Cool and clear? Finally, we got clear blue sky and moderate temperatures yesterday afternoon. The day had a great start with grey and fog, so I didn’t expect the blue sky evening. Hoping for the same today.
Did some of my stuff yesterday, then picked up the kids. Took D1 and the dog for a walk because it was so nice.
Had a chat during the walk with D1 about her friend. The friend is trying hard to break the cycle of generational poverty and being a hood rat. But she also has no real idea about what the stuff she wants to do will cost, or the time it will take. She wants to homeschool while also being a traveling nurse, for example, while living on a horse farm in Virginia… The poor kid knows there are better lives out there but has no idea what’s really involved. Goals are good. Fantasies are not. D is getting a lesson in real life, because she really wants to help the friend, but her (much more realistic) appraisal is not welcome.
You can’t save the whole world. That’s a tough lesson to learn.
Today I have another pickup only down south this time, instead of northeast. I was able to split the days up so I didn’t have to do both in the same day. I also might be able to combine a trip this way. This pickup is mostly stuff for the house.
My pace of acquisition is slowing, for sure, and the stuff I’m buying is more niche or further down the “nice to have” path. Two steel NATO style gas cans are a good buy, and I feel like I can always use another gas can, but do I really NEED another two cans? Well, the steel cans do keep the gas better than the plastic cans that breathe. And the plastic cans will split on the seams eventually. So if I can get them cheap, I will buy gas cans. Same goes for alternative heating, cooling, or cooking methods.
Duplicates, defense in depth alternatives, and unicorns are what I seem to be looking for these days, when it’s not something needed for day to day operations in the house or BOL. I probably need to spend some time editing and culling spoiled or supplanted items too. There is always more to do.
Stacking is the easiest, and sometimes that’s all I can manage. Do something.