COLD this am. Cold when I went to bed. Cold. Winter time is here. It was pretty cold all day yesterday, and it really dropped after dark. Today is supposed to be even colder. Openweathermap is saying below freezing but nothing apocalyptic. Even above freezing during the day. I guess we’ll see.
Spent the morning catching up on auction stuff, then headed out to do my pickup. I’ve got a dozen $1 items waiting at the “sketchy” auctioneer. This is the one I caught shill bidding. Well, the doors were closed. There was a note that they hoped to be back Feb. 6, which was a couple weeks ago… I went around to the front and no one was working. Two guys doing maintenance stuff, and no staff. They still have auctions running online, but the warehouse was mostly empty and a mess. I’ve got a feeling all their shenanigans have caught up with them. I’ll check my cc bill today. Might have to file a backcharge.
There are a bunch of new auction players starting up this week. Hope springs eternal. It’s like house flipping. By the time the housewives with no experience at all started flipping, it was over, and everyone got burned. I hope everyone succeeds so I can keep buying stuff, but I have a feeling there will be a culling…
Hit the goodwill bins while waiting for D1 to need pickup. Got out with just a bag or two of stuff. Wasn’t feeling the love or desire to really dig. I felt a strong urge to go to the store, but not to fight the crowd. And I really don’t want to be buying without selling some of what’s here.
Speaking of which, the new auctioneer I was hoping to consign with actually did call me back. I didn’t hear the message until now, so I’ll give him another try. I thought he just ghosted me. It would be nice to start moving stuff again.
Can’t stop stacking… war is coming.
I have supplementary accident insurance for travel, that includes repatriation.
I would not, for example, travel to the US without health, accident and repatriation cover in addition to what I normally carry, as the costs in the US are so insanely high that they substantially exceed the limits of cover from my normally excellent health and accident insurance.
25F but toasty warm in the house.
Remember that costs are high in the US because in cases like repatriation, they charge only the person using the service, not the 150M other tax payers who don’t need it; and because for other common things, they charge people who can pay to cover the money spent on all the people who don’t pay… but who the providers have a legal mandate to provide care to.
My neighbor’s heart replacement pump, over $2M so far, he’s paid a couple thousand. My wife’s relatives that came to visit, husband had several million dollars worth of interventions in the last year and his out of pocket was a grand or two. LOTS of crazy expensive drugs fully covered by medicare/medicaid.
Prices charged are not necessarily what things actually cost. There is a lot of cost shifting because it’s not a free market, and there are a lot of back room deals being made. The prices charged are also not what the providers are actually receiving.
Dr bills $10K but only receives $1200 from insurer. And then, only after waiting 120 days or more.
I’d love to see some efficiency and transparency brought into the US healthcare system.
WRT doxxing the pilots, they will be named and become part of the public record anyway as part of the investigation. There is no reason to hide their details unless the details look bad, once family has been notified.
If they were heroes we’d be seeing them on every news story.
Someone must think they are NOT heroes.
What is it with Libs and the Parks? Even if they’ve never actually set foot in one, every shutdown/budget impasse gets them would up about access to the facilities.
Of course, as soon as the shutdown/impasse ends, its back to whining about how many of the great unwashed show up at the Parks and access needs to be restricted to special people who understand what they are seeing when they sit and watch Old Faithful at Yellowstone.
I’ve even heard Glen Beck go on for an hour about cutting the number of people at places like Yosemite.
Don’t think for a second that EVs are about saving the planet. They don’t want you driving.
Yes, women make perfectly fine pilots, but there is a certain innate talent involved which means that not everyone can be trained to the performance level required. Like everything else in the US, the airlines are owned by a trio of mutual fund companies with an agenda, and one of the ideas advanced by the three is that women must be represented in at least 50% of any given profession which does not involve brute physical strength.
The agenda disregards talent and real interest in favor of advancing numbers.
Among airlines, Delta is particularly bad about the agenda, being based in Atlanta and run by people steeped in the DEI philosophy common among the folks in the Buckhead section of the city because toeing that line fills their soup bowls, whether they serve as consultants or work as management drones in corporate HQs locally.
I’ve spent the last 32 years watching software development in the US get driven by the agenda.
I’m guessing your guests are Progs.
They are fish who don’t recognize the water that they swim in. A few years ago when the Kennedy kid self deleted because of a lifetime of sexual abuse at the hands of a family member, we saw the helicopter from the beach near their house… (siorse? something like that)
They are gun owners, even ARs but don’t see a problem with restrictions. And it’s very much “the Kennedy seat”, not “the Peoples’ seat” for them.
Geography really does make a difference.
25F “feels like” 14F.
Water in the “pond” is still flowing. House is very unevenly heated overnight. Much more so than usual. I might have to investigate why, although I think it’s just thermostat placement and lack of “destratification” of the air.
I should probably consider something along those lines due to my frequent travels to Europe. An injury or illness that requires a medical flight home would cost 6 digits and insurance here does not pay a dime.
We had an exchange student on a skiing trip break her wrist. Settling the medical bills was an arduous journey through red tape, finger pointing, and denial of responsibility.
Work offers a supplemental health insurance policy for foreign travel. You have to sign up during open enrollment. Total cost is something like $150/year. I signed up in November since we will be going to England and Wales in a few months.
So many guess is that they’ve never been to the Dike Road Bridge on Chappaquiddick Island and looked into he abyss … or lack thereof.
Doesnt Fauxcahontas sit in that seat now?
We have not heard from paul in a while.
Does the RV have the Fort Wilderness bumper sticker?
Elitism and agenda set in at that part of the property long before it took hold in the rest of the Florida Project,
Just wished to share a ‘thought with my US ’buddies’ and see if there is any ‘local’ insight.
The Mainstream Media and political leaders around Europe are all hyperventilating over Trump’s comments on Putin and Ukraine. I am trying to figure out where Trump’s ‘head’ is, and have come up with this thought – what do you think?
Does Trump see China as such a significant threat to the USA, that he has decided to seek an alliance with Putin against China, accepting the compromises that that involves (realpolitik)? Just as the allies allowed the USSR (the evil Stalin) to join the alliance against Hitler (being perceived as the greater evil).
Any thoughts?
I think Trump has several motivations. I don’t believe he wants any real alliance with Russia. I think he wants to stop the meat grinder (his words) and to stop the money flow. He has accomplished the latter, now he’s working on the former.
Trump wants to prevent a nuclear war, something which we were hurtling towards prior to noon EST on Jan. 20.
Corn Pop and the “leadership” of the theme park countries in Europe did not seem to grasp the consequences of continuing to antagonize Putin.
New management is on the way to the British, French, and German parks, but in the mean time, Trump is the adult in the room.
I wish I believed that. However, the established parties are pretty committed to their “firewall”. They have shut down Le Pen in France for years now. The AfD is making progress, but is unlikely to break through the firewall this election.
The UK? I don’t presently see and signs of real progress. They are still in denial about the mass rape of their daughters by Pakistani rings.
Bye, bye, Turtle:
Mitch McConnell announces he won’t run for reelection
Term limits, please. Think of the dead-wood term limits would (wood, ha) get rid of. Of course, slimey Deep State actors would just start a PAC funding a successor line of puppets for Congressional postions.
When I met my first helicopter Instructor Pilot in flight school, he said “Helicopters are harder to fly than airplanes, but with enough bananas, I can teach a monkey to fly a helicopter.” I believe he was 99% right. At the end of flight school, I took the FAA test and got my Commercial Rotary Wing Instrument rating. The hardest part of flight school wasn’t the actual flying, it was all the rules and regualtions you have to know. I had to know all the FAA regs, Army regs, and local military base regs. It is a ton of stuff to know and you can’t stop in flight to look something up.
Something is coming in the UK. Labour is done and the ConservatIves don‘t have any answers either.
As in the US, the right doesn’t get that politics is downstream of culture, but the bankruptcy of the BBC and popularity of “Clarkson’s Farm” are significant IMHO.
Among others, Clarkson recently banned the current PM from his pub. Thae underlying reason will no doubt be explored in the eagerly anticipated upcoming season.
Earlier today, Vance responded to a comment on the Ukraine situation on X. As follows
“This is moralistic garbage, which is unfortunately the rhetorical currency of the globalists because they have nothing else to say.
For three years, President Trump and I have made two simple arguments: first, the war wouldn’t have started if President Trump was in office; second, that neither Europe, nor the Biden administration, nor the Ukrainians had any pathway to victory. This was true three years ago, it was true two years ago, it was true last year, and it is true today.
And for three years, the concerns of people who were obviously right were ignored. What is Niall’s actual plan for Ukraine? Another aid package? Is he aware of the reality on the ground, of the numerical advantage of the Russians, of the depleted stock of the Europeans or their even more depleted industrial base?
Instead, he quotes from a book about George HW Bush from a different historical period and a different conflict. That’s another currency of these people: reliance on irrelevant history.
President Trump is dealing with reality, which means dealing with facts.
And here are some facts:
Number one, while our Western European allies’ security has benefitted greatly from the generosity of the United States, they pursue domestic policies (on migration and censorship) that offend the sensibilities of most Americans and defense policies that assume continued over-reliance.
Number two, Russians have a massive numerical advantage in manpower and weapons in Ukraine, and that advantage will persist regardless of further Western aid packages. Again, the aid is *currently* flowing.
Number three, the United States retains substantial leverage over both parties to the conflict.
Number four, ending the conflict requires talking to the people involved in starting it and maintaining it.
Number five, the conflict has placed–and continues to place–stress on tools of American statecraft, from military stockpiles to sanctions (and so much else). We believe the continued conflict is bad for Russia, bad for Ukraine, and bad for Europe. But most importantly, it is bad for the United States. Given the above facts, we must pursue peace, and we must pursue it now. President Trump ran on this, he won on this, and he is right about this. It is lazy, ahistorical nonsense to attack as “appeasement” every acknowledgment that America’s interest must account for the realities of the conflict.
That interest–not moralisms or historical illiteracy–will guide President Trump’s policy in the weeks to come.
And thank God for that.”
The aircraft is fly-by-wire, so no exceptional strength is needed, unlike in the past. When the crew deployed flaps, they would immediately know if one side failed as they began a roll. I haven’t read anywhere they declared an emergency and tried landing with failed flaps. If the flaps failed just before landing (the control linkage broke), it was probably unrecoverable. We will have to wait for the why and when.
BUCKLE UP! Trump’s Top Prosecutor Launches Operation Whirlwind and HOOBOY It’s About to Get REAL for Dems
This might even get some Dumbo’s to resign instead of letting the Public know the massive grift going on. When you serve a term with a $174,000/yr salary going in with a net worth of under a $ million and come out with a net worth of 10-15 million, ya know shennanigan are going on.
The military does not require it’s pilots to get a FAA license. The military certifies it’s pilots are trained to standards and the FAA accepts that.
I don’t know why the US can’t be friendly or neutral toward Russia. Not living in fear of a nuclear showdown should be a positive thing. and that’s coming from someone half Lithuanian married to someone who is half Polish.
Ukraine was a money laundry for the dems and deep state, and source of patronage/no show jobs for the elite. A cow to be milked. The only reason we’re involved is because that money was threatened. Dunno if Putin didn’t realize how deep the dependence on that money went, or if his own domestic issues drove the decision.
Access to a port figured into it too, iirc. Perhaps the plan expanded after the first slice of forbidden Ukraine tasted so good.
Remember that I figured it was a way to get grain to keep from starving at home. The Uke grain DID continue to flow, just not home to Russia, if I understand the economics.
I’m sure there are many reasons, and like Eisner buying ABC for Disney, some or all of them could be pure ego on Putin’s part.
War is coming anyway. All the markers are there. I haven’t been linking to stories of Euro countries increasing defense spending, and making noise about getting their armies in shape, etc because I was feeling like a broken record on the subject.
China has been building logistics and command and control infrastructure in 3rd world shitehole countries for at least a decade. They build the port, no money down, but then foreclose on it when the host can’t pay. They are literally building their invasion logistics all over the world…. China has a new carrier. China has a new underground bunker bigger than the pentagon. Remember that China had those plague hospitals READY TO GO. How many plague hospitals does France have ready to deploy? China has been strengthening criminal enterprises and irregular fighters while at the same time gutting our middle class with fentanyl, while bringing their own cadre into the US in droves.
I’d rather be allied with Russia than subjugated to China. Putin and Russians LIKE white people.
The Endeavor Air crash: I understand why they won’t release the pilots’ names. The families would be immediately doxxed on social media, and imagine the hate they would get. I don’t understand the concern about it being an “all woman” crew. Women make perfectly fine pilots.
Lots of theories on the internet about frozen flaps and other possible causes. We’ll see what the accident reports bring…
– – – – –
Because the female pilots typically do not have the experience that male ex-military pilots have. And in flying, experience is a big deal. Military pilots fly in all types of weather, not just good beautiful days. Lots and lots of experience on bad flying days.
Y’all remember the CEO of United Healthcare getting shot? Apparently, the message was not understood.
There’s an American here in Switzerland, who broke his neck while skiing. Swiss health care has patched him back together and he is ready to be transported back to the US for what will be a long and expensive rehab. United Healthcare refused to pay for the transport, because it is “not medically necessary”. After all, the guy is in good medical hands. Oh, purely incidentally, they only pay for rehab within the US, not abroad.
How can they get away with idiocy like this? Seems like an open-and-shut lawsuit.
Me too. But Congress has made the health insurance companies lawsuit proof for some reason.
“Lee Zeldin Slams Biden Admin Over $2 Billion Handout to Stacey Abrams-Linked Nonprofit”
“A nonprofit with ties to Democrat Stacey Abrams has become the center of a controversy after receiving a staggering $2 billion in taxpayer funds. According to the Washington Free Beacon, the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) discovered that the funds were initially allocated by the Biden administration’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and were earmarked for Power Forward Communities, a group with minimal prior revenue.”
I wish that I thought that these people were lying but, Biden. This is fraud. Out and out fraud.
Climate Justice is fraud. Social Justice is fraud. All XXXXX Justice is fraud.
Hat tip to:
>>China has been building logistics and command and control infrastructure in 3rd world shitehole countries for at least a decade. They build the port, no money down, but then foreclose on it when the host can’t pay. They are literally building their invasion logistics all over the world…. China has a new carrier. China has a new underground bunker bigger than the pentagon. Remember that China had those plague hospitals READY TO GO. How many plague hospitals does France have ready to deploy? China has been strengthening criminal enterprises and irregular fighters while at the same time gutting our middle class with fentanyl, while bringing their own cadre into the US in droves.
With the “taking” of Taiwan being the proverbial straw / camel’s back?
Here’s a chance to make it,
If we focus on our goals.
If you dish it we can take it,
Just remember you’ve been told
It’s a different world,
It’s a different world,
Than where you come from
Than where you come from
Imagine if that hot mess had become Governor of Georgia with DeSantis losing to the *known meth addict* in Florida the same night.
Fools, drunks, and the United States of America.
Which reminds me – Georgia “Libertarians”, the time to “vote your conscience” is over. Ossoff needs to go in two years.
I hate doctors. Especially GPs who think that they are cardiologists.
Doctor: “all heart patients need to take a statin drug”
Me: “my heart is not blocked up, I am missing a coronary artery”
Doctor: “you need to take a statin drug”
Me: “I went through this with a cardiologist years ago, he said up to me”
Doctor: “you need to take a statin drug”
Me: “I tried a statin drug a decade ago, it made me feel bad so no”
Doctor: “the standard of care is that all heart patients take a statin drug”
Me (to myself): “you and what army ?”
I am not going to take a statin drug again. Been there, done that.
““I’m Not Happy With Boeing”: After Boeing Keeps Delaying Its Air Force One Delivery, Trump Considers Doing It Himself”
“(The Epoch Times)—President Donald Trump said he is considering buying a used plane and converting it into a presidential aircraft as Boeing continues to delay Air Force One deliveries.”
““I’m not happy with Boeing. It takes them a long time to do Air Force One. We gave that contract out a long time ago. It was a fixed-price contract,” Trump told reporters on Wednesday. “And I’m not happy with the fact that it’s taken so long. And we may do something else. We may go and buy a plane or get a plane or something. But I’m not happy with the fact that it’s taken Boeing so long. There’s no excuse for it.””
I guess that the current Air Force One planes are worn out ?
Yeah, terrible stuff, I felt near suicidal after a month, last year. Stopped when I realized (it creeps up on you).
Same reaction as about 25yo, the first time I tried it, never again.
“Meet May. She just turned 329 years old”.
Oh my goodness !
“Defense cuts? You betcha!”
“I note that Defense Secretary Hegseth has asked the US military to prepare for budget cuts of about 8% a year over the next five years. That sounds like a tall order, but I think it’s entirely feasible if he takes an axe to the bureaucracy, waste and “gilding the lily” that’s rampant in our armed forces at present. Examples:”
USA DOD is a hot mess. Firing about half of the people should help. I just do not know which half. A good start would be the excess generals and admirals.
Both current Air Force One planes are 35 years old.
My GP hasn‘t been great on the blood pressure problem.
I blow him off about hints concerning ADHD meds. I like my attention span just the way it is.
As for the jab, he knows that I’m aware that some of his kids passed on taking the “vaccine” so he stopped pushing.
“Red Thunder (A Thunder and Lightning Novel)” by John Varley
Book number one of a four book space opera series. I reread the well printed and well bound used MMPB book published by Ace in 2003 that I bought on Amazon since most of my books are boxed in the garage. In fact, I have read this book at least six to eight times. I have books two through four in the series and may reread them again too. Too bad the first and second books in the series are out of print.
I am a big fan of the Heinlein books, especially the juveniles. This book is extremely inspired by the Heinlein juveniles but it is not a juvenile. Somewhere of a cross between the juveniles and Stranger in a Strange Land and The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. One note is that all of the characters in the book use names from Heinlein’s books. In fact the book is dedicated to “To Spider Robinson and Robert A. Heinlein for the inspiration; and to Lee, for that, and everything else.”.
The book is extreme hard science except for the squeezer that Jubal invents. Everything in the book is doable with today’s science and engineering, and will be done, if someone invents a cheap spaceship drive that can boost thousands of tons at one gravity from Earth to anywhere in the Solar System. Or, Alpha Centauri or anywhere else in the 5 to 20 light years away distance.
My review from the distant past: “What a book ! I grew up on Heinlein juveniles, this is great addition to that section of science fiction. The squeezer drive is a great idea and building the spaceship out of railroad car tanks is a great idea. The story flows well and was difficult to put down (I was 45 minutes late to work Friday morning because of it).”
The author has a blog and posts there fairly often. Unfortunately he stopped writing new books and short stories about a decade ago in 2018.
My rating: 6 out of 5 stars (yes, six stars, I have 36+ six star books)
Amazon rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars (559 reviews)
“2 teens accused of threatening ‘mass casualty attack’ on Houston high school”
“The FBI said the plan was in the early stages but was meant to involve pipe bombs and guns.”
“The teen girls were accused of threatening to place pipe bombs and shoot their peers, according to law enforcement. The plan was to harm students at Memorial High School in Spring Branch ISD.”
Wait, this was a pair of girls ?
The big problem is that Andy “Daddy Issues” Beshar, current Governor of Kentucky, will be term limited out in 2027.
The family name still attracts voters in that state, and Cocaine Mitch knows what could happen.
Could you post your latest 6-star list, Mr. Lynn?
I don’t need no man…
Here is the final C++ code that I was working on the other day that I am pushing to the users tonight as version 16.23:
DataItem * comItem = getItem (GEN_COM, SYM_general, false);
std::vector <std::string> comIds;
if (comItem)
comIds = comItem -> getInputStringArrayValue ();
std::string kGenMethod = “”;
std::string hGenMethod = “”;
std::string dGenMethod = “”;
std::string denGenLiqMethod = “”;
DataItem * diGen_K_Method = getItem (GEN_KMET, SYM_general, false);
DataItem * diGen_H_Method = getItem (GEN_HMET, SYM_general, false);
DataItem * diGen_D_Method = getItem (GEN_DMET, SYM_general, false);
DataItem * denGenLiqMethodItem = getItem (GEN_DENLIQMET, SYM_general, false);
if (diGen_K_Method)
kGenMethod = diGen_K_Method -> getInputStringValue ();
if (diGen_H_Method)
hGenMethod = diGen_H_Method -> getInputStringValue ();
if (diGen_D_Method)
dGenMethod = diGen_D_Method -> getInputStringValue ();
if (denGenLiqMethodItem)
denGenLiqMethod = denGenLiqMethodItem -> getInputStringValue ();
std::string kStrmMethod = “”;
std::string hStrmMethod = “”;
std::string dStrmMethod = “”;
std::string denStrmLiqMethod = “”;
DataItem * diStrm_K_Method = getItemNoCreate (NOD_UNITKMETH);
DataItem * diStrm_H_Method = getItemNoCreate (NOD_UNITHMETH);
DataItem * diStrm_D_Method = getItemNoCreate (NOD_UNITDMETH);
DataItem * denStrmLiqMethodItem = getItemNoCreate (NOD_UNITDENLIQMETH);
if (diStrm_K_Method)
kStrmMethod = diStrm_K_Method -> getInputStringValue ();
if (diStrm_H_Method)
hStrmMethod = diStrm_H_Method -> getInputStringValue ();
if (diStrm_D_Method)
dStrmMethod = diStrm_D_Method -> getInputStringValue ();
if (denStrmLiqMethodItem)
denStrmLiqMethod = denStrmLiqMethodItem -> getInputStringValue ();
// if gerg thermo then only allow the 21 pure components:
// 2 – CH4, 46 – N2, 49 – CO2, 3 – C2H6, 4 – C3H8, 6 – n-C4H10,
// 5 – i-C4H10, 8 – n-C5H12, 7 – i-C5H12, 10 – n-C6H14, 11 – n-C7H16,
// 12 – n-C8H18, 13 – n-C9H20, 14 – n-C10H22, 1 – H2,
// 47 – O2, 48 – CO, 62 – H2O, 50 – H2S, 1172 – He and 1171 – Ar
if ((kStrmMethod == “GERG 2008” || (kStrmMethod == “Use FlowSheet Selected” && kGenMethod == “GERG 2008”)) ||
(hStrmMethod == “GERG 2008” || (hStrmMethod == “Use FlowSheet Selected” && hGenMethod == “GERG 2008”)) ||
(dStrmMethod == “GERG 2008” || (dStrmMethod == “Use FlowSheet Selected” && dGenMethod == “GERG 2008”)) ||
(denStrmLiqMethod == “GERG 2008” || (denStrmLiqMethod == “Use FlowSheet Selected” && denGenLiqMethod == “GERG 2008”)))
std::vector <double> flowrates;
DataItem * fractionsItem = (* aDict) [STR_FRACTION];
DataItem * molesItem = (* aDict) [STR_COMMOL];
DataItem * massItem = (* aDict) [STR_COMMAS];
DataItem * liqVolItem = (* aDict) [STR_COMLIQVOL];
DataItem * vapVolItem = (* aDict) [STR_COMVAPVOL];
DataItem * feePseItem = (* aDict) [STR_FEEPSE];
DataItem * flowratesItem = nullptr;
if (fractionsItem && fractionsItem -> isInput ())
flowrates = fractionsItem -> getInputDoubleArrayValue ();
flowratesItem = fractionsItem;
else if (molesItem && molesItem -> isInput ())
flowrates = molesItem -> getInputDoubleArrayValue ();
flowratesItem = molesItem;
else if (massItem && massItem -> isInput ())
flowrates = massItem -> getInputDoubleArrayValue ();
flowratesItem = massItem;
else if (liqVolItem && liqVolItem -> isInput ())
flowrates = liqVolItem -> getInputDoubleArrayValue ();
flowratesItem = liqVolItem;
else if (vapVolItem && vapVolItem -> isInput ())
flowrates = vapVolItem -> getInputDoubleArrayValue ();
flowratesItem = vapVolItem;
else if (feePseItem && feePseItem -> isInput ())
flowrates = feePseItem -> getInputDoubleArrayValue ();
flowratesItem = feePseItem;
if ( flowratesItem )
int num = comIds.size ();
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
int id = atoi (comIds [i].c_str ());
if (id != 1 && id != 2 && id != 3 && id != 4 && id != 5 &&
id != 6 && id != 7 && id != 8 && id != 10 && id != 11 &&
id != 12 && id != 13 && id != 14 && id != 46 &&
id != 47 && id != 48 && id != 49 &&
id != 62 && id != 50 && id != 1171 && id != 1172)
int numFlowrates = flowrates.size ();
if (i < numFlowrates && flowrates [i] > 0)
std::string errStr = “If you are using GERG 2008 thermo method(s) “
“then the stream component flowrates must be composed only of the 21 pure “
“components: 2 – CH4, 46 – N2, 49 – CO2, 3 – C2H6, 4 – C3H8, “
“6 – n-C4H10, 5 – i-C4H10, 8 – n-C5H12, 7 – i-C5H12, “
“10 – n-C6H14, 11 – n-C7H16, 12 – n-C8H18, “
“13 – n-C9H20, 14 – n-C10H22, 1 – H2, 47 – O2, 48 – CO, “
“62 – H2O, 50 – H2S, 1172 – He, and 1171 – Ar. The non-zero flowrate “
“component id is “;
errStr += comIds [i] + “.”;
add (errors, flowratesItem -> makeError (errStr, this));
Lynn’s six star list (or top ten list) in February 2025:
1. “Mutineer’s Moon” by David Weber
2. “Citizen Of The Galaxy” by Robert Heinlein
3. “The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress” by Robert Heinlein
4. “The Star Beast” by Robert Heinlein
5. “Shards Of Honor” and “Barrayar” by Lois McMaster Bujold
6. “Jumper”, “Reflex”, “Impulse”, and “Exo” by Steven Gould
7. “Dies The Fire” by S. M. Stirling
8. “Emergence” by David Palmer
9. “The Tar-Aiym Krang” by Alan Dean Foster
10. “Under A Graveyard Sky” by John Ringo
11. “Live Free Or Die” by John Ringo
12. “Footfall” by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
13. “Lucifer’s Hammer” by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
14. “The Zero Stone” by Andre Norton
15. “Going Home” by A. American
16. “Ender’s Game” by Orson Scott Card
17. “Ready Player One” by Ernest Cline
18. “The Martian” by Andy Weir
19. “The Postman” by David Brin
20. “We Are Legion” by Dennis E. Taylor
21. “Bitten” by Kelley Armstrong
22. “Moon Called” by Patrica Briggs
23. “Red Thunder” by John Varley
24. “Lightning” by Dean Koontz
25. “The Murderbot Diaries” by Martha Wells
26. “Friday” by Robert Heinlein
27. “Agent Of Change” by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller
28. “Monster Hunter International” by Larry Correia
29. “Among Others” by Jo Walton
30. “Skinwalker” and “Blood Of The Earth” By Faith Hunter
31. “Time Enough For Love” by Robert Heinlein
32. “Methuselah’s Children” by Robert Heinlein
33. “When the Wind Blows”, “The Lake House” by James Patterson
34. “A Soldier’s Duty (Theirs Not to Reason Why)” by Jean Johnson
35. “Human by Choice” by Travis S. Taylor and Darrell Bain
36. “Project Hail Mary” by Andy Weir
Somebody told me that these are a bunch of young men’s adventure stories. Being an old man, I liked that.
RIP, James Bond.
I don’t need no man…
Uh, is this is reference to the pair of girl terrorists ?
comments on the James bond story…
Paraphrase – will he be “diverse”? response– hate to break it to you but real life intelligence agencies are diverse.
Me —– yeah, and no one watches movies about them. they are supporting cast at best. Comic book villains at worst.
Paraphrase – Bezos will ruin it like he did Whole Foods and WaPo
Me– wait, you think HE ruined the WaPo?
I wasn’t ever a bond fan. Craig was pretty good in the role though. I believe I mentioned listening to the audio book of one of the early ones, and liking it. OO7 was just a guy, and everything around him, and all the people he’s met and likes get killed or damaged horribly…
The “super hero” bond is a far cry from that beginning.
– that’s crazy fast. They spun up a multi agency response in less than 30 minutes. They had to get the tip, identify the girls, locate them, coordinate the members of the team, and travel to the schools…. in about 10 minutes. Doesn’t seem possible.
–separated from the other students, sent to the “last chance ” school in our district. Probably a string of issues prior to this, and probably the district response to those issues prompted her to want to strike back. Dunno her relationship to the Willis kid who is being held on “unrelated charges”.
— technically, there never was a threat. No bombs, no guns, and loose lips flapping online.
Godd short civics lesson on the President’s role in government.
The preamble was a mild excoriation of the press (in the room) for covering up Biden’s lack of mental fitness for the office. He should have added another minute and explained that along with their First Amendment right to freedom of the press, they have duties and obligations that include truth and informing the public when the Republic is in danger.
Discovered that AV receiver in my living room doesn’t have a phono input. I wanted to connect a turntable in the living room, and I thought the receiver was old enough to still have a phono in…
So I ordered a cheap one from amazon.
I’ve got other receivers and other amps, but I decided not to stack them, when a box the size of a deck of cards would work. The one for my office doesn’t have phono either… stuff is newer than I thought.
Cinematic history would have been very different if JFK had been reading Hamilton rather than Fleming. Or Aarons. Or Atlee (yeah, a couple years too late).
Hamilton also wrote some very good westerns.
BREAKING: Senate Votes to Confirm Kash Patel As FBI Director
Old building will be plenty big enough soon.
– science-y content. Topoconductors
— kinda short on details. Sounds a bit like Alastar Reynolds ‘arithmatic engines’ for his spacecraft.
RIP, James Bond.
Meh, James Bond has died many times and been resurrected many time.
Sean Connery, Roger Moore, Pierce Brosnan, and Daniel Craig are just some of them.
Wow, seven actors have played James Bond.
Would he survive a black lesbian actress?
– science-y content. Topoconductors
— kinda short on details. Sounds a bit like Alastar Reynolds ‘arithmatic engines’ for his spacecraft.
It is not April 1 yet !
Daniel Craig’s Bond didn’t survive Fleabag, whatever the h*ll she is on the LGBTQXYZ spectrum.
DOGE Makes ‘Extremely Concerning’ Discovery About How Much Taxpayer Money This Abrams-Linked Group Got
Examine the records. Everyone who signed off on this theft should be prosecuted, found guilty, jailed for life, and all accrued pension benefits lost.
The same for anyone that didn’t actually sign off, but knew about it.
Maybe individual states should start filing charges on behalf of their taxpayers.
“— kinda short on details. Sounds a bit like Alastar Reynolds ‘arithmatic engines’ for his spacecraft.”
I’m getting a whiff of the bubble memory debacle of the last century.
As I understand it, actual “intelligence agents” try very hard to be “invisible”, not worthy of notice, blending into the background. The James Bond novels by Ian Fleming are FICTION, a flamboyant “secret agent” who gets noticed by all the beautiful women. They are not at all realistic.
“They are not at all realistic.”
Now I’m really bummed.
The prog reality is mostly fiction so they have some trouble telling the two apart.
They think they can create reality by wishing extra hard and saying magic words. They think “should be” = “is”.
It makes them both laughable and dangerous.
Watched “The Golden Compass” tonight while doing my auctions. I had listened to the audiobook in the truck so I knew the story. They did an OK job of cutting the book down to fit in a movie, but it moves pretty quickly compared to the book. And yes, the lead character is just as annoying in the film as the book.
Couldn’t rip it using Handbrake. There are some discs that I think they play games with the directories and menu system so that Handbrake can’t work. Disc one, the movie, shows with 4 “tracks” each almost 2 hours long, and a bunch of short tracks. 8 hours won’t fit on a DVD so something is lying. It plays fine in VLC and I’m sure in a stand alone player, but won’t rip. I dislike when people mess around with standards.
BTW, I finished the Dungeon Crawler Carl books, thru the most current. I’m eagerly awaiting the rest in the series. In the mean time, I’m reading another series by the same author, and it’s got similarities. Real people are stuck in a game, and part of the story is finding out why. The notes and amazon listing make it clear the stories are a genre called GameLit or LitRPG… which I didn’t even know was a thing. It’s “Ready Player One” with more immersion.
Still fun for me, even though I haven’t gamed in years.
And Version 16.23 is up on the web server and about a thousand push emails have gone out.
I am tired.
>>Here is the final C++ code that I was working on the other day that I am pushing to the users tonight as version 16.23:
DataItem * comItem = getItem (GEN_COM, SYM_general, false);
std::vector <std::string> comIds;
if (comItem)
comIds = comItem -> getInputStringArrayValue ();
Umm, yeah, I knew there was a reason writing COBOL code was my favorite.
But that code doesn’t have any line numbers or a single GOTO command…. it can’t be real code….