09:58 – I expected kit sales to be slow in the January through March period. They are, relative to the autumn peak, but we’re still shipping many more kits than I expected for this time of year. If this rate holds up, we won’t have any problems meeting our 500 kit goal for 2013.
As usual for a Saturday, I’m doing laundry. Barbara is also working downstairs to clean out and organize the unfinished side of the basement. She just left to haul off a load of stuff to Goodwill and the cardboard recycling place.
We also need to assemble batches of small parts bags for the biology, chemistry, and forensic science kits. Stock on all of those is getting low. And sometime this weekend I’d like to at least start on getting my lab cleaned out and better organized.
House cleaning and organizing up here in northern Vermont as well; alone. 21 degrees and overcast, ice fishermen starting to drift out onto the Lake. Not a good idea.
Apparently Ted Nugent made some threats about what he would do if Nobama got reelected, and somebody is calling for Nugent to make good on the threats.
After he made that and one or two similar comments, the Nuge got a visit from the SS and ATF people; they ended up eating and drinking and having a grand old time with him at his ranch and trying out various firearms from his vast collection.
While they’re at it, those friendly reminder folks oughta drop a similarly public line to all those libtard celebs who screeched that they were gonna leave when Shrub got elected and then re-elected.
I think Helen Reddy made good on the threat and went to live on Norfolk Island in 2002.
I noticed Bob did not do the extra week insert this year to make the weeks come out evenly. Why? Just wondering. C
And I was wondering why nobody noticed he put Wednesday and Thursday in last year…
Just between me and y’all and the fence post; Bob’s all messed up. That dog down there controls what he watches on tee-vee and Lord knows what he’s smoking in that pipe, some very “special” blend, no doubt.
“Lord knows what he’s smoking in that pipe, some very “special” blend, no doubt.”
I doubt it, Colin wants to keep him alive as long as possible. Dead guys don’t give treats.
I didn’t do it in December 2011/January 2012 either. Since I changed to WordPress, my page is now daily rather than monthly.
Surely Ted would do a better job as NRA spokesman than the inarticulate Wayne LaPierre. I know he ain’t no Chuck Heston, but really—we desperately need somebody with some persuasion powers. LaPierre sounds as if he is arguing against himself.
This is crazy. Our mailman took off a lot of days before, around, and between Xmas and the New Year. I went for days—maybe even a week—without getting any mail, which is unusual at Xmas, but I did not think much about it. However, I was talking with the neighborhood grapevine yesterday, and found out something very strange.
Turns out the Tiny Town Post Office does not have enough people to fill in for vacationing postmen. I had thought that the lack of mail, on the days I wondered about it, was due to the heavy snow. But no, there is nobody to deliver it. And right now, in effect, we are only getting mail 5 days a week—although our regular postman always works on Saturday for some reason, so I always get mail on Saturday.
I am just now getting catalogs for the holidays that should have been delivered in the weeks before Xmas. One just came yesterday labeled “Holiday 2012”.
Now Tiny Town has the second highest unemployment rate of any city in the state. You would think that vacancies in the Post Office would be snapped up instantly. But no; not enough people are even applying. That has to say something about how we as a society, deal with unemployment.