Thur. Oct. 5, 2023 – some running around today, if the weather holds

By on October 5th, 2023 in culture, decline and fall, march to war

Cool and damp, really damp. Joint ache weather as the pressure moves up and down with the fronts moving in and out. We had rain throughout the day, depending mostly on where you were. Some bizarre moments of rain on my head, but clear everywhere around me… then by evening it cleared and got pretty nice. Today will be a cr@pshoot for weather. We’ll just have to see.

I spent a good part of the day driving around. It turned out that I had a new pickup in the same neighborhood that I skipped picking up in Tuesday, so it all worked out. I had three pickups in a 1 mile radius. Then I drove for an hour to pickup the small generator.

A quick look at it and I think the pull rope being broken might be the only issue. Hopefully it’s as simple as that. I want to do the work here, where I have more resources and better internet, then take it to the BOL. It’s far too small to run the house, but I don’t have any generator at all up there now. I do have some solar panels and batteries, so if I got caught up there, I’d have something, but adding the gennie will greatly expand my resilience.

Today I’ll be pulling stuff for my local auctioneer, if the weather stays nice. I’ll also be sorting some stuff for the weekend at the BOL. I’ve got the gennie (maybe) a scaffold, and the usual stuff to take up. Should be a full truckbed.

One bummer, the swimming pool sand filter, pump, and assorted plumbing I picked up is well used. Might still all be working, but not new. I only paid $5, so I’m still feeling ok, and the whole thing is for a future experiment, involving rough filtering of lake water, so there isn’t any urgency either. Still, I thought it was new when I bid. The auctioneer was chagrined that it even got listed, as he’d told his staff to just junk it. I told him that for $5 I’d take a chance.

Water from the lake is one of my long term preps. I’ve got several means of purifying and preparing it for drinking, but filtering first, and in large volumes, would make sense for anything long term or catastrophic. As I said, a long term, low likelihood, but high reward prep. Sometimes I just throw something like that on the stacks.

You should be a bit more focused on your stacking, at least until you have met basic and intermediate needs. On the other hand, if something comes along, it’s cheap, and might save you later, sometimes you just have to grab it.

Stack the good stuff, and the weird stuff, and the good times.


76 Comments and discussion on "Thur. Oct. 5, 2023 – some running around today, if the weather holds"

  1. Greg Norton says:

    Lots of fall chores to still knock out. 

    @Jenny – If the “Stop Making Sense” anniversary restoration is in a theater near you, take a night off.

    My previous experiences with the film were on VHS tape so the restored print in a real theater is a whole different experience.

  2. Ray Thompson says:

    Microsoft. Get 16 GB.

    Wait, you mean that HP PC being sold by HSN with 4 gig and a 128 gig SSD is not adequate? They show multiple apps open, a video running, six web pages open  a brag how fast the system is running. That HD screen is supposed to be one of the best available. The lighted keyboard is an amazing feature. Running Windows “S” mode (never mentioned in the presentation). All for $450 with case, headphones, and extended support.

    And HSN sells thousands. P.T. Barnum was right.

  3. Greg Norton says:

    And HSN sells thousands. P.T. Barnum was right.

    4 GB. Currently selling?

    I’ll bet it lacks discrete graphics too.

    I have a 4 GB laptop which I use on the road, running the latest version of Fedora, but the point is that I can’t do real work on the system.

    8 GB is tolerable on Mac OS X with Apple Silicon, but that is only because the CPU, graphics, and memory are so integrated. It also makes the machines disposable, but, to be fair, Apple hasn’t obsoleted any M1 systems with a release of OS X … yet.

  4. Ray Thompson says:

    4 GB. Currently selling?

    Yes, they are. Bragging about HP being the number 1 maker of laptops and the best quality. Bragging about the use of the top Intel CPU the Celeron. No mention of the graphics. HSN just shows quickly swapping windows and how amazingly fast the machine operates.

    Of course the machine retails for about $200. HSN sells the machine for $450.00 with a case and headphones. Then brag about how this is the best price around and a reduction from their normal price of $650.00.

    I saw HSN do this with an Apple iPad. On the Apple site the iPad was about $600.00. On the HSN site, with the added case, cheap headphone, a crappy keyboard, the price was almost $900.00. The items that HSN was adding were worth maybe $150.00. The little graphic at the bottom of the screen was showing over two thousand sold.

    It is amazing that HSN stays in business and just shows the clueless public shoppers who are dazzled by a clever presentation that is not actually lying, but really stretching and slanting the truth. Indeed they are offering the top selling Intel CPU. But in the Celeron class, not a real performance class. Swapping apps to the active window is a trivial process but seems to amaze the buyers. Bragging about the storage space as being so large, the amount of memory. Never actually stating the obvious. Never stating that it is Window S mode, just saying Windows is the top selling OS available.

    I just shake my head in disbelief that people are buying that crap, which is excess HP inventory that HP is dumping on HSN.

  5. Nick Flandrey says:

    And it’s p!ssing down rain this am.   Nice sized branch down across the street, but neighbor has moved it off the roadway.

    Sky is brightening so it might stop raining.  That would be nice.

    I have been sorting stuff for auction this morning, so I spent a while checking pokemon cards.   I picked up a ring binder with cards in it at goodwill yesterday.   30-40 cards, 2011, mostly 1-2$ with the occasional 4-5$ card.   People are still dumping pokemon at the Goodwill, despite them being as good as cash.     Pokemon and lego = steady money.   Beer money, but still money.

    And you never know when you might find that big payoff.

    Wife drove both kids to school today, so D2 wouldn’t have to stand in the rain waiting for the bus.   I’m good with that, as I didn’t have to stand there either.

    I don’t remember what I did as a child, but I can’t imagine mom driving me to school.  Pretty sure I walked or rode my bike no matter the weather.

    Oh well.   Different times.


  6. Ray Thompson says:

    8 GB is tolerable on Mac OS X with Apple Silicon

    Surprisingly so. I was running Lightroom and Photoshop, at the same time, with my previous M1 Air. 8 gig and 256 gig. It ran quite fast and in some aspects in file handling was faster than my Intel desktop with 64 gig.

    I now have a M2 Air with 16 gig and 1 TB. I really cannot tell the difference between the two computers based on just using my memory from having the older machine.

    I was not rendering 4K video which really stresses systems so I cannot speak to the performance. The rest of the apps, Word, Excel, web browsing, email, etc. run as expected. The laptop is something to carry with me and if I need really high performance I will resort to the desktop. Even with an I9 (top of the line 18 months ago), 64 gig and two M.2 2 TB SSDs, rendering 4K video is still not a barn burner.

  7. Clayton W. says:

    Back in the olden day I was often asked what to get for a computer system.  For browsing and light to moderate office apps, my advice was go to the cheapest system at Dell (or other reputable vendor) and upgrade the memory, hard drive, and monitor 1 step.  Monitor is less of an issue these days, but I still that is fine for most users.

    Gamers, Engineers, and video/photo editors need more attention, of course.

  8. Ray Thompson says:

    This was on the CNN site reporting the award of the Nobel prize in literature.

    “Septology” has been praised for its formal experimentation. Fosse’s meditative prose is rarely interrupted by periods, creating an incantatory flow to his philosophical interrogation.

    What useless reporting.

  9. JimB says:

    You don’t have to be a gearhead to listen to this guy;

    OK, it’s a video. It’s long, but it fits in with many themes on this site.

  10. Nick Flandrey says:

    You had to know this was coming.   When everyone is special, no one is special.

    Is a college degree no longer a good investment? Walmart plans to AX degree requirements from hundreds of its corporate job descriptions

    • The retail giant aims to get rid of ‘unnecessary barriers’ to career advancement
    • It is part of a wider trend among US companies – including at Google and IBM
    • Historically degrees were used as a ‘weak proxy for skill’, said a Walmart exec


  11. Nick Flandrey says:

    @JimB, I think the first part of the video was interesting, but none car guys can start at 17:00… 


  12. JimB says:

    After that last video, wash your ears out with this, as Paul Harvey used to say;

    You should visit Jack’s place, The Nethercut Collection, if you are ever in Sylmar, CA;

    This is one of the great auto museums, and admission is free. Plan ahead, however, because you used to need to get tickets well in advance. Not sure how it is today, but days and hours are limited.

  13. JimB says:

    @JimB, I think the first part of the video was interesting, but none car guys can start at 17:00… 


    Thanks. I was barely awake, in darkness, and working on my phone. It is now twilight, I am more lucid, but still working on my phone. Discipline.

  14. ITGuy1998 says:

    Ahh, walking to school. I walked to elementary school most days. School was .5 miles away. Started in Kindergarten. I think I remember my mom driving me when it was raining, but not sure. Later I would ride my bike. Middle school was a .25 mile walk. Interestingly, opposite directions, but both routes had a local mom and pop store on the way. Many a dime and quarter were spent on candy and/or video games on the way home… Truly a different time.

    High school was 3 miles away. A neighbor and I started by taking the bus (had to walk almost to the elementary school for pickup). He didn’t like that, so his dad took us in the mornings. I rode the bus home except during swim season, where I waited for mom or dad to pick me up after work, or if I could beg a ride (about half the time). I got my license at the tail end of my sophomore year, which provided sweet, sweet freedom.

  15. Nick Flandrey says:

    Some booming thunder going on, so I’m gonna say that I screwed up this week.   Clear and sunny on Monday saw me at my desk all day.   Then rain off and on for the rest of the week kept me from getting stuff in this  week’s auctions.  Dang.     Got that backwards.


  16. JimB says:

    Never underestimate Elon. We live in interesting times:

    What a production. I used to take some of Tesla’s claims with a grain of salt, but less so now. Life cycle cost competitive? Hmm.

    Added, I wonder how much of our tax money is involved.

  17. Greg Norton says:

    Is a college degree no longer a good investment? Walmart plans to AX degree requirements from hundreds of its corporate job descriptions

    • The retail giant aims to get rid of ‘unnecessary barriers’ to career advancement
    • It is part of a wider trend among US companies – including at Google and IBM

    Geesh. IBM used to be one of the pickiest companies on the planet about degree, school, and GPA.

    Not that it got them anywhere special. A lot of bright people worked there but so did a lot of knuckleheads with diplomas from “good” schools.

  18. Greg Norton says:

    What a production. I used to take some of Tesla’s claims with a grain of salt, but less so now. Life cycle cost competitive? Hmm.

    Someone dropped a dime on Leno. Tim Allen too.

    Leno was always an establishment guy, hence his twice being selected to drive the Carson model of “The Tonight Show” into the ground over more capable talent, but he’s been really weird about helping advance the EV agenda.

    Allen is easy to understand since he’s been Disney’s b*tch since the 90s and was looking to get “Home Improvement” back on the air in some format after Disney bought Fox and put a knife to “Last Man Standing”.

    Leno is famously a gear head and knows better about EVs.

  19. Ray Thompson says:

    High school was 3 miles away.

    My high school was 15 miles away. There was a bus that I used for freshman and sophomore years. After I got my license I would drive to school. Many a morning in the winter my vehicle would be the first tracks on the snow covered road as I had an early class that a teacher taught before school actually started.

    The most embarrassing was when school was let out early because of heavy snow coming down. I left in my car and slid off the road partway home. Eventually the school bus arrived and offered to pull me out of the ditch. Not my first choice of options. The driver was a neighbor.

    When I lived in Wrightwood CA the junior high school was located in Victorville. A 3,000 foot change in altitude. It was a 75 minute trip each way. The school bus had dual rear axles with a belt between the wheels that drove the rear axle and kept stones and snow out of between the tires. Many a time the few students on the bus would help the driver install, or remove, tire chains.

  20. Nick Flandrey says:

    Yeah, my high school was 13 miles away on mostly rural roads.   MANY times I put the car in the ditch or got stuck in the snow.   I put a lot of miles on my license that first year, and got a lot of learning out of the way.   Also got pretty good at getting un-stuck, and helping others get unstuck.     There used to be guys with lifted trucks (80s, they weren’t anywhere near as common as now) that LIVED to drive around in the snow and pull people out of ditches.

    BTW, it can’t possibly be my 40th high school graduation anniversary coming up.   40th reunions are for OLD PEOPLE, not people like me.  Seriously, OLD people.  With antique hair styles, and out of date music.    


  21. Nick Flandrey says:

    In a stunning reversal of everything that was said over the last 7 years by the left, and just months after the Biden administration was caught selling portions of Trump’s border wall on a government surplus website, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is citing an “acute and immediate need” to waive dozens of federal laws in order to build a border wall in south Texas as the illegal immigration crisis grows utterly out of control.

    “The Secretary of Homeland Security has determined, pursuant to law, that it is necessary to waive certain laws, regulations, and other legal requirements in order to ensure the expeditious construction of barriers and roads in the vicinity of the international land border in Starr County, Texas,” reads a notice posted to the U.S. Federal Registry that Fox News obtained.

    In light of the surge in illegal immigration, Mayorkas found that there exists an “acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to prevent unlawful entries into the United States in the project areas.”

    No, this is not Babylon Bee.

    NYFC says they’re full, and the mayor has asked to suspend their (virtue signalling)” right to shelter” law…

    Eric Adams changes his tune! Humiliated Mayor of NYC flies to Mexico in bid to stop flow of migrants to the Big Apple – 14 months after ‘proudly’ welcoming them off the bus

    No,  they are not “coming from Texas.”

    Now Chicago’s woke mayor Brandon Johnson plans trip to the US-Mexico border as city warns of ‘humanitarian crisis’ with more than 15,000 flooding into the Windy City 


    The promise, made Wednesday at a press conference, comes roughly four months into his term, and as cities like his continue to grapple with waves of asylum seekers coming from Texas.


  22. Ray Thompson says:

    40th reunions are for OLD PEOPLE, not people like me.  Seriously, OLD people

    I attended my 50th anniversary four years ago you young whipper snapper.

    Amazing the number of people that have passed. One died about 40 years ago in a bulldozer accident while logging. He was diagnosed with cancer and most think he rolled his dozer (D9) on purpose so his family would get benefits.

    Another died in a small plane crash while traveling to an area in Alaska to go hunting.

    One died of Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam.

    A female died of heart failure at the age of 38, one of better looking girls.

    Another female had a husband in the FBI who was killed in some secretive operation overseas.

    Two the graduates are in prison on drug charges.

    A female died of cancer when she was 50.

    One of the attendees looked like he was half dead when he attended. Had a hard life in the merchant marine and other weird adventures involving less than stalwart members of society.

    Several others, probably about five, are just gone.

    It will be much worse at the 60 year mark. I may one of the ones whose pictures is on the “Missing Board”.

  23. drwilliams says:

    The winner in 2024 will be the guy that convinces a majority of electoral votes that they would be better of closing a whole bunch of stuff:

    the border with Mexico

    the FBI, EPA, TSA, and Departments  of Energy and Education

    the federal student loan program

    The biggest problem is keeping the main list to 30 seconds for the std commercial

  24. SteveF says:

    The winner in 2024 will be the guy that convinces a majority of electoral votes that they would be better of closing a whole bunch of stuff

    You’re funny.

    The winner in 2024 will be whoever is selected by the Dominion machines and the bales of ballots delivered in the middle of the night.

  25. lpdbw says:

    The biggest problem is keeping the main list to 30 seconds for the std commercial

    This is one of those occasions where one should probably spell out “standard”.   Using the abbreviation gave the sentence a slightly different meaning.  Appropriate for political ads, but probably not what you meant.

  26. drwilliams says:

    I left the DOT off the prelim list, too. 

  27. Greg Norton says:

    the federal student loan program

    Student loan payments on the paper written since the nationalization (2011) of the program go into general revenue. The Feds won’t give up any income stream easily, but that one will be particularly tough.

  28. Greg Norton says:

    I attended my 50th anniversary four years ago you young whipper snapper.

    Our 40th is due in three years, we are the “Ferris Bueller” class of 1986.

    I’ve never been to any of the events. From what I understand, the big news at the 10th was the gung-ho military brat who zero pointed Citadel and several arrests.

    One of the hottest, most stuck up girls got pregnant, kept the kid, and was living on welfare in a trailer while teaching yoga.

    Another male student apparently got a sex change and now goes by the name “Lori”., but, believe it or not, there is generally always one in a graduating class if you went to a decent sized school in The South, particularly the Old South.

  29. nick flandrey says:

    Oh yeah, I’m sure it’s because of weight loss drugs that people are buying smaller portions…

    Hard to say what’s what in the very poorly written article, but there is some meat there…

    The weight loss wonder jab has proven a hit among the wealthy, with healthcare providers in the US writing more than nine million prescriptions for appetite suppression medications during the last three months of 2022.

    This figure is likely to have ballooned since, as appetite for drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy grew this year. Recent analysis suggests as many as 15% of Americans – around 150 million people – have now tried the drugs. 

    15%?  Of 330 million is 50 million.   And btw, if “wealthy” is “1 %-er” then it’s about 1.5 million.

    Walmart says shoppers are putting LESS food in their shopping carts due to the weight-loss drug Ozempic – as restaurants create smaller portions for wealthy diners who can’t finish meals

    • Shoppers are spending less on groceries and choosing smaller dining portions 
    • New York socialite Libbie Mugrabi revealed she can’t even finish her caviar  
    • Around 15% of Americans have tried Ozempic or similar, according to a survey  

    the NY Parasite is rail thin already.    “Can’t finish her caviar”.   Do you think DM is trying to foment a class war?  Or just suck up to the east coast wealthy?

    And poor reporting or editorial bias, walmart isn’t saying “shoppers” they are saying “shoppers taking the appetite suppressing drug” which should be reason enough to avoid walmart – see this quote…

    “We definitely do see a slight change compared to the total population, we do see a slight pullback in overall basket,” John Furner, the chief executive officer of Walmart’s sprawling US operation, said in an interview Wednesday. “Just less units, slightly less calories.”

    The Bentonville, Arkansas-based retailer is studying changes in sales patterns using anonymized data on shopper populations. It can look at the purchasing changes among people taking the drug and can also compare those habits to similar people who aren’t taking the shots.

    They know which of  their customers is taking a specific med, and can track their buying habits over time.  READ THAT AGAIN.   And ask yourself what other drugs people might be taking that might be tracked by walmart and correlated with purchases.

    You can be pretty damn certain other retailers are doing it too.


  30. lynn says:

    Wife drove both kids to school today, so D2 wouldn’t have to stand in the rain waiting for the bus.   I’m good with that, as I didn’t have to stand there either.

    I don’t remember what I did as a child, but I can’t imagine mom driving me to school.  Pretty sure I walked or rode my bike no matter the weather.

    I rode my bike two+ miles to Johnston Junior High in Houston traffic back in 73 – 75.  I can remember at least once Mom bringing me dry clothes after a rain storm on the way there.

  31. lynn says:

    My 45th high school anniversary is next month.  They keep on sending me emails.  I have never gone and I won’t change now.  Even if Joe Bob goes, our valedictorian.  The billionaire.

  32. ITGuy1998 says:

    My 30th was 2 years ago. I went to the 10th, skipped the 20th. Apparently there was much bickering about everything of the 20th, so the organizers said frick it and didn’t do a big 30th. They just had a meet-up at a local place. I’m still in active contact with about 5 people from high school, and one of them was going, so I went. I had a good time seeing my old friend. I laughed at how some people still fell into the old clicks and tried to act superior. Notably, every single one of them “puffed up”. A lot. I also talked quite a bit to a guy who I never said 5 words to in high school. No animosity, we just were in different circles.  

  33. paul says:
    Our 40th is due in three years, we are the “Ferris Bueller” class of 1986.

    Then my 50th is in three years.  After graduation I think I saw a few classmates at Taco Tech aka Pan Am in the 2+ years I attended.  No one from “the gang” such as it was.  I think they went to UT and TAMU.  Don’t know, I’ve never heard from or of any of them except one since high school graduation night.

    So, nope, not going.

  34. Brad says:

    build a border wall

    Of course, a wall is completely useless unless it is actively patrolled. Ladders go over, saws go through, shovels go under.

    So, patrols. You see someone with a ladder, or saw, or shovel. And then? The patrol can’t get all sympathetic and help cut the razor wire. If you’re serious, you must be willing to defend the border with lethal force.

    I just don’t see that happening.

  35. Greg Norton says:

    My 45th high school anniversary is next month.  They keep on sending me emails.  I have never gone and I won’t change now.  Even if Joe Bob goes, our valedictorian.  The billionaire.

    Bertie Higgins is still my high school’s most notable graduate.

    He may be a “one hit wonder” in the US, but he’s apparently selling quite well in China and continues to tour there.

    The poor man’s Jimmy Buffett except Bertie is actually a Florida native, born in Tarpon Springs, and not a wannabe.

  36. MrAtoz says:

    I experienced the iPhone 15 “overheat” bug last night. The phone became hot about 20 minutes into a call with the family. Not burning hot, but uncomfortable to hold. The latest update (which I hadn’t applied yet but now have) is supposed to fix overheating. Skeptics think it is poor design in the heat dissipation of the phone. They think thermal dissipation was sacrificed to make the 15 lighter and an OS update won’t do squat.

    I’ll post more if I get more overheating.

  37. nick flandrey says:

    The OS “update” will involve throttling or sleeping some parts of the phone, wanna bet?


  38. Paul Hampson says:

    It will be much worse at the 60 year mark.

    Missed the 55th  and no one bothered to put together a 60th this year, although I know there are several of us still around.

    School distance – fortunate location for me; elementary about a mile, intermediate a mile and a half, high school less than a mile.  Walk or bike, less than a dozen car rides.  Parents walked with us the first two or three days of kindergarten to make sure we knew where it was, etc., and that was it.

  39. Lynn says:

    I took the wife to her 25th high school anniversary.  One of her friends showed up with a 65 year old husband, her third.  My wife, her BFF, and the others stood around asking her friend what it was like being married to a 65 year old.  There was lots of laughing and giggling.  Us guys were asking him, “nice corvette, what year is it ?”.  Looked like a rental to me.

  40. Lynn says:

    Arlo and Janis: Getting Packages

    It used to be getting a package was special.  Now it is just Monday.

    And I got those x-ray glasses.  They did not work.  Nothing I got out of the back of the comic books worked.

  41. SteveF says:

    Well. That’s odd. I was almost done typing a long comment when the page refreshed and lost it. I’m pretty sure I didn’t hit ctrl-R and I’m sure that the cursor was nowhere near the browser’s refresh icon. Could this odd behavior have been caused by anthropogenic global warming?

  42. Lynn says:

    BTW, looks like Trump is in the running for Speaker of the House.  He is going to address the Republican caucus next week in DC before the vote.  I guess that he will have a find a place to live in DC.

  43. Lynn says:

    Side Quested: 44 Hours of Labor

    Don’t steal God’s stuff, that will rebound on you.

    And Babs, the dragon, is so cute. And freaking huge.

  44. Greg Norton says:

    BTW, looks like Trump is in the running for Speaker of the House.  He is going to address the Republican caucus next week in DC before the vote.  I guess that he will have a find a place to live in DC.

    Doesn’t the Trump Organization still own the hotel built into the old DC Post Office?

    The mess in Ukraine is done absent a Speaker willing to schedule a floor vote on funding.

  45. paul says:
    Could this odd behavior have been caused by anthropogenic global warming?

    That or Nazi Commies.  You never know.

  46. Lynn says:

    “Sweep In Peace (Innkeeper Chronicles)” by Ilona Andrews

    Book number two of a six book paranormal fantasy romance science fiction series. I read the well printed and well bound POD (print on demand) illustrated (kinda) trade paperback published by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform in 2015 that I bought new on Amazon recently. I am now reading book three in the series. Note that “Ilona Andrews” is the pseudonym for a husband and wife writing team. And yes, this is science fiction, there are spaceships, teleportation devices, and beam weapons.

    Dina Demille is an innkeeper in Red Deer, Texas. Only her Victorian inn is not like a typical bed and breakfast, it is an intelligent magical haven named Gertrude Hunt for aliens coming to Earth or using Earth as a way station. Dina does have a permanent guest, a retired Galactic aristocrat named Caldenia who is hiding from several bounty hunters, she paid for a permanent room and board. 

    There are many inns like the Gertrude Hunt on Earth, that is because Earth has been designated as Neutral Ground for the various Galactic races, many of whom don’t get along. That’s why Caldenia is safe within the confines of Gertrude Hunt, the inn has many powerful weapons to protect itself and guests. Several of the bounty hunters are still chasing Caldenia for the massive bounty and have taken on the Gertrude Hunt Inn to their dismay. 

    Dina has accepted a request from the Galactic Board of Arbitration to conduct an arbitration for the planet Nexus for three groups of people using the planet. Several other inns on Earth have denied the request. The Holy Anocracy (represented by House Krahr, space vampires), the Hope-Crushing Horde, and the merchants of Baha-char are all ready to kill each other on sight but have agreed to an arbitration to solve their issues. For now.

    BTW, the lead arbitrator is George Caramine from the previous four book Edge series by the authors.

    The authors have a website at:

    My rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Amazon rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars (12,694 reviews)

  47. Alan says:

    >> After that last video, wash your ears out with this, as Paul Harvey used to say;

    Youtube is like Lay’s potato chips…

  48. Lynn says:

    “ChattyG takes a college freshman C/C++ programming exam”

    “ChatGPT was put to the test via a series of humdrum freshman C/C++ programming tasks and it passed – though not with honors.”

    “According to a Croatian research team, while first-year students can struggle with some of the assignments, the results [PDF] showed ChatGPT hitting proficiency targets that ranged between average and that of experienced programmers. And naturally, as with all college exams, outcomes can be determined by how questions are worded.”

  49. Jenny says:


    “Stop Making Sense” anniversary restoration

    Thanks! Blowing off chores and canceling kids drum lesson so we can go. I was planning on installing a bathroom fan before insulation gets blown in tomorrow, but I’ve got my priorities.

    Truss repair is complete! Roof has been closed up and the roofers did their part today. 

    I cannot express the profound relief I am experiencing. 

    Got a tip from a friend on a guy doing insulation work. Ram the name past my experienced roofing friend and got a thumbs up. Guy came by today, will send quote tonight, and perform work tomorrow.

    Things are coming together. Rabbitry inches towards done. 

    The family we’ve been helping continues to struggle. Mom isn’t going to make the hard choices. I think she’s stuck in an emotional / mental stasis where every choice seems worse. So we’ve shifted gears to reminding the girls they’re legal adults at 18, that they’ll be  able to move out and make their own housing choices. While helping them think about / learn what they’ll need to be independent at 18. they’re struggling. It’s incredibly difficult to watch, to have strong opinions on what needs to happen, but to lack any authority to rescue them. 

    We are doing our best to be predictable, stable, loving, while holding them accountable and encouraging them to make their own choices that are healthier than their parents. 

    And not neglecting our own daughter in the process. It’s hard. 

  50. Greg Norton says:

    “ChattyG takes a college freshman C/C++ programming exam”

    Most of the international students in my Masters program could not pass a basic C test so the department had to create a special class for them, “Advanced Programming Paradigms”. 

    The irony is that most were employed as TAs in the freshman C/C++ classes as they took the class. Too funny.

    C++? Fuggedaboudit. However, it is possible to get out of many undergraduate CS programs without ever seeing C++.

    Again, wake me when ChatGPT plays Minesweeper on expert level perfectly every time. I have a few problems I’d like to run by an AI capable of that accomplishment.

  51. Greg Norton says:

    Stop Making Sense” anniversary restoration

    Thanks! Blowing off chores and canceling kids drum lesson so we can go. I was planning on installing a bathroom fan before insulation gets blown in tomorrow, but I’ve got my priorities.

    That one kinda snuck out there.

    I knew most of the words to the songs which are also on the soundtrack album. 

  52. Greg Norton says:

    “ChattyG takes a college freshman C/C++ programming exam”

    I wonder how ChattyG would do on the old GTE C developer training exams. The instructors would hammer obscure parts of the C standard if they really had a desire to wash someone out of the program.

  53. Greg Norton says:

    When I did my first pass at grad school, the CS Department only had ACM-*W*. In order to avoid problems with funding at a public university, the faculty sponsor and girls in charge always paid lip service to men being welcome to attend the meetings, but Y chromosomes weren’t really wanted.

    I imagine the conference was also overloaded with non-technically-minded African American women because, looking at the program, I noticed that Janelle Monae was a keynote speaker, but, of course, it is easier to blame men for the problems.

    That’s the same Orlando convention center where the facility staff struggled with crowd control during Spring Break when an otherwise lightly attended PTA group meeting scheduled Janelle James to speak.

  54. EdH says:

    System(s) maintenance day.

    Waiting a bit on the new Mac updates, I think there was a zero day for iOS so I did update the phone and tablet.

     I did install the newest version of Gimp and Libre Office for Intel and Arm on the two Mac mini’s.  Apple’s office suite is free, but years ago I had some pesky problem that I solved by not using it, and am too lazy to learn another interface.

    Retiring the old Mac laptop, decided to back everything up onto spinning rust (SSD’s used to have bit-rot issues, not sure if that is still true).  Couldn’t find a drive, ordered one from Amazon, and then later I was sitting in the office here and looked over at the bookshelf … and there was a 1TB Elements drive amongst the pulp, new in box.

    Never hurts to have a backup, two is one and all that.

  55. SteveF says:

    Jenny, I don’t suppose you know where to find any disreputable people? For $200 and a case of beer, you can get one or both parents whacked.

  56. nick flandrey says:

    @greg, if it’s possible for the AIs to get better, they will.    Remember that the most commonly flogged use case for owning a personal computer in the home was “organizing recipes”.  IOW, it’s hard to predict the future, and people will use tools to their own ends.


    Am I the only one who thinks teaching AIs to PROGRAM is a bad idea?  Has no one ever picked up a SF book?


  57. nick flandrey says:

    Democratic royalty says goodbye to Dianne Feinstein: Senator’s daughter and granddaughter join Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom and Nancy Pelosi for San Francisco funeral 

     – they’re NOT royalty.   They are our servants.  By tradition, custom, and LAW.   To call them royalty, even as an analogy or figure of speech is offensive.

    NEW Democratic power players gathered outside of City Hall in San Francisco Thursday to pay tribute to the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who died Friday at the age of 90. President Joe Biden taped a message for Feinstein, while sending her remains back to California on a plane from his military fleet.  

    – no no and more no.   It’s not “his military fleet”.    He is not a sovereign.   They are the peoples’ military and the peoples’ planes.  And she should be paying for that flight, like she was supposed to pay for every OTHER flight too.


  58. EdH says:

    – no no and more no.

    It‘s a Limey reporter for the DM.  Not that someone from the NYT would be much better.

  59. Greg Norton says:

    NEW Democratic power players gathered outside of City Hall in San Francisco Thursday to pay tribute to the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who died Friday at the age of 90. President Joe Biden taped a message for Feinstein, while sending her remains back to California on a plane from his military fleet.  

    New? Newsom and Kamala are still People’s Temple legacy players.

    Stay thirsty my friends.

  60. drwilliams says:


    “Nothing I got out of the back of the comic books worked.”

    I insisted on ordering the 100 Giant Magnets, even after my dad told me it was some kind of fake. He was right. It was a sheet of ¼” square magnets. You had to break them apart and they seemed to disappear immediately.  A shame. I was going to build something cool with the Erector set.

  61. Lynn says:

    Am I the only one who thinks teaching AIs to PROGRAM is a bad idea?  Has no one ever picked up a SF book?

    MYCROFT (Mike) in “The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress” was totally cool. Even if Manny did teach him how to make dad jokes.

    Mike programmed himself in Loglan.

  62. Lynn says:

    “It Could Happen: Trump May Attend Closed Door House Meeting to Take the Gavel”

    “If there’s one thing we’ve learned about American politics over the past few years, it’s that the extremely unlikely can become a firm reality very quickly. As strange as the idea of Speaker of the House Donald Trump might have seemed a couple of weeks ago, it’s now on the table and possibly in motion.”

    “At least three members of the House — Marjorie Taylor Greene, Troy Nehls, and Anna Paulina Luna — have endorsed Trump for the role. Now, it appears Trump will be attending an all-important closed door meeting on Tuesday.”

    Troy Nehls is my congresscritter.  He is sitting in Tom Delay’s old seat.

  63. drwilliams says:

    RIP Dick Butkus

    When they come to, “It must be Butkus that got me.”

  64. lpdbw says:

    For $200 and a case of beer, you can get one or both parents whacked.

    While I don’t disbelieve you, I’m saddened that human life is so cheap.

  65. Alan says:

    >> They know which of  their customers is taking a specific med, and can track their buying habits over time.  READ THAT AGAIN.   And ask yourself what other drugs people might be taking that might be tracked by walmart and correlated with purchases.

    That’s why “my” loyalty card’s phone number is always 212-555-1212.

  66. Alan says:

    >> I don’t remember what I did as a child, but I can’t imagine mom driving me to school.  Pretty sure I walked or rode my bike no matter the weather.

    Remember, school was always a ten mile walk, uphill both ways, in five feet of snow.

  67. Jenny says:


    Thanks – awesome awesome experience tonight and the smile on my daughters face makes installing the bath fan through insulation completely worth it. Great music. Unbelievable how skilled musicians were in the 1980’s. 


    As always I find myself in agreement with your approaches. Regrettably my life experience does not lend itself to utilizing such solutions without incurring substantial jail time. 

  68. Bob Sprowl says:

    RE using Electric Fuel Injection.  I have all the parts for the 2×3 setup.  I know carbs – I’ve taught carbs.  I want the “look” of a 2×3 setup and EFI doesn’t have a system that looks like 3×2 carbs.

    Finished the fixtures.  I hope I remember to take some photos, etc., of them in use.

    Ordered a scatter shield/ transmission adapter.  It and the transmission are being dropped shipped, no delivery date yet.

    Another forum suggested I buy roll cage kit.  I was going to build it from scratch; I didn’t know I could get a kit.  Two companies make them so now I have another set of decisions to make – soon.  What type of steel?  Chrome moly which is better because it weighs less but it is 75% more expensive than mild steel.  (Chrome-moly weighs less because you can use small diameter tubes and have the same strength.) What options for the cage?  

    The shot I got for my hip really worked. It was cooler this afternoon, so I spent an hour raking rocks and moving them out of the driveway/parking area.

  69. drwilliams says:

    Don’t let him near your wife

    Don’t let him near your children

    Don’t let him near your car

    Don’t let him near dogs or domestic cats. (I’m all for letting him drop over the fence at the Siberian tiger exibit, or maybe the grizzly bears, though.)

    I wouldn’t let him near any person or animal that I cared about.

    An Ebola-soaked donut rolling downhill, now…

  70. drwilliams says:

    @Bob Sprowl

    Glad the shot worked. Any guidance on what caused the pain and how to prevent re-occurrence?

    If you go with chrome-molly (I hear Clint Eastwood and Lee Marvin singing…) how much weight is saved?  And is it polished tubing that would look better?

  71. nick flandrey says:

    lpdbw, I’m always dismayed when one of the ‘murder for hire’ stings makes the news, and the amount is low, usually only a couple of thousand…   but it’s only recently that life has become precious.   History is mainly people killing each other for very little good reason.

    Think about the quicky mart robber, he’s willing to kill for $40.

    In the past your own government was as likely to kill you as a brigand…

    Certainly the current traffickers don’t mind losing a few along the way.

  72. Lynn says:

    RE using Electric Fuel Injection.  I have all the parts for the 2×3 setup.  I know carbs – I’ve taught carbs.  I want the “look” of a 2×3 setup and EFI doesn’t have a system that looks like 3×2 carbs.

    Multiple carbs does look cool …

  73. Lynn says:

    lpdbw, I’m always dismayed when one of the ‘murder for hire’ stings makes the news, and the amount is low, usually only a couple of thousand…   but it’s only recently that life has become precious.   History is mainly people killing each other for very little good reason.

    Think about the quicky mart robber, he’s willing to kill for $40.

    My Brother-in-law was murdered for $65 in 1982 over in Houston. They saw him cash his paycheck in the till and followed him outside.

  74. Jenny says:

    ’life is precious’ is modern. 

    Life was wretched short and painful for most folks across most history. 

    our overemphasis on the precious value of life has turned us into a bunch of overweening cowards. 

    my rant

    got the bathroom fan installed following Talking Heads. Three hours, nearly three years after I bought it. About a third of the time was prying out four nails, a third dealing with duct. Work was performed on my belly crammed between a board across the trusses and the nail pokey scratchey roof. Blew a bunch of black crap out of my nose and have some new scratches in my scalp. It’s ok my tetanus is current. Yeah. I’m not so svelt as I was even five years ago. It’s a good thing I’m short and somewhat flexible. I’m waiting for the painkillers and brandy to kick in, then bed. 

    no caps. I guess the brandy has kicked in. 

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