Sunny and clear, moderate wind and temps. Like yesterday. Which I ignored and stayed inside all day.
I did office stuff. I meant to get out in the sun and wind, but I was feeling a bit under the weather, and with wife sick and one kid getting over the sick, I didn’t feel like doing much more than sitting. They watched TV all day, Grey’s Anatomy and Walking Dead. Not sure which show is which any more, they are both sudsier than most soap operas.
Today I’ve got a visit to my client for a troubleshooting mission. He’s got two TVs not working. That is a bit of a mystery, as the simple failures would take out 4, and I can’t think of anything to just take out the two… so I have to go poke at it.
I’ve also got some auction pickups to do, so I hope to get the site visit out of the way quickly.
All the normal home stuff is still waiting for attention too. So I’ll be a busy boy after my Spring break…
At least I’m not broke.
Stack something. Fix something. Make something. Meet someone.