Cool, bordering on cold, and windy and clear. That should do it for the next couple of days. Yesterday started with some overcast but the high pressure zone from the north west blew in and blew everything out… mid 70s in the afternoon but the gusting wind made it a bit unpleasant. Today should be similar, with maybe a little cooler temps, and hopefully a bit less wind.
Yesterday I did stuff around the house. I did a project for the middle school theater. They were going to rent something that I have in my stacks. I said, nope! I’ve got that… and I did. Just needed to get all the parts in the same place. Today I’ll deliver and set up the lighting stuff and do some audio stuff at the school. Then I’ll do some fun stuff. After that, it’s a bit of home work, then Thursday taxi service for a couple of hours.
Wednesday’s dinner was pork roast, sauteed zucchini with cheese, and take and bake bread. Yummy. Simple. Relatively cheap.
Anyone can learn to cook. Anyone can make tasty and nutritious meals, for less money than take out or restaurant food. Learning to cook is a prep… and a lot easier to do when the grid is up and stuff is plentiful and cheap.
Add cooking to your preps if it isn’t already part of your life.
And stack what you need to cook.