Day: February 19, 2025

Wed. Feb. 19, 2025 – back home, back to it…

Cool, sure. Wet, oh my. After yesterday’s rainstorm? Oh my. Bayous be flooded yo! Dunno about getting down as low as they have been talking about. With this much moisture in the air, land and sea? Seems unlikely to me, but hey, you can be wrong most of the time and still make a living as a financial pundit or a weatherman…

Started the day early, 730AM, when I heard the rumble of diesel engines and truck doors slamming. The tree guy must have decided not to wait, and instead of showing up “later this week”, he showed up Tuesday. I had done most of the prep for him, moving lighting strings, marking trees with paint, etc. but I hadn’t moved my truck. He wanted a clear path to hand carry out all the debris. So I did that in my PJs then started some coffee.

They were done and gone by noon. Meanwhile I got all my “leaving the BOL” stuff done, and I left shortly after they finished.

Did a couple of pickups on my way home. Stopped to dump my trash and some debris in a dumpster. Don’t fret. It’s one I have use of.

Got home in time to get the kid from after-school activities. And the sky opened and dumped buckets on us. It kept raining and thundering for a couple of hours, and it was still lightly raining when I went to bed. Since it was coming down buckets, the gutters, ditches, creeks, and bayous all filled. Should be gone by today though.

Today I’ve got another pickup, and some other messing around to do. I lost my secondary key ring. That’s my ring with a few dozen keys I don’t need every day, but are still important. Like for all my various padlocks… I’m pretty sure it’s in one of my storage units, but of course there is a lock on the unit. I went through a few dozen master lock keys in my collection without finding a match for the lock on the unit… so I need to look at a few more, or get my bump key set out. I don’t want to cut the lock, as I have several “keyed alike” on my storage places, and can’t afford to lose one… and cutting the lock is kinda suspicious looking… I’m pretty sure I can bump key it open without arousing suspicion. I don’t want to pay the storage company to cut the lock either.

I’m usually very careful to handle and move my lock and keys in a specific order to avoid this exact issue, but I had the wrong truck, and so couldn’t use my normal habit… and unlocking that storage unit was the last place I’m sure I had the ring. Dumb, and a waste of my time, all because I was in a hurry. Hopefully the keys are hanging on the shelf when I open the door.

Thrilling stuff, I know…

No access to those stacks without the keys though… and I’m pretty sure my wife had the dupes at some point, but not any more. Prepper fail.

So don’t be like me, make sure you have access to your stored preps. And stack some extras…


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