Another week of winter. Cold again today, but slightly warmer, with a warming trend into the weekend. Hope so anyway. It was a bit warmer Thursday but still got pretty cold in the evening. 25F and windy feels arctic… Kid was wrapping up in a blanket waiting for the bus, and at school. Although, as she put it. she’d have to suck it up and pretend she wasn’t cold because you can’t choose to wear a miniskirt and then look cold…
Kid’s smart and dumb at the same time…
I woke up yesterday with some bad and specific back pain. I have been hurting for several days, but some stretching and gentle “adjustment” put me back into my “normal” range. Yesterday it was making me nauseous. So I stretched and went back to bed. Woke feeling normal, but that blew my plan for the day. Had a telemedicine followup early afternoon, then kid taxi stuff. Basically blew the afternoon too. Sometimes it be that way.
Today I’ve got pickups and home stuff to do. I need to get moving by mid-morning, and I should be done by late afternoon. I’m hoping the weather is sunny and warm… but I’ll take ‘clear’.
I don’t think anyone gets to 58 years of age without picking up a few aches and pains, and some minor disabilities. Some people have more than a few, and they aren’t so minor, so I’m grateful for every day with the minor issues I have. However, some days it does catch up with you. That has serious implications for prepping too.
Food for thought.
Stack some stuff to make it easier, or to compensate.