Still winter here in Houston. 40F most of the day? Probably. Still wet too. It would be nice to see the sun today… but I’m not holding my breath. Sunday was grey, damp, and cold all day.
So we mostly stayed in. Even though I was up and moving early, other than auction stuff, not much got done. Long chat with my wife about the kids and school, but nothing much else. They all watched Walking Dead, while D1 made cookies, and I sat in my office. I’ll regret the lack of progress on the list, but Dang was I unmotivated.
Today I’ve got some auctions to pickup, and normal kid stuff. There are a few things I can do along the way around the house too. Some of it takes very little effort, but I still have trouble actually knocking some of them off the list.
I fell too far behind on some stuff and the effort to catch up is daunting.
Still gotta at least try to plan to try…
Always be working.