Wed. May 29, 2024 – back at the BOL?? Maybe.

Cool, but warming. No idea if it’s gonna be nice for a while. Yesterday was certainly a kick in the teeth.

Started the day at the BOL when the tree guy arrived early. He said there was a storm on the way… He got done and gone in 2 hours, and I left another hour later, with black skies behind me. The storm was moving very quickly and chased me all the way to Houston. When I stopped running south, it caught me.

HUGE downpour, 3-5 inches of water in my buckets. An incredibly long hail storm with mostly golf ball sized hail. Before I could drive to shelter, one smashed my windshield. And the way things were spanging off the sheet metal, I thought the truck would LOOK like a golf ball. The damage to the windshield is in the lower corner, so it’s drivable, and the sheet metal held up better than I thought. Still, crazy storm.

Of course, it hit the BOL shortly after I left. Power went out around 1130am so it’s going to be almost 24 hours by the time I get up there to start the generator… This assumes that power isn’t restored overnight, since I’m planning and writing this Tuesday night. I’ll know in the morning if I actually have to head up.

Getting some sort of automatic power backup option for the BOL is rapidly becoming not optional.

This weather is nuts, but it is nothing like what will happen if people start targeting infrastructure.

Think about that if you are patting yourself on the back for not being in Texas…

And I don’t want to be the boy who cried wolf, but things seem to be getting out of hand in the political realm, and the geopolitical realm. Of course, in the end the wolf DID come… it won’t take much to break the grid.

A breakdown in previously reliable systems is one of the things that happens when a society starts to collapse. And there are plenty of people willing to help it along.

Think about your alternatives seriously. Make some plans and buy what you need.

Then stack it up.


57 Comments and discussion on "Wed. May 29, 2024 – back at the BOL?? Maybe."

  1. Greg Norton says:

    “TUCKER CARLSON: What do you think the Russians want?”

    To keep German missiles out of Ukraine.

    Ah, ze old days are back, ja.

  2. Greg Norton says:

    Ah, ze old days are back, ja.

    Ze Kampf awaits for Ze Skippy.

  3. Nick Flandrey says:

    Overcast with a weird light this morning.    Dunno if the BOL has power yet, I haven’t heard from my buddy, nor any of the other neighbors on FB.

    D1 is skipping school.   NO finals and no other reasons to go.  D2 has a short day, with band and dance activities that I will miss if I head north.

    I really don’t want to drive up there and babysit a gennie again.   But needs must…


  4. Nick Flandrey says:

    oh yeah, 70F and misty almost drizzle.


  5. Ray Thompson says:

    workers smelled gas and heard a hissing sound…

    For the record I was not in Youngstown Ohio.

  6. Nick Flandrey says:

    I procrastinated long enough.   When I got out of the shower, the power at the BOL is back on.

    So it’s off to do the 10000 things.


  7. Alan says:

    @nick, how’s the lake level? Do you have a way to remotely monitor freezer temps at both locations? 

    In any case, stay safe and hopefully dry. 

  8. Alan says:

    Fox News is showing on-screen the ET of the jury deliberations down to the seconds…really?

  9. Alan says:

    Has anyone seen/heard anything regarding how any appellate motions would impact a potential guilty verdict? 

  10. MrAtoz says:

    Has anyone seen/heard anything regarding how any appellate motions would impact a potential guilty verdict? 

    Here is a summary of Judge Doosh-Nozzle’s impropriety:

    Prof. Turley Gives Ringside Coverage to the Tire Fire of Bragg’s Closing Arguments in the Trump Trial

    I don’t think there is any chance a “guilty” verdict will not be overturned. This judge has to be held accountable, not only by censure or impeachment but also by indictment for crimes against the FUSA.

    As tRump said: “Even Mother Theresa couldn’t beat these charges.”

    I think the Dumbo’s and PLT’s are worried about a “guilty” verdict. What goes around comes around as “Dirty” Harry Reid found out about judgeships. We got a shit-load of Federal judges thanks to that imbecile.

  11. Alan says:


    First, the judge has ruled that the jury does not have to agree on what actually occurred in the case. Merchan ruled that the government had vaguely referenced three possible crimes that constitute the “unlawful means” used to influence the election: a federal election violation, the falsification of business records, and a tax violation. The jurors were told that they could split on what occurred, with four jurors accepting each of the three possible crimes in a 4-4-4 split. The court would still be considered that a unanimous verdict. 

  12. Alan says:


    In a brief court appearance Wednesday, Jefferson County Attorney Mike O’Connell told a judge that his office had reviewed all of the evidence in the case and found that Scheffler’s actions “do not satisfy the elements of any criminal offenses.”

  13. MrAtoz says:


    How long was he in jail because of some cops feels?

  14. MrAtoz says:

    Potatus Mashed Potatoes For Brains to release another million gallons from the SPR:

    Political Ploy: Biden Plans to Buy Votes by Releasing MORE Oil From the Strategic Reserve

    He/she/it has not put a drop back in.

  15. Ray Thompson says:

    In a brief court appearance Wednesday, Jefferson County Attorney Mike O’Connell told a judge that his office had reviewed all of the evidence in the case and found that Scheffler’s actions “do not satisfy the elements of any criminal offenses.”

    If that had been one of us mere mortals being charged, we would still be in jail awaiting arraignment by some judge. While the cop smirks the entire time. The vehicle would have been impounded and probably sold by now. Bank accounts frozen, and the IRS put on notice to rip us a new orifice. Justice only works for some people; the scales are not balanced.

  16. dkreck says:

    Here’s what could (and should) happen if …

    The US Supreme Court can act by its statutory writs of certiorari to take a case from a lower appellate court, and the Court also has a host of other processes, often called common law writs. I became acquainted with these common law writs (actually authorized as a general matter by the Judiciary Act of 1789:… ), when IBM sought review of a discovery order by a vindictive federal judge when I was clerking for Chief Justice Warren Burger. A total of six petitions were filed; all were denied, and rarely are any common law writs ever issued by the Supreme Court, but there are, nonetheless, multiple ways to offer the Supreme Court an opportunity to forthwith review a conviction by a rogue court, as would be the case here.

  17. Lynn says:

    “TUCKER CARLSON: What do you think the Russians want?”

    To keep German missiles out of Ukraine.

    Ah, ze old days are back, ja.

    The Germans do not have any nuclear missiles.  They have repurposed USA nuclear missiles.

    The Russians know this.  Any nuclear missiles launched into Russia will be returned fourfold in Germany and the USA.  I would not trust the Ukrainians with nuclear missiles, they will probably use them.  The Ukrainians have hit almost every refinery in Russia with drones and the Russians are very unhappy.

    War is hell.

  18. Lynn says:

    “Biden’s pathetic oil release”

    President Joe Biden announced the release of a million barrels of gasoline from government reserves on Tuesday in an effort he said would “lower prices at the pump when folks need it the most.””

    “Not only is the amount being released so infinitesimally small that it won’t have any effect on gas prices, but the sell-off of the reserve was mandated by Congress this March and has nothing to do with trying to lower gas prices.”

    “In the wake of Hurricane Sandy in 2012, Congress created the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve, which stores a total of 1 million barrels of gasoline divided between New York and Maine. This is completely separate from and should not be confused with the Strategic Petroleum Reserve created by Congress in 1975 following the 1973 energy crisis, which has a maximum capacity of 714 million barrels but only currently has 367 million barrels in storage.”

    Biden is flailing about.  I hope that he does not hit you or me.

  19. Lynn says:

    No such thing as a coincidence…

    BTW, the judge was born in Columbia and is a immigrant to the USA.  He needs to be thrown off the bench for his repeated and many violations of the USA Constitution.

  20. Lynn says:


    How long was he in jail because of some cops feels?

    7am to 930am.  They fed him a baloney sandwich and released him in time for his 10am tee time.

  21. Lynn says:

    “Toyota’s bet on hybrids was mocked, then vindicated. Now it’s trying to repeat the trick with an unlikely bet on the combustion engine”

    “While many automakers predicted a looming all-EV future, Toyota made gains by emphasizing hybrids over fully electric vehicles—a move that earned it derision before being vindicated over the past year as EV sales sputtered. Now it’s now doubling down with a new take on the traditional car engine.”

    “The world’s largest carmaker said Tuesday that it would develop smaller internal combustion engines that are more optimized for hybrid vehicles and can accept alternative fuels such as biofuels, liquid hydrogen, and synthetic e-fuels in an effort to cut down on emissions. The CEOs of Subaru and Mazda also vowed to produce new engines, they said in a press conference with Toyota CEO Koji Sato Tuesday.”

    Sounds expensive.

  22. Lynn says:

    “The Ford-Class Aircraft Carrier Nightmare Is Beyond Fixing Now”

    “The U.S. Navy’s Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carriers, intended to replace the aging Nimitz-class, are the largest and most expensive warships ever built, costing $13.3 billion each.”

    The USS Ford is still a postage stamp on the ocean.  And very subject to drone attack, just like our Abrams Tanks.

    Hat tip to:

  23. Greg Norton says:

    To keep German missiles out of Ukraine.

    Ah, ze old days are back, ja.

    The Germans do not have any nuclear missiles.  They have repurposed USA nuclear missiles.

    The Russians do not want any German missiles in Ukraine, nuclear or conventional.

  24. CowboyStu says:

    I think the Dumbo’s and PLT’s are worried about a “guilty” verdict. What goes around comes around as “Dirty” Harry Reid found out about judgeships. We got a shit-load of Federal judges thanks to that imbecile.

    Yeah,  and it was that scumbag senator that shut down the Yucca Mtn. nuclear storage facility after it was 98% complete with 97 % of the union workers laid off.

  25. paul says:

    My Blu-ray player decided to stop letting me control it.  Shove in a disc and it auto plays all of the Coming Attraction and commercial stuff.  Great picture and no funny noises from the drive.  Then it sits.  Waiting for me to press play.  That’s the problem.  Play on the machine doesn’t work.  Nothing  on the remote works. 

    I bought another Sony.  It’s not much bigger than an external DVD drive and a hard drive sitting side by side.  About and inch and a half tall.

    Not much on the back.  Ethernet, HDMI, coax digital audio out, and the power jack.  I’m not a fan of the power jack as the other end is a transformer.  Just the usual “we are taking two outlets while using one” annoyance.  The Ethernet is because you can do Roku stuff.  I have a Roku already. 

    After set-up, I tried the old player’s remote.  That works.  In the trash with it.  I’m tempted to take the player apart. The drive might be SATA.  But if it’s not a burner, why bother?  I have all of five or six blu-ray discs and I’m not going to watch them on my PC with crummy sound when I have a 55″ TV in the living room.    In the trash with it.

    Last night I watched “A Dog’s Purpose”.  Nice movie.  It’s a keeper although I’ll probably never watch it again.   There’s a scene with puppies.  Penny and Buddy both got excited and ran barking into the dining room and kitchen looking for the puppies.  

    Tonight I’ll watch something else.  Maybe.  Whatever is on the top of the stack.  I have about eight feet of DVDs to watch that I bought mostly from the $5 bin at the grocery store.  Plus about four feet of Mom and Dad’s DVDs.

  26. Lynn says:

    “Boeing won’t fix leaky Starliner before flying first crew to ISS”

    “Boeing is set to launch its first crewed space mission in June without fixing a small helium gas leak on its troubled Starliner spaceship, officials said Friday.”

    “The vessel, under development since 2010, has been plagued by technical problems and has yet to fulfill its purpose of ferrying astronauts to the International Space Station, allowing Boeing’s rival SpaceX to zoom ahead with its Crew Dragon capsule.”

    Well, that is inspiring.  I guess that the crew will be inspired.

  27. paul says:

    I have my system set up backwards from what I read about how to do this.  The Roku, BR, and LaserDisc are connected to the TV.  Not to the Yamaha receiver.  The TV feeds audio to the receiver.  Optical.  So does the Squeezebox.

    Why?  So you don’t have to turn on the Yamaha to watch TV.  Pluto TV through the stereo?  Loony Toons Laser discs through the stereo?  That’s just silly.  Not everything needs RumbleRama Surround Sound. 

  28. Lynn says:

    “Micro Lesson on DEI System Collapse by Scott Adams”

    “Originally posted on X.”

    “The Biden administration and campaign are a good example of DEI System Collapse.

    All of us — including James Carville — observe that Biden’s entire operation is riddled with incompetence. And their spokesperson is the most obvious example.

    This DEI System Collapse will happen to the rest of the country as well. You already see it everywhere.

    Design is destiny.

    DEI is built on good intentions. But the when the pipeline and current supply of qualified candidates from all backgrounds is below the demand, like now, the system design guarantees massive hiring of low-capability candidates to meet diversity goals.

    Humans manage to the most measurable and short-term goals in their situation. Diversity can be measured, and it can be achieved faster than long term goals, so all hiring managers, by necessity, manage to it at the expense of competence goals. Managers act as they do to protect their own careers. If you don’t meet your diversity targets, the CEO won’t wait to see if your division’s success is terrific in the long run.

    The Mark Cuban view that you can solve a diversity supply problem by “trying harder” is magical thinking. In the real world, every organization lowers standards to satisfy diversity goals. (A few can succeed. It just can’t work at scale because of supply.)

    This system failure — the one that is guaranteed by the system design — has nothing to do with anyone’s genes or cultures. It’s math. The demand exceeds the supply.

    ESG and CRT and DEI are national poison and can only have one outcome.

    By design.

    The solution involves fixing lower education. The Teachers Unions have blocked improvement in that domain, but AI might soon solve that by making teachers unnecessary..”

  29. Alan says:

    >>Fox News is showing on-screen the ET of the jury deliberations down to the seconds…really?? 

    Somebody at Fox with some common sense finally took off the seconds. 

  30. Alan says:

    >>  I guess that the crew will be inspired. 

    The crew will be like this…

  31. Lynn says:

    “The decline of the user interface”

    “Software has never looked cooler, but user interface design and user experience have taken a sharp turn for the worse.”

    Yes, I am not the only complaining about the lack of consistency in internet browser based user interfaces !

  32. Ken Mitchell says:

     I would not trust the Ukrainians with nuclear missiles, they will probably use them. 

    Ukraine is probably cursing William Jefferson Blythe Clinton for forcing them to give the Russians back the nukes that had been deployed in Ukraine before the USSR abruptly disintegrated. And Clinton guaranteed Ukrainian integrity from Russia in return for giving them back, proving again – as if we didn’t all remember –  NEVER to trust a Clinton about ANYTHING. 

  33. Nick Flandrey says:

    Well that was special.    Just had a brutal, if short, downpour with thunder and lightning and several inches of rain.

    Now the sun is out again to increase the humidity past satan’s butt crack levels…


  34. paul says:
    DEI is built on good intentions. 

    I disagree.  The first word, “Diversity” means hiring for color or sex or being strange.

    DEI = Didn’t Earn It.  Equal Opportunity pumped up on speed and cocaine followed with shots of tequila.

    There was a thing I did when I worked at the State. It wasn’t a big deal to me, maybe an hour a day.  Then again, I’d get to work at 7 and be pretty much done with all of my “assigned duties” by 12 if I pissed around and worked slow and there was a birthday party in the break room.   Nose to the grindstone and I could be done with everything by 10 most days.

    They had a black lady in as a temp for something and someone decided I should train her on the thing.   I did.  She was smart and caught on quick.
    So they posted a job opening .  Paid about $600 more a month.  To do just the thing.  I didn’t get it.  So I had a talk with my boss and his boss as to why.  “Oh, she graduated college and you didn’t.” 

    Ok, first off, you don’t know how much college I went to and you don’t even know if I gradated High School.  I developed this process and I’ve been doing it for a couple of years, I taught it to her, this doesn’t need a college degree.  I finally weaseled it out of them that they need to hire a negro because they didn’t have enough.  I said that’s bullshit.

    More hemming and hawing and they seemed embarrassed.  The look on their faces when I said “You do know she’s five months pregnant?  She’s not just short and stout?” was priceless.    So at eight months she went on maternity leave and came back when the baby was six months old.  Between daycare and such, she worked three days a week after that.

    The thing?  Yeah, I’m not doing it.  I get $1200 a month and they created a job for her to do only the thing at $1800 a month.  Go yell at my boss if you wish.  I’d get blustered at about “I need this” and I’d say then pay me, it’s not my job anymore. 

    They didn’t fire me.

  35. Greg Norton says:

    The Mark Cuban view that you can solve a diversity supply problem by “trying harder” is magical thinking. In the real world, every organization lowers standards to satisfy diversity goals. (A few can succeed. It just can’t work at scale because of supply.)

    Mark Cuban got lucky.

    If you watch “Silicon Valley”, the “tres commas” guy is a riff on Cuban.

  36. paul says:

    The weather this time of year is weird.  That 1 to 2 inches of rain predicted the other day?  ¼” in the gauge.  The sky is an odd color.  I hear thunder.  But no wind at all.

    It’s the time of the year.

    The sky is an odd color.

  37. Ray Thompson says:

    I knew a person that was part of a government contract. She was a black handicapped female. The perfect trifecta for diversity numbers for contract bidding and awards. She did nothing all day but was paid well because she was valuable. She would offers from other contacting companies a couple times a month. She knew she was a pawn. Her comment on her role was to play to a person’s strengths. She said it paid the bills, wasn’t welfare and was fine with her.

  38. Lynn says:

    My all time favorite 2 AA battery LED flashlight is back in stock finally after a year.  I have ordered five more at the moment.  Great gifts.  In fact, I gave my spare away to a friend last night as she was talking with our new neighbor for an hour and was then walking a half mile home after sunset in the dark on our perilous roads.  She did not want to take the flashlight from me but I forced it on her.  She is almost 80 and walks with us occasionally.

    A three generation Indian family moved into the 8,000 ft2 home three doors down from us just recently.  It took them two full years to build their new home.  I think that they redesigned the interior of the house at the midpoint and that really set them back.

    I gave another one of these flashlights to my new neighbor’s grandmom last night.  She was out walking after dusk.  She did not want it but I handed my spare flashlight to her for safety and refused to take it back.

    You carry two flashlights at dusk or night, right ?

  39. drwilliams says:

    I’ve been critical of Nikki Haley, expecially on getting paid for political seats on corporate boards.

    Today I’m warming up a lot:

    Nikki Haley wrote “finish them!” on the side of a fresh Israeli artillery shell during a visit to Israel.

  40. Lynn says:

    Good night !  I just bought a USB copy of Windows 11 Pro on for my home pc.   Just about the most painful online process that I have even been through.  Turns out that you MUST create an account with MS on a non-Firefox browser or you get really weird generic errors messages all over the place.  Really ?   I had to get online help from “Trevor”. Grow up Microsoft.

  41. Lynn says:

    ““I’ve Seen It Done”: Alan Dershowitz Speculates That Judge Merchan Is Prepared to Swap “One Juror” Who “Won’t Give In””

    DCNF)—Noted attorney Alan Dershowitz said on Wednesday that it is possible New York Judge Juan Merchan is not dismissing alternate jurors in order to deal with a holdout that will not convict former President Donald Trump.”

    “Merchan issued instructions to the jury of seven men and five women Wednesday, pointing them to some of the key evidence in the case prior to the panel beginning its deliberations. Dershowitz admitted he was speculating during Wednesday’s episode of “The Dershow” about Merchan’s reason for keeping the alternates available, but said he had seen a judge in an unrelated case make a similar move.”

    ““I admit this is highly, highly speculative, but there… I know a case on this, so that I’m not making it up: The judge said he’s not going to dismiss the alternate jurors until there’s an absolute verdict,” Dershowitz said on Wednesday’s episode of “The Dershow.” “One possible reason for that, again, I want to emphasize that I’m speculating, one possible reason for this might be following, it is quite cynical: Let’s assume that the jurors come back and say, ‘Sorry we’re, uh, we’re deadlocked. We have one juror who just won’t give in. Well, there are eleven of us who think he’s guilty.’ By the way, the jurors don’t say what they think, they just say there’s a deadlock, but if they come back that way, the inference will be that the jury is, that is, is locked eleven to one in favor of conviction.’””

    If so, this is a dishonest judge.  Oh wait, we already knew that.

  42. drwilliams says:


    “You carry two flashlights at dusk or night, right ?”

    Would this count as two?

  43. paul says:

    Tonight’s movie was “They Shall Not Grow Old”.   Very well made what with the coloration of WW1 footage.  Very interesting, too.

    More of a documentary than a movie.   It’s pretty good.  I guess.  I don’t think my Dad would like it.  

    It goes to to the stack of  “DVDs for the Library Thrift Shop” pile.  

    I’ll never watch it again.

  44. drwilliams says:

    Stefanik Complaint: Judge Merchan Was ‘Intentionally Selected’ To Ensure Trump Is Convicted

    “If justices were indeed being randomly assigned in the Criminal Term, the probability of two specific criminal cases being assigned to the same justice is quite low, and the probability of three specific criminal cases being assigned to the same justice is infinitesimally small. And yet, we see Acting Justice Merchan on all three cases,” Stefanik wrote in her misconduct complaint addressed to the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct and Inspector General Kay-Ann Porter Campbell.

    In other words, a court clerk uses a preapproved system to randomly assign criminal cases to individual judges. At least, that’s the rule. But Stefanik, along with many other Republicans, suspect Merchan’s assignment was not so “random” after all. 

    According to the judicial personnel roster provided by the New York State Unified Court System, there are currently 28 judges serving on the New York County criminal term, one of which is Merchan. So as Stefanik pointed out, those odds are “infinitesimally small.”

    1/28 = 3.6  %

    (1/28)3  = 0.046 % (1 in 21,952)

    Shield laws aren’t going to protect these people, or the “judge”.

  45. Ken Mitchell says:

    Tonight’s movie was “They Shall Not Grow Old”. 

    My wife and I went to see that in the theaters, on it’s single-day run back in 2018 (I think).  That’s the last movie we saw in a theater. 

    Documentary? Yes, ALL of the film was restored and remastered footage shot in 1914-1918 by British War Department photographers. Some of the audio was 1970/80 audio from interviews with British Army soldiers who were there in France in those particular battles. Peter Jackson (who made the Lord of the Rings movies) and his crew did most of the restoration and colorization, and had a “making of” sequel after the movie explaining how he and his crew did the restorations. EXTREMELY moving.

    I was unaware that it was on video; I’ll have to look around for a copy.

  46. Nick Flandrey says:

    That was one crazy long dance concert.   75 girls across three grades and each in several numbers.    2 plus hours of minute long dances.   Wife was right to skip out.

    And REALLY loud too.


  47. drwilliams says:

    Kids need mother AND fathers to split the duty.

  48. EdH says:

    90F and 25mph straight line winds, gusts to nearly 40mph.

    If I had property in Hell as well, I think I’d rent this place out…

    (70 now, but dead calm, so the house is only slowly cooling down.)

  49. Nick Flandrey says:

    Gentle beings, I’m headed to bed.

    Pasta alfredo, 


  50. brad says:

    DEI, successor to affirmative action. It is well-intentioned, by clueless idiots. “Good intentions pave the road to hell”. Completely counterproductive, because programs like this force a focus on race/gender/whatever. Rather than eliminating discrimination, they encourage it.

    Even here, where we have relatively little racism, you see the fruits of this idiocy. In two recent incidents of stupid teens doing stupid teen stuff, and (accidentally?) involving random people: those affected happened to be non-white. Their first reaction? “Must be racism”. No, stop pulling the damned race card, it’s just teens being stupid. Happens to any and all of us…

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