Tues. May 28, 2024 – Tree work and more!

Another hot, humid day, with heat alerts and high misery index. Yesterday was crazy obnoxious between the heat, humidity, and the blazing sun. No wind just added the fuel to the fire. Just standing in the shade talking soaked my shirt with sweat. And we’ll probably get more today.


I did manage to get a few things done, by going very slowly, waiting for small breezes, and sweating profusely.

I got the Wen inverter generator running. Turns out it needed oil, some shipping brackets removed, and then it started. Just needed to do the proper commissioning. Apparently it doesn’t ship with a bottle of oil, making it useless to you when it arrives. I’m sure whatever they save is far outweighed by the outraged buyers and returns…

I fixed a chainsaw. Fuel poured out immediately upon filling… so something must have been disconnected. I finally had the time and inclination to pull the cover and figure it out. One fuel line came undone. Took 10 minutes to fix. Thank you amazon returns. $25 and a bit of time and I’ve got another like new chainsaw as backup.

I loaded the truck for my trip home. I was already soaked, and didn’t want to get sweaty today. It didn’t leave any room for trash or flood debris. I’ll get that next time. I guess.

Finally I took down the cell booster antenna and cleared the path for the tree guy to work today. He’s fitting me in between jobs, and I wanted to be here at least when he gets started. I’ve got a pickup in Houston in the afternoon, so I will have to leave at some point, no matter what the guy is doing. He’s said he doesn’t need me here, so it’ll be ok.

Sometimes I feel like Dory in Finding Nemo. “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming…”

Wish I could outsource some of this stuff.

You do what you have to do though…

Stack it up, you’ll probably need it sooner rather than later.


64 Comments and discussion on "Tues. May 28, 2024 – Tree work and more!"

  1. brad says:

    Almost done with laying the edging stones for my current project. 30 meters (100 feet) of edging. A professional would have done the whole length at once. Me, I had to do it 2-3 edging stones (each 1 meter) at a time, so it has taken a while.

    It’s been the opposite problem of the Houstonites: cold and wet weather has been a hindrance. Today is nice, the rest of the week rainy, and getting really cold again – with highs around 12C to 13C (low- to mid-50s F).

    On the subject of global warming, I ran across an article forecasting the chances of “hotter than usual” summers. All oranges and reds, intended to make you think “hot”. Then you look at the legend, and orange is a 30% chance of hot (meaning a 70% chance of not). The click-bait presentation makes it impossible to extract whatever real information there might be.

  2. Clayton W. says:


    I can’t even imagine what you are going through.  I am sorry you are hurting.

    Please keep sharing.  I am blessed both of my parents, 81 and 78, are still up and active but I can see end days are coming. It is something I have been dreading.

    Everyone here sharing their trials an tribulations give me hope I will learn to cope when I lose my loved ones.

    And if I can help you get through your pain by letting you vent, well vent away. I’m honored I can provide some small measure of comfort.

    So keep it up.

  3. MrAtoz says:

    Please keep sharing.  I am blessed both of my parents, 81 and 78, are still up and active but I can see end days are coming. It is something I have been dreading.

    This is exactly what I went through with my Mom. Moving her from WI to NV, finding doctors, getting scripts refilled, etc. Planning for it before it happens really helped me cope. Fortunately my Mom’s mind was sharp until the end at 91. For me anyway. It must have been hard to have your faculties and then the rest of your body starts to fail.

  4. nick flandrey says:

    80F and rain in the forecast, so the tree guy showed up early.   He’s gearing up now.   Two guys and him, we’ll see what it takes.


  5. EdH says:

    He’s gearing up now.   Two guys and him, we’ll see what it takes.

    I had a friend who was part of a tree trimmer crew in college. He has helped me take down trees on my properties for years. 

    He said that they believed (and practiced!)  that three was the ideal size for a trimming crew, apparently one person can keep track of two others exactly, but not three or more.

  6. nick flandrey says:

    Climber has his spikes on and is literally cutting the branch he’s standing on.   Ropes are involved.    No stress or yelling, so guys who are comfortable and work together.

    Humidity is so high everything is covered in condensation.

    At least it’s overcast.


  7. Ken Mitchell says:

    We had a tree that had grown leaning over the  house, so when we were having the ball moss removed from our oak trees, I asked them to remove that tree. The guy who did it was an artist with the chain saw. He just climbed up the tree and started chopping away. He cut from the tops of the branches, and let the branches just sag gently to the roof before he finished cutting them off. I don’t think I heard even one “thump” of something hitting the roof. It was amazing, and impressive. 

    And after the ball moss was all gone, the trees (I have 15 oak trees in my front yard and another 20 in the back yard) were all brighter and LOOKED better. It was worth every penny of the money I spent. 

  8. Greg Norton says:

    And after the ball moss was all gone, the trees (I have 15 oak trees in my front yard and another 20 in the back yard) were all brighter and LOOKED better. It was worth every penny of the money I spent. 

    My Colonel Bat Guano neighbors in Florida came to the state from Virginia/Hawaii; they had a fixation about the moss in the trees and even called the county at one point looking to have the moss removed from all the trees within sight of their house.

    I think the person answering the phones at the county is still laughing his a** off at that request.

  9. Lynn says:

    Man, it is 98 F in my backyard.  There are thunderstorms reputedly coming and we are getting the compression of the air at the leading edge which zooms the overall temperature.  One hopes that we get a few inches of rain.


  10. Lynn says:

    And after the ball moss was all gone, the trees (I have 15 oak trees in my front yard and another 20 in the back yard) were all brighter and LOOKED better. It was worth every penny of the money I spent. 

    I had my two 60+ foot tall oak trees in the front yard trimmed by a pro last year for $2,200.  Definitely worth the cost as the front yard and house look much better.   I think that they took at least half of the branches on both trees.  Plus, less chance of going down in a hurricane.

  11. Lynn says:

    The wife got a contract on her townhome in north Dallas yesterday.  The offer was for $380K with 50% down and the wife pays all of the closing costs (she had it listed at $399K).  She jumped on it.  Hopefully it closes. 

  12. Lynn says:

    It is beginning to look serious that they are going to put Trump in jail over a fake trial.


    I wonder what the electorate will do.

  13. Lynn says:

    “Child of Famed Jewish Family Funded Pro-Palestinian Protests”


    “Tens of thousands of dollars pumped into organizations involved in recent anti-Israel demonstrations on college campuses originated in the fortune of one of America’s most venerable and politically active Jewish families—one that includes a sitting U.S. congressman and a former contender for ambassador to Jerusalem, and which owes its wealth to the Levi Strauss denim dynasty.”

    “A much-publicized recent report by the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy, an Israeli-backed think tank, ranked the Bafrayung Fund as the single largest sponsor of pro-Palestinian activist groups involved in campus demonstrations and adjacent actions.”

    Absolutely freaking crazy.

  14. Greg Norton says:

    It is beginning to look serious that they are going to put Trump in jail over a fake trial.

    I still believe that the goal is OUTRAGE!!!

    Even acquittal would work better for the Dems that a clean conviction.

    Both sides know what is going to happen at this point. Mock juries ran all weekend.

  15. brad says:

    I still believe that the goal is OUTRAGE!!!

    I’m out of popcorn. I’m not sure there is enough popcorn to last between now and the election.

    Seriously, putting an ex-President on trial for this kind of stuff? Internationally, it makes the US look like a banana republic.

  16. MrAtoz says:

    It is beginning to look serious that they are going to put Trump in jail over a fake trial.

    It is NYFC, so guilty is the most likely verdict. I have some hope for a reasonable jurist. Judge Doosh-Nozzle pretty much nullified tRump’s defense team.  Guilty will be overruled with fines and prison for Doosh-Nozzle.

  17. Greg Norton says:

    Seriously, putting an ex-President on trial for this kind of stuff? Internationally, it makes the US look like a banana republic.

    The US passed that point a long time ago. We’ve reached the point that a significant portion of the US population want to see Trump dead. Nothing else will satisfy.

    Bad Daddy!

  18. Alan says:

    >>Seriously, putting an ex-President on trial for this kind of stuff? Internationally, it makes the US look like a banana republic.


  19. Alan says:

    Currently 94F with 8% RH and 4 MPH breeze here in the southwest desert. 

    Not gloating, really 🙂 

  20. Ken Mitchell says:

    When I lived in Sacramento, CA, the weather was pretty constant; if you added the temperature and the humidity, it was about 120 all year long. We got cold wet winters and hot, DRY, summers. Here in San Antonio, the 90+ degrees and 90% humidity are beastly. 

    And looking at the weather radar, it looks like Houston is getting pasted again.

  21. Alan says:

    Even if “convicted” (couldn’t type “guilty”) he’d be free pending appeal(s). Any attempt to immediately jail him could make J6 look like a tea party. 

  22. Nick Flandrey says:

    Well fellas I’m hiding under a tree because of golf ball sized hail and bigger. Already broke the windshield already put a bunch of dents in the truck coming down cats and dogs. And they’re still occasional marble sized hail it’s been at least 15 minutes. Speech to text so read between the lines if you have to. Nick

  23. Ken Mitchell says:

    Whew!  Nick, stay safe, and looking at the weather radar, I have to say that I’m not surprised!

  24. Greg Norton says:

    Even if “convicted” (couldn’t type “guilty”) he’d be free pending appeal(s). Any attempt to immediately jail him could make J6 look like a tea party. 

    Trump would be restricted to Trump Tower if free while awaiting appeal.

    Inagine what would happen if New York had to extradite Trump from Florida. What then?

    DeSantis already crushed Disney and he has three years left on his term to make a bigger splash on the national scene.

  25. Lynn says:

    “Where the price of oil is just $15/barrel by James Hickman”


    Oh, everyone has noticed that natural gas is WAY cheaper than crude oil in the USA.  People are rushing here to build new plants. Exxon just announced a new $6 billion ethylene plant across Lavaca Bay from my parents house. People are building hundreds of power plants just to run 10% of the time on natural gas but they get paid extremely well.

  26. Lynn says:

    “Hurricane-force winds hit Houston, 313,000 without power”


    “A severe storm system left hundreds of thousands without power in Houston Tuesday. More than a dozen Harris County voting centers lost power, officials say.”

    Looks like we just had a mini derecho come though Houston.

    My office Starlink is down.  I am back on the AT&T DSL lines which I never canceled.

  27. Lynn says:

    Formula Tank !  Yes, tank racing.  I am surprised that they did not turn the turrets backwards.


  28. Lynn says:

    Well fellas I’m hiding under a tree because of golf ball sized hail and bigger. Already broke the windshield already put a bunch of dents in the truck coming down cats and dogs. And they’re still occasional marble sized hail it’s been at least 15 minutes. Speech to text so read between the lines if you have to. Nick

    Is this your old Ranger pickup ?  Sounds expensive.

  29. Lynn says:

    “Texas’ first-ever statewide flood plan estimates 5 million live in flood-prone areas”


    “The state’s flood plan shows which Texans are most at risk of flooding and suggests billions of dollars more are needed for flood mitigation projects.”

    1/6th of the state population lives in flood prone areas ?  I am surprised it is not 50%.

  30. Lynn says:

    “The legal shenanigans being employed to convict President Trump”


    “The judge’s conduct is well summed up by former Professor Alan Dershowitz:”

    “This judge has committed more reversible errors in the one day I was in the courtroom than I’ve seen in years and years of practicing law. It’s just an outrage,” Dershowitz stated.

    “I think that if President Trump is convicted by this kangaroo court under such pretexts, it will virtually guarantee his victory in the November 2024 elections . . . if his enemies allow him to live that long.  If he’s incarcerated on such flimsy grounds, one can only assume that it’s to create the conditions under which he might suffer a terminal “accident” or “assault” in prison, to finally remove any possibility of his winning re-election.  Frankly, I wouldn’t put that past his political enemies.  Their desperation to derail his campaign is beyond clear.”

    “As always, I note that I am not a fan of President Trump, and I’d prefer a more balanced candidate in November.  However, that’s beside the point.  Whatever one’s views of President Trump, the fact that he’s being treated like this by our so-called impartial, balanced judicial system is cause for the deepest concern.”

    I am worried about Trump being assassinated too.

  31. nick flandrey says:

    Made it home.    Sunny and cool now.  Streets are already dry.


    Power is out at the BOL. 

    This storm chased me south from the BOL.   When I stopped to do my pickup it caught up with me.   I’ve never seen it hail that long, or that consistently big.    Sheet metal on the truck is actually not to bad, 20yo truck has thick skin.    The windshield is driveable but will need to be replaced.

    This us just nuts.


  32. paul says:

    This morning was still.  No wind to speak of, enough of a breeze to blow your cigarette smoke away and move the hair on your arms..  Light fog but I could see the moon..  Around 10 the wind picked up.  NWS site said 26 mph with gusts to 45.   When I last looked it’s suppose to rain like crazy tonight.  Maybe a couple of inches.  We’ll see.   Lake Travis needs the water. 

    I went to the HEB.  Gassed the van.  It had a half tank by the gauge.  It took 15 gallons.  Something is off.  The gauge or my memory.  I don’t recall it having a 30 gallon tank.  I’m leaning towards the gauge being off because otherwise would be an admission that I’m not perfect. 

    I bought more of the on-sale chorizo.  It’s in the refrigerator’s freezer.  Tomorrow it goes to the little deep freeze.  Where it will fall through the gaps in the wire basket and vanish into the bottom of the freezer to be discovered in a couple of years.  The normal routine.  

    I picked up a package of boneless chicken thighs.  I almost bought some chicken tenders but not for an extra $1.50 a pound.  I like thigh meat more anyway.  I’m going to cut the meat up into bite size pieces and do the “oven fry” thing.  But differently.  I’m going to use the gas grill as an oven.  Why run the electric oven and the a/c?   That’s the plan. If the weather is nice enough tomorrow to open the house, I’ll use the oven because it’s easier.  

    I want to do an experiment.  I like the Sunbird Szechuan stir fry mix.  Maybe use a packet as a marinade for some of the chicken. 

    I forgot to buy bread.  Again.  

    After the grocery store, with the wind, it was 74f outside.  Fairly dry, too.  I opened a lot of windows and aired the house.  I closed the windows  just as it hit 80f outside.  The a/c has yet to run.    I think I’ll open the windows again.

  33. Lynn says:

    “Into the Real (Transdimensional Hunter)” by John Ringo and Lydia Sherrer

    Book number one of a two book science fiction series. I read the well printed and terribly bound MMPB that I bought new from Amazon that was published by Baen in 2023. I contacted Baen about replacing the MMPB since about 60 or 80 pages fell out as I was reading the book, a replacement is reputedly on the way. I have ordered the second book in MMPB in the series which is due out in November 2024.

    Lynn Raven is a 16 year old girl living with her ER nurse widowed mom in the Baltimore area of the USA in the 2040s. Lynn moonlights after high school as an old mercenary named Larry Coughlin, a Tier One player in the WarMonger 2050 FPS (first person shooter) online game. She collects guns and health in the game for resale for hard cash dollars, helping her mom out with the bills and saving money for college. And she also torments boys in her school, killing their characters randomly in the WarMonger game.

    But Lynn has been noticed by the billionaire inventor, Robert Krator, of WarMonger 2050. And he wants her to move to his new game, an outside AR (augmented reality) FPS game called TransDimensional Hunter, as a beta tester with free equipment and such. He wants Lynn to step into the real.

    As usual with John Ringo books, he dedicated the book to:
    “As always
    For Captain Tamara Long, USAF
    Born: May 12, 1979
    Died: March 23, 2003, Afghanistan
    You fly with the angels now.”.
    Lydia Sherrer dedicated the book to her husband.

    My rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Amazon rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars (1,129 reviews)


  34. Lynn says:

    “SpaceX sets date for next Starship flight after Texas test ends in explosion”


    “A SpaceX test of a component used in Starship resulted in a fireball and plumes of smoke at the company’s facility in Central Texas.”

    Woof !  That is a fireball !

  35. RickH says:

    I released Book Four of my “The RV Vigilante” series today (on Amazon) called “The Red Rock Redemption”. It’s set in the Red Rock country in SE Utah.

    It starts with this sentence (which you might recognize – I first saw that sentence in comments here, and that got me started on the story):

    “I saw a murder today.”

    Here’s the link to the latest book. The first two in the series are set on the Olympic Peninsula (WA); the third story in Idaho. 

    And, it’s time to flog the two books for Father’s Day “A Compendium of Dad Jokes” (link) – and “Another Compendium of Dad Jokes” (link). Compiled and available because we all can use some new material. Guaranteed laughs. Or maybe just chuckles. Probably some ‘eye rolls’.  The “Compendium of Physics Jokes” also available for your students or teachers. 

    Current work in progress is in the science fiction genre. A light-weight story (see what I did there?) set in space in the future. About ⅓ of the way through the first draft. Still trying to figure out the ending.

  36. Greg Norton says:

    Oh, everyone has noticed that natural gas is WAY cheaper than crude oil in the USA.  People are rushing here to build new plants. Exxon just announced a new $6 billion ethylene plant across Lavaca Bay from my parents house. People are building hundreds of power plants just to run 10% of the time on natural gas but they get paid extremely well.

    The generator slush fund approved by voters in November isn’t limited to the Geico Gecko. His chore boy Dan Patrick strong-armed it onto the ballot, however, and the Gecko is the one with capital to burn.

    AI will need a *lot* of power if this bubble doesn’t burst soon. I’ve seen some crazy estimates for our stock price by the end of this year and next.

    Use the Duck or Google to search “Crusoe Energy”.

  37. SteveF says:

    I wonder what the electorate will do.

    I know several people who say that Trump being jailed is their “Go” button, the signal to start the hot civil war.

    But a lot of people are more talk than action, so I wouldn’t count on too much.

  38. Greg Norton says:

    Use the Duck or Google to search “Crusoe Energy”.


    They’re the hot startup right now. I think they’re still private.

  39. drwilliams says:

    “Hey, guys, our 81-year-old, rambling, half-senile president is unpopular. Let’s get an 80-year-old, rambling, half-senile actor out here to attack the other guy.”



    So if FJB and FRdN became magically conjoined, they’d have a whole mind between them?

    I don’t think so.

  40. nick flandrey says:

    Ok.  Finally got the truck unloaded.   Gennies put where they live during hurricane season.  Bottles and cans of fuel put away.  

    I’m beat.   I’m so sore my skin  hurts.   Just brushing against it aches.   I really pushed getting all the debris moved this last couple of weeks, culminating in the downed trees at the BOL.  Now I get to repent at leisure.


    I will also recommend “Into the Real”  (dumb title) and the sequel.   I thoroughly enjoyed them both.   I HOPE the main character’s crushing insecurity is exaggerated for effect (and it’s the only thing I found a bit off-putting) because if not, and it’s typical of even high achieving girls, I’m  amazed any of them live to adulthood.

    That said, there are some very funny bits and if you are even a casual online or console gamer you’ll find plenty in it you’ll recognize and enjoy.  My wife enjoyed them too.


  41. MrAtoz says:

    DeNiro got his ass handed to him by a heckler. He’s not so tough out in the open. Holding this across from the tRump porn trial was blatantly election-interfering.

  42. Lynn says:

    I will also recommend “Into the Real”  (dumb title) and the sequel.   I thoroughly enjoyed them both.   I HOPE the main character’s crushing insecurity is exaggerated for effect (and it’s the only thing I found a bit off-putting) because if not, and it’s typical of even high achieving girls, I’m  amazed any of them live to adulthood.

    That said, there are some very funny bits and if you are even a casual online or console gamer you’ll find plenty in it you’ll recognize and enjoy.  My wife enjoyed them too.

    I am glad that you enjoyed them as the first is quite good as I rated it. I enjoyed the heck out of it as the pages were falling out.

    I immediately got attacked on reddit with “I loathe Ringo. He’s, in my opinion, a horrid human being and routinely expeesses it in his work.”.

    Sigh.  The immaturity on reddit is continuously amazing.

  43. Lynn says:

    My office Starlink is back up.  I guess that the ferocity of the mini derecho and thunderstorm just overwhelmed the antenna.

  44. Greg Norton says:

    I know several people who say that Trump being jailed is their “Go” button, the signal to start the hot civil war.

    But a lot of people are more talk than action, so I wouldn’t count on too much.

    Jail does not mean that Trump is prevented from continuing his campaign for President.

    He’s not going to jail. OUTRAGE!!!

  45. Greg Norton says:

    Why is it that every interaction with American Express lately involves me threatening to close the account if I can’t get the issue resolved?

    Today was the third time this year.

  46. Lynn says:

    My all time favorite 2 AA battery LED flashlight is back in stock finally after a year.  I have ordered five more at the moment.  Great gifts.  In fact, I gave my spare away to a friend last night as she was talking with our new neighbor for an hour and was then walking a half mile home after sunset in the dark on our perilous roads.  She did not want to take the flashlight from me but I forced it on her.  She is almost 80 and walks with us occasionally.


    A three generation Indian family moved into the 8,000 ft2 home three doors down from us just recently.  It took them two full years to build their new home.  I think that they redesigned the interior of the house at the midpoint and that really set them back.

  47. Lynn says:

    “First Tests: How Fast Are Starlink’s New Dish V4 and Router V3?”


    “SpaceX has a new standard satellite dish and router. Here’s how it beats the old standard equipment on design and performance.”

    I am not going to upgrade but some people will.   I still have yet to install the mast on the ground.  I have the cable slightly buried and the antenna sitting on the ground about 12 feet away from the office building.

  48. Greg Norton says:

    Why is it that every interaction with American Express lately involves me threatening to close the account if I can’t get the issue resolved?

    I know – first world problem, but I also always find myself talking to the third world when I call Amex.

  49. Greg Norton says:

    A three generation Indian family moved into the 8,000 ft2 home three doors down from us just recently.  It took them two full years to build their new home.  I think that they redesigned the interior of the house at the midpoint and that really set them back.

    Three generations. No thanks.

    Our house was originally built by an Indian family, and the Living Room/Dining Room footprint could easily become another Master Suite without a lot of work.

    So who is the big Subcontinent visa employer near you once HPE clears out of the old Compaq campus?

  50. Lynn says:

    So who is the big Subcontinent visa employer near you once HPE clears out of the old Compaq campus?

    No idea.  But the old Compaq Campus on 290 is a 30 mile hike across I-10 from my neighborhood.  The I-10 / Grand Parkway (99) interchange is a disaster area that they are widening from four lanes to 10 or 12 lanes at the moment.

  51. drwilliams says:

    I know several people who say that Trump being jailed is their “Go” button, the signal to start the hot civil war.


    Trump gets hurt or killed in jail, things get right sporty.

    The tell will be the 51 co-conspirators fleeing the country. Any left in the lower 48 when the airports shut down will have a best by of less than a week.

    As for MSM faces…

  52. drwilliams says:


    Nebo Newton 500 lumens is $11.24 (-25%)


    Note the 1000 lumen version is $18.74  (-38%)

    I have not-so-fond memories of throwing Rayovac flashlights away when the batteries leaked. I had a Rayovac Captain 2 x C that I used to use to read under the covers that died that way, and their battery warranty was worthless.

    My only beef with Nebo so far is they discontinued my Redline model before I could stock up, and is has some features I like, including the crenelated front-end.

  53. drwilliams says:


    “A light-weight story”

    Gravity control?

    But seriously…

    What is the best way to go about getting all four of your RV Vigilante books in signed dead tree versions?

  54. drwilliams says:

    “The tell will be the 51 co-conspirators fleeing the country.”

    Or Jack-off Smith suddenly deciding to hide himself in his aunt’s Chrysanthemum bed.

    Which begs a question:

    Super-duper prosecutor Smith was illegally appointed–he does not meet the qualifications for a special prosecutor. In 2025 Trump will replace the DOJ with SPECTRE, and Garland, Smith, et al will be charged with conspiracy. What’s the book on whether he pleads that he didn’t know the law?

  55. Rick H says:


    “A light-weight story”

    Gravity control?

    There are some gravity issues in the space book. Also, a smart-alecky AI co-pilot. If I ever finish it…

    Don’t forget to tip your server. And try the veal.

    As for autographed copies – although I sometimes think that a signed copy of my books would be a cause of deflation of their worth…

    If you are in the US, I suppose you could purchase any of the books from Amazon, and put my address as the ‘ship to’. (I’ve published 15 so far; four are Joke books, two Classic Westerns, a very old techno-thriller, and a three-book urban fantasy that probably should be re-written)  

    For the folks here that might want an autographed copy, I could then sign and mail them to you. Might even throw in one of my “Dad Jokes” books. The small royalty I’d get would cover Media Mail shipping. And any sales help rankings – so order many! 🙂  (Reviews help sales too, as do recommendations via social media.)  I can even include a nice shiny ‘autographed by author’ sticker.

    (I once sent a single paperback from here in WA to a friend in Great Britain about 5 years ago. Cost $35, plus a customs form.  So, any autographed mailing offer is limited to US residents, as Media Mail is not expensive.)

    You can contact me via the Contact form on my author site – https://www.RichardHellewell.com  and I can disclose my mailing address. 


  56. Nick Flandrey says:

    Grr, I’ve still got my rat problem here too.   I just saw one walk right past the trap in the attic without so much as giving it a glance.  (on the camera I have up there.)

    And my client wants a service call.  All the power issues and generator starts and stops have played hob with his system.  He’s got control or signal issues in most rooms.  He’ll have to wait if I have no power at the BOL though.


  57. SteveF says:

    What is the best way to go about getting all four of your RV Vigilante books in signed dead tree versions?

    ref my recent advice to Jenny: While kidnapping should not be your go-to solution…

  58. Lynn says:

    I released Book Four of my “The RV Vigilante” series today (on Amazon) called “The Red Rock Redemption”. It’s set in the Red Rock country in SE Utah.

    It starts with this sentence (which you might recognize – I first saw that sentence in comments here, and that got me started on the story):

    “I saw a murder today.”

    Here’s the link to the latest book. The first two in the series are set on the Olympic Peninsula (WA); the third story in Idaho. 

    Congratulations, that is quite the accomplishment.  One of these days I am going to read the third Blink book that is sitting in my SBR.

    How clean are the RV books ?  I am tempted to try the first on my wife.  But the first time she hits the F word in almost any book, she is gone.  Except for Tom Clancy, she will give him (and his fillin writers) a lot of slack.


  59. Lynn says:

    “The current state of the Ukraine war”


    “TUCKER CARLSON: What do you think the Russians want?”

    “ERIK PRINCE: I’d say now they want to absolutely humiliate the West and make sure that they never have a problem with Ukraine again.”

    Yup.  And humiliation comes in a lot of forms and speeds. The best humiliation (revenge) is served cold.

  60. Lynn says:

    Grr, I’ve still got my rat problem here too.   I just saw one walk right past the trap in the attic without so much as giving it a glance.  (on the camera I have up there.)

    And my client wants a service call.  All the power issues and generator starts and stops have played hob with his system.  He’s got control or signal issues in most rooms.  He’ll have to wait if I have no power at the BOL though.

    You know, Michael Keaton made a movie about cloning himself so he could get more things done.  It did not go well …


  61. Rick H says:

    @Lynn – 

    Congratulations, that is quite the accomplishment.  One of these days I am going to read the third Blink book that is sitting in my SBR.

    How clean are the RV books ?  I am tempted to try the first on my wife.  But the first time she hits the F word in almost any book, she is gone.  Except for Tom Clancy, she will give him (and his fillin writers) a lot of slack.

    Thanks for the kind words. Appreciated. The stories are fun to write, and they do keep me from being a couch potato watching old westerns all day.

    All of my books are ‘clean’. The first two books in the “RV Vigilante” series have some (sometimes fatal) gun-play, but the main character only shoots in self-defense, along with pointing the gun as a threat. There is no swearing – those are not words that I use. (Well, maybe when I hit my finger with a hammer, but even then it is quite mild. And I feel guilty when that happens.) 

    There is no content that would embarrass me if my children or grandchildren were to read the stories. At most, it would be rated PG-13, but only because of the unfortunate demise of a few bad guys. But no gory details involved. And no four-letter words that might offend. I don’t think there is even a ‘damn’ in any of the books.

  62. Alan says:

    How about this scenario… Trump is found guilty of all charges and is immediately sentenced (allowed of course in NYFS) to 160 days of house arrest. Hmm… 

  63. Nick Flandrey says:

    D2 band concert just finished.  They have really improved.   Now for the painfully loud dance concert.    Good thing I have my earpro.


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