Fri. Oct. 25, 2024 – of all the gin joints in all the cities…

Mid 60s start, mid 80s high, mid 70s finish… for a couple more days at least. Thought we’d see steadily declining temps, but then a couple days of warmer happened. Who can tell? It’s pretty much beautiful weather, and everyone is out enjoying it.

Did some domestic bliss. Did too much driving around for too little stuff on my pickups. One was returns fraud- what was in the box was low value, but at a glance looked like the description. I can get refunded, but won’t get the 1 1/2 hour back. Then I did a lot of to and fro driving the kids around.

Dinner was a sirloin cap roast, sometimes called a picanha roast. Yummy.

Today is going to be busy doing pickups, at least in the afternoon. I got some more stuff for the BOL, and a couple household items for here. Some of my auctioneers are still getting good prices for stuff, despite the generally lowering prices. I’m trying to really bottom feed for some of the stuff. It means I’m not winning stuff I might have picked up, as I’m not trying too hard for most of it. At this time, most of the stuff is optional, or I feel pretty sure I’ll get another go at it elsewhere.

I’m still adding to the stacks. And I’ll keep doing it as long as I can. 13 days to go.


54 Comments and discussion on "Fri. Oct. 25, 2024 – of all the gin joints in all the cities…"

  1. Alan says:

    First post… SWMBO was kind enough to share her Covid germs with me. Half a day with a low grade fever and  need for extra sleep are the primary symptoms. Yuck. 

  2. brad says:

    13 days to go.

    “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

    SWMBO was kind enough to share her Covid germs with me.

    It’s difficult, when you’re in the same household. Just generally, though, I wish people would be more careful. You’d think Covid would have made an impression. I was in the train last week, sitting across from someone who was sneezing and coughing and obviously sick. If she couldn’t stay home, she should at least have had the decency to wear a mask, to avoid spraying everyone with her germs.

    Then there was my neighbor. Set up his new Mac, and then apparently forgot his password, or made a typo, or something. Asked me to come over and try to help. He was sick as a dog. Um…maybe wait until you aren’t contagious, before asking someone to come over? Especially since it wasn’t urgent – he still has his old machine.

    Some basic awareness of contagion would be nice…

  3. Greg Norton says:

    “Hundreds of female golfers asking LPGA to keep transgender player Davidson from qualifying for tour”

    Unreal, the guys pretending to be women are everywhere.

    Of course she’s based in Florida now.

    An ex distant in-law by marriage in Florida is roughly my age and still obsesses about being a pro golfer.

    I think, briefly, in the 90s, he qualified and sat at the bottom of the PGA rankings, but he was never good enough to attract any money to tour or had a story which attracted sportswriters so he was a pro at a mid grade club in Orlando somewhere.

    Genetically, he’s related to my wife’s nephew, who still thinks he will be a tech manager with a J-school undergrad eduction and Vet hiring programs/quotas. Similar thought process.

    Trans would attract money and the sportswriters’ attention in the US, who lean far left, but the aesthetics would have to be there. They aren’t in the case of the Scottish golfer in the story looking at the pictures online.

  4. Greg Norton says:

    It’s difficult, when you’re in the same household. Just generally, though, I wish people would be more careful. You’d think Covid would have made an impression. I was in the train last week, sitting across from someone who was sneezing and coughing and obviously sick. If she couldn’t stay home, she should at least have had the decency to wear a mask, to avoid spraying everyone with her germs.

    Non mentally ill people still harbor a stigma about masks. The true point of mandatory masking was to eliminate that stigma and mentally condition Skippy to takes his jabs and likes ‘em, but that didn’t work when the wanna-be Rolf Grubers couldn’t build Ze Kampfs for Ze Skippy.

    Well, except Australia. They built a frew of Ze Kampfs.

    No box cars repurposed for transportation. At least not that I’m aware of, anyway.

    The masks don’t work unless specially fitted and medical grade. Might as well ask th Unclean to wear Ze Star.

    What? I’m going too far? Go back and play some of the videos from the Covid era. The language is similar.

    The upside of Ukraine is it gave the Big Smile crowd a new place to direct their energy.

  5. Greg Norton says:

    What? I’m going too far? Go back and play some of the videos from the Covid era. The language is similar.

    Start with a few videos from PMSNBC talking about those of us who remained in The Control. Or the shrieking women in the media like Don Lemon on CNN.

    Still waiting for that knock on my door …

    I know which of my neighbors would go “Rolf Gruber” given a chance.

  6. Greg Norton says:

    Zoom is back on the corporate laptops issued by my employer as of this week.

    Apparently, the decision came from very high up in the organization.

    The company’s stated preference is still Teams, but having the option installed speaks volumes, especially with the US Government gearing up to go after one particular large customer.

  7. Nick Flandrey says:

    A medical mask would do what it was designed to do, which is catch spittle and keep Dr from contaminating his patient.   Society benefits if sick people with respiratory illnesses wear a mask when they are around others.   Wearing a cotton ‘fashion’ mask when you are sitting solo at the outdoor bus station is nuts.    Some people seem to like the anonymity  or feeling of being shielded from view though…

    Driving around yesterday I saw ONE harris yard sign, and one house with a bunch of Dem signs but no harris sign.  I saw dozens of Trump signs, and Rep yardsigns.  lots of focus on liberal Dem judges and replacing them here in Harris County TX.


    65F and warming already.   Clear sky though.


    Coffee almost fully ingested, dosage approaching normal…


  8. ITGuy1998 says:

    Corporate allows Zoom on our computers. I’ve had to use it for quite a few vendors and a couple gov calls as well. All company business is strictly Teams though.

  9. Greg Norton says:

    Driving around yesterday I saw ONE harris yard sign, and one house with a bunch of Dem signs but no harris sign.  I saw dozens of Trump signs, and Rep yardsigns.  lots of focus on liberal Dem judges and replacing them here in Harris County TX.

    I saw a MAGA hat on a mom in HEB yesterday.

    She didn’t have the typical tanorexic celebutard-inspired Wine/Weed Mom look, but I never assume MAGA in this neighborhood. Go back about six years ago, and a lot of yards had Robert Francis’ and or “Doors” (MJ Hegar) signs.

    Of course, there are a lot of Tesla employees living here.

  10. Greg Norton says:

    Corporate allows Zoom on our computers. I’ve had to use it for quite a few vendors and a couple gov calls as well. All company business is strictly Teams though.

    The top levels of management where I work have never done their company-wide presentations on Teams, but the rest of us are expected to use the panopticon to the point where they eliminated Zoom from the laptops for us commoners at the beginning of the year.

  11. dcp says:

    I always make a point of conversing with (elderly) people whom I meet, and being as kind as I can.

    Reminds me of John Prine’s “Hello In There.”

  12. Nick Flandrey says:

    Funnily enough, most of my auctions have ear loop face masks in them this week.


  13. Greg Norton says:

    Funnily enough, most of my auctions have ear loop face masks in them this week.

    Like the brand carried during the pandemic height at Sam’s Club which included a disclaimer on the box stating that they are not to be used with the intent to prevent the spread of respiratory infections?

  14. brad says:

    This afternoon’s lecture is an elective class, taken only by people who actually want to learn some advanced programming stuff. Best class of the week, because all of the clueless stay far, far away. 🙂

    Into the last book of “The Lost Fleet” by Jack Campbell. An older series that I had somehow missed. Not hard sci-fi, because the science get pretty glossed over, but good characters and lots of space battles. Fun.

  15. Nightraker says:

    Had a case of the sniffles last week.  No other symptoms.  Took some ZiMax (Zinc heavy tablets) out of the stacks sporadically for a couple three days and that was that.  Had been to the grocery and a car parts joint, otherwise no human contact.

    I have an uber-gregarious friend back in Wisconsin who seems amazed when we speak that I’ve gone nowhere and spoken to darn few between phone calls.  Seems I can sufficiently amuse myself with some minor home improvement projects, online shopping and media consumption.

  16. drwilliams says:

    Lizzo got paid. 

  17. Ray Thompson says:

    Without any other information other than the name it is already obvious the racial makeup of the assailant. Since the crime occurred about midnight, what is a 13 year old girl doing out at midnight? Where are the parents, adult supervision. I suspect they were meeting up for sex, the girl suddenly change her mind, and the boy responded the only way he has been taught.

    The victim’s racial makeup is not obvious but I would hazard a guess that has a 90% chance of being correct. I would also wager the parents of both the assailant and the victim are welfare leaches.

    Am I being racist? No, just realistic. The majority of crimes of this nature seem to be people that live in housing projects and have made a career (or their parents) of being on welfare. I guess that makes me raycist against people on welfare who don’t respect society.

  18. lynn says:

    I can tell that our 15 year old Siamese cat is getting old.  He no longer tries to immediately bite me when I start petting him.  He now waits a while then tries to bite.

    He also no longer rolls in the dirt.  He used to come inside covered in dirt.  Being a white cat, we just wanted to hose him down.  At least the dog shakes off before coming inside.

  19. Lynn says:

    “Katy City Council rejects proposal to install battery storage facility”

    “Opponents are worried about safety and environmental impact.”

    “We are living in the battery revolution here in Texas. As of mid-September, nearly 5,000 megawatts (MW) of battery systems are in place in the Lone Star State, putting it second nationwide behind California. By 2026, Texas is projected to leap ahead of the Golden State in battery storage, thanks to ambitious new projects aimed at boosting the state’s energy resources.”

    Shortsightedness, shortsightedness, shortsightedness.

    OK, they will put ten gas turbines in your backyards.  

    The batteries hutches are way quieter.  And someday will be upgraded to solid lithium batteries, maybe in the next five years.

  20. Lynn says:

    “Republican super PAC warns the end may be near for Ted Cruz”

    “An GOP internal memo says Sen. Ted Cruz is hanging on by a thread.”

    I just don’t believe this.  And Allright would do nothing for Texas.  Cruz represents the conservative nature of Texas every day of the week.

  21. Lynn says:

    “Texas woman caught smuggling one of the rarest chicken breeds in the world”

    “The chickens are known for their abnormally large, scaly feet resembling mythical serpent paws.”

    Look at those feet and legs !

  22. Lynn says:

    “Trump: ‘I’m Not Supposed to Say It, but We’re Leading by So Much’”

    ““Now she’s imploding worse than him. She’s actually imploding, if you take a look, because look, I’m not supposed to say it, but we are leading by so much,” Trump said to thunderous applause.”

    “We’re leading by a lot in Nevada. We’re leading by a lot in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, even states that are typically never in play for 50, 60, 70 years,” he added, pointing to New Hampshire as one example.”

    Could we be looking at a 49 to 1 state blowout ?

    I know, I know, don’t count your chickens until you are home.

  23. Lynn says:

    “SpaceX launches next-gen US spy satellites on 100th Falcon 9 flight of the year (video, photos)”

    Looks like the four star Air Force General visited the FAA and told them to go away.

  24. paul says:

    Lizzo got paid. 

    Peanuts or a bale of hay?

  25. Ray Thompson says:

    abnormally large, scaly feet resembling mythical serpent paws.

    Look at those feet and legs

    On a quick read I thought you were talking about Nancy Pelosi.

  26. paul says:

    “Texas woman caught smuggling one of the rarest chicken breeds in the world”

    “Mayo admitted to illegally smuggling 60 Dong Tao chicken eggs and attempting to hatch them at her home…”

    It is illegal to import poultry into the U.S. from places like Vietnam and Cambodia,

    Ok…. I don’t consider an egg “poultry”. 

    So much for going through Customs and TSA.

  27. Lynn says:

    BTW, it is two months or 61 days to Christmas.  You have been warned.

  28. Greg Norton says:

    This afternoon’s lecture is an elective class, taken only by people who actually want to learn some advanced programming stuff. 

    I’m going to be on the MIT campus next month, on an afternoon when Michael Sipser is lecturing the “Theory of Computation” class which uses his text. I’m considering sitting in on the lecture

    Would it be too much to ask Sipser to sign my copy of … Sipser?

    I had three classes using that book in a five year span across two CS grad programs. There was almost a fourth, but I wasn’t going to pay the adjunct half of her salary for the six person class to have her give me another ‘B’.

    That frosted a few department Pop Tarts.

    Sadly I will miss the Cook-Levin lecture on Halloween. That equation in the text is scary/cool and always intimidates the young’n’s.

  29. Lynn says:

    “Dish Network Kicks Off Another Spectrum Battle With SpaceX”

    “SpaceX reiterates that Dish Network’s proposed use of the 12GHz band for a 5G fixed wireless service will interfere with Starlink ‘at least 80% of the time.’”

    Why do I think that Echostar is lying ?

  30. EdH says:

    “Opponents are worried about safety and environmental impact.”


    But that said San Diego County alone has had 3 or 4 battery farm fires in the last couple of years.  Some closed roads and had mandatory evacuations.

    It’s probably the future, but there should be some pretty decent safety regulations in place. Off the top of my head:

    • It should be above the 500 year flood mark. 
    • Individual battery storage units should be separable such that a flame in one cannot under any circumstances spread to another. 
    • Environmental isolation measures such that toxic fumes & liquids are not released should be in place.
  31. Chad says:

    Wearing a cotton ‘fashion’ mask when you are sitting solo at the outdoor bus station is nuts.    Some people seem to like the anonymity  or feeling of being shielded from view though…

    They’re also a way of announcing your politics. You can very easily stereotype the people always in a mask.

  32. Greg Norton says:

    I just don’t believe this.  And Allright would do nothing for Texas.  Cruz represents the conservative nature of Texas every day of the week.

    Cruz let the “Bad Daddy” meme get hung around his neck.

    Knowing it was coming, Rafael Edward should have started a year ago by losing the beard and hitting the gym.

    Now all Cruz can do is run negative ads, cross his fingers, and wait. Interestingly, Colin Zachary seems to have backed off using that picture.

  33. drwilliams says:

    General John Kelly discgraced his uniform and his service by betraying his oath of office. He was one of the biggest internal saboteurs of Trump’s administration.

    One example from Mark Paoletta:

    1) In 2018, President Trump asked OMB Director Mulvaney to find money in agency accounts to build the wall to secure our southern border. Mulvaney asked OMB Deputy Russ Vought and me as OMB GC to do a deep dive on this project, and with the help of superb career staff, we found a ton of money at the DOD that we could use to build the wall.

    But Kelly prevented Mulvaney from presenting this plan to President Trump. Several months later, in a meeting, Trump said “Mick, I asked you to find me money and you haven’t.” Mulvaney responded “I found the money but I have not been able to brief you.” Kelly would not set up policy time for Mulvaney to discuss the plan with Trump.

    After this exchange, Mulvaney presented the plan and the President authorized this strategy. John Kelly was insubordinate and duplicitous by refusing to provide the President with lawful options to implement the President’s policies.

    When Trump found out that Kelly had blocked the response to a specific order that he had given, he should have fired him on the spot for insubordination, given him a box to clean out his desk, and had the USSS walk him out the door. 

  34. EdH says:

    “SpaceX launches next-gen US spy satellites on 100th Falcon 9 flight of the year (video, photos)”

    Looks like the four star Air Force General visited the FAA and told them to go away.

    I went out and watched that launch with my binoculars.  Because it was daylight I lost it very quickly after a minute in some slight clouds and never re-acquired.   In general early evenings are the best viewing from here.

    Something happened with the FAA and SpaceX to get launches re-started, though no-one is saying what.  A USAF or NSA  intervention isn’t out of the question, what with the current state of the world.    

    I kind of expected there to be a leak and hearing the true story by now though.  

  35. Ray Thompson says:

    I just updated my AirPods Pro to the latest firmware. I am hearing impaired and wear hearing aids. One ear is worse than the other. I thought it might help.

    I did the hearing test. One major observation is when taking the test find a very quiet location. Turn of the air handlers, TV, dishwasher, basically anything that makes noise. This will make the test much more accurate and provide a better result.

    I am impressed with what Apple has accomplished. Music through the AirPods is much better, balance between the ears is much improved and mono tracks (early Beatles) are now balanced between the ears. Turning Media Assist on, and off, is a significantly noticeable difference. With the Media Assist on the music is crisper, has more sparkle, and just sounds a whole lot better.

    Listening to “No More Cloudy Days” by “The Eagles” there are several spots in the music where soft chords are played on a synthesized instrument that are now hearable. There are also places where some chords are played on a guitar that can now be heard. I have not heard those sounds in years.

    I tried the AirPods with a movie on the iPhone. I can now hear dialogue that I was unable to hear in the past. Voices come through without being muddy. Movies on the MacBook are much better although there is no setting in the MacBook to toggle Media Assist. Apple needs to add that in a future release.

    My opinion, and from my experience, the AirPods are the best there is for listening within the Apple ecosystem. There is simply nothing on the market that compares to the increase in the enjoyment of music for a mere $200 (on sale). If a person has moderate hearing loss the AirPods, with the latest firmware, is a game changer.

    Now the downside. Battery life. My rechargeable hearing aids last 18+ hours. The AirPods not so much. Recharging every few hours is a real annoyance. I can see myself using the AirPods on the long flights across the U.S. or an international flight to Europe. The AirPods will not make the trip without the battery running down. I suppose that would be a good time to nap.

    Anyway, the AirPods are highly recommended by my experience, environment and use.

  36. Ray Thompson says:

    Yeah,  there is no voter fraud.

    That is what they found, and admitted to finding. Deep in the lower intestines of voter fraud a lot more crap could be found. If they really wanted to find the sh*t.

  37. nick flandrey says:

    They’re also a way of announcing your politics. You can very easily stereotype the people always in a mask.

    –  it’s usually brown people of the ‘servant’ class at the bus stop.  Or maybe I should say ‘invisible infrastructure’.

    Did my pickups.  Got approval to bring some stuff to one of my auctioneers to sell.  I think I can get a couple of pallets, 4 or five big items, out of storage and to him next week.

    Wife and I are running kids all over tonight.   D1 at football with bestie, D2 dressed like a sexy tinkerbell at her middle school fall dance.  Now W is going back for D2, and in an hour I’ll get D1 and friend.

    leftovers for dinner.


  38. Lynn says:

    “Poor Old Kamala”

    Sung to the tune of “Poor Old Kaw Liga” by Hank Williams

  39. Lynn says:

    Israel is attacking Iran.  It is a limited strike since puddinghead Biden did not want Iran to be really hurt.

  40. Lynn says:

    “Major Ruling in Mississippi Declares Mail-In Ballots Arriving After Election Day Should Not Be Counted”

    The 5th Circuit Court just ruled that ballots MUST be received by Election Day and any state laws that allow them to be received and counted after Election Day violate federal law.”

    Finally !

  41. nick flandrey says:

    Lysteria contamination recall affects long term storage food… from Costco

    Readywise decided to stop selling its product to stores like Costco, which has already pulled it from shelves, out of an abundance of caution

    The Readywise 110 Serving Emergency Protein Bucket sold at Costco has a shelf life of 25 years and is meant to be used in survival situations. It has not been shown to be contaminated with listeria, but it was recalled ‘out of an abundance of caution.’

    Time to haunt the bins behind Costco and grab some free buckets!   Everything but the chicken is fine, and even the chicken is probably fine…


  42. drwilliams says:

    File Monday for emergency injunctions in all the other circuits, demanding that any state that deviates sequester all nonconforming ballots pending resolution.

    And Gov Youngkin needs to order the same thing in VA–any ballot cast by a person who previously declared they were not citizens should be sequestered pending a determination of citizenship. Some squishy judge should not be allowed to contaminate the vote at the 11th hour.

    And in both cases let it be known that any non-citizen trying to vote will be locked up pending deportation.

  43. brad says:

    this p.o.s. belongs in Leavenworth:

    The JCS is a political establishment. The selection for political ability starts at O6, and as far as I could ever tell, anyone O8 and above has become a political creature.

    He was probably prompted to say something like that by the current administration, hoping that it will influence the military vote. Even so, he is gambling that Harris wins, because otherwise he will surely be gone…

    TDS has gone amazingly far. On some other blog I called out one of the comments for being inflammatory, rather than promoting reasonable discussion. It was along the lines of “T is an N”. My comment was deleted. Seriously nuts.

  44. nick flandrey says:

    And no matter which way the election ends up going, the sides will be insane.


  45. Greg Norton says:

    The 5th Circuit Court just ruled that ballots MUST be received by Election Day and any state laws that allow them to be received and counted after Election Day violate federal law.”

    Finally !

    All states in the 5th Circuit must follow the ruling until the Supreme Court rules otherwise.

  46. Bob Sprowl says:

    RE AirPods: I’m imterested in these but I’m not am Apple user.  What els do I have top buy to use them?

  47. Lynn says:

    And no matter which way the election ends up going, the sides will be insane.

    If Trump wins, I put our chance at civil war as 1 in 100.

    If Harris wins, I put our chance at civil war as 1 in 2.

  48. Nick Flandrey says:

    If Trump wins, I put our chance at civil war as 1 in 100.

    If Harris wins, I put our chance at civil war as 1 in 2.  

    – I agree, but if Trump wins, I expect TPTB to crash the economy.


  49. Alan says:

    >>RE AirPods: I’m imterested in these but I’m not am Apple user.  What els do I have top buy to use them? 

    @Ray, one for you, (our resident Apple expert). 

  50. Lynn says:

    If Trump wins, I put our chance at civil war as 1 in 100.

    If Harris wins, I put our chance at civil war as 1 in 2.  

    – I agree, but if Trump wins, I expect TPTB to crash the economy.

    Oh my, I had not thought about that.  To willingly do that to the USA would show their lack of love for the nation.

    Of course, their creating and spreading The Koof in 2019 to throw the election was as low as one can go.

  51. Ray Thompson says:

    What els do I have top buy to use them?

    An iPhone XR or later, running IOS 18, or higher.  That phone is needed for firmware updates to the AirPods and actually controlling the settings on the AirPods. Earlier versions of iPhone will not work. Personally I would go no further back than iPhone 13.

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