Month: March 2025

Tues. Mar. 18, 2025 – got thru a drunken holiday without even noticing…

Cool and clear, warming later. Did I mention it was in the 40s yesterday morning? It did get to the high 70s, low 80s by late afternoon though. Kid thought it was a bit chilly at the bus stop. Beautiful, drive with the windows down, day. I’m hoping for another…

Did my site visit. Solved one issue, which was configuration in the control software, but the other issue was a dead TV. TCL with a few years on it, just not turning on anymore. We installed them knowing they were probably crep, and we got extended warranties, which we used many times. They were incredibly cheap and looked great for the money. They fail pretty much on schedule though in a rough environment. Indoors, climate controlled? They would probably last twice as long. I went by Costco to see about replacements.

The direct replacement, which is bigger, is only $239. It’s a Roku tv, full of spyware and data gathering, which subsidizes the cost of the hardware. The equivalent Sony was $499, and it’s a googleTV loaded with google’s spyware and monitizing software. We keep them off the network and don’t use the “smart TV” features. My client’s kids will occasionally defeat that by joining the wifi and using the built in apps to access their own streaming accounts. I take them back off when I find them connected.

There is some indication that they are never really off the net, but I do what I can to minimize the number of piggies feeding at the trough. If you are really concerned, you install Planar control room monitors that don’t have any smart features. They are a lot more expensive, but are built to run 24/7 for years and not spy on you. I’ve got a Planar 55″ 4K that I’m thinking of putting at the BOL. It’s a tank. Other manufacturers also make monitors for commercial use that are big and high resolutions.

In any case, I’ll be replacing the dead TV later this week or early next week.

After my site visit, I did a couple of pickups. Notable items were birthday gifts for the kids, and a cellular boost antenna for the cellular repeater at the BOL. I would like to get a couple more dB of signal going into the repeater.

Today I’ve got some kid school volunteer stuff to get organized, and a couple of pickups, and maybe the normal Tuesday/Thursday kid taxi stuff. Maybe not as D2 is feeling poorly. Two of the chaperones from her trip tested sick, one for flu, one for covid. Dunno which she has, or if it’s something else, but she’s coughing and snotty. On the other hand, D1 is mostly done with that, and W1 is starting to feel better. Sleep is a universal cure. I’m hoping to miss it entirely. REALLY hoping.

I thought I’d have some time this week to get caught up, but instead I got my client’s issue, and kid volunteering issues… oh well. No rest for the wicked.

Stacking is easy. If you can’t do anything else, do some of that.


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Mon. Mar. 17, 2025 – The Feast of St. Patrick

Sunny and clear, moderate wind and temps. Like yesterday. Which I ignored and stayed inside all day.

I did office stuff. I meant to get out in the sun and wind, but I was feeling a bit under the weather, and with wife sick and one kid getting over the sick, I didn’t feel like doing much more than sitting. They watched TV all day, Grey’s Anatomy and Walking Dead. Not sure which show is which any more, they are both sudsier than most soap operas.

Today I’ve got a visit to my client for a troubleshooting mission. He’s got two TVs not working. That is a bit of a mystery, as the simple failures would take out 4, and I can’t think of anything to just take out the two… so I have to go poke at it.

I’ve also got some auction pickups to do, so I hope to get the site visit out of the way quickly.

All the normal home stuff is still waiting for attention too. So I’ll be a busy boy after my Spring break…

At least I’m not broke.

Stack something. Fix something. Make something. Meet someone.


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Sun. Mar. 16, 2025 – home sweet home.

Windy cool and clear… should be a nice day, mostly. Yesterday was all those to the extreme. Started at the BOL where it had been raining overnight, moved through the windy dusty area, then made it home.

Spent most of the day doing pickups. Got some good stuff for the house and some future projects, and hobbies.

Family is all together for today at least, which is nice. Kids grow up and separate but I like my kids and I like having them around…

Prepping them to live on their own is our biggest prep.

Today I’ve got stuff to do around the house. I need to make some more progress putting stuff away and in order. Meanwhile, I’ve got a sick wife on the couch coughing and sleeping… I just hope I don’t get it next.

Always something to do. Always an adventure. Keep stacking.


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Sat. Mar. 15, 2025 – headed home so I can work there too

Cool and wet this morning. Friday was beautiful until just after dark, then it stormed. Even that was nice as it stopped by 10pm and left everything smelling clean and fresh. Also wet, which is why this morning is wet. Hopefully it didn’t rain more overnight.

I didn’t quite get the trench drain cut yesterday. I am about 2/3 cut but the saw died and wouldn’t restart. I didn’t have the energy to try for more than half an hour. I’ll put a new air filter and add oil next time I’m up here, and hopefully it will start so I can finish the cuts. I spent the rest of the day cleaning up, putting away, and getting ready to leave.

Which is what is happening today. I’ll leave here for a series of pickups, then home before the end of the day. I wouldn’t have minded staying at the BOL for a couple more days, but I’ve got plenty to do at home too.

Pickups are mostly for home, but with two birthdays and a wedding anniversary coming up, I’m on the lookout for presents too. The intarwebs say that “china” is the traditional gift for a 20th wedding anniversary, but I’m pretty sure that won’t fly at Casa De Nick… so I’m keeping my eyes open. And my options.

Meanwhile, stacking and working continues apace. At the pace of a turtle, but even turtles make progress.

Find your pace, and work at it.


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Fri. Mar. 14, 2025 – my best friend in high school’s birthday, but not mine…

Cool and damp. Clearing later, I hope. Overnight it was a bit hazy and the clouds were moving through. See yesterday’s last comment for my view of the eclipse.

Spent the day doing small things. Raked leaves from a flower bed. Cleared a drain. Worked on the concrete saw, in preparation for cutting some drain trenches in the driveway. That will let me work on drying out the “workshop” which will let me move stuff out of the garage… all part of the plan. Did some other small things.

Today will be similar. Wife and kid are headed home, but I’ll stay another day. I have pickups Saturday that I can get on the way home. Otherwise, I’d probably stay ’til Sunday. Lots of people up for the Spring Break weekend.

I think I’ll try cutting the slot for the trench drain in the driveway. Or I’ll start on the camera install. I probably won’t pull electrical in the attic unless it’s cold out. I don’t like working in attics alone, and my buddy is sick with something so he can’t watch me. Chemo and radiation take it out of you, and he picked up whatever is going around. D1 was coughing and snotty this week, and now W is showing symptoms too. I’m still ok.

Staying healthy when you are older is harder and I think probably more important than when you are younger. The D3 I’m taking seems to be helping me avoid all the bugs the kids bring home. It certainly isn’t sleep or clean living.

Not stacking much this week but I’m working on the BOL, and that counts too. Find something that needs doing and do it.


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Thur. Mar. 13, 2025 – Friday the 13th comes on a Thursday this month…

Cool and damp at the BOL. We had a beautiful Wednesday, until just after dusk when a storm ripped through. After it passed, it was wet but nice. A bit of fog, a bit of mist, but bright with the almost full moon. Today should dry out a bit.

Did stuff around the house yesterday, then fished for a bit. Went to look at a boat with W, but while the price is very good, it’s too big for our slip and lift. Rebuilding the dock is on the list, but not modifying it to the extent needed. Seems that boats, like most things, get bigger every year and a dock built to accommodate a bowrider boat from the late 70s won’t fit the same class of boat from the 2000s. We’ll keep looking as W is determined that we need a watercraft.

Didn’t get up into the attic so that might happen today. I really would like to get a bunch of attic stuff done before it gets hot. I just don’t know if the motivation is there. Wife is working from home, so I can’t take down the power to make final connections, but I can get all the runs and outlets in. Or I could work on exhaust fans… they need attic work too.

There’s always more to do.

And always more to stack.


(and there might be fish that need to be teased with plastic bait)

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Wed. Mar. 12, 2025 – another beautiful day

Mid 60s to start and warming later, with clear skies. That was yesterday, and today, I hope. I could do with a lot less wind though.

Made my pickups, and got to the BOL eventually. Took about an hour extra due to accidents and road work. It was relaxing for me, as I didn’t have a schedule to meet once I got my stuff, and I rolled the windows down and cranked the stereo. A beautiful day to be out driving.

Today I’ll start working the list… which will involve going to look at a boat for sale. I’ve got a wedding anniversary coming up, and a wife who REALLY wants a boat. The local repair guy has one he’s selling for client that isn’t pretty but is in good running order. We don’t need to pay for pretty. Like everything, we’re looking for a bargain.

After the boat adventure, I’ll probably start on electrical in the attic. Don’t know how many more cool days I’ll get before summer kicks in. Best to get out of the attic before that happens.

Always be working. Always be stacking…


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Tues. Mar. 11, 2025 – Headed to the BOL to work, work, work

Cool and clear. Should be another really nice day. Yesterday was cool and clear all day. IDK what the official high temp was, but I think we might have gotten into the low 70s. It was so nice to drive around with the windows down. I’m hoping for more of that today.

Got a slow start to my day. Still feeling the effects of the Hamfest, both the loading/unloading, and the standing in the sun all day. The sunburn is starting to itch. Since I lived in Arizona, I’ve used the same treatment for sunburn. Slather the affected area with aloe vera gel. NOT gel containing aloe, and a hundred other things, but pure aloe gel, food grade, refrigeration needed. Buy it at the health food store. Apply twice a day. Don’t stop when you think you are healed, go a few more days. It will minimize the pain/itch/etc and maximize healing. I’ve been swearing by it for several decades.

Of course, you should avoid getting burned in the first place.

Later in the day I ended up doing three pickups. Mostly stuff for the BOL. Lots of driving though, for not much stuff. I skipped lunch and was feeling pretty weird by the time dinner rolled around. W and the kid left for the BOL but I stayed home. After I ate, I felt a lot more like myself, but I still didn’t want to drive at night. I’ll go up today.

I’ve got two pickups that are mostly on the way, but the earliest is 2pm, so I’ll get some stuff done here first. Then I’ll drive up. Should be nice weather for a few days. I’ve got stuff to do in the attic so I hope it’s still cool. Also it would be nice to do something with a veg garden this year. My buddy is too weak from the chemo and radiation, so we won’t get a big garden in like last year. But maybe I can get a couple of rows planted in my garden. I got nothing the first time I tried it, but maybe this time will be different. It’s a steep learning curve, everyone should get started climbing it. And if your thumb isn’t green, as mine isn’t, you can always stack more cans.

Stacking is better than hoping.


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Mon. Mar. 10, 2025 – Spring Break week for us…

The national weather forecast looks clear for this part of the country today, and most of the country for the next couple of days. I’m betting our temps stay in the 60s and 70s for a couple days at least. I hope so anyway. It was chilly Sunday, but hot Saturday. Cool would be nice today.

Sunday I slept late, got a leisurely start to my day, and ached everywhere. It took some serious stretching to be my back in any kind of order. Loading and unloading for Hamfest, 2x each, takes more of a toll every year. I’ll keep doing it for a while though.

After breakfast/lunch, I took the trailer back and unloaded some stuff at my secondary location. Spent some time piddling around there, making room and moving some stuff. Came home and piddled around with some stuff with the idea I’d be able to move it along afterwards. Didn’t really work out though.

W made dinner, and we ate it. She make several pounds of chicken chunks with a sou vide accessory for the Instant Pot, and froze the result. We’ve had it in a couple of meals now, and it’s been good. I’m not sure there is any real benefit to cooking chicken that way, but having some ready to heat and eat has been handy.

Today is the start of Spring Break, so both kids are home. We’re thinking about heading to the BOL for most of the week. There are some conflicts on the schedule, so I’m not sure what days we can actually go. I can stay all week if I need to, but there are kid things that overlap…

I’ll be doing a couple of pickups today, and doing stuff around the house. Getting out the Hamfest stuff sort of broke a logjam for a whole series of tasks in the driveway and garage, so I’d like to make some progress on them while I have even the tiniest bit of momentum.

THEN I’ll go work on the list at the BOL.

It’s a blessing to have stuff to do and a place to do it. It does wear on me sometimes though.

Keep stacking. Keep improving.


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Sun. Mar. 9, 2025 – a few more things then back to normal

No idea what to expect today. A front was moving in when I went to bed, with blowing wind and lower temps. I would like it to be clear.

I got pretty crispy in the sun and overcast yesterday. I’m going to be regretting that for a week. But I had a great time at the Hamfest. Saw some people I only see there, and some people from real life. Two of them live near my BOL, one is involved with the club there. I met some new people to, and chatted about my non-prepping hobby. I’m hoping to see one of them at a meeting next month.

I still have to take the trailer back to uhaul, and I’ve got a few things in the truck to take back to storage. That’s my main reason for not wanting rain today.

I don’t know how my back will feel today either, but it was hurting after the load up, and hurting after unloading, and then again after the load out… I don’t usually take Tylenol but it was helping me sleep last night.

After getting the last of the Hamfest stuff stored away, it will be time to do some putting away and organizing in the garage and driveway. And in the house and my office. And everywhere else too for that matter, but that stuff will have to wait. I’m pretty sure we’ll head to the BOL for most of the kids’ spring break. Thare be plenty to do up there…

Keep stacking, keep working, build some relationships.


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