Mon. Oct. 9, 2023 – Columbus Day in the USofA, not stinky natives day

Another cool and clear day is on tap. Sunday was beautiful. Cool, clear, sunny. Warm in the sun. Cool in the shade. Just nice. Chilly at night though. 56F during movie night.

Made a “Picanha roast” for dinner. It’s just the cap off the sirloin given a new name. It’s a tasty cut, but best served thin sliced. The sirloin has a lot of nice flavor, but the swirling grain can make it chewy too.

The burn pile for the lower part of the property got burnt up. Did it in the big fire ring so we had a nice bed of coals for a campfire with s’mores, then we watched Serenity for movie night on the dock. It was pretty dang chilly at 56F over the water. I fired up one of the patio heaters and was still cold.

I didn’t get my main project done, or even started, but I did get a bunch of small projects done that had been on the list for a while. Mostly electrical, but there were a few sort of “hey it’d be nice to get this done” things too. Played a couple of rounds of pool while piddlefarting around in the garage. Easy enough to sort, clean, and move stuff while waiting for my turn.

Used my pole saw on a few trees. Two smaller trees on the HOA lot, and a couple of saplings, all killed by something and starting to drop limbs were turned into firewood and brushpile. A couple of my tree limbs got trimmed too.

Changed out two light fixtures.

Even had a chance to fish for about half an hour.

Steady, if slow, and low priority tasks, but work got done.

Today the appliance repair guy is supposed to fix the dishwasher. I sure hope so. I’ll be doing some more things on the list, depending on when in the day he gets here. I will definitely be mowing before I leave for Houston.

There are a few more things I found that I need to move up here, and a hole or two that should be filled. I think I’ll move about half of my serious medical preps up here too. All the long term wound care, and more heavy duty, I don’t necessarily know how to use it but someone else might’ stuff should probably live up here. At some point soon I need appropriate storage for some other needful things, and all the accessories and accoutrements that go with them. I’m overdue on that last, but there is a tough balancing act involved.

In fact, equipping another place has a lot of decisions that boil down to “where should this primary stack live?” “What about this thing that is most useful in this or that scenario?” I’m assuming I won’t be able to use a U-Haul to bring it all with me if we do in fact BO to this L. At that point, it’ll either be here, or it will likely be lost.

Don’t want to strip my primary residence though, lots of scenarios have us staying there, or trapped there. Plus, if I’m there most of the time, I’m more comfortable having some things near at hand. Short of equipping everywhere identically, decisions must be made in a world of limited resources.

It’s an interesting and challenging situation to work through, and the consequences of getting it wrong could be dire. I’m leaning toward, “every place is mostly equal, with some specific to the location scenarios supported as needed.”

However your situation shapes your choices, stack them up…


48 Comments and discussion on "Mon. Oct. 9, 2023 – Columbus Day in the USofA, not stinky natives day"

  1. Greg Norton says:

    I bought this house four years ago and we are still moving in to it.

    We’ve been in boxes for 13 years, the end result of two long distance moves in four years and lack of time after moving into this house. Plus, Texas is increasingly looking like it won’t be a “forever” thing.

    Unlike many of the households around us, however, we can get both primary vehicles into the garage so some progress has been made since the last move..

  2. MrAtoz says:

    LOL. “Stinky natives day.”

  3. SteveF says:

    “People who couldn’t even invent the wheel and needed the White man for that and other inventions and tried to genocide each other but even failed at that and needed the White man to come in and do it for them” Day

    Kind of awkward, so let’s just call it Losers Day.

  4. Nick Flandrey says:

    @SteveF, hey, we got potatoes, tomatoes, tobacco, and Keanu, so I’d call that WINNERS Day!

    59F when I got up, it’s 60F ½ hour later.  

    Coffee machine just beeped, so that is a good thing.


  5. Greg Norton says:

    The Cannonball Baker Sea-to-Shining-Sea Memorial Trophy Dash Holiday Weekend.

    Sadly, it doesn’t appear that anyone made an attempt at the current record.

    25 h 39 m will be tough to break, and the last decade of attempts prove that making a run requires a decent normally aspirated V6 or V8 in a late model *car*, preferably German, which is exceedingly rare these days.

  6. Bob Sprowl says:

    The backhoe needs greasing,  about a hundred grease fittings … I’ll count them as I do it this afternoon.  It’s got a small Perkins diesel and I’ve already changed the oil and air filter.  The fuel filter will be changed when I figure out how to bleed the air out.

  7. Nick Flandrey says:

    Coffee is in hand, eggs are on the plate, appliance repair guy checked in and is on his way.   

    Day is starting, temp is already 64F and climbing.


    Iran is talking pretty boldly.   They might earn themselves some sunshine.


  8. Greg Norton says:

    Iran is talking pretty boldly.   They might earn themselves some sunshine.

    Trump executing the general who favored the gaudy cocktail rings sent a message for a while.

    Corn Pop won’t reinforce the message.

  9. RickH says:

    Last night about 720pm, we had a small earthquake here – 4.3. It was centered about 8 miles away from us, at the south end of Indian Island and Marrowstone Island in WA. 

    We got one or two small jolts, enough to make the whole house creak. No damage, and no aftershocks. Depth was about 35 miles, so shallow. 

    And this month is the ‘Great Washington Shakeout’, where we are supposed to prepare for the ‘big one’ on the Cascadia Fault.  

    I was on the couch. Felt and heard the jolt. Sat there thinking ‘Whazzat?”. 

  10. Lynn says:

    Unlike many of the households around us, however, we can get both primary vehicles into the garage so some progress has been made since the last move..

    I can barely get both primary vehicles into the 1,200 ft2 garage that is full of full boxes, old furniture, dirt dobber nests, water bottles, etc, etc, etc.

    The old Highlander sits at the office.

  11. MrAtoz says:

    The whole family is a bunch of degenerates:

    EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden’s younger brother Frank admits naked selfie on GuysWithiPhones gay dating site is genuine. ‘My phone must have been hacked’

    Sure, his phone was hacked and his selfie was uploaded to a fag site. Sure.

  12. MrAtoz says:

    Pat Condell is leaving Youtube. His “OK, groomer” video was deleted by the PLTs running Youtube. He is still on X/Twitter, Bitchute, and Gab.

  13. Brad says:

    Um…don’t take nude selfies? I can’t imagine why you would anyway.

    Regardless, it’s a stupid thing to do. There have been enough cases of people being embarrassed or even blackmailed.

    Apparently it wasn’t his day to use the family brain cell.

  14. Ray Thompson says:

    don’t take nude selfies

    Well, there goes my weekend.

    Currently at a relatively new RV park for today to Friday. You can see the park on Google maps if you. look for Burgess Falls State Park. The RV park is right at the park boundary. Our site is the furthest east as that site does not have anyone on the slide out part where the major windows are located. Neighbors don’t like looking at me walking around naked while taking selfies in the trailer.

  15. Lynn says:

    The backhoe needs greasing,  about a hundred grease fittings … I’ll count them as I do it this afternoon.  It’s got a small Perkins diesel and I’ve already changed the oil and air filter.  The fuel filter will be changed when I figure out how to bleed the air out.

    VW pioneered making small diesels auto priming.  I confirmed this by running my 1982 Diesel Rabbit out of fuel (we pushed it 300 yards to a diesel station on I-20).  And a rented Audi Sport Wagen diesel in 1996 (ran into the German blue laws, only one fuel station open on Sundays and not on the Autobahn).  Both restarted within 20 seconds of putting diesel in the vehicle.  Lots of blue-white smoke for a while.

    Surely Perkins makes the diesel auto priming ???

  16. SteveF says:

    > don’t take nude selfies

    Well, there goes my weekend.

    Protip: If someone else takes the pictures of you, they aren’t selfies.

  17. Lynn says:

    And a rented Audi Sport Wagen diesel in 1996

    BTW, that was the fastest diesel that I ever drove.  I was driving from Frankfurt, Germany to Esberg, Denmark, about 400 or 500 miles.   It was just a stock Audi 2.0L turbo diesel with a 5 speed stick.  I got it up to 230 km/h (143 mph) indicated on the speedometer on the Autobahn in northern Germany that did not have any speed limits.  I still got over 30 mpg on that tank.

    I got blown off the Autobahn onto the shoulder by two turbo 911s playing tag running over 340 km/h (200 mph) that trip.   They passed me before I saw them in my rear view mirror.  Their air wave was unreal.  They never slowed down for me, they were about 20 feet apart in the left lane.

  18. Lynn says:

    Feefall: Showering Together

    But water is usually scarce on a space station so they were saving water.

    And yes, Winslow’s Mom has a mustache.

  19. dkreck says:

    Winslow may have a bit of a furry kink or worse. Florence, I’m not sure what to call it.

  20. Lynn says:

    “Netanyahu Hangs Tough: Bibi Tells Bumbling Biden ‘We Have to Go in, We Can’t Negotiate Now’”

    The Israelis are going to push Gaza into the sea.

  21. Lynn says:

    Winslow may have a bit of a furry kink or worse. Florence, I’m not sure what to call it.

    Florence is a Bowman’s Wolf.  A genetically modified wolf with human genes and a AI computer implanted in her brain by Dr. Bowman, a genetically modified chimpanzee.  Florence is the last of thirteen experiments still alive.  Florence is a trained spaceship engineer and has been in the series since the first ten panels or so when she was kidnapped by Sam the alien squid.

  22. Lynn says:

    “Hamas attacks Israel. Is a nuclear war next?”

    “Aesop said…

       I wouldn’t foresee Israel digging Hamas out street by street.

       I see them pushing everyone in Gaza out from North to South.

       That won’t be nukes.
       It’ll be bulldozers.”

    Ah, south to Egypt instead of west to the sea.  I can see that also.  ,33.9005222,7.99z?entry=ttu

  23. dkreck says:

    Oh I’ve been reading Freefall for a long time. Went back and read it from the start. I just enjoy guessing what the character might be like in real terms. Every week or two I catchup.

     Same for Sinfest. More main stream I go to The Far Side page, Calvin and Hobbes and Non Sequiter since they don’t appear in the local fish wrapper. 

  24. dkreck says:

    Completely expected and completely insane. Could we have some dozers push these clowns into in Boston Bay?

  25. MrAtoz says:

    Americans murdered in Israel.

    plugs: Zzzz Zzzz

    We can only hope there is a plan to burn down the entire place. plugs should at least be on the news saying Palestine is going to pay a price. A BIG price for murder. Stop hiding Hamas or else. Don’t let them run to Iran. If so, burn down Iran, too.

  26. SteveF says:

    We can only hope there is a plan to burn down the entire place.

    Hear me out. This sounds crazy but it’ll work. What we do is, w make a deal with the Russians. We and they nuke the crap out of the entire Middle East. Always wondered if the biggest H-bombs will really work? Let’s find out! Keep it going until everything is dead.

    After that, we gather up our illegal aliens and the Russians gather up their unwanted troublemaking groups and we send them in to pump oil. The more they pump into our tankers, the more food we give them. No oil, no food. Die of radiation sickness, who cares.

    The US has been accused for decades of going in to steal the oil from “innocent, peace-loving” nations. Likewise, the Russians have been accused for decades, even centuries, of genocide but they’re doing such a poor job of it that the troublemakers are still here, still causing trouble. Time to do it right and exterminate some unwanted population. Since we both are being accused of it, we might as well do it.

  27. paul says:
    Since we both are being accused of it, we might as well do it.

    Ah.  He does have a point. 

    I’d like a “nuke to glass” exception for Egypt, just for the antique Egyptian stuff.  So, neutron bombs.  

  28. Ken Mitchell says:

    In the Freefall comic strip, Winslow’s Mom has a mustache because she’s a genetic engineer who likes to tinker with her own genetics.  Florence, the genetically modified Bowman’s Wolf with an AI brain, is developing a relationship with Winslow, who HAD been developing a relationship with an actual robot.  His mom thinks that the transition from robot to AI wolf is a positive step. 

    If you have a couple of MONTHS to waste, reading Freefall from the beginning is quite entertaining.

  29. Lynn says:

    After that, we gather up our illegal aliens and the Russians gather up their unwanted troublemaking groups and we send them in to pump oil. The more they pump into our tankers, the more food we give them. No oil, no food. Die of radiation sickness, who cares.

    Ah, radioactive crude oil, what could go wrong ?  Just take your Geiger counter to the gas pump with you.

  30. Geoff Powell says:

    Guys (and gals):

    In Freefall, Florence’s squeeze is Winston, not Winslow.


    (yes, I am a fan)

  31. CowboyStu says:

    There will be a document shredding event in my neighborhood this Saturday.  I am getting ready all those documents that tRump gave me when I visited in Mar A Lago.  Need to have them destroyed before plugs dog bitten agents get here to confiscate them and arrest me and shoot my dog!

  32. SteveF says:

    No need, CowboyStu. Just put a cover page on top of the pile: Obama College Transcripts. The FBI will steer clear so hard they’ll red-shift.

  33. drwilliams says:

    alternate with : 

    Biden Family Photos: Shower Edition

  34. Lynn says:

    “Holtec International formally launches process to restart Palisades nuclear power plant”

    ““[A]lthough we see no real obstacles ahead, re-powering of a dormant plant such as Palisades would be a feat that has never been achieved before,” Holtec International CEO Kris Singh said.”

    “The PPA also has “a contract expansion provision to include up to two small modular reactors, rated at 300 MWe each, that Holtec intends to build and commission at the Palisades site.””

  35. Lynn says:

    If you have a couple of MONTHS to waste, reading Freefall from the beginning is quite entertaining.

    I am reading three SF/F books at the moment.  One of them is the fan fiction known as Taylor Varga as reported before.  432 chapters and 1,996,799 words.   I am at chapter 122 at the moment.  My goal is to finish by November.

  36. SteveF says:

    small modular reactors, rated at 300 MWe each

    Unless “MWe” means something different than “MW” does – and a quick web search suggests it does not – shouldn’t that be 300 kW? SMRs are small and portable and a 300MW reactor would be neither.

  37. SteveF says:

    My goal is to finish by November.

    Be it noted that you did not say November of which year.

  38. Nick Flandrey says:

    Home.   Light traffic.   

    My remaining client pinged me earlier with a possible network issue, that I couldn’t do anything about on a thin pipe, but now that I’m home, I just VPN into the ubiquiti stuff, and look at what’s on the network…   and I see our wireless link, so the issue is most likely with the gate people’s stuff. 

    I’ll go there tomorrow anyway, just to show the flag and be sure.   I like the remote access a lot.


  39. Robert "Bob" Sprowl says:

    Many years ago Israel should have told the Palestinians that each time they shot a  mortar, rocket or even a grenade into Israel the response to the Palestinians would be having one or more 100×100 meter plot(s) of land turned into pasture and the Israelis would be the ones to select the plot.  If no one was hurt they usually choose a rural plot, if someone was hurt an urban plot and if someone died it would be a down town center of a large building.  No improvements to these plots; nothing would ever be allow to be done to this pasture, no buildings, no water or power lines,  no pavement and no fences.  From time to time the Israelis would use these plots for target practice.

    The Perkins diesel is a in a Terramite T-9 backhoe manufactured in 2000.  The last time I changed the fuel filter it took me two weeks to get it running.  I try to start it and run the battery down, recharge the battery and repeat the next day.  

    Cut my left index finger near the tip.  Couldn’t get it o stop bleeding.  None of my neighbor’s were home.  Lost an hour trying to get a band-aid on it.  Finally when to Urgent Care,  two hours later I got a band-aid; had to argue about not wanting a tetanus shot I had  a booster in 2021.  I know I did because I have it on  my list of current meds on  my phone.   

    Spent three hours looking for my new grease gun;  found the old two.  When I found it, it worked fine for 10 minutes then I needed to change the cartridge.  After I put in the new cartridge,  no grease comes out.  Same problem I had with the two old grease guns.  Now I have three nonworking grease guns.  Watched YouTube videos on changing  the cartridge, they make it look so easy.   Got it at Car Quest a year or so ago.  Checked the old two, neither shots grease  and I know they have new cartridges.  Buying a new cartridge every time I use one is not acceptable.  My son could not get the old ones to work either.  I’ve got other things to do while I think/mope about t his.

     I have to dig up the ethernet line to the shop and rebury it.  It is exposed in two places and I need to be at lest a foot under ground.  The contractor that  buried acquiesces me of changing the slope of the land and so I need to fix it.  I’ll have to do this carefully by hand so I don’t have to dig up the whole 200 foot cable.

  40. Lynn says:

    small modular reactors, rated at 300 MWe each

    Unless “MWe” means something different than “MW” does – and a quick web search suggests it does not – shouldn’t that be 300 kW? SMRs are small and portable and a 300MW reactor would be neither.

    MWe means total energy for the nuclear reactor.  Since nuclear reactors are tough to get above 20% system efficiency, a 300 MWe SMR will probably make 60 MW.

    The big nuclear reactors like Comanche Peak and STP are 4+ GWe, able to make 1,250 MW with a new fuel pile.

    The nuclear guys have all kinds of special acronyms.

    BTW, SMRS are eight feet in diameter (easily truckable) and 40 feet tall. IIRC.

  41. Lynn says:

    “Internal Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Memo: ‘Don’t Refer to Hamas as Terrorists’”

    And the media starts with the nonsense already with bodies still laying on the ground.

  42. Lynn says:

    “Elon Musk Thinks SpaceX Will Land on Mars Within 4 Years”

    “Despite April’s launch issue, Musk is still optimistic about SpaceX’s ability to get to the red planet.”

    He is going to need a nuclear rocket to get to Mars in less than a year.

  43. Lynn says:

    Cut my left index finger near the tip.  Couldn’t get it o stop bleeding.  None of my neighbor’s were home.  Lost an hour trying to get a band-aid on it.  Finally when to Urgent Care,  two hours later I got a band-aid; had to argue about not wanting a tetanus shot I had  a booster in 2021.  I know I did because I have it on  my list of current meds on  my phone.   

    You and my Dad.  Dad cut his big toe the other day trimming his toenails and could not get the bleeding to stop.  So he went to the ER.  After four hours of pressure and silver nitrate ???, they got the bleeding to stop.  Dad takes 5 mg of coumadin (warfarin) daily for his mechanical heart valve.  

    Dad is now going to the ladies pedicure place to get his nails trimmed.

  44. Lynn says:

    My goal is to finish by November.

    Be it noted that you did not say November of which year.

    OK, here is the real problem.  I am a half million words in and forgetting the early chapters.  Not good.

  45. Mark W says:

    SO much good stuff recently.

    I read about ⅔ of Freefall about 10 years ago, left a gap, started reading again, and now it’s been a few years and I don’t remember how far I got. I will catch up someday.

    SMR’s… Isn’t MWt the total (thermal) power? MWe is the generated power, usually ≤30% of MWt?

    I’m just a network guy and not an engineer but these big reactors give me the heebeegeebees (Geoff will understand). If you scram a 1 GWe reactor you have 3+ GW of heat to dump. That’s a LOT. Yes, I know, don’t be scared of big numbers, but still…

    The nice thing about tiny reactors is they can be air cooled after a scram.

    Edit: the googles say the decay heat is instantaneously about 7%, which is 210MW, so not so much, but also still a lot.

  46. Nick Flandrey says:

    @ bob sprowl,  look at using a water jet to “dig” the slot for your cat cable.   They sell a metal wand with a valve and focusing tip that goes on a garden hose, you don’t even need a pressure washer.   I cut a shallow slot 20ft for one of my new sprinkler lines.    Takes a while but it’s easy work.   Pressure washer is faster, but so much messier.

    Also, I had the same issue with my grease guns, but unscrewing the end of the nozzle, and cleaning with brake cleaner, gasoline, alcohol, or carb cleaner fixed it right up.   There was hardened grease in the nozzle, and the pipe leading to the nozzle.   There is a little spring and BB in there so be careful when you unscrew it.

    @lynn, toenail cutting should be covered by medicare/caide.   My sibling’s spouse is a podiatrist and does a steady business cutting toenails.   There are several good medical reasons for having someone do it once you are past a certain age, or have other physical limits.


    I took a second look at my client’s networking as reported by the management tool.  I might have misread the listing, and he might indeed have a down wireless link at the gate end.    I will find out for sure tomorrow in any case.


  47. Lynn says:

    SMR’s… Isn’t MWt the total (thermal) power? MWe is the generated power, usually ≤30% of MWt?

    Now I am confused.   My early reading on the SMR said a maximum size of 300 MW energy (intermediate pressure steam with not much superheat) and 60 MW electricity.  

    It is obvious I need to read more.  SMRs have a distinct form factor (modular !).  Getting bigger than that form factor means a much larger form factor.

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