Sun. Oct. 8, 2023 – short post today

Cool. Really cool. Below 60F overnight. 52F when I went to bed. That is pretty chilly. Today should be cool and clear too.

Spent most of the day getting the pool table set up. It plays just fine and looks pretty good. Wife loves it and that was the goal. There are a lot of memories from her childhood linked to playing pool, so this was more important than I knew.

Today I’ll be working yesterday’s list. If no one opens the canned sunshine. Bloody hell.

Top up your preps. Stack your stacks.


46 Comments and discussion on "Sun. Oct. 8, 2023 – short post today"

  1. SteveF says:

    There are a lot of memories from her childhood linked to playing pool

    Find a portrait of her as an eight-year-old and generate an image of her wearing a fedora, smoking a cigar, and hustling rubes at the pool hall.

  2. Greg Norton says:

    Because if the entire Middle East goes up in flame, we will get involved.  We cannot stand to stay out of the fray.

    The widely held belief is that Israel has nukes and missile-capable submarines. If their backs are against the wall and their existence threatened, they will go full “Scorched Earth” in the Middle East.

    Remove the Saudi oil fields alone from production for about a decade and watch what happens to the rest of the world.

    En Fuego!

    After Khadafy met his fate being sodomized to death with a blazing metal rod, no one contemplating nuclear weapons is going to listen to non-proliferation arguments and/or guarantees from the US State Department

  3. Greg Norton says:

    Not surprising. I’ve forced myself into Python 3 over the last year for my personal work, but it requires more thought with I/O and character translation at times when I just want to get something done.

    Currently, work work doesn’t do much with Python simply because we target an embedded Linux environment with Python 3 and a bare minimum set of libraries installed. I do use “python3 -m json.tool” a lot since the admins won’t install jq, however.

  4. MrAtoz says:

    After Khadafy met his fate being sodomized to death with a blazing metal rod, no one contemplating nuclear weapons is going to listen to non-proliferation arguments and/or guarantees from the US State Department

    Kankles first crack at destabilizing a country. I can just see her in a hair net in bed on the “red” phone: “Stick a poker up is arse.” 

    Kankles will never be President. Thank tRump for that!

  5. lynn says:

    It is 54 F on the west side of the Brazos River this morning.  The cat and dog are loving it.  

    My Aggies lost to Alabama 26 to 20 but my Astros beat the Twins 6 to 4.  Too much sports for me.

    Grabbing a shower and I am late for church.  And Lily is attacking Remy who says get away from me you stupid dog.

  6. Greg Norton says:

    “No More Free Speech in Canada”

    “Canada’s broadcasting regulatory body, the Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has published a news release announcing that it will require podcast providers, social media services and online streaming platforms to register with the government.

    Whether or not the fringe media moves the needle much politically, the podcasters and fan communities on YouTube and social media have brought the entertainment industry to its knees with their rejection of the agenda-driven content, particularly the swill pouring out of Disney in the last year.

    What works for Disney right now other than ESPN/ABC broadcasts of games featuring Coach Prime?

  7. Greg Norton says:

    “I don’t accept mediocrity.”

    I can only imagine how that plays in Burbank, who just foisted “Ahsoka” on what’s left of the “Star Wars” fandom.

  8. Greg Norton says:

    My Aggies lost to Alabama 26 to 20 but my Astros beat the Twins 6 to 4.  Too much sports for me.

    Tom Herman won yesterday, but my guess is that the Florida Athletic Director has pitched a tent in Herman’s front yard in Boca Raton.

    Herman is working cheap this season because he’s on the last year of his Texas contract.

  9. Denis says:

    Tom Herman won yesterday…

    … and Ireland beat Scotland. The All Blacks are next.

    … and there is a war in the middle east. My thoughts go out to the victims, and those who have been kidnapped to be used as human shields.

    Anybody here laying odds that the remarkably successful Hamas tactics were programmed by Iran, guided in turn by Russian “advisors” in return for Iranian drones to use against Ukraine. Russia needs this second war, to get the west sending its support to Israel instead of Ukraine.

  10. Greg Norton says:

    Tom Herman won yesterday…

    … and Ireland beat Scotland. The All Blacks are next.

    TAMU had Herman out to College Station last year when they were considering firing Jimbo or, at the very least, hiring a specialist who could develop their quarterbacks to a pro standard.

  11. Ray Thompson says:

    WWpD (What Wil plugs Do).

    Before or after his nap and the changing of his adult diapers.

  12. SteveF says:

    And kicking his dog.

  13. lynn says:

    What works for Disney right now other than ESPN/ABC broadcasts of games featuring Coach Prime?

    Who is Coach Prime ?  I know who Coach Aflac is.

  14. Nick Flandrey says:

    Cinnamon rolls and coffee, side of egg and bacon.  Yum.

    Clear, sunny, and only 71F here today.   

    Realized that my potassium iodine is at home.   Anyone spot check prices on amazon today?

    A quick glance says about half the victims or more are probably hamas supporters in their beliefs.   Saudis are j00blaming again.  Look what you made me do!

    Look for the other event.


  15. lynn says:

    Ruh Roh:

    REPORT: Antony Blinken confirms Americans killed by Hamas attacks and several possibly kidnapped

    WWpD (What Wil plugs Do).

    Plugs ain’t gona do squat.  Israel is going to push Gaza into the sea.  6,000 dead and injured now.

    And Israel is having a civil war now from the muslims within.  Don’t worry, Israel is taking names and those people and their families will be taken care of also.

    Maybe this will convince will convince the Orthodox Jews that they have to work to support the country too.

  16. Greg Norton says:

    “And kicking his dog.”

    Don’t forget sniffing the hair of the youngest female Secret Service agent in the room.

  17. Greg Norton says:

    What works for Disney right now other than ESPN/ABC broadcasts of games featuring Coach Prime?

    Who is Coach Prime ?  I know who Coach Aflac is.

    Deion Sanders. 

    Ever since he upset TCU and shocked the NCAA establishment, “Coach Prime” has been the hottest ticket in college football.

    We pulled up to a restaurant in Austin while getting takeout last night, and I saw the Colorado/Arizona game on the TV sets through the windows.

    About a week before the season began, I read an interview with Trent Dilfer — a fine Christian man — who dumped on the contrasting approach of Deion Sanders.

  18. Ray Thompson says:

    sniffing the hair of the youngest female Secret Service agent

    Which end?

  19. Greg Norton says:

    About a week before the season began, I read an interview with Trent Dilfer — a fine Christian man — who dumped on the contrasting approach of Deion Sanders.

    I ran out of time to add that Dilfer has won two games out of six, including the one against my rebuilding (again!) alma matter last night.

  20. Greg Norton says:

    Ever since he upset TCU and shocked the NCAA establishment, “Coach Prime” has been the hottest ticket in college football.

    Also, Colorado and Texas State – who beat Baylor the same weekend – demonstrated that the transfer portal will devastate the establishment football programs the moment they show any weakness.

    TCU was in the mix for the National Championship just last year.

  21. Jenny says:

    Jeez. I can’t even think about what’s going on in the Middle East. What a mess. What a terrible mess. 

    -blowing out breathe-


    Awesome job with the pool table. That’s a huge huge win. I hope it brings your whole family a lot of joy and time together. Really sounds like it will. 

    We’ve got the girls this afternoon. If I can get some chores knocked out we are going to spend some time practicing riding the bus between their house and here, and making sure they’ve got a copy of the bus schedule. They need some autonomy and I think I’ve got mom convinced they’re old enough. 

    Truss and roof are done and initial inspection complete. Muni code changed to require interconnected smoke and CO detectors if you perform a repair that requires a permit. I think this is bullpucky but haven’t the energy to fight it. So dropped $500 on the cheapest interconnected smoke / co detectors I could find and will install them today. Inspector will be out next week to verify and close out the permit. 

    Through happy coincidence a conversation led to a better insulated attic. Friend of a friend, then skill verified by a knowledgeable roofing friend. Two young men spent five hours installing baffling, and another hour blowing in locally manufactured cellulose. For a fraction of any other quotes I’ve gotten. I hauled myself into the attic and checked the baffles before they blew. Had them redo a couple. Rechecked and then insulation got blown in. Not as much as I’d prefer but truth is we got way more than our moneys worth with the baffling labor alone. 

    Next morning there was a snow of insulation from the unbaffled ends of our roof. When our house was constructed, the design of the house handled ventilation not through a roof cap or through the eaves. Instead the ends of the house are utilized. Instead of the horizontal boards of  cedar siding being tightly overlapped against each other as they are on the main walls, they are overlapped with blocks between the boards to prevent a tight seal. the view from the attic in day is a series of horizontal stripes if daylight gleaming in. They still overlap to keep out weather, but are a wind tunnel. 

    I‘d mentioned the unusual construction to the gentlemen and specific pointed it out. None of us made the next logical thought that hey, the insulation is going to fall right back out at the ends. 

    Anyway, long story longer. I knew it was going to be weeks before he could come back and change it. He’s hustling and has a zillion jobs lined up back to back while folks have PFD money in their pockets. 

    We bought baffles and I spent two hours in the attic doing it myself. I only installed eight baffles. They installed about forty. Two of them did did the entire roof in five hours. I’m a crippled mess this morning, they were going onto their third job of the day. 

    Those guys have my deepest respect and I’m in serious awe at the strength and work ethic they possess. They’re darned hard workers. And I never want to install baffles again. I don’t think I’d mind blowing in insulation – still somewhat physical but they showed me the technique (strap a pole to the hose) that lets them do the work from the center so you’re not crawling all over.


    We also made progress on the rabbitry. It’s ready to receive hanging hooks for the cages, followed by redoing the piping for water and finally electric. I’ve had the rabbits at ground level for too long and nobody is happy.

    My daughter is still talking about the Talking Heads 1983 concert we saw at the movie theater earlier this week.  She’s been trying to recreate some of what she heard on her drum set. It’s pretty fantastic to hear her so enthusiastic. 

  22. Lynn says:

    The so-called experts think that Israel has 330 nuclear weapons.  They do have three breeder reactors that France sold to them back in the 1950s.  Most of their nuclear weapons are for light bomber planes (F-15 ?) carrying two apiece.  However, they do have a few large ballistic missiles (Jericho I, II, and III) with nukes on them.  Or satellites.

    Their four ? six ? diesel electric Dolphin submarines have twelve ? missiles each.  Plus four or more torpedoes.  Most if not all of the missiles are nuclear.  Not sure about the torpedoes.

  23. SteveF says:

    Don’t forget sniffing the hair of the youngest female Secret Service agent in the room.

    Nah, they don’t allow twelve-year-olds into the SS.

  24. Nick Flandrey says:

    @jenny, IDK if it would be helpful for the rabbitry, but they do make a hose with a heater element built in for RV water supplies.    That might help if you have a freezing issue, and want to run garden hose…

    Good to hear your roof is a shelter again.


    The middle east could rapidly get out of hand.


  25. Lynn says:

    Alley Oop: The First Caveman

    Don’t go in a cave without buddies.

  26. MrAtoz says:

    Israel doesn’t have the resources or backing for an extended war. plugs gave all of our weapons and ammo to Ukraine.

    As Mr. Lynn said, this could go nuclear fast. Israel isn’t fighting a MAD Nation, so why not use them?

  27. EdH says:

    plugs gave all of our weapons and ammo to Ukraine.

    Gave, sold, …

  28. Lynn says:

    The middle east could rapidly get out of hand.


    We have been there for over 3,500 years now with the descendants of Ishmael and Isaac.  Things can get crazier though as Israel pushes Gaza into the sea.

    Gaza will not give up Hamas willingly.

  29. Lynn says:

    “Iran Hostages and Democrats”

    “Stop me if you have heard the story about a Democrat President being made to look like a fool when Iran takes some hostages. This post is your reminder that, on September 11, Biden gave the Iranians $6 billion in ransom in exchange for the return of 5 American hostages. Republicans at the time criticized the President for cutting the deal and declared that trouble would result.”

    “Now it comes as no surprise that the money was used to fund terrorist attacks.”

    “Biden was played for a fool by Iran. Afghanistan, Ukraine, Israel… next up is Taiwan.”

    Biden is definitely a fool.  His petty thievery has hurt us all.

  30. Alan says:

    >> Wife is out there now, at 130am knocking balls around…


  31. Alan says:

    >> Why am I suppose to give a s(h)irt about Israel?   Best I can figure is somehow what Mustache Guy did years before I was born is my fault.

    Hmm…let’s start with “Rabbi” Chuckie Schumer. Then there’s “Gold Bars” Menendez. “Cancun” Cruz, and more…

    Yesterday Plugs said “The US stands with Israel.” Whatever that means.

  32. Alan says:

    >> My solution: Draw a line from the southwest tip of Morocco to the southern tip of Somalia. Extend northwest into a box encompassing all of the stans. Kill every human in that box.

    As RBT said more than once, deploy some well-aimed tactical nukes and turn all of the ME to glass.

  33. Lynn says:

    “Respected leader of Israel’s secretive ‘Ghost’ commando unit is killed fighting Hamas as officials praise his ‘bravery’”

    “He was killed as his forces battled Hamas fighters in the community of Re’im, near the border with Gaza where as many as 260 festivalgoers were killed when violence erupted on Saturday.

    The Israeli Defense Force said Levy ‘led his team bravely, engaged [the terrorists], and entered the battle first in Kibbutz Re’im, in order to save citizens who were besieged in their homes.’ 

    Around 10 Palestinian terrorists were killed during Saturday’s battle, the IDF said. It added in its statement on Levy’s death that it ‘shares in the family’s grief.’”

    Israel is losing valuable fighting troops.   They cannot let this incident go without a extremely strong response.  Putting 300 tanks in Gaza will lose half the tanks though.

    Hat tip to:

  34. Lynn says:

    Yesterday Plugs said “The US stands with Israel.” Whatever that means.

    Plugs will order the carrier pilots to interfere with the Israeli sorties.

  35. SteveF says:

    As RBT said more than once, deploy some well-aimed tactical nukes and turn all of the ME to glass.

    The problem extends well beyond the generally defined Middle East. A large part of Africa has been contaminated as well as a significant fraction of Asia beyond the ME. No, what’s called for is a good ol’ Neca Eos Omnes.

  36. Lynn says:

    The problem extends well beyond the generally defined Middle East. A large part of Africa has been contaminated as well as a significant fraction of Asia beyond the ME. No, what’s called for is a good ol’ Neca Eos Omnes.

    Uh, I don’t get it.

  37. Bob Sprowl says:

    My son came over and we installed the TV wall mount and the large (old) LG TV.  I need to buy a wi-fi link for it; probably will get a Roku as I use a Roku in the house.  We also installed 24”x54” pegboard behind my office work bench. 

    He repaired his chain saw. One day this week his power company is going to take down his power line so he can cut down tree.  They will put the line back as soon as eh three is down.  

    The weather was nice today. I finished raking the rocks in the driveway.  I need to work on the retaining wall; it is about one-third done.  The wet spring and summer made the base of it a mud hole.  Probably will start by doing preventive maintenance to the back hoe. 

  38. Greg Norton says:

    My daughter is still talking about the Talking Heads 1983 concert we saw at the movie theater earlier this week.  She’s been trying to recreate some of what she heard on her drum set. It’s pretty fantastic to hear her so enthusiastic. 

    Your daughter is probably too young for “Moulin Rouge”, but that film has many cool musical moments, including this one which, sadly, was ineligible for an Oscar.

    Lots of middle and high school band programs did pick up “The Greatest Showman” pieces when that movie first hit, a much easier sell to parents since the movie was PG instead of PG-13.

    Yeah, lip synched, but wow.

    Rebecca Ferguson is Lady Jessica in the new “Dune” movie series.

    And, at some point, “The Blues Brothers” is a must.

  39. Lynn says:

    Israel doesn’t have the resources or backing for an extended war. plugs gave all of our weapons and ammo to Ukraine.

    As Mr. Lynn said, this could go nuclear fast. Israel isn’t fighting a MAD Nation, so why not use them?

    Reputedly when Israel was losing the Yom Kippur war in 1973, Golda Meier called President Nixon and said that four F-86s were on their way to Cairo with two specials on each plane.  President Nixon said wait a minute and sent all of the F-4s in Germany across the Med to Israel.  Israel had plenty of pilots but had run out of planes.  Apparently Stuka diving with a couple of 500 ? 1000 ? lb bombs to hit the top of the Egyptian tank turret is dangerous for the plane too.  After all, there are other tanks too.

    Anyway, the USA pilots landed their pilots landed their 100 ? 200 ? 300 ? planes at Tel Aviv, walked to the USA destroyer in the harbor, and sailed away.  The Israelis refueled and armed the planes, and took off to kill tanks.

  40. nick flandrey says:

    Probably will start by doing preventive maintenance to the back hoe.  

    –  but before you  can do that you have to find the case of hydraulic fluid, the filters you stacked, and the drain pan…

    – but before you can get to them you have to clear the space in front of the cabinet…

    – but before you can clear the space you need to assemble the shelving that stuff goes on…

    Or am I the only one??


  41. Lynn says:

    Or am I the only one??


    Dude, were you looking in my garage ?

    I bought this house four years ago and we are still moving in to it.

  42. Brad says:

    Russia needs this second war, to get the west sending its support to Israel instead of Ukraine.

    Could be. Either way, Iran is supporting both wars.

    Remember Vietnam? Unwinnable, because the US would not attack the logistics and support in China.

    What Israel ought to do, is destroy a couple of munitions factories in Iran. Also figure out the route those missiles took to Gaza – that took support from other countries – and destroy that route.

  43. Denis says:

    Or am I the only one??


    I think Nick has been in both of my garages.

  44. brad says:

    Or am I the only one??

    We definitely had that problem two houses ago. We moved out with lots of boxes still packed from when we moved in. In our last house, we made a point of finishing “moving in”. However, it was a huge building (combined with the business at the time), so we accumulated a lot of cruft over 20 years.

    Our new house, we built for retirement, and deliberately kept it small. We have no space for cruft. Really, maybe we should have added room for that. But not having space means that only one room tends to accumulate problems, and we are pretty much forced to clean it out regularly…

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