Cold. Clear. And damp. Some combination of those three seems to be the most likely… like yesterday. We started at 44F, got to high 60s with sun, which was very comfortable outdoors, and then back down when the sun set. I don’t know what the temps have been at the BOL, but I’m guessing lower. Time to winterize.
Did very little yesterday. One pickup. No, two pickups. Some kid taxi service. A tiny bit of poking at computers. Funny how little bitty tasks can suck up a whole day.
Won’t be able to do that today. I’ve got one pickup on the other side of town, then I need to get ready to head to the BOL. My plan was to go Friday afternoon, but now I think I might have to do stuff here on Saturday. I’ll know later today. In the mean time, I’ve got stuff to load and unload in the truck, shopping to do, and other preps that need to happen. At least I probably won’t be going to my client’s house. My sometimes business partner forgot to send the part I need to install.
I’ve got enough to do without spending a couple of hours on install and commissioning some new tech.
And not to get all doomer, but the Ukes shot US and UK missiles into Russia, and Putin responded with either an ICBM or a new mid range missile that it seems we didn’t really know about.
War is coming. Think hard about what it might mean to you. External, and internal wars are on the horizon. The elephants are getting ready to dance. We wee mice need to scamper…
and stack, because war ALWAYS leads to privation and hardship.
I always burn music at the lowest speed possible for the write.
The media may be fine, but if you’ve used the disc burner a lot for ripping, the laser may be the culprit.
Also, I’ve noticed new DVD-RW units are not as reliable about CDs, and BluRay drives even less so.
If I’m burning music, I have a ye olde Sony DVD-RW drive in my home server which is so old that the color is beige. I don’t think Sony even makes drives anymore.
Sun is starting to come up.
46F. Looks like it’ll be a clear day.
Coffee is made. Lunch is made. W is awake. Ds are still sleeping though. That won’t continue for long….
I should start my day.
I really despise the IEP (Individual Education Plan). For many students it is just a way to get special privileges that are not really deserved. An IEP that allows the student to use their cell phone? What a scam. Some students are using the IEP excuse to do things that are not in the IEP. Of course, the staff does not have access to the IEP so are getting conned by the students. Another load of crap foisted on the schools by the department of education.
When I was in school there was no IEP and students with issues were handled just fine by the school or the district. Once the feds got involved they borked the system 83 ways that make no sense.
And the student with the claimed IEP is using the phone to text, not for actual work. And there is nothing that can be done about it.
It’s pretty much here, at least in Europe with Ukraine. The question is, how will it develop further. There are two scenarios, neither of them pretty:
The only solution I see is to take out the Russian leadership, most especially Putin. This needs to be seen to be done by Ukraine, regardless of who is actually responsible.
My iPhone 14 pro arrived Wednesday. Finally. I first one I ordered got delayed several times and then was canceled. Tried to buy an Apple refurbished one directly from them but they were unable to process any of my credit cards. Ordered this one from Amazon and had it overnight.
I thought I needed a sim for it and couldn’t fine one to buy. After a copuple of hours discoverd that the iPhone has an embedded sim. Ting which claims to support Apple products doesn’t support the iPhone 14 so I had top find a new carrier. Decided to use Boost (which owns Ting). Bought their minimal $25 a month plan.
Started th activation process. After four phone calls to Boost I figured out that they won’t activate a new account for 24 hours don’t ask me why.
Did get my meassage and contact data copied to the iPhone but none of my apps or photos or music has been moved. No idea how to do that yet. I use a dozen apps regularly and cannot determine which ones the iPhone will support. MS Office is supported but Color Notes is not and I have a dozen files I’ll have to reenter into some apps – about 200 sixty line pages a real time sink.
Ze old days are back, ja.
No German missiles yet, however. Even if the government in Berlin had not collapsed, the Luftwaffe still hasn’t figured out how to alter the GPS systems to direct the flight path anywhere but into Poland.
Thank you Jeremy Clarkson.
Cue John Barrowman.
@bob, dunno anything about the apple migration process, but there must be a way to two step your unsupported stuff to the phone, without doing all the data reentry by hand.
Text? Pdf? Save it as something, or “export” it?
You can send the select to email individual files. It produces an html file attachment.
You don’t say what you had before. If it was an Apple device you can restore from a backup. That restores all apps and data.
However, since you say Color Notes it appears that is an Android app and not available in the IOS ecosystem. Transferring may require exporting the data into a cloud provider and then importing into whatever App you decide to use on Apple.
Apple Notes is actually quite good. My favorite is OneNote from Microsoft. It works on Apple, Android, and desktop. An excellent piece of software for free.
I think the iPhone 13 (in the U.S.) was the last phone in the Apple system that supported a physical SIM. Now it is eSIM and there can be a maximum of two active eSIMs within the iPhone.
Some people from the school district technology department are replacing all the access points. All mounted on the drop ceiling and POE. However, they have borked the installation and now the staff wireless is completely offline. The other networks, about 5 of them, are still showing. I have no idea if they work.
The guest WiFi network requires a password which no one in the school knows. There is an open WiFi but it is only a signal and does not work. The district IT staff are not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier but certainly like to act like they are the cream of the crop.
One of our Village Idiots at GTE currently has a gig as “CTO” of one of the major school systems in Florida, a job he’s held for the last two years. Prior to that, he had similar jobs with “Director” titles at other large systems in the region, but never more than a couple of years before being shown the door.
Quota hire. Plus, his wife is a big deal in the NEA in Florida so he coasts into school system jobs on her influence.
His primary technical skill listed on his resume is DBA, but God knows where he learned that. He didn’t exhibit any skills other than race quota surfing when he worked with me.
We hired him at GTE as part of a diversity push. Plus Management was also fascinated by his wife’s job at the time.
The Idiot drove three hours each way five days a week to work in Downtown Tampa, and often slept at his desk.
He wasn’t the only sleeper on our group’s payroll either.
“AOC: Banning Men from Female Bathrooms Is ‘Endangering Women’”
AOC is freaking crazy. And she wants to spread her crazy around the world.
People in positions of influence still want to get their strange on with her and the rest of “The Squad”.
Then they should allow men into her bathroom, while she is using the bathroom. Some horny, zit-face, scraggly, filthy homeless men. Then see if she feels she is no longer “endangered”.
Freshmen are some of the most disgusting, annoying, obnoxious creatures in the school system.
“The joys of cattle – NOT!”
My grandfather had a 2,000 lb cow on his farm in north Texas. She was bigger than the bull. If you pissed her off (my existence seemed to piss her off as I moved the cows from the back pasture to the front pasture), she would come over and stand on your foot and look you in the face. I would be beating her on the head and face and she would just stand there until she got tired of pissing me off.
“Something else for President Trump to hammer into the ground”
“It looks as if environmental groups are actively seeking to convert the court system in the United States into a rubber-stamp machine for their aims and objectives. RealClear Wire reports:”
The problem is, there are no facts in these cases. Yes, the so-called world average temperature is going up. But, the measurement of the world average temperature is subject to an error range of at least plus or minus 1 F. That means that the so-called increase over the last 100 year of less than 1 F is within the error range.
And, if the average world temperature is really increasing, what is causing that increase ? And why are the rest of the planets in the Solar System increasing their temperatures also ? I do not trust any of these models that these co-called climate scientists are creating. The models should be able to run forwards and backwards hundreds of years without going crazy. Yet, all of the models go crazy after a decade or two.
And the amount of energy hitting the Earth from Sol is a constant in these models. There is nothing constant in real life ! Especially a huge fusion reactor (the only working fusion reactor in the Solar System) at the center of the Solar System. That is an incredibly complicated device that uses natural circulation to move the incredibly hot plasma from the center of the reactor to the surface of the reactor. It has huge storms and currents that astronomers continuously wonder at and cannot predict whatsoever.
Over The Hedge: A Flock Of Geese
What do you call a flock of geese ? Yes, a mess.
Trouble. At least according to “The Regular Show”.
Last week in Boston, we walked through the big park, and we noticed that the geese were watching … and waiting.
No one went near the geese.
“Opinion: Going Electric? Better Hurry!”
“Indications are that as soon as Donald Trump gets sworn into the office of the President, there will be sweeping tax reforms. Insiders say that the $7,500 government incentive to purchase electric vehicles will be one of the first cuts. As if electric vehicles sales in America didn’t have enough problems, this will certainly not help, and must be sending a shiver up the spines of the car company CEOs who went really heavy into electric vehicle production, spending billions of dollars. We’ve seen some pretty massive cutbacks and layoffs this month from big automakers, and I suspect they are anticipating a shift away from all-electric vehicles, and proactively trying to get ahead of what seems like inevitable losses heading toward them.”
Yes. Go run out today and get your taxpayer-subsidized toy before the “free” money is gone.
Geesh, Jerry is a shill.
The YOLO spending is already out of control.
Seen on the intertubes:
“A guy tried selling me a coffin yesterday- it’s the last thing I need”
“Merger of DIRECTV and DISH is officially dead after bondholders stand firm”
“There’ll be a new entry in the corporate obituary pages today. The merger between DIRECTV and DISH is officially dead, scuttled thanks to the intransigence of a group of DISH investors. The deal cancels a transaction that would have created the largest pay-TV company in the United States and ends a flirtation between DIRECTV and DISH that has been carried on for decades without ever being officially consummated.”
“Microsoft Defender Is Not Enough Anymore—This Malware Gets Around It”
“Malware hidden inside a fake NFT game ignores two-factor authentication and gains access to a victim’s Google account via a malicious Chrome Extension to steal your money.”
Lovely, just lovely.
“Russia Puts US Base In Poland On Priority List For “Potential Elimination””
“The new base in the town of Redzikowo near the Baltic Sea, part of the broader NATO shield against Russia, was opened last week.”
One of Biden’s handlers thinks dropping WW III in Trump’s lap is a cool thing.
For Steve F, if I may. I miss your wit, insights, and chicken reports.
I ran across this young lady on Youtube, Alexandra Fasulo. She is in Saratoga County NY and has discovered the Amish craftsmen in Washington County NY. This is a short video about her Amish-built chicken coop. I thought others here might enjoy it as well.
I have an Motorola Moto Z4. I am moving to an iPhone 14 hoping that the new hearing aid feature will let me hear again.
Today has been very frustrating. I never got a QR reader to work on my current phone; installing them gives me virus like problems. But in order to move my contacts and email to the iphone I needed to use a QR code. And I got the damn virus. My home screen’s apps are gone. A dozen programs were running constantly it the background and killing my battery. I did get the contacts and email in the iPhone, then my android phone died and and had to charge it (continusouly due the many bcakground aps).
Powering the Andriod off didn’t help. I uninstalled both QR readers (two them got on somehow), and several other things I never saw before. Usually I can use the close all open apps option but it didn’t appear when viewing them. I had to use DuckDuckGO and learn how to close an individual app (swipe up from the bottom of the screen – which was something I never done, I don’t use swipe codes). Almost every app was running. While recreating my home screen I deleted some more apps I never saw before, Digital Security, MotorolaHelp, Motorola Maket, Moto, Google Translate, podcaster for Adam Shafter, and find to reinstall the Dan Patrick app. At least one other thing is missing but I not sure of its name – it was a converter program to convert metric to American units and fuel mileage, etc.
I did get a Colornote to down load to MyDrive. When I tried to email it I got a sharing error, but if I can get them onto MyDrive that will work.
“Malware hidden inside a fake NFT game ignores two-factor authentication and gains access to a victim’s Google account via a malicious Chrome Extension to steal your money.”
– so who is paying for and playing NFT games? Why use Chrome?, and who keeps money in a google account?
‘Last Man Out of Afghanistan’ Has Promotion to Four-Star General Scuttled Over Afghanistan Withdrawal
This does not sound like a man fit to clean out the stables of the Army horses that pull the hearse at Arlington, much less make command decisions.
“Calling DOGE: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Seems to Have WAY Too Much Time on Its Hands”
“Yesterday, CBS News reported that the USFWS has declared giraffes — yes, giraffes — an endangered species.”
“Now, don’t get us wrong. We’ve got nothing against giraffes. They are beautiful, elegant animals and we would hate for them to go away.”
“But why is the USFWS declaring them endangered when there are no giraffes in America outside of zoos?”
Hat tip to:
A Toyota Hilux.
Those aren’t imported into this country because they are “unsafe”.
Of course, by the most current crash test standards, a 2010 Mercedes S Class is “unsafe”.
Not a typo. 2010.
The Taliban obviousy thought the Hilux safe enough to mount a weapon in the bed.
The General doesn’t seem to have a problem with the safety of the vehicle either.
“Malware hidden inside a fake NFT game ignores two-factor authentication and gains access to a victim’s Google account via a malicious Chrome Extension to steal your money.”
– so who is paying for and playing NFT games? Why use Chrome?, and who keeps money in a google account?
My dad uses a Google credit card through his Google watch. He loves it because it generates a use once credit card number that is only good for five minutes every time he uses it.
You’ll Never Guess What Collapsed the Same Day as the German Government
from a link in the above, this is worth pulling out separately (sorry for the loss of paragraph formatting)
Battery farms have two purposes:
Dunkelfluate: Coming soon to a country that used to be livable.