Day: December 14, 2024

Sat. Dec. 14, 2024 – my non-prepping hobby potluck Christmas party is today…

Muggy. 60 something and wet. Probably. Mist, and misty drizzle all day yesterday. Worse in some parts of town. It’s a cool, dreary, kind of weather. A break from the clear days! Dunno what we’ll get but the national forecast had Houston in the rain and storm zone for the weekend.

Spent the first part of the day doing errands, pickups, etc. Spent the second part picking up and shopping for my potluck. Which is this afternoon. I’m on the organizing committee so I’ll go in early. It’s a great day. Good food, good fellowship, and a white elephant gift exchange. I picked up a couple of great gifts at Goodwill yesterday afternoon. That was kinda late in the process, but it worked out.

In any case, today should be fun for the whole family. And it’s meatspace baby. Literally today, what with the ham, turkey, pulled pork, smoked brisket, sausages, and who knows what else… and dessert space afterwards.

I’m very happy I took the plunge and went to my first meeting. Didn’t know a soul, except that I’d met the guy who invited me a few months earlier at a yard sale. It’s been an interesting hobby, with some useful skill building, some money to be made, and good people to hang out with. And while we mostly avoid talking politics or religion, it’s a good gut check to be in a room with 30 people from different backgrounds, and hear what they have to say. It’s Texas, and it’s a lot of technically skilled people and small business owners, so it skews right of center, but much more “man on the street” than the intarwebs.

I think it’s important to be out and about, part of your community, and not just stay at home. The reality of walking thru a store, talking with people, driving the streets, and generally seeing with your own eyes is very different from the mediated experience we get online and from the media.

Plus, it gets you out of the house, gives structure to your day/week/month, and stimulates the mind and senses. All good things.

So in addition to stacking, find something to do out in the real world. You need it.


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