Day: December 31, 2024

Tues. Dec. 31, 2024 – getting close to nut cuttin’ time…

Cool and wet in Houston today, maybe with some breeze? Who knows, I’m just guessing anyway. It did end up nice at the BOL, with clearing later and moderate temps. Sunset was nice and the sky was black when I left.

I didn’t get a full day of work in, but I did button up a couple of things and poison the fire ant mounds. That’s a constant task, and usually the last one I do before leaving. I don’t want the dog or kids getting in the poison.

Spent some time talking with one of my neighbors up there. He’s just getting into prepping. He told me about suddenly realizing he needed some longer term food stored, and that he bought some. Canned meat, mostly spam and vienna sausages… We talked about it, and I gave him some stuff to think about, describing my “one month of cans in each milk crate and buckets of rice” system. He’s started getting some solar together, some water purification and storage, and he’s thinking about it. One more person prepping is one less victim or marauder…

I didn’t “out” myself, but he is getting the idea I am already a prepper…

Unfortunately, while showing him the charge controller for wind systems that I took up there this week, we noticed the distinctive smell of burnt electronics. Someone probably burnt up the controller, then returned it. Amazon returns fraud bites my @ss. I will open it up and take a look, but the burnt pixie smell is pungent. I’m no closer to getting a wind system set up than I was.

I did get the LaCrosse weather station set up. I even got it online. I haven’t tried looking at it from home, or tying it to Weather Underground yet, but I will. It’s supposed to do it, so we’ll see. That will give us another thing to monitor the BOL. Next is cameras…

There is a list, and it gets longer every visit.

But I am working on improving our situation. And I’m stacking.

As this year closes, take a bit of time to evaluate where you are, where you would like to be, and how you might get there.

And then stack!


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