Sun. Dec. 22, 2024 – Christmas is coming, and SOON!

By on December 22nd, 2024 in culture, decline and fall

Cold today, at least to start. 44F when I went to bed. Never got very warm yesterday either. Rain shell jacket and a long sleeve T with a dress shirt over it kept me comfortable. It stayed clear and sunny too. More of that would be nice for today.

Did my driving around an got my pickups done. Picked up another kayak, it was only $40 so I couldn’t really say no. Smaller and lighter than some of my others, it should be easier to manage. It’s a little beat up, but a plastic kayak is pretty sturdy and near indestructible.

Since one pickup was near the store I stopped in at Deseret Industries, the LDS thrift store. Quality stuff. If there is one near you, it’s worth going by regularly. This time I picked up a novel rat trap that should be good for a couple kills before they figure it out. I got a couple of technical books, and one for the kid. Found a netgear firewall/vpn router for the BOL. Found some great T shirts for myself and for the kid. They don’t really have any cr@p, they send any that is donated to the dump or recycle or other thrifts. And prices are very low, even by thrift store standards.

Stopped in at an in person estate sale on my way home, hoping for some vinyl or audiophile gear, but it had all sold. The home was almost empty and it was a one day sale, so the prices were really good. They had a couple of nice watches left, a beautifully sleek Longines dress watch and a Seiko Kinetic diver with a pepsi bezel, but there was no way they’d fit my thick wrists, and there was about zero chance I’d find the extra links for the bracelets…and the Seiko was filthy. At ‘end of day’ 50% off they were a good price, so way overpriced earlier. Still too much for me if I couldn’t wear them. Funny that the watches would be so overpriced while the rest of the house was priced to move. And the family must have kept the turntable and amp, because only the giant speakers were for sale.

I miss going to in person estate sales. Online is easier, but there are usually hidden gems at the in person sales.

D2 had a babysitting job, so we STILL haven’t set up the Christmas tree. That will definitely happen today. AFAIK, we are all home, all day. Time to get caught up on family stuff.

So the only stacking I’ll be doing today is putting away stuff I picked up this week. It’s still progress…

Stack something of your own.


69 Comments and discussion on "Sun. Dec. 22, 2024 – Christmas is coming, and SOON!"

  1. Greg Norton says:

    To me the f-bomb is so ubiquitous that many people just ignore any offence intended.

    Not this guy.

    I give it 50-50 that he was the snowflake whose complaint over my use of the f-word twice resulted in me being fired from the tolling company.

    You would think he heard that a time or two out at the “Faire” or at his previous job at NI.

    The insult was not even directed at him or anyone else in particular, but the bosses wanted something to get rid of me. The HR investigation did not uncover the Me Too issue they really wanted.

    Yeah, that will be a really short book compared to the managers at that place.

    Fortunately, given the circumstances, using the F-word twice even though it was against stated policy is not grounds for termination in the State of Texas. I was awarded $2700 in back unemployment by TWC after they ruled the termination as “failed to defend”, and the case file number is my permanent Get Out Of Jail Free card covering a lack of management references out of that place.

    And, yes, my current employer knows everything.

  2. lynn says:

    39 F and partly cloudy here on the west side of the Brazos River.  Both varmints have been out twice and declared it to be too cold for man or beast.  I gave them both treats to break their fast 

    I put a fire (electric) in the coffee maker and threw my remaining corn fritter in the microwave (more electric fire).  No Bible class at church today and next Sunday, just worship.

    Coffee is good.  Even cut it a little so it would pour.

  3. lynn says:

    Blood pressure is high (138/77 @ 51) so taking a second blood pressure pill this morning.  This happens weekly lately.

  4. Greg Norton says:

    Found a netgear firewall/vpn router for the BOL.

    Research the model and make sure it is still maintained with firmware releases.

    Don’t trust it for duty as an IPv6 firewall if the router is not maintained.

    Even protection via IPv4 NAT could be iffy on an unmaintained device, especially if the GUI includes a checkbox for the “IPSec Passthru”.

    “IPSec Passthru” was never standard and even convention within the manufacturer would vary.

  5. lynn says:

    I’ve got both natural gas fired (real fire) heating systems going in the house.  68 F in the kitchen and 66 F in our bedroom.  Modern life is so convenient !

  6. lynn says:

    We have a ceramic Christmas tree setup on the dining room table.  That is all we get anymore.  It has a battery (more electric fire) operated Santa that goes around it with lights.  It is only 18 inches tall.

  7. Greg Norton says:

    We have a ceramic Christmas tree setup on the dining room table.  That is all we get anymore.  It has a battery (more electric fire) operated Santa that goes around it with lights.  It is only 18 inches tall.

    I was Bad Daddy yesterday after insisting that the streaming media and books stop in the house to decorate the bare tree after I pulled all of the paraphernalia out of the attic.

    This led to an all day display of anger culminating in a second child car accident with significant property damage in less than six months.

    The child T-boned a RAM 1500 while turning left out of a shopping center parking lot without paying attention, still angry at Bad Daddy who was sitting in the back seat. The truck was turning left into the lot.

    I estimate $10k damage to the truck. Easy.

    I’m praying the child didn’t bend the frame.

    Our vehicle is probably not totalled, but I don’t have collision on the kids cars.

    BTW, the truck driver No Habla, Guatemalan passport as ID, with Loya Insurance. That doesn’t eliminate the responsibility for the property damage, but we’ll see how quickly he files the claim. 

    I thought Texas DPS required a drivers license after 30 days.

    I doubt the other driver was illegal. He tried to get APD to respond for a report to no avail. The child lucked out in that she would have received the ticket had the police rolled.

    It is all Bad Daddy’s fault.

  8. Ray Thompson says:

    TN lost to Ohio. I am not surprised. TN has been highly overrated this year. Many of the teams they beat would struggle against a north Texas high school team. Beating a high school homecoming opponent team is not something to get excited about.

    There may be some black ice on I-75 south from all the tears of the VOL fans and the cold weather.

  9. drwilliams says:


  10. drwilliams says:

    Stating her grievances with admirable succinctness, Broccoli said: “These people are f***ing idiots.”

  11. Greg Norton says:

    I was Bad Daddy yesterday after insisting that the streaming media and books stop in the house to decorate the bare tree after I pulled all of the paraphernalia out of the attic.

    I’ve long believed in Pournelle’s Cultural Weapons of Mass Destruction theory and that dropping nuclear weapons on the suburbs of American cities in the 80s would have done less cultural damage than basic cable.

    Lately, I’ve started to wonder if the impact of streaming will be far worse. Most of what is out there, even on “quality” services like Netflix is just cr*p which kids spend endless hours “binging”.

    The anime is really disturbing and something I regret letting into the house with the kids underage.

    Yesterday, I had to bite my tongue while in the local Japanese book store, when a 9-to-10 year old (guessing) was trying to sell his mother on using his allowance for “Dandadan” manga (an anime series also exists).

    The mother, a little younger than me, heard the kid’s description of the book being about “kids investigating aliens and ghosts” and agreed to the purchase.

    The kid neglected to mention the aliens on “Dandadan” being obsessed with stealing one child character’s “banana organ” after harvesting same character’s testicles.

    And that’s just what I’ve picked up via osmosis walking through the room when my kids had the anime running.

    Both 18+ BTW, but I’ll admit that I never really paid attention when they watched the cr*p underage.

  12. Greg Norton says:

    Stating her grievances with admirable succinctness, Broccoli said: “These people are f***ing idiots.”

    Boo hoo hoo. The Broccoli’s let “Fleabag” co-write the script for the last movie which emasculated the character before killing him off so their credibility is shot as far as preserving the series leagacy is concerned.

    The only film the Broccoli’s got right with the Daniel Craig era was “Skyfall”.

    They botched using Christph Walz in the follow up film, the man born to play the modern Bond villain.

    Of all the “Legend of” tech billionares, Bezos is the one most likely to go full “Bond villian” megalomaniacal IMHO. Yeah, Gates is dabbling with buying a nuclear reactor making the “You Only Move Twce” episode of “The Simpsons” remarkably prescient, but BillG wants to be Richard Feynman, not Earnst Blofeld.

    Gates’ needle fetish is just a hobby.

  13. Greg Norton says:

    They botched using Christoph Waltz in the follow up film, the man born to play the modern Bond villain.

    The clip supporting my point about Christoph Waltz being the actor born to play a modern Bond villan. The Oscar race was over after the first reel of “Inglorious Basterds”, but this is the clip which really drives it home.

    “Inglorious Basterds” is a tough watch, but that is an amazing flick.

    Yeah, revisionist history.

  14. Ray Thompson says:

    we’ll see how quickly he files the claim

    After talking with his family, there will be a massive claim for bodily injury including loss of relations with his 18 wives, inability to play with (what he thinks are) his kids, probably no longer able to work. Look for a demand for a multi-thousand dollar settlement demand.

    It has happened to me. Wife bumped a guy, scratch on his bumper, $700 to replace the bumper on the van. I get a letter from a lawyer demanding $25K because the driver of the other vehicle is horribly injured. The lawyer said I had to pay immediately or he would issue a warrant for my arrest.

    I wrote the lawyer back and told him to pound sand. In so many word I told the lawyer that courts issue penalties, not lawyers. Additionally only a judge can issue a warrant, not lawyers. If you, as a lawyer, are that stupid, you should not be a lawyer. I told him to contact the insurance company and any further contact with me and I would have charges pressed for harassment. I never heard back.

    I did find out the lawyer asked for $150K from the insurance company and they also told him to pound sand. If he did not like it, take them to court. And they (the insurance company), had very good, expensive lawyers. And when he lost the case the insurance would seek reimbursement for their legal fees.

    All the insurance paid was $2K for physical therapy. Which in my mind was way too much but it prevented the other driver from filing further claims.

  15. SteveF says:

    We had not only the longest night of the year but a cold front coming through. The heat light in the chicken coop wasn’t enough to keep it warm; thermometer was showing 21F while the outside temp was just over 0F. Supposed to be colder tonight. Today I’m going to find more material to insulate the coop, mainly to set up a wind break. I’ll throw more straw into the “floor” tray but it probably won’t accomplish much. Whenever I put fresh straw or wood chips in, the “girl boss” hen walks up the ladder, looks into the coop, and then starts kicking the fresh straw out the door.

    On the plus side, the birds all seem to have survived the cold. They came right out to eat and drink (heated water tank; works fine so long as it’s kept out of the wind), wandered around a bit, then mostly went back up to the comparatively warm coop.

  16. Greg Norton says:

    TN lost to Ohio. I am not surprised. TN has been highly overrated this year. Many of the teams they beat would struggle against a north Texas high school team. Beating a high school homecoming opponent team is not something to get excited about.

    There may be some black ice on I-75 south from all the tears of the VOL fans and the cold weather.

    Texas survived, but I believe that they are overrated.

    Setting aside the victories over patsy teams, beating Clemson was only win #8 for “Seven Wins Steve”, the Coach’s nickname when he ran the program at University of Washington when we lived up there.

    The TV bowl game to watch will be “Coach Prime Conquers the Mormons”. 

    No playoff consideration for CU, but “Coach Prime” has the 2024 Heisman winner and a quarterback, Prime Jr., expected to go early in the first round of the NFL draft.

    Developing a pro-level quarterback who will draft high and have a solid career in the NFL isn’t easy. Just ask Jimbo.

    The NCAA establishment still hasn’t forgiven Sanders for not knowing his place as a patsy and beating TCU last year, putting that program into a slump from which they have yet to recover in Fort Worth.

  17. Greg Norton says:

    we’ll see how quickly he files the claim

    After talking with his family, there will be a massive claim for bodily injury including loss of relations with his 18 wives, inability to play with (what he thinks are) his kids, probably no longer able to work. Look for a demand for a multi-thousand dollar settlement demand.

    He spent ten minutes on the phone trying to get Austin PD to roll a vehicle out to file the report. He seemed pretty coherent to me listening from a distance even though I don’t Si Habla.

    The other driver even changed his shoes right in front of me. He may have been driving barefoot but had Puma slides on when he got out of the truck.

    The insurance caps out fairly low. The only accessible assets to go after at our house would be my stocks and mutual funds outside of the 401(k), which wouldn’t even begin to touch the bills for one of the ambulance chasers who advertise on TV.

    Texas law protects the house and retirement plan holdings which are most of our net worth.

  18. drwilliams says:

    Still looking for an affordable 360-degree dash cam that can actually capture license plates.

  19. Ray Thompson says:

    The insurance caps out fairly low.

    That is all that he can get. The only way to attach other assets is by going to court and getting a judge to impose the additional funds. That is not going to happen. I suspect even the insurance company with the low limits will fight to minimize the amount of damage.

    Property damage is easily settled. Medical not so easy. The insurance company may even demand a physical exam with a doctor of their choosing, perhaps an MRI, to keep the settlement minimized. Insurance companies are very good at not paying.

    I found that out in my accident in 2014. Even my own insurance company took a lot of questionable methods to keep from paying my settlement.

  20. Greg Norton says:

    It looks like all is forgiven with Alec Baldwin on the SNL set.

  21. drwilliams says:

    More Tales From the Swamp – Here’s Where Missing Congresswoman Kay Granger Was Found

    A local Dallas area newspaper decided to get to the bottom of the mystery. They called both her district and Washington D.C. offices, and the call went directly to voicemail, asking that callers leave a name, number, and message. A reporter from the paper then went to Granger’s district office and found it locked up with no employees inside and a window in the front door covered. When employees of the building where the office is located were asked about Granger’s office, they stated that they packed up and closed the office before Thanksgiving. At this point, the mystery of the missing Congresswoman might make a bit of sense, as Granger was retiring at the end of the Congressional session. Did she want to get started on packing early before the holidays?

    A ‘Missing’ GOP Rep Has Been Found…and It’s Not a Good Situation

    Out: Not working from home.

    In: Not working from Memory Care.

    Shows what a bunch of traitorous maroons lead the House GOP. How many of them knew about this, and were perfectly fine with the taxpayers picking up the tab?

    Granger may have a non compos mentis excuse, but her staff does not: They haven’t been working for months. If they’ve been taking the paycheck, they need to be indicted, convicted, and imprisoned. Horrible example time.

  22. drwilliams says:

    The Supreme Court, in 1892’s Nishimura Ekiu v. United States

    It is an accepted maxim of international law, that every sovereign nation has the power, as inherent in sovereignty, and essential to self-preservation, to forbid the entrance of foreigners within its dominions, or to admit them only in such cases and upon such conditions as it may see fit to prescribe. [Citations omitted.] In the United States this power is vested in the national government, to which the Constitution has committed the entire control of international relations, in peace as well as in war. It belongs to the political department of the government, and may be exercised either through treaties made by the President and Senate, or through statutes enacted by Congress, upon whom the Constitution has conferred power to regulate commerce with foreign nations, including the entrance of ships, the importation of goods and the bringing of persons into the ports of the United States; to establish a uniform rule of naturalization; to declare war, and to provide and maintain armies and navies; and to make all laws which may be necessary and proper for carrying into effect these powers and all other powers vested by the Constitution in the government of the United States or in any department or officer thereof. [Citations omitted.]

    We have a law that controls immigration. 

    Foreigners entering this country illegally with the help of Canada and Mexico need to be expelled, and the simple solution is to send them back across the border they violated and let Canada and Mexico  deal with the problem they created. 

  23. drwilliams says:

    The money that Mexican migrants send home to their relatives grew by 7.6% in 2023, to reach a record $63.3 billion for the year, Mexico’s central bank said Thursday.

    In 2022, remittances grew by 13.4%, totaling about $58.9 billion for the year as a whole. In 2021, remittances grew by an astounding 27.1%, totaling about $51.6 billion for that year.

    $1.2 billion per week, the second largest source of foreign exchange for Mexico. 

    Jan 20: Trump issues executive order instituting 50% withholding on remittances that do not have a verified taxpayer identification number, and making the transferring agent liable for verification.

  24. Greg Norton says:

    Shows what a bunch of traitorous maroons lead the House GOP. How many of them knew about this, and were perfectly fine with the taxpayers picking up the tab?

    Granger may have a non compos mentis excuse, but her staff does not: They haven’t been working for months. If they’ve been taking the paycheck, they need to be indicted, convicted, and imprisoned. Horrible example time.

    The House rules allow proxy voting.

    One of the other members holds a number of proxies, including one for our former walking corpse Congressman whose last serious challenger was “Doors” in 2018.

    The walking corpse district was redrawn before the election in 2022, and our neighborhood was split four ways.

  25. Brad says:

    Did the snowblowing twice today, and will need to do it again tomorrow, maybe again twice.

    I have the Ego Power+ snowblower, and I’m s bit worried about one of the batteries. Recharging it after the last round, the charger says it’s full. The battery ought to show green, but it lights up red. We’ll see what happens when I want to use it tomorrow.

    I’ve had a lot of problems with their stuff. Weed whacker died twice. One battery died, and now maybe a second one. Had to have the snowblower repaired after it ate something, maybe a rock. All but the last under warranty, but still: I am less than impressed with the reliability, given that I don’t use the equipment all that hard.

  26. drwilliams says:

    A proxy cannot be assigned by someone who is mentally incapable.

  27. ITGuy1998 says:

    I’ve had a lot of problems with their stuff. Weed whacker died twice. One battery died, and now maybe a second one. Had to have the snowblower repaired after it ate something, maybe a rock. All but the last under warranty, but still: I am less than impressed with the reliability, given that I don’t use the equipment all that hard.

    I’ve had my Ego weed trimmer and edger for 2 years and still on the original battery. A single charge is fine for my use – usually about 30% left after each use. I did have an issue where it didn’t charge after a use, and I ran out of juice while trimming. I can’t discount that I didn’t seat the battery properly when placing it on the charger, but something to keep an eye on.

    I still have my gas blower, as it operates just fine. Also still have my gas Honda mower. It does use a fair bit of oil, as I have to add a couple times a season. Still way cheaper than $600 or so for a battery mower with battery.

  28. drwilliams says:

    Ahead of Schedule and Under Budget: Deporting Millions of Criminal Aliens Won’t Be as Hard as the Left Suggests

    Critics, including those cited by CNN recently, allege that the costs of just one million deportees would be in the neighborhood of $1.0 trillion, a preposterous sum. 

    In several years during the first Obama term, that president’s team managed to deport a quarter-million criminal aliens per year. In 2009 and 2010, Obama budgeted just under $4.0 billion per year in 2024 dollar values for this deportation. Multiplying that number by a factor of four yields 1.0 million criminal aliens and quadrupling the budget for a full million aliens would come to roughly $16.0 billion per year, for 1.0 million criminal aliens per year.  This is hardly $1.0 trillion, as some critics claim.

    This is hardly $1.0 trillion, as some critics imbeciles claim.  

    The policy should be that all assets of illegal aliens be confiscated and used to pay expenses. First to pay for the deportation. Second should be a determination of unpaid federal and state taxes. (States should be able to petition for their taxes, but sanctuary states should first be liable to the cost of non-cooperation.) Third should be any civil penalties. Anything left should be returned to the illegals after a suitable period of time has elapsed for any other claims.

    Going to need a whole bunch of rules dealing with real estate and rental property. For example, landlords who rent to illegals should not have claims for breaking leases or damages, and damage deposits should be part of the confiscated assets. 

  29. Greg Norton says:

    I’ve had a lot of problems with their stuff. Weed whacker died twice. One battery died, and now maybe a second one. Had to have the snowblower repaired after it ate something, maybe a rock. All but the last under warranty, but still: I am less than impressed with the reliability, given that I don’t use the equipment all that hard.

    Home Depot stopped carrying Ego, but I figured that was another American manufacturer who wouldn’t play along with Bernie Marcus’ disciples’ hardball tactics. Bernie himself destroyed Schlage and Hunter Fan among others before retiring and, recently, assuming room temperature.

    Rot in hell, Bernie.

    All Chevron (parent company) products seemed to disappear from Home Depot at the same time.

  30. Greg Norton says:

    The Legend of Jeff, Family Man, Drives A Honda, Wears The Same Type Of Shirt To Work Every Day.

    Bond villains get married in Aspen with NDA agreements.

    Researching stocks recently, I noted that Bezos only career employer, DE Shaw, has a big stake in Dutch Bros. DEI-infused coffee. Shaw and the ever-mysterious Ballie Gifford.

    At 180 PE, I’m wondering when they start shearing the sheeple with BROS. Tim Horton’s beat the “broistas” to opening first at the major intersection near my house, with a grand opening yesterday and a special preview event for Canadian expats earlier in the week.

    Tim Horton’s also timed a coupon mailing to the neighborhood to arrive yesterday. They actually want to sell some coffee and donuts at RBI.

    I have no clue about what Dutch Bros. intends.

  31. Nick Flandrey says:

    Check my logic here…

    If I drink coffee while eating cake that makes it “coffee cake”.

    Since coffee cake is a traditional American breakfast food, by eating it I’m reinforcing and perpetuating my culture.

    Therefore, caramel apple pie with coffee for breakfast is me striking a blow in the culture wars.

    I’m a hero.


    (and since the pie is so dense and dry, I’m squinting and calling it cake.)(also, it’s delicious.)

  32. Nick Flandrey says:

    I’m also brave.  This is the shirt I picked up for my wife yesterday at Deseret… 


  33. Nick Flandrey says:

    And I know it’s cold because the end of my fingers and thumbs are splitting just below the nails.


  34. Greg Norton says:

    Therefore, caramel apple pie with coffee for breakfast is me striking a blow in the culture wars.

    I don’t think Tim Horton’s has that at the store on the corner, but, when I went back to check, the site indicated that the store wasn’t accepting mobile orders.

    Everybody must have pulled the coupons out of the mailbox today and hit the web site.

    With just a single store as a proof of market, I don’t think Austin has the full chain infrastructure in place yet. The franchisee is talking 40 stores so I imagine that a more complete build out is in the works.

  35. drwilliams says:

    I’m also brave.  This is the shirt I picked up for my wife yesterday at Deseret…

    Is there a new age definition of “brave” that isn’t in my lexicon?

  36. Greg Norton says:

    The company “dead” week was supposed to start yesterday.

    I’m still wondering when it starts for me, but, to be fair, all I’ve really done for the last 24 hours off-and-on is monitor email waiting for a message from a co-worker that she cobbled together a merge that works for files the system tagged with her name as being the responsible party for delivering.

    In theory, once I merge my changes on top of hers, I’m done for the week.

    In theory.

  37. Nick Flandrey says:

    57F, sunny and mostly clear.   I guess it’s not that cold.  No snow.

    @Brad, I see a lot of Ego tools in the returns auctions.   I don’t see a lot of dewalt or milwaulkee .  For whatever that’s worth.

    @greg, thanks for the advice about the VPN router.  I just looked and it’s more than a few years out of day.  Only  $5 wasted.  I suppose I can still use it as an 8 port switch if needed, albeit a slow one.  Last support was 2017 and the last firmware on their site was 2012.  Amazon sellers still have it in stock though, for $137.

    I guess I should do something today besides waste time on the internet with my friends.


  38. Nick Flandrey says:

    @drwilliams, sometimes bravery is indistinguishable from stupidity… the only difference is if you survive to tell the tale.


  39. Greg Norton says:

    I’m also brave.  This is the shirt I picked up for my wife yesterday at Deseret…

    That looks like something Temu would sell on Zerohedge.

    At least, that’s what comes up on my Zerohedge ads from Temu.

  40. Lynn says:

    I doubt the other driver was illegal. He tried to get APD to respond for a report to no avail. The child lucked out in that she would have received the ticket had the police rolled.

    She will get points on her license.  The insurance company will ensure that if they have to spend any money.  I found this out four years ago when I backed my truck into a car and did the right thing.

    Is she ok ?  Are you ok ?  That is the most important thing.  Vehicles can be replaced.  Maybe with a bicycle.

  41. EdH says:

    Went grocery shopping.  As usual, bought more than expected.  In particular a couple of Xmas tomahawk steaks for a neighbor that has been very helpful to me, a true friend.

    Forgot to look for a drip coffee pot. there.  Friend wanted to go to Bins on the way home, so I looked then….  Only K-cup machines, and a single off brand drip machine with no auto off at all. Yikes.   Are those still legal?

    I did pick up a 24 inch high artificial tree, and a solar powered light.

    I really haven’t felt the Christmas season this year, but it’s starting to feel a little more like it now.

  42. lpdbw says:

    @paul, @jenny, @”infrequent posters”  too

    I hope you’re all doing well.   Greetings of the season to you.

  43. drwilliams says:

    This is how nations run by grown men operate: The country has a border and other ports of entry. Persons wanting to enter are stopped and evaluated. Undesirables are sent back. Persons found residing in the country illegally are deported.


  44. Greg Norton says:

    She will get points on her license.  The insurance company will ensure that if they have to spend any money.  I found this out four years ago when I backed my truck into a car and did the right thing.

    Is she ok ?  Are you ok ?  That is the most important thing.  Vehicles can be replaced.  Maybe with a bicycle.

    Yeah, we’re ok. 

    Texas doesn’t have license points anymore, but the insurance clearing house will receive a complete record of the loss.

  45. Denis says:

    And I know it’s cold because the end of my fingers and thumbs are splitting just below the nails.

    Look for an emollient ointment called “SnowFire”. It has sage, rosemary or some other slightly antiseptic herb in it, and it really works wonders on chilblains and skin affected by the dry and the cold. If you can’t source it, let me know and I’ll send you some.

    Snowfire Ointment Stick, Natural, Vegan, Cruelty Free, for Dry Skin, Emolient Ointment Stick, 18 g (Pack of 3)

  46. Nick Flandrey says:

    amazon us has it but only in a three pack for $55!


  47. Greg Norton says:

    Jan 20: Trump issues executive order instituting 50% withholding on remittances that do not have a verified taxpayer identification number, and making the transferring agent liable for verification.

    Good luck with that since WalMart handles a lot of the remittance traffic.

    If the transfer gets received on a WalMart gift card down south, the company does not charge a fee.

  48. Greg Norton says:

    @greg, thanks for the advice about the VPN router.  I just looked and it’s more than a few years out of day.  Only  $5 wasted.  I suppose I can still use it as an 8 port switch if needed, albeit a slow one.  Last support was 2017 and the last firmware on their site was 2012.  Amazon sellers still have it in stock though, for $137.

    If the router supports DD-WRT, that might explain the Amazon price.

    I have an ASUS RT-AC66U B1 as my main router at home. Compact. Does everything I need.

    ASUS has a decent track record of support for all of their network gear and they still update the firmware on this router.

  49. Lynn says:

    Texas doesn’t have license points anymore, but the insurance clearing house will receive a complete record of the loss.

    Huh, Amica sure did see my points four years ago and and upcharge me accordingly.

  50. drwilliams says:

    Good luck with that since WalMart handles a lot of the remittance traffic.

    50% of $63 Billion.

    If the amount of OUS remittances that run through Walmart is not already known, it will be after they are asked by Congress. And they will also be asked about their gross profit on those remittances.

  51. Greg Norton says:

    Texas doesn’t have license points anymore, but the insurance clearing house will receive a complete record of the loss.

    Huh, Amica sure did see my points four years ago and and upcharge me accordingly.

    The insurance clearing houses have their own points system. Some states regulate it tighter than others. I imagine that Texas is more lax about it than, say, Minnesota.

    Texas did away with license points and shifted to suspending the license for a specific number of convictions. IIRC, it is four in a three year period.

    The timeframe was recent.

  52. Nick Flandrey says:

    Tree is decorated.   Several ornaments were repaired.   Many cookies and some nog were consumed.

    The kids are talking about watching Die Hard after they get ready for bed.


  53. Ray Thompson says:

    The insurance clearing houses have their own points system

    The company is Nexus Lexis and aggregates information on the people, the property on which they live, every claim on anyone that ever lived in property, information about anyone that lived in the property, claims against the property, driver’s license, credit information, just about any bit of information on a person and the property.

    I wrote and asked for a copy of my report. A PDF was delivered that was over 200 pages. It had information on the exchange students lived with us, my child and his family, information of every place I lived, all my driver information, vehicles I had owned, claims on those vehicles that occurred after I sold them, claims on my house before I bought it, all my credit information.

    Every one should get the report. You will be shocked at the volume of data. That data is used to set insurance rates, or deny coverage.

  54. Lynn says:

    “Montana Supreme Court’s Held Decision: A Loss for Climate Realism and Common Sense”

    “On December 18, 2024, the Montana Supreme Court delivered what climate activists are hailing as a landmark ruling in Held v. Montana. Sixteen youth plaintiffs, backed by the well-heeled advocacy group Our Children’s Trust, convinced the court that their constitutional right to a “clean and healthful environment” was being violated by the state’s support for fossil fuel projects. The court’s 6-1 decision declared that this constitutional right extends to a “stable climate system.””

    “For those of us in the camp of climate realism, this decision is not just disappointing—it’s a blow to rational policymaking and the foundational principles of American governance. Let’s explore why.”

    “The crux of the court’s ruling was the claim that Montana’s greenhouse gas emissions are a “substantial factor” causing harm to the plaintiffs. Really? Montana contributes a meager 0.09% to global emissions, an amount so small that it accounts for just 0.0018°C of warming under even the most extreme emissions scenarios​​. The notion that this infinitesimal contribution could meaningfully harm these plaintiffs is laughable. Yet, the court ignored the math and embraced the narrative.”

    Unreal.  Montana ?  Where the average person drives 50 to 100 miles per day at speeds of 70 to 85 mph.

  55. Lynn says:

    The kids are talking about watching Die Hard after they get ready for bed.

    Have you told them that Professor Snape is Hans Gruber ?  The letdown might be … hard.

  56. Alan says:

    >> Modern life is so convenient !

    Until it’s not !

    Just depends on the timeline…stack it up…

  57. Ken Mitchell says:

    Ray:  Is there any specific form or procedure to request that Lexis-Nexus data dump? It might be interesting!

  58. Alan says:

    >> Blood pressure is high (138/77 @ 51) so taking a second blood pressure pill this morning.  This happens weekly lately.

    @lynn, what’s your ‘normal?’ So many opinions these days…

  59. lpdbw says:

    I lost   my  copy     of  The Man Who Sold The Moon  in the great flood.

    Could someone please  copy the poem “Requiem”  from the final short story in that for me.

    My  50 year old memory differs from some printed versions of that poem and I want to check if RAH copied it right.


  60. Alan says:

    >> BTW, the truck driver No Habla, Guatemalan passport as ID, with Loya Insurance. That doesn’t eliminate the responsibility for the property damage, but we’ll see how quickly he files the claim. 

    How do you say “My neck hurts” in Spanish?

    Back in the day in NYFC I used to hang out in an auto body shop in Brooklyn. Back then the NYPD policy was that the first tow truck to arrive at an accident scene got “dibbs” on the ‘better’ tow. When the shop’s truck was out cruising the main streets I was in the shop office monitoring multiple scanners (PD, FD, EMS) listening for any accident calls (“10-53” was the magic radio ten code). If our driver was there first and got the tow I’d collect from the driver. And yes, it was no-holds barred on those streets at night.

  61. Greg Norton says:

    The kids are talking about watching Die Hard after they get ready for bed.

    Teenage girls? If you’re cool with rated ‘R’ Christmas flicks, find “Anna and the Apocalypse”.

    Tubi has it.

    Yes, the whole film is like that.

  62. Lynn says:

    >> Blood pressure is high (138/77 @ 51) so taking a second blood pressure pill this morning.  This happens weekly lately.

    @lynn, what’s your ‘normal?’ So many opinions these days…

    Average of 120 / 75 with 25 mg of Metoprolol daily.  210 / 110 without.  That was the cause of my first heart attack in 2009 at age 49, self diagnosed coronary artery spasms as the first cardiologist was totally mystified.  My second cardiologist diagnosed me with a short right coronary artery, only two inches long, should be eight inches long.  There is no blood going through the back side of my heart as it is dead.  He said that I was a dead man walking and wanted to dissect me as he was terribly interested in why I am still alive.

    Average of 110 / 70 with 50 mg of Metoprolol daily.  Average of 90 / 50 with 25 mg of Metoprolol daily plus an ace inhibitor daily.  Could barely move after a month of taking both.

    I am trying to keep my blood pressure below 130 / 80.  Life is better that way.  No angina pains then.

  63. Lynn says:

    I lost   my  copy     of  The Man Who Sold The Moon  in the great flood.

    Could someone please  copy the poem “Requiem”  from the final short story in that for me.

    My  50 year old memory differs from some printed versions of that poem and I want to check if RAH copied it right.


    From my 1975 taped together copy of “The Past Through Tomorrow”:

    “Under the wide and starry sky

    Dig the grave and let me lie

    Glad did I live and gladly die

    And I laid me down with a will!

    “This be the verse you grave for me:

    ‘Here he lies where he longed to be,

    Home is the sailor, home from the sea,

    And the hunter home from the hill.'”

    Wikipedia says that the poem is “Requiem” by Robert Louis Stevenson:

  64. Alan says:

    >> I’m also brave.  This is the shirt I picked up for my wife yesterday at Deseret…

    Hey, just make sure W2 wears the same size!

  65. Nick Flandrey says:

    Ah, Christmas zombies…


    Kid1 has watched Shaun of the Dead with me.   

    D2 thinks Hanz Gruber is sexy, and she missed that in Snape.

    D2 was incensed that they kept mag dumping.  “It’s a waste of ammo and they never reload unless it’s cinematic.”


    The phone in the bathroom caught their eyes, as did everyone smoking everywhere.


    The papers fluttering down around the building was a little to close to 9-11 for me.    

    That’s an image I can’t forget.



  66. Alan says:

    >> Ray:  Is there any specific form or procedure to request that Lexis-Nexus data dump? It might be interesting!

    And while you’re at it, get the free copies of your credit reports from  the three main bureaus.

    And if you’re really interested:

  67. Alan says:

    >> The papers fluttering down around the building was a little to close to 9-11 for me.    

    That’s an image I can’t forget.

    Neither the videos of the jumpers.

    Never forget…the terrorists won that day. (See re “TSA)

    Mr. Trump, close the borders and finish the wall.

  68. Norman says:

    Haven’t posted anything in a while, it’s been an odd year, my first year retired. My brain still wakes me up at the same time every day, have always said evolving brains were a bad idea, we’d be much happier as amoeba bobbing around in a tidepool ☺

    Things achieved;

    Made a dent in selling off some of my, admittedly way to large, collection of wargames/boardgames, upside of this is that the money I make is my ‘frivolling’ money, can spend it on what I like.

    Taken up shooting again, last serious shooting was probably 50yrs ago! With my grandad’s 1930s air rifle! My new toy is a pre-charged air rifle with a 10 round magazine and enough air for about 60shots, very accurate at the ranges I can shoot at the club (25-40m).

    Upped my cycling target for the year from 2000 miles to 2500 miles, got about 1000 miles left to do by the end of March – seems to be keeping my Doc happy.

    Wife and I have bought a two person campervan, looking forward to pottering around the country in the new year.

    Anyway, Happy Christmas All.

  69. EdH says:

    I ran across an interesting article on battery fires while researching coffee maker fires:

    Lithium Ion battery fires happen on planes more than once a week:


    Coffee maker fires seem to average about one every two weeks, nationwide, btw.

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