Month: January 2025

Sat. Jan. 4, 2025 – Still in the Sunshine State, but not a Margaritaville state of mind

Another cool sunny day is on order, like yesterday. It got pretty chilly when the sun set, and it was cold when we ate on an outdoor patio for dinner. Today should be similar. It’s not onerous, just a bit cold.

Spent the day spending time with family. Played a couple of games. Ate. Watched a movie. Read for a while. A good day. I’m still making inroads on the overabundance of baked goods too.

Today will be a visit to a local flea market, and some more eating. Maybe some more reading and games too.

I’m doing what I can to make sure there are some good old days.

I hope you can too. Stack them up for later. We will probably need them.


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Fri. Jan. 3, 2025 – beginning of the year weirdness, but that’s normal

Chilly to start, warming later, then back to chilly here in the home of Florida Man. It was nice yesterday, only a bit cool at dusk. Sunny and mostly clear. I’m expecting the same today.

We mostly hung out with family and played games yesterday, then went to see some holiday lights… and finished with our Christmas gift exchange. I got mostly snack items.

We’ve been eating tons of cookies and holiday treats. My sibling has lots of guests here, who often are world travelers, and they sent lots of foreign treats. Pine flavored hard candy from Belgium is the weirdest so far… and yep, it tastes like pine.

Today we’ll hang out some more, and eat some more, and play some more games. Good times for sure.

I hope everyone else here is easing into the new year. It’s certainly not been easy for far too many people and I’m pretty sure it will continue to get weirder and more violent. Consider what that might mean for your year and your activities. Take some steps to mitigate bad things happening around you. And be aware of your surroundings and risks.

Stacks can limit your exposure to other people and potentially bad places. And they feel good. So … stack. It’s easy.

Much easier than predicting the future.


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Thur. Jan. 2, 2025 – Sunny in Florida, still cold though

Unseasonably cool here in the Sunshine State. Dunno how that will play out over the next few days, but for now it’s long pants weather.

Yesterday was a mostly slow and lazy day for me. Took my time getting packed and ready. Had to replace most of the spare batteries in my bags and replace the “get home” money that I “borrowed” when a fun toy became available at an irresistible price… My back pack has 1 oz of gold coins and about $1K in USD tucked into it. That is supposed to be untouchable and just for emergency use. I’m good at lying to myself though, and I raided it for some cash.

I’ve talked about the other stuff I carry before, but the high points are a tourniquet, blow out kit (first aid focused on bleeding control), change of clothes, windbreaker, towel, food, water, and some really thick zip ties…

I’ve got some other stuff in there too including my toughbook and kindle, batteries, a bag of cables and chargers, my back up id and cards, blister first aid, some crayons and a little coloring book (for fussy kids), and general snivel gear.

99% of the time I don’t need anything in the bag but something to read and a charging cable. It’s there if I do need it though.

That’s pretty much the story of my life as a prepper and a husband and father too. It’s there if needed.

The vast stacks of stuff are there too. Which comforts me and gives me choices. They turn mountains into molehills, and let life continue without interruption.

Get some of your own, and feel the satisfaction… stack!


And carry your TQ at least when you are out in crowds. If not a TQ, then an Israeli bandage and a pack of quick clot. It’s not big, and it might save a life.

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Wed. Jan. 1, 2025 – A whole new year ahead of us, every day…

Cool and kinda damp in Houston. But supposed to still be clear. Florida meanwhile is getting some cold air, and who knows what the temps there will be? I’ll find out though…

Did my mileage for taxes. Did a bunch of personal care and grooming. I don’t usually do it all at once, but I did yesterday. Did laundry too. Even folded my clean clothes. In other words, lots of domestic bliss, not a lot of other stuff.

Today will be a bit of packing, a bit of cleaning, and a bit of getting ready to go out of town. I’m headed to Florida to see mom and sibling… Wasn’t my idea, but maybe it’s for the best. I really don’t like holiday travel. And I don’t like all the rushing and activity we’ve had this break. But my likes don’t really matter much at the moment. I’ll suck it up and soldier on.

I’m thinking ahead though, and trying to decide what I can do a few more “long form” posts on. If and when I start poking at the solar, that should be good for a few posts. Maybe I should refine my milk crate food storage system, or look at redundancy in cooking/water/heating/cooling/energy etc. Or maybe I should turn some focus on my physical condition, and look at improving that…

Not sure what will come, but I’ve been slacking in the actual content department. I’m going to consciously try to change that this year.

It’s hard to keep repeating the basics, even if new people come to prepping all the time; and some of the more advanced stuff will either seem too narrowly applicable or too far out…and I’m not an expert by any means.

The default will be more of the same. Hopefully that is enough.

And there will be stacking, of course.

Welcome to New Year, like every day, and yet somehow different. Let us hope and pray, work hard, and work smart, to make it a good year.

Thank you all for joining me here.


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