Nonsense. Like the weather. Cold again, but I’m hoping to sleep through it today. Warming to just jacket and long pants weather later in the day. Yesterday was moderately ‘wintery’ once the sun came up. Today should continue the warming trend. I did have a half inch of ice in the bin in the bed of the truck, and it was still there at 4pm, despite the warming.
Did my pickups. Did my kid stuff. Made crock pot brisket for dinner. I don’t like repeating the same thing so soon, but since I didn’t smoke it while at the BOL, it really needed to be cooked soon. And it was delicious.
Let the kid drive from school to my last pickup of the day. She still managed to not complete a right turn into a parking lot. Lots more time behind the wheel under different conditions is what is needed. My wife thinks she’s farther along than she really is and let her drive home from the BOL. I’ll try to find time today to set up a course and do some more work with her. If not today, then tomorrow. The trouble is finding someplace without people. Even at 4 am people are everywhere…
Everyone with kids goes through this, and it isn’t nerve wracking per se, but it’s a bit nervous making to realize how little actual skill and practice she has, or will have, when the state says it’s ok to turn her loose. And to realize her cohort, the ones that want to drive anyway, are in similar circumstances. Being near that high school when it lets out is probably the most dangerous part of my driving day. And that’s saying something because what I see every day during the couple of hours I spend crossing the city is stunning.
The influx of illegals hasn’t helped the tendency of Houstonians to abandon the rules of the road during weather disasters. It always takes a while for people to get back to normal after the disaster free for all, and the longer the disaster, the longer before the rules apply to everyone. Add 100K third worlders, who think traffic laws are for suckers, and it is getting noticeably worse. Enshitification is real and progressing.
Today I’ve got a couple of pickups in the same area that I’ll get. Then I’m doing home stuff. If the weather isn’t brutal, I might do some work on the truck. Otherwise, it’s indoor stuff for me. There is plenty of that to be done in any case.
And there are definitely stacks to tend to. Which I’ll get back to after spending some more time working to improve my situation.