Quick note to say we’re back. No hostile action, just a config change.
Barbara solved the issue once we knew what it was.
More later
Quick note to say we’re back. No hostile action, just a config change.
Barbara solved the issue once we knew what it was.
More later
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I will take this opportunity to say “First post!”
I’m just glad to be back. I missed it, a lot.
After several family games, I think I might have a little fire on the dock. It’s only 50F and wet, but the fire pit and wood should be dry enough…
(rumikub, and The Lord of the Rings Monopoly.)
My wife and I are trying to figure out when to take our Social Security. The website
is telling us to:
Any idea if this is a good strategy ???
Seems to be. Your wife will get half of yours, or hers, whichever is higher. There are lots of strategies, and opinions, on what is best. Some say take it as soon as possible due to uncertainty of SS. Others say wait to get the maximum.
The break even point of waiting until 70 for the maximum for a shorter time, or drawing early and less for longer time is about age 87. At least for my math that I did.
So it looks like a good idea for my wife to start her Social Security retroactively. There is no down side that I can tell since my wife is past her Full Retirement Age.
When I turn 67 (if I make it) in a little over two years then, we have a tough decision to make about to take Social Security then or wait until I turn 70. Wow.
I firmly believe that Social Security will be means tested in the future. I figure that the means test will be whether or not you own a house (or equivalent). Makes for tough decisions.
After going down to the dock to see if the wood was dry I’m going to stay in and call it an early night. The wind is 6+ mph gusting and variable, with 90%RH, which is really unpleasant. The wood was dry … but not an hour’s worth either. That’s the minimum I like to spend on a fire.
Retirement and Social Security; much of this is a guessing game, because we DO NOT KNOW when we’ll pass on. If we knew, we could time this more appropriately. In my case, I factored in my father’s age (healthy and vigorous at 88, when I was working this) and the longevity of my mother’s line, which was mostly pretty good. A great aunt was pictured at her 100th birthday, and one of her OLDER SISTERS was in attendance. But to hedge my bets, I took SS at 69, while I was still working, and that seems to have worked out well for me.
Went to see the fights and a hockey game broke out…
U-S-A U-S-A U-S-A 3
Team Trudeau 1
>>I’m just glad to be back. I missed it, a lot.
^ what he said…
>>Seems to be. Your wife will get half of yours, or hers, whichever is higher. There are lots of strategies, and opinions, on what is best. Some say take it as soon as possible due to uncertainty of SS. Others say wait to get the maximum.
@lynn, since you never seem to sleep…run all ten and then do a meta-analysis and share the results
Go for it Mr. Trump, we could use some more Dumbo exploding heads…
It was Global Warming, wasn’t it? There’s nothing it can’t do.
Just another issue in a long line that the Dems would say was Trump’s Fault!
Glad Barbara solved things without forming a Congressional Task force and spending millions for a thousand page report that would have solved nothing and been read by no one!