Cold again. Probably mid 40s. Thankfully it does get warmer in the course of the day. Even without much sun, yesterday was comfortable in a light jacket, maybe even a bit warm for that. We did get some rain spatter in different parts of town during the afternoon and evening, but it barely got anything wet.
I did my kid wrangling and taxi service in the morning. D2 will be getting her braces off in about 6 weeks and she can hardly wait.
Did some auction stuff after that, then headed out to do pickups and visit my rent house. The issues there were some tongue and groove porch flooring repairs I’d done had failed, and there was water under the sink and it was getting worse. I’ll be gluing the boards back in place, maybe with a nail this time. I’ll swap out the old faucet and re-caulk the sink. Hopefully that will solve the water issue. I’m surprised the cheap faucet lasted as long as it did, and that I left it in place. One thing i’ve learned as a landlord, is to put quality stuff in the house.
You don’t want to be messing around at the property so put in stuff that will last. Toto toilets are expensive but they really don’t clog. The first time you DON’T have to fix a blocked toilet, it pays for itself. Ditto for cabinets, hardware, and other appliances and fixtures. The better the quality, the fewer problems.
This is generally true in life. Some people call it “Buy once, cry once.” I’ve rarely been disappointed that I bought something nicer, and often disappointed that something cheap failed. You don’t have to have “the best”, and price isn’t always an indicator of quality, but the best thing at the best price, with the compromises in areas that won’t degrade the use of the thing… that’s the sweet spot.
Always be working to improve your position.
And stacks will help. I’ve got everything I need to fix my toilet issue- if it needs fixing. Stack it up!