Cool and clear, should be a nice day. Yesterday started cold, but ended mid 70s. Really nice to drive around with the windows down. Hoping for more of that today.
Did some stuff yesterday. Drove around and did a big loop of pickups. Got some good stuff. Talked to one of the guys and he’ll take the two biggest things in my foyer on consignment. Talked to another, and he’s giving up on the reseller life.
Ventured out into the community to buy some Friday night fish fry and ran into two people I know, one a friend from my hobby club, the other I saw at Costco for years. I’m bumping into people I know when I’m out and about. That used to be my signal to start thinking about moving. Now I’m firmly rooted, and it’s a signal my meatspace plans are working. Now these are ordinary people not movers and shakers, but those aren’t really the folks I wanted to meet. I don’t really want to come to their attention. I like recognizing someone from a store or business outside that context. It tells me I’ve been paying at least a little bit of attention, and that I’m getting out among the people.
It’s very easy to isolate at home with a few contacts. I think that’s not a good idea though, as comfortable as it may be. Who you know and who knows you might be vitally important in a world run face to face. Time to get out there and practice.
Speaking of practice, today I’ll be letting D1 drive me around to my pickups. One is in Seabrook, about an hour and a half away, then the other is due north an hour to Baytown, then back across town to the west side and home. I don’t know how much of that I’ll let her drive, it’s pretty exhausting when you are a new driver. It will give me some time to coach her on the expressway. I have only been able to coach her on surface streets so far. Pray for light traffic, and calm drivers…. and my composure.
Get out and about. Talk to people. Stack relationships.