Day: October 20, 2024

Sun. Oct. 20, 2024 – lather, rinse, repeat…

Same as yesterday. The weather. Cool, warming later, clear and sunny. Which is AWESOME!!11!!1 I like Fall. I like Spring. I tolerate Summer as best as I can because that’s the price to live here, in a robust economy. Winter just reminds me of Chicago and growing up, but it’s not real winter. I rarely get to wear sweaters and I don’t live in a jacket. On the other hand, I don’t have to shovel snow.

Saturday I did manage to get some stuff done, and made progress on other stuff, and even got started on some stuff that has been on the list for a while. It was a little disjointed but since progress was made, I’ll take it.

Now today I just need to build on that success… or at least keep it moving forward. That is the goal. We’ll see how well I can execute.

That whole “fractal” nature of the tasks does sometimes get in the way. And sometimes I take the easy task, even though the more important task is waiting. Hopefully I can get a couple of important tasks done today.

If not, we’ll do something else.

Stacking will surely be involved.


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