Month: December 2024

Wed. Dec. 11, 2024 – Yeah, same story, different day

Cool to cold, supposed to have frozen overnight… but seems unlikely to me. It was 46F at 1130pm. I brought the potted lime tree in under the patio anyway. No idea what it will be like today but windy and cold seems most likely.

Yesterday was mostly a bust as far as my list went. It’s ok. I spent some good time talking with a friend. And I did get a number of pickups done, including errands for my wife. She needed a bottle picked up at Total Wine, a more upscale warehouse style store than Spec’s, where I usually shop. They had a really nice selection of non-alcohol beers, and dealcoholized wines and spirits. I picked up several of each to try. So far the Christmas Clausthaler was nice, and there was a chocolate stout that is far superior to Guiness’s own N/A version. It’s nice to have choices, and I’ve found that if I bring N/A beer to a party, it all gets drunk, while some of the guests do not… 🙂 There is a growing demand for N/A choices in the US and manufactures are stepping up. They had a nice medium sized humidor too, and prices were decent.

Today I’ll be doing stuff I should have done yesterday, followed by more stuff I put off, and maybe some unexpected stuff. The wind really kept me from doing stuff outdoors, so I’m far behind on Christmas lights. I did get some of the stuff for my hobby potluck ordered. I still have stuff to pickup, and a couple of white elephant gifts to come up with.

As I was out and about, I do seem to be finding a sense of optimism. It could just be people trying to make the holiday season as good as it can be, or it could be bigger. Lots of decorated houses this year. And while plain white in straight lines is the most common lighting scheme, the fact people are decorating, a purely discretionary activity, is heartening. It may be that they all have the big tvs they want, and there isn’t a must have console this year to suck up $500-1000, so they feel ok pulling back a bit on gifts. Or it may be them maxing cards they know they can’t pay and just saying “F#ck it” Go big or go home.

We’ll know better in January. Meanwhile, expect the world to move more chess pieces around. Lot’s of people positioning stuff before next year…

None of what I see makes me want to slow down the stacking. Make your own decision, but act on it. No waffling.


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Tues. Dec. 10, 2024 – it’s almost like they want a war…

Cool again, but not cold. Clear sky. Yesterday was cool and dreary most of the day. Heavy mist, grey sky. But around 2pm something moved in and blew the heck out of Houston, and then we had sun and clear sky. Great finish to the day, and I’m hoping today is the same.

I did some auction stuff in the morning, then headed out. Lots of driving and several pickups later it was time to get the kid– who stood me up. I would have had an additional couple hours to go by my secondary location and storage unit, but instead I rushed across town and pushed two tasks to today. Kid wanted to work on a project with a friend. That part is fine, but jerking my schedule around isn’t.

In any case, I spent the half hour I had to kill at home listening to and watching the posted video of my volunteer middle school musical theater effort. The videographer really should have taken my cleaned up audio and mixed it in with the ambient recorded by the cameras. I got them both playing at the same time, and was able to A-B them, and mix them at different levels, and adding the audio direct from the board really sweetened up the recorded audio. Too bad he either didn’t know how, or didn’t want to. Pro level tools from only a couple of years ago are available free now. It’s mind blowing what you can do at home. If you have the time and desire.

The Powers That Be seem intent on throwing it all away. Civilization that is.

Not much we can do on a macro level, but on a local and personal level? Yes. Get your shite in order (better than me.) Get what you need to be independent and stack it. Find a network of people to work with for daily living tasks, and extraordinary tasks too. Let’s get through whatever big bad is coming.

Today I’ve got a couple of pickups in the other direction from yesterday’s. And I’ve got the stuff I didn’t get done to do. I need to do some banking, make some appointments, and do some shopping for my potluck dinner. Then kid taxi at the end of the day to limit what I get done…

And getting ready for Christmas. And replacing stuff in the stacks that aged out. And finding places to stack some new stuff. (like my new manual tire changer- it’ll go to the BOL for use on the mower and maybe a golf cart or trailer tire)

There is always more you can do. Stack something.


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Mon. Dec. 9, 2024 – a whole new world… [musical notes]

Cool and dreary again. Probably. Or not, since the national forecast has us clear for a couple of days. It never did stop drizzling or “heavy misting” yesterday. Everything outdoors was thoroughly wet by the end of the day. I’d like some dry out time, and some clear weather to get the rest of the decor up…

Because I didn’t get any of it up Sunday. I did get the toy room/library/junk pile mostly cleared out. Not completely done, and didn’t get a tree yesterday, but made a lot of progress. There was a ton of stuff in there that I’d forgotten about. Right now it all looks worse, because it is scattered around the house, and sorted into other piles, but I can get that cleaned up pretty quickly. I’ve had to go through some of it as I dug it out, and that slowed things down.

Dinner was pork loin roast. I used to package it in 2 pound servings, but now I generally like a three pound roast for the family. So I had to pull two from the freezer, one from 2022, and one from 2020. Both were still tasty if a little bit too lean. I was still buying at Costco back then, before I decided their pork was too lean to cook well. We’ve got 1 pound of leftover for lunches.

Today I’ve got a full plate, ‘natch. I should get to my secondary, the rent house, and possibly an auction pickup or two, as I’ll be on the right side of town. I like to combine trips if possible.

But the Rent house will take a couple of hours if I count the shopping time, and if it all goes perfectly. If it doesn’t, could be a big project. I might push it to Tuesday, and just get the stuff I think I’ll need today. I’ll basically do what I can to move stuff along, with an emphasis on getting the house ready for Christmas, and getting my stuff done for the Christmas potluck for my non-prepping hobby. I’ll try to combine stuff to save the time of driving across town.

Of course anything can happen and the universe tends towards maximum perversity…

Which is why we prep. All kinds of extraordinary things going on in the world and the country right now. The status quo could change in a heartbeat. Or sudden lack of one. Keep stacking, keep working.


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Sun. Dec. 8, 2024 – 83 years ago Americans woke up to a changed world

Cold and dreary, light rain possible, and likely to be cold and grey all day. That’s what yesterday turned out to be. It did get a bit warmer in the late afternoon, but I was still cold without a hat and a windbreaker.

I did get a few things done, but it wasn’t a day where I was super effective or worked steadily. I’m not ready for a Christmas tree in the room, which was an important goal. Shouldn’t take too long to do today, but I’m behind… which is the story of my life lately.

Today I’m going to clear a space for the tree. Then I’ll do some outdoor work if it’s not raining. Maybe get to the store to get what I need for the rent house, but probably not, unless I go with to get the tree.

Getting a space for the tree means W and the Ds can get a tree up… which means Christmas is coming… and is a milestone. And I promised W that I would. It’s too easy to get distracted.

Don’t get distracted from stacking. At best, we have a pause in hostilities. At worst, we have a last gasp desperate action on the part of our enemies. Whatever happens, it is likely to be sudden and a surprise. Stacks will help. So will mindset. Work on both.


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Sat. Dec. 7, 2024 – working at home today

Cold again. Clearing and warming later. Getting to be the standard winter day. Although it stayed cooler through the day yesterday than previous days. I was out and about, but it never got “warm”.

Drove around and did my pickups. Did my kid pickup. Did another pickup. Ran into a neighbor at the auctioneer’s place, and ended up helping him with his purchases, and talking for an hour. He’s also a neighbor at the BOL and he confirmed a couple of things I’d been thinking about. The most important is to go ahead and buy the Lifeflight insurance. That pays for air evac back to Houston or another big city if medically necessary. He’s used it and it worked and saved him $85K. It’s a marvelous age we live in, but medical care is still concentrated in big cities and not the countryside. Lifeflight makes it possible to access that care in an emergency. It’ll be one less thing to worry about.

He also gave me some boat buying advice. It’s nice to have people with more experience in some areas to extend my ability and knowledge. Meatspace baby!

Today I’ll be doing stuff around the house in Houston. Maybe I’ll get the Christmas decor up… Maybe I’ll just clear some space for the tree… but I’ll be working at home.

Trying to improve my situation, even if it’s just by organizing what I’ve got. The stacks need somewhere to live…


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Fri. Dec. 6, 2024 – on this day nothing much happened.

Cold. Temps were dropping when I took the garbage out last night, and I expect the cold came back. We’ll see, but I’m thinking “cold”. It was hot and wet, although not actually raining yesterday. Grey most of the day. Might be the same today, except cold…

Did some stuff. Mainly replaced and reconfigured some gear at my client’s house. It should have been quick and easy. It wasn’t. The control system moved from a traditional IDE that any programmer might be familiar with, to a sort of drag and drop web based automagic atrocity. It’s very object oriented. It builds the connections in real time on the fly, based on what you tell it about each of the objects. But you must do it in the correct order, no skipping steps, no editing to make a simple change, deleting the old before it will let you populate the new. And it’s completely opaque and backwards.

Swapping one piece of gear, with only 5 attributes, maybe 6 if you count where it “virtually” lives, with another almost identical piece, with the same attributes should take minutes but it took hours. Edit which IP addy the controller talks too, add the addresses of the connected gear. That’s the OLD way. The new hotness is much more tedious.

The software doesn’t recognize that the hard wired PoE version of the hardware is essentially identical to the WiFi version, just a different IP addy. Had to delete the old, add the new, then re-connect all the virtual patching between the controller, the new expansion box, and the TVs connected to it. Straightforward if annoying. BUT I had to also delete the objects representing the TVs before I could re-add them, so I lost what THEY were connected to. Had I known, I’d have looked and noted the connections before deleting. As it was, my partner had to connect remotely and re-do that part of the setup, and I confirmed that it was talking to the hardware and actually doing the things, there in the rooms. One hour job turned into 4 hours and I needed remote help.

The new hotness is like a straightjacket.

And the gui to do all the attribute setting was designed by mac fanbois, so no scroll wheel, no right click context menus or drop downs. Instead of window sliders, you have to click and flick to move the lists and they move OPPOSITE the way you’d expect. To add injury to insult, all the icons are unique to the app and don’t have tool tips, it’s all done in shades of grey, and the visual clues like highlighting, “busy” indicators, etc are either very subtle, or positioned in dumb places.

I’ve used other software to configure and “build” virtual control systems using drag and drop, graphical tools. Drop your component on the drawing, edit its attributes, draw lines to connect it with other “blocks” or components to describe interconnections and signal flow. Very discoverable. Very intuitive. Like using Visio, but the blocks all are hardware or hardware modules and they all actually do something when the drawing is ‘compiled.’ This POS has none of that. Reinvent the wheel. But this time, it’s square, and only rolls when the surface it contacts has the right shape.

Bah. I’m not a programmer for reasons that should be obvious. We got it done, and my client is back up and running again. Fighting the tools is teh sux tho.

Today I’ve got some pickups to do. There is lots of stacked up domestic bliss waiting too. Should be a full day. Longer and fuller if it’s raining.

But I’ll have some more stuff for the stacks, some more hobby stuff, and some more radio stuff both to use and to sell. Those are good things.

Kinda like stacks. Good to have. Useful.


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Thur. Dec. 5, 2024 – maybe headed to my client’s house, maybe not..

Cool, wet, and gross. That’s my bet for today. It’s how yesterday ended up after all. Even had to turn the A/C back on after dinner.

Did some auction stuff in the morning, then headed out to do pickups. At one they couldn’t find the item, at the other one I flipped it back to the auctioneer to sell to another buyer. Those were unfortunately the farthest from home and took the most time. I made $10 on the flip… and the item was in far worse condition than I thought, so I didn’t want it anyway. The other buyer had seen it and still wanted it. Worked out for both of us I guess. It paid for the gas and tolls. The other pickups had a bunch of ham radio bits and pieces, and stuff for the BOL.

While I was driving all over north Houston metro, I ran into rain in several areas. I’m sure there were a lot of places that didn’t get any, and a few that got clobbered. That is just one of the difficulties of forecasting weather for “Houston”… we got a lot of “Houston”, and the weather is very different in different parts of town. The problem only gets bigger with bigger areas until you see the absurdity of talking about worldwide weather or climate.

But that is preaching to the choir. Which I just realized is a very strange word, with the vowel sounds reversed to how it’s spelled. English is weird.

Ramble on…

Today I might do the gear replacement at my client’s house. I’m hoping to pick up a check, which motivates me to head out there. He pays me well enough for me to prioritize his needs. After that I’ll have a couple of pickups I can do, or I can put them off until Friday. It’s gonna be one of those “play it by ear” days.

And then I’ve got the Thursday kid taxi service to do. That’s stay at home dadlife…

Gives me time to stack, occasionally.

Take some time to work on your own stacks. And kids, for that matter.


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Wed. Dec. 4, 2024 – plugging away

Cold again. Probably mid 40s. Thankfully it does get warmer in the course of the day. Even without much sun, yesterday was comfortable in a light jacket, maybe even a bit warm for that. We did get some rain spatter in different parts of town during the afternoon and evening, but it barely got anything wet.

I did my kid wrangling and taxi service in the morning. D2 will be getting her braces off in about 6 weeks and she can hardly wait.

Did some auction stuff after that, then headed out to do pickups and visit my rent house. The issues there were some tongue and groove porch flooring repairs I’d done had failed, and there was water under the sink and it was getting worse. I’ll be gluing the boards back in place, maybe with a nail this time. I’ll swap out the old faucet and re-caulk the sink. Hopefully that will solve the water issue. I’m surprised the cheap faucet lasted as long as it did, and that I left it in place. One thing i’ve learned as a landlord, is to put quality stuff in the house.

You don’t want to be messing around at the property so put in stuff that will last. Toto toilets are expensive but they really don’t clog. The first time you DON’T have to fix a blocked toilet, it pays for itself. Ditto for cabinets, hardware, and other appliances and fixtures. The better the quality, the fewer problems.

This is generally true in life. Some people call it “Buy once, cry once.” I’ve rarely been disappointed that I bought something nicer, and often disappointed that something cheap failed. You don’t have to have “the best”, and price isn’t always an indicator of quality, but the best thing at the best price, with the compromises in areas that won’t degrade the use of the thing… that’s the sweet spot.

Always be working to improve your position.

And stacks will help. I’ve got everything I need to fix my toilet issue- if it needs fixing. Stack it up!


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Tues. Dec. 3, 2024 – yeah, about that …

Cold and clear this morning, getting nicer later. At least I hope so. Yesterday ended in “shirt sleeve” weather, so it could happen.

Of course, yesterday my wants and needs were bigger than my does and deeds.

I got a couple of small things done. Looking at the two tvs that were stacked in the toy room was a good thing. Moving a couple things out of that room was good. Moving some stuff to the attic was good. Spent some time doing auction things too.

Picked up the kid and her friend from school. Kids are winding me up.

Made dinner and did more auction stuff. Then youtube shorts got me for a couple hours. It’s like crack cocaine. Or popcorn with a never ending bucket, and an expandable waistline.

Today I’ve got a lot of driving to do. Kid to orthodontist, then school, then some auction stuff, and some rent house stuff… and then kid stuff again.

Not much time to mess around. Or stack.

But I’ll do what I can. You should too.


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Mon. Dec. 2, 2024 – counting down the days

Cool, and maybe not clear. National forecast has the whole country clear, but not Houston and this part of the South. I guess we’ll see what happens. It ended up being a nice day Sunday, with moderate temps in the 60s.

Not that I took advantage of the nice weather. I did take down the “Fall” decor and hang a couple of Christmas wreathes. That didn’t take too long, and happened late in the day. I mostly read, and puttered around inside, alternating with watching some half dozen auctions close. Nothing I really needed, and nothing I had to have, although I did pick up a couple of things at giveaway prices.

Dinner was turkey leftovers and they were delicious. This week feels like Christmas break, and I’m reluctant to have it end. Real Christmas break is coming and there will be a lot of activity and “stuff” going on for a while. Not much time for relaxing and messing around.

And that doesn’t even count the stuff happening in the wider world.

Things are starting to break loose and move in unfamiliar ways. Stay sharp out there, and get your ducks in a row.

There will be a lot of stuff going on. Being able to stay home and avoid trouble might come in right handy… so check your stacks, and top them off.

And always keep working.


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