Cool and clear, warming later. I’m hoping for another gorgeous Fall day. Saturday was a fantastic day, weatherwise. Today should be too.
Did my stuff at home, then headed to the BOL. Had D1 riding with me, so we did an hour of her required “watching someone else drive” time for her learner’s permit. W is teaching her the rules, I’m teaching her to survive. Defensive and offensive skills. She was p!ssy an grumping when I made her put her phone away. The time only counts if she’s paying attention.
And it’s a good thing she was because the universe punctuated my lessons with a wheelbarrow in the middle of the toll road, and then later a basketball net post and base. Fun times.
It was so nice when we got here that I just hung out with the wife and later the kids.
Today I’ll get some work done, honest injun!
There is plenty to do, and I’m the man to not do it
Seriously though, I should be able to crank through some stuff since we’re here all week.
Always be working to improve your situation. Always be stacking…
The Locust Class who moved to Austin, Dallas, and Houston to work in tech in the last decade are extremely impatient. Maybe it is the caffeine. Or the Adderall.
T-therapy is another possibility, also increasingly popular with Locust women.
The irony is that many seem to come from WA State, probably Seattle, where freeway onramps are gated by stoplights during rush hour in an attempt to control the traffic, with signs providing a 1-800 number for the Rolfs in the population who simply must “blow the whistle” on violators.
I have no clue if the technique works. We didn’t have the stoplights in Vantucky.
The red light and speed enforcement cameras have been illegal in Texas since around the time we moved to Austin, but many smaller municipalities signed long term contracts with vendors so you may still get the occasional ticket in the mail.
My TAMU Aggies went to Auburn last night and got rudely beat up 43 to 41 with four overtimes. So much for being honored guests.
57 F here in the former wilds of Fort Bend County. Gonna be warm today.
Still freaked by all the ants in my office Starlink antenna. That was an unpleasant surprise.
The red light and speed enforcement cameras have been illegal in Texas since around the time we moved to Austin, but many smaller municipalities signed long term contracts with vendors so you may still get the occasional ticket in the mail.
Yup, the Texas state law killed all of those red light cameras. They will be back some day as the money from them was awesome. Even my parents town of Port Lavaca had about a dozen of them.
Next week should prove interesting. Someone is going to embarrass UT Austin this season.
And it’s a good thing she was because the universe punctuated my lessons with a wheelbarrow in the middle of the toll road, and then later a basketball net post and base. Fun times.
Yes, fun times !
Now you need a turkey vulture in the road eating as you come over a hill at 80 mph and find him trying to lift off.
Good times indeed.
Did my stuff at home, then headed to the BOL. Had D1 riding with me, so we did an hour of her required “watching someone else drive” time for her learner’s permit. W is teaching her the rules, I’m teaching her to survive. Defensive and offensive skills. She was p!ssy an grumping when I made her put her phone away. The time only counts if she’s paying attention.
Are you the bad driver and W is the good driver ? I always told my kids to not drive like me, fast and furious. Oh wait, my wife drives like that too.
Next week should prove interesting. Someone is going to embarrass UT Austin this season.
One can only hope. Alabama got embarressed last night also.
Eventually, the municipalities will sell off their surface streets and you will be tolled from the moment you roll out of your subdivision. That is, if it is your day to drive and your EV was allowed to charge from the grid the night before.
Cars are going away for most people.
Today’s Tyler Durden cowardice protecting a mainstream source covering what’s fueling the rumors I saw on the Disney/media hate outlets over the last couple of days about Musk buying MSNBC.
One YouTube channel I saw has even repeatedly offered to chip in $1000 towards the effort.
I don’t follow college ball but it sounds as if Auburn politely gave TAMU four extra opportunities to win….
What more can a host do ?
I would not call that a rude beating in a quadruple overtime game. Seems like both teams were playing well. Auburn makes the two point conversion in the 4th OT. It was a great catch by the Auburn player. A&M tries and fails. Two point plays in this situation are difficult as everyone knows it will most likely be a pass play.
Alabama got beat by Oklahoma. Ole Miss got beat by Florida. The rankings will be interesting, especially for the SEC title game, and the playoff placement.
UTenn has Vandy next Saturday. I really think that Vandy may have a good chance against TN. That would TN out of any playoffs. TN fans get all bubbly when TN beats a “homecoming team”. In reality TN is not that good and does not deserve a playoff spot. TN will get a bowl game, which is nothing but a way to keep the football players out of the classroom and some more money for the football program.
64F, bright, sunny and clear. Some breeze.
New bed was nice. I had enough room and my back felt normal this morning.
WRT muppets, looking back, the purchase of that IP was the beginning of what we see now. It was driven by money and the desire to own all the things. The muppets with their snarky jabs were the opposite of “Disney”. Disney was never mean.
Wife is a terrible driver. Every piece of sheet metal on her honda is dented or wrinkled. She texts while driving. And not the occasional reply from a stop light, but conversations. She has no situational awareness, no mental map or notice of landmarks. She can teach the rules and beginning mechanics as she’s more patient than me. I’ll teach what I’ve learned over the years and from working with pro drivers.
Time to start the day….
Disney’s only true box office success this year is a hard ‘R’ movie which featured a pegging joke in the “All Audiences” trailer, shown before many of their “family” films since last Fall, and opens with one of the title characters defiling the corpse of the other.
Remember what the MS means. Billionaires’ games…
Perhaps as the pendulum swings, the billionaires who would rule us will find that Mme. Guillotine thirsts again….
Eventually, the municipalities will sell off their surface streets and you will be tolled from the moment you roll out of your subdivision. That is, if it is your day to drive and your EV was allowed to charge from the grid the night before.
Cars are going away for most people.
Port Lavaca is trying to sell off their sewage treatment plant so they can afford to fix the streets. They already sold the drinking water plant many years ago.
I would not call that a rude beating in a quadruple overtime game. Seems like both teams were playing well. Auburn makes the two point conversion in the 4th OT. It was a great catch by the Auburn player. A&M tries and fails. Two point plays in this situation are difficult as everyone knows it will most likely be a pass play.
The rude beating was in the first quarter, 21 to 0.
@Nick, following up on your comment the other day:
A Google Patent search finds Nye’s utility and design patents listed in the wiki article, but nothing for a 1981 patent on a “hydraulic resonance suppressor tube”
A general search for “hydraulic resonance suppressor tube” finds no information other than that associated with Bill Nye, leading to a reasonable conclusion that the term is not in common use, but one “invented” by Mr. Nye himself.
Expanding the GPS by limiting inventor to Williams+Nye yields additional results, none of which is assigned to Boeing or for a “hydraulic resonance suppressor tube” or “ripple dampener”.
The interesting thing that does appear in both searches is a couple of 1984 applications (no patents issued) for a cover for an enclosure for an aircraft inertial unit in other countries filed by Sundstrand Data Control (Redmond WA) listing “William S. Nye” (Seattle WA) as inventor. This is either an incredible coincidence of names and cities, or the wiki page is incorrect.
Feeding “Sundstrand Data Control” “William S. Nye” back into Goodle search yielded no hits. Shortening company to “Sunstrand” found:
and finally, from his own bio:
which lead to:
It’s a long way from “invented” to “like to think of as mine”.
And it’s passing strange that the wiki entry has errors and omissions, as does the bio on his website. The wiki entry specifically claims he left Boeing in 1986, whereas it appears he had a short stint with MARCO before joining Sunstrand from 1981-1986.
Note also that the wiki entry:
and Nye’s description:
refer to different parts of the airplane.
“This 22-Year-Old Tech CEO Says an 80-Hour Workweek Is a Lifestyle Choice. It Earned Him Death Threats. And Job Seekers”
”Extraordinary outcomes have to have extraordinary effort,’ Daksh Gupta tells Inc.”
Hey, at least he is being honest about working you to death.
“How Mark Cuban, Tim Cook, and Bill Gates Are Using AI to Be Massively More Productive”
“Cuban called AI the “ultimate time-savings hack” and Cook said it “changed his life.” Steal these CEOs’ time-saving AI hacks to get more done too.”
Nope, not buying it.
Wrong link above.
If 100 people spend 18 hours a day pissing into the wind, and eventually there is only one left standing–the one who most smells like piss–and he is the “winner”.
Three guys who think they’re pretty smart use AI–two of them to control bloated email in-boxes, and one to summarize meeting notes. So that’s how many billions of dollars looking for a use for AI and not finding one?
Wrong link above.
I beg incompetence. Fixed.
Thanks !
>> And it’s a good thing she was because the universe punctuated my lessons with a wheelbarrow in the middle of the toll road, and then later a basketball net post and base. Fun times.
@nick, you stopped and picked them up, right?
It was a nice day so I finally got rid of the old water softener. I replaced it because the gears or whatever were acting weird. I did buy a gasket set for the machine. And a cubic foot of resin pellets. Then we have weird gears? Nah, time to retire. I installed it in 2011 when Penny was 10 months old. I replaced it in 2020. That seems to be about how long a GE softener lasts. And it has just sat there next to the pump house ever since.
The plan was to take it to the street where folks put their trash cans. It was a plan. First, the sucker was heavy. Second, the truck is 4WD and so sits a bit high. I couldn’t lift it enough to get it into the bed. No grip. But the drip-line of the carport has made a low spot. So roll back and that lowers the bed about 5 inches. Except I didn’t have the softener far enough away. Plonk! Crushed some plumbing and snapped the control head off.
Plan B. Take the resin tank out of the brine tank. Unclamp the lid and pour a few gallons of water and resin beads out. Now I can get it into the bed. Put the top back on the brine tank. Haul both to the street. Someone will claim them.
This took longer than planned. When I finished it was supper time for the dogs. Too late for me if I want to sleep. I’m not hungry anyway. My shower sure felt nice.
I bought a container of Lipton lemon flavored ice tea mix. It has sugar. It says 2 tablespoons of mix to a 12 ounce glass for 100 calories. Yikes, that’s strong. I use an eating tablespoon, rounded off, and that’s plenty. Just for kicks I used a measuring spoon and my spoon holds a little more than a measured tablespoon.
It’s something to drink other than plain water. About 50 calories vs 140 for a beer.
Time to walk the dogs.
“Trump to Purge Trannies From U.S. Military, Possibly on Day One”
“Is it really happening? Multiple sources are claiming that Donald Trump will purge the United States military of transgender troops. Estimates put it at around 15,000 currently members of the military that would be removed.”
“This makes sense, having people who are openly mentally ill in the military is not a good strategy. They need to be dealing with their mental illness, not defending our country in a high stress position.”
15,000 ? Really ?
“F-35’s Cooling Crisis: Design Flaws Fuel $2 Trillion Dilemma For Pentagon”
“The Pentagon is facing a difficult decision regarding the F-35’s chronic, crippling problems with overheating brought on by its insufficient cooling capacity.”
“Various types of liquid cooling are necessary, especially for power-hungry radars. This is particularly true of the F-35, which is advertised as a flying supercomputer crammed full of heat-producing computers, communications, and avionics equipment. When it comes to heat production, its powerful AN/APG-81 AESA radar leads the way.”
“The underlying issue powering the cooling crisis is that the F-35 design team only designed the F-35 with 14 kilowatts (kW) of cooling power. Yet the F-35 was not declared fully operational until Block 3F capabilities were incorporated—capabilities that required roughly 32 kW of cooling and have only recently been rolled out, some 30 years after development began on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. The Block 3F upgrade necessitated modifying the F-35’s cooling system. It negatively impacted the longevity and reliability of the F-35’s F135 engine, which was already struggling with reliability issues.”
That is a lot of cooling. 32 kW is 109,189 btu/hr. That is 9.1 tons of air conditioning. That is more air conditioning than I have on my 5,300 ft2 office building, 7.5 tons.
This is a serious problem. Of course, at speed above 10,000 feet altitude, one can open a large vent and let cool air flow through the various heat generating systems. But when flying slow at low altitudes, heating is going to be a serious issue.
Maybe we should buy a few from Mitsubishi. Their F35s seem to work.
That doesn’t surprise me. My wife takes care of more than a few at the VA, and she’s just one provider in a very large system.
Who is D.B. Cooper? New Evidence May Crack One Of America’s Greatest Mysteries
The evidence is a parachute allegedly supplied to “D.B. Cooper”. Found in a crate on a farm in NC fifty years later. I am skeptical. There is no reason for the perp to be toting such damning evidence out of a forest in Oregon, toting it to his then-home in Utah, and then shipping it to the family farm in NC. Where it allegedly sat for decades until a divilian investigator “stumbled ” on it.
It’s not mentioned explicitly, but Earl Cosey, who modified the parachute, is almost certainly dead, leaving no one to positively identify the chute.
Alternate theory: The parachute is a fake made up in the FBI labs and planted with the help of the man who discovered it, all to provide “evidence” to put pressure on the family to exhume a body for DNA testing. Conveniently, the FBI labs have the parachute back.
“Is it really happening? Multiple sources are claiming that Donald Trump will purge the United States military of transgender troops. Estimates put it at around 15,000 currently members of the military that would be removed.”
I would venture that most of the 15,000 are not transgender, but men cross-dressing as women with no corresponding surgery. Maybe some hormone therapy. certainly junk in the trunk.
>>Seen on the intertubes:
“A guy tried selling me a coffin yesterday- it’s the last thing I need”
Reminds me of whenever I misplace my keys…they always seem to turn up in the last place I look for them.
It was a nice day so I finally got rid of the old water softener. I replaced it because the gears or whatever were acting weird. I did buy a gasket set for the machine. And a cubic foot of resin pellets. Then we have weird gears? Nah, time to retire. I installed it in 2011 when Penny was 10 months old. I replaced it in 2020. That seems to be about how long a GE softener lasts. And it has just sat there next to the pump house ever since.
When my GE ??? water softener died due to the electrical system wiring catching on fire when the insulation failed, I dug all of the salt out of it, bagged it, and threw it away. Way more than a cubic foot of salt. And then I threw the softener away with the regular trash. Ok, maybe there was 20 or 30 lbs of salt left in it.
Presidential Journey: Trump Voters Know Who’s Crying Now in Hilarious Parody Music Video
I’ve got a real problem with my iPhone. Some how it has linked my son’s address as my address in the Map app. I’ve never used Apples Map app and when I opened it it shows his address as the home address. I suspect this will be a real difficult problem to fix. I’m going to start by reviewing all on my Apple account data.
Dozens of Massachusetts Children Have Been Sexually Assaulted by Illegal Aliens This Year
Also my contact app is icon is missing with its data but the contact data I added to lists is there. Huh…
I don’t recall seeing this icon …
Had my tiny little fire on the patio tonight. Lit the mini chiminea and spent a couple hours chatting with my fisherman buddy and my wife. At 66F without any breeze the small chiminea was enough to take the edge off and make it very pleasant.
His diagnosis was bad, but his prognosis is good. 6 weeks of radiation and chemo, but they think that will work. Prayers are still appreciated.
wrt heat and .mil systems, all my contractor magazines emphasize heat and cooling requirements. The stuff is packed in very small spaces, unitized into blocks of hardware. Just moving the heat to somewhere you can get air to it can be difficult. And any opening in the skin of a stealth aircraft reduces the stealthiness. Heat management is a significant issue.
WRT 80 hr work weeks, there were years when I’d have loved to only work 80 hours. One particularly bad week I was on site and on the clock for 119 hours mostly over the weekend. As a salaried employee, 60- 80 hours was standard. It was supposed to be balanced by weeks with less than 40 hrs, and with comp time off when between projects, but that never really happened in any real way. You do get a lot of experience very quickly in an environment like that. It isn’t sustainable, but it’s doable.
I got some stuff done today, but I should get a lot more done tomorrow.
>> It negatively impacted the longevity and reliability of the F-35’s F135 engine, which was already struggling with reliability issues.”
I can only imagine what that 96 page GAO report cost to put together…
>> It negatively impacted the longevity and reliability of the F-35’s F135 engine, which was already struggling with reliability issues.”
I can only imagine what that 96 page GAO report cost to put together…
Probably less than a billion dollars.