. drwilliams says:

    CBS News Poll of Registered Voters

    “Does Biden have the mental and cognitive health to serve as President?

    June 9: 

    DOES: 35%

    DOES NOT: 65%


    DOES: 27%

    DOES NOT: 72%

    This experience indicates that there needs to be a revision of the qualifications to register to vote.

    Sure, the “DOES” category includes those voting their self-interest, like the Biden family, the Garland family, Hunter’s crack whores, illegally registered illegal alien invaders, and the left-campus holders of useless degrees and $200K in student debt, but that leaves a bunch that are simply unqualified to make an intelligent decision. Maybe we need to make passing a cognitive test a requirement for the president and the voters?

  44. drwilliams says:

    Biden Justice Department to Continue Witch Hunt Against Trump Even If He Wins Election

    How about:

    Biden Justice Department to be indicted on January 21?

    Along with Bragg, James, Fanny-Pack, and the rest.

    It’s too late for me to grab a quick law degree and play federal prosecutor, but I might be interested if there are opening for guards at the federal lockup…

    “Good morning Mr. Garland! It’s a beautiful day–too bad you don’t have a window. Here’s your breakfast–oh, looks like the kitchen messed up and gave you the colon-purge diet again? Oh, well! Just let me make some quick adjustments on your security cameras and I’m out of here!”

  45. Lynn says:

    This experience indicates that there needs to be a revision of the qualifications to register to vote.

    Sure, the “DOES” category includes those voting their self-interest, like the Biden family, the Garland family, Hunter’s crack whores, illegally registered illegal alien invaders, and the left-campus holders of useless degrees and $200K in student debt, but that leaves a bunch that are simply unqualified to make an intelligent decision. Maybe we need to make passing a cognitive test a requirement for the president and the voters?

    I think that one should be a citizen and a land owner to vote in the USA.

  46. drwilliams says:

    “I think that one should be a citizen and a land owner to vote in the USA.”

    Landowner won’t pass, but I would advocate that taking public assistance as primary support should be contingent on giving up voting rights. 

  47. Lynn says:

    “I think that one should be a citizen and a land owner to vote in the USA.”

    Landowner won’t pass, but I would advocate that taking public assistance as primary support should be contingent on giving up voting rights. 

    You used to have to be a landowner and male to vote.

  48. Lynn says:

    “Meghan Trainor “I’m A Dog Mom” official music video with Freshpet [:60]”

    For your viewing pleasure.

  49. Ken Mitchell says:

    What’s the revised motto” “Do evil if it makes us a buck?”

    Or is it “Do evil. We never really gave a …”

    The original Googol motto was “Don’t Be Evil”.

    The new one differs only in punctuation. It now says “Don’t! Be evil!”

  50. Alan says:

    >> Good luck with the plumber!

    Intended for Ray, right?! 😉

  51. Nick Flandrey says:

    Huh, guess I was refreshing the wrong page…

    thought there hadn’t been any new posts!



    The tanto point is incredibly useful and strong.  It’s more of a chisel  than a knife.  The black on the blade has worn off, but it still takes and holds an edge for an incredibly long time.    The size is perfect for an EDC for me.   This is my second as I damaged the scales on my first by hammering on something with it.  I sharpen it as infrequently as possible so as to preserve the blade shape and serrations.


  52. Nick Flandrey says:

    Had my time on the dock and my tiny little fire.   Radio was a mixed bag, lots of activity on 20M but also lots of noise.   NZ commercial sw coming in strong.  80M was mostly zone 5 rag chew…  WRMI Legends playlist wasn’t doing it for me tonight, so I called it an early night. 

    The occasional hot breeze mixed with the cooler breezes was not nice.  82F at the moment.

    Headed for a shower and bed.


  53. Alan says:

    >> The network which airs “Skinwalker Ranch” had a lot of Mesothelioma lawsuit commercials on the local cable feed last Summer when I was in Nashville.

    I wonder when the jab lawsuit commercials start. Maybe not on Kabletown local feeds at first, but that will come eventually if there is money to be made.

    Here, the big advertisers are the law firms who sue the trucking companies. At least, for now.

    I thought I saw a Covid ad from the Orlando, FL big boys (M&M).

    Just a generic page on their site though…

  54. Alan says:

    >> I don’t dare tell my mother that the Koof “vaccine” had aborted fetal body parts in it.  She would have a stroke.  Me, I get ill thinking that I put that nonsense in my body.

    Someone correct me if I’m mistaken but quoting @Greg, “Moderna and Pfizer used aborted fetal tissue to develop the mRNA jabs.” Not in the actual ‘vaxx.’

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