Cold and clear this morning, getting nicer later. At least I hope so. Yesterday ended in “shirt sleeve” weather, so it could happen.
Of course, yesterday my wants and needs were bigger than my does and deeds.
I got a couple of small things done. Looking at the two tvs that were stacked in the toy room was a good thing. Moving a couple things out of that room was good. Moving some stuff to the attic was good. Spent some time doing auction things too.
Picked up the kid and her friend from school. Kids are winding me up.
Made dinner and did more auction stuff. Then youtube shorts got me for a couple hours. It’s like crack cocaine. Or popcorn with a never ending bucket, and an expandable waistline.
Today I’ve got a lot of driving to do. Kid to orthodontist, then school, then some auction stuff, and some rent house stuff… and then kid stuff again.
Not much time to mess around. Or stack.
But I’ll do what I can. You should too.