Cool. Nice. Cool. Fall is here. Winter will be along presently. Yesterday started cool and remained cool all day. I did wear shorts, but mainly for the ease of movement. It’s gotta be pretty cold, or I have to be sedentary for me to wear long pants. Today should be nice and cool too. And still the clear sky. We’ll probably get drowned around Halloween…
Spent the day doing little things. Mainly I was poking at the auction stuff, trying different things to get it working. I did have some luck updating software and hardware, but I still can’t get the thing to connect with USB. At it’s heart, it’s windowsXP embedded. I was able to get access to the actual OS, and checked the device manager for USB issues or devices with a yellow triangle and there were no issues. The stupid thing just isn’t looking like a device to the main box… which is one of the reasons I’ve never liked USB. To many ‘smarts’ in the accessory, and no recourse if there is a problem.
Today will be more at home stuff. Probably a little more poking, then mostly outdoor stuff. It would be nice to get some Halloween decor out too.
Or maybe it will be attic stuff.
Dunno, but I’m starting with a later wakeup call.
Speaking of wakeup calls, the news should be full of them for you if you haven’t got stacks. Get some!