Day: October 23, 2024

Wed. Oct. 23, 2024 – I almost got serious for a second there, then I didn’t

Cool and comfortable, then warmer. Humidity has been lower, which makes even 80F nice, but every now and then the afternoon will be a little more “close” and I know the humidity is back up to swamp levels. We still have several days of clear in the forecast, and that’s starting to be a problem. I noticed some trees were looking pretty stressed due to the long time since our last rain storm.

People are getting stressed too. There is a drought of opportunity and of money. Stuff is going in some of my auctions for half what it would have brought a year ago. Feels like everyone is pausing and kinda holding their breath…

I did a few of my smaller tasks yesterday. Did a pickup that was several auctions worth of stuff. Mostly for the BOL, but a few things for home. Then there was a lot of driving kids around. And dinner and domestic bliss.

Today I’ll do several pickups. Unfortunately they are on the four corners of Houston metro. More driving than I’d like, with more space in between stops, but stuff didn’t work out.

Haven’t seen the possum or the rats in the attic in the last few days. Maybe I got them for a while. Still need to re-bait the outdoor boxes, and I need to spray for insects too. Tiny ants are plaguing us this month.

I’ve got stacking to do too. Several of my water storage jugs need to be replaced, fuel needs to be rotated, rehabilitated, and food needs to be re-stocked. I know I’ve got at least on water filter somewhere that needs a rebuild kit. I’ve got the gennie project to finish…

Lots to do, and the year is running out. All my meatspace and social things need doing too. Busy. No time for slacking.

But it is time for stacking!


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