Day: March 15, 2025

Sat. Mar. 15, 2025 – headed home so I can work there too

Cool and wet this morning. Friday was beautiful until just after dark, then it stormed. Even that was nice as it stopped by 10pm and left everything smelling clean and fresh. Also wet, which is why this morning is wet. Hopefully it didn’t rain more overnight.

I didn’t quite get the trench drain cut yesterday. I am about 2/3 cut but the saw died and wouldn’t restart. I didn’t have the energy to try for more than half an hour. I’ll put a new air filter and add oil next time I’m up here, and hopefully it will start so I can finish the cuts. I spent the rest of the day cleaning up, putting away, and getting ready to leave.

Which is what is happening today. I’ll leave here for a series of pickups, then home before the end of the day. I wouldn’t have minded staying at the BOL for a couple more days, but I’ve got plenty to do at home too.

Pickups are mostly for home, but with two birthdays and a wedding anniversary coming up, I’m on the lookout for presents too. The intarwebs say that “china” is the traditional gift for a 20th wedding anniversary, but I’m pretty sure that won’t fly at Casa De Nick… so I’m keeping my eyes open. And my options.

Meanwhile, stacking and working continues apace. At the pace of a turtle, but even turtles make progress.

Find your pace, and work at it.


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