Day: December 10, 2024

Tues. Dec. 10, 2024 – it’s almost like they want a war…

Cool again, but not cold. Clear sky. Yesterday was cool and dreary most of the day. Heavy mist, grey sky. But around 2pm something moved in and blew the heck out of Houston, and then we had sun and clear sky. Great finish to the day, and I’m hoping today is the same.

I did some auction stuff in the morning, then headed out. Lots of driving and several pickups later it was time to get the kid– who stood me up. I would have had an additional couple hours to go by my secondary location and storage unit, but instead I rushed across town and pushed two tasks to today. Kid wanted to work on a project with a friend. That part is fine, but jerking my schedule around isn’t.

In any case, I spent the half hour I had to kill at home listening to and watching the posted video of my volunteer middle school musical theater effort. The videographer really should have taken my cleaned up audio and mixed it in with the ambient recorded by the cameras. I got them both playing at the same time, and was able to A-B them, and mix them at different levels, and adding the audio direct from the board really sweetened up the recorded audio. Too bad he either didn’t know how, or didn’t want to. Pro level tools from only a couple of years ago are available free now. It’s mind blowing what you can do at home. If you have the time and desire.

The Powers That Be seem intent on throwing it all away. Civilization that is.

Not much we can do on a macro level, but on a local and personal level? Yes. Get your shite in order (better than me.) Get what you need to be independent and stack it. Find a network of people to work with for daily living tasks, and extraordinary tasks too. Let’s get through whatever big bad is coming.

Today I’ve got a couple of pickups in the other direction from yesterday’s. And I’ve got the stuff I didn’t get done to do. I need to do some banking, make some appointments, and do some shopping for my potluck dinner. Then kid taxi at the end of the day to limit what I get done…

And getting ready for Christmas. And replacing stuff in the stacks that aged out. And finding places to stack some new stuff. (like my new manual tire changer- it’ll go to the BOL for use on the mower and maybe a golf cart or trailer tire)

There is always more you can do. Stack something.


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